After presiding over thousands of homicides (mostly of black people), former Chicago mayor gets a new job at Harvard

Lightfoot was an utter disaster that got clobbered in her re-election for a variety of reasons.

That Harvard picked her up is no surprise, as she is a SJW of the highest order, and chose to let the city be taken by rioters to suit the cause (while she hid behind the police, whom she hated, and who hated her) rather than actually do her job. Total piece of shit, who will fit right in at liberal the cesspool that Harvard has become.

Funny part is, Chicago elected someone worse. lol. Totally insane.
Of course an ivy league school would want to hire a racist black lesbo bitch that does nothing but cause problems and stoke people's hatred. Now she will spew her garbage out directly into students ears that are already corrupted.
Of course an ivy league school would want to hire a racist black lesbo bitch that does nothing but cause problems and stoke people's hatred. Now she will spew her garbage out directly into students ears that are already corrupted.

It seems Harvard values the insights of someone who spent several years running a city that is essentially a slaughterhouse for young black men. Curious...
I anyone surprised?

At Harvard 80% of the staff is liberal as are 90-odd% of the graduates.

The Ivy League pipeline looks after their fellow travelers.

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