After school Satan clubs courting elementary school age kids

I never said otherwise. Your definitions, however, are inaccurate in Mashmont's usage. He see no religious instruction in the classroom as atheist which is in direct conflict with the definition of atheism.

Maybe its more agnostic, but the intent of the 1st amendment was to be neutral to religion, not hostile to it, and may of the SJW types are openly hostile to it.
Maybe its more agnostic, but the intent of the 1st amendment was to be neutral to religion, not hostile to it, and may of the SJW types are openly hostile to it.
All of you theocrats are hostile to non-Christian beliefs. Don't dish it if you can't take it.
All of you theocrats are hostile to non-Christian beliefs. Don't dish it if you can't take it.

What theocrats? I'm a lapsed Catholic at best who married a Hindu.

The only real hostility is from asshole atheists such as yourself who get off mocking people of actual faith, and who twist the 1st amendment free exercise clause into something designed not to protect Religion, but to destroy it.
The group that introduced the "Satan Club" says they wanted to prove a point that no religious clubs should be held at the elementary school.
Why not?

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