After Suing CNN, Sandmann’s legal team now targeting Bill Maher, Kathy Griffin, HBO, NBC and AP

This lawsuit, like the others, will go in the round filer.

What WILL happen is the family will be billed for every one of these cases filed.
I'm sure it pleases you to think this.

30 years of working for the legal trades. This family is dumb enough to think they can win.

I don't think any practicing attorney actually believes they can win a libel suit sans any evidence. I think this is all publicity stunt to whitewash the Smirk-Boi's reputation and get him off the hook for a foolish posture. To get exactly the kind of sheep-bleating they're getting from the unwashed here.
This lawsuit, like the others, will go in the round filer.

What WILL happen is the family will be billed for every one of these cases filed.
I'm sure it pleases you to think this.

30 years of working for the legal trades. This family is dumb enough to think they can win.

They will be settled out of court. The media companies won't risk this to a jury trial and establish case law precedent.

There's no reason for any media companies to settle when they know no evidence exists.
There is no lawsuit unless they can prove these outlets knowingly and willingly reported false information.
Most of them only parroted the story they received. That's bad. Happens waaay too much by all major outlets, but it isn't a lawsuit unless they can prove they, themselves, reported the lie knowingly.
Now, one thing they do got - is endangerment. The ones who made encouragingly violent statements, they got something there. But that was not the majors.
Then Trump is in deep shit if butthurt little Nicky wins
Cite examples.
Everybody he’s ever slandered on twitter, in speeaches, etc. For example, slandering Hillary by spending years calling her a criminal and murderer
There is ample evidence of Hillary being criminal. What’s more, she’s a public figure so the libel and slander laws are different.

If there was “ample evidence” why has no one ever found it?
Because they’re busy investigating trump.
Are you not aware of Comey’s FBI decision to not investigate Hillary because the election was near and they didn’t want to interfere?
Who knew that the FBI can’t do more than one thing at a time!

And Comey’s Halloween day announcement damaged Minton more than anything
This lawsuit, like the others, will go in the round filer.

What WILL happen is the family will be billed for every one of these cases filed.
I'm sure it pleases you to think this.

30 years of working for the legal trades. This family is dumb enough to think they can win.

They will be settled out of court. The media companies won't risk this to a jury trial and establish case law precedent.

No they won’t be settled out of court. News outlets NEVER settle out of court. This is a civil case which you’re right, will never go to trial because the family will lose.

They have to prove that the slander was malicious and done with intent.

Each of these entities has the resources and the will to fight this on 1st Amendment grounds, and they’ll win.
Cite examples.
Everybody he’s ever slandered on twitter, in speeaches, etc. For example, slandering Hillary by spending years calling her a criminal and murderer
There is ample evidence of Hillary being criminal. What’s more, she’s a public figure so the libel and slander laws are different.

If there was “ample evidence” why has no one ever found it?
Because they’re busy investigating trump.
Are you not aware of Comey’s FBI decision to not investigate Hillary because the election was near and they didn’t want to interfere?

17 investigations have been completed with no evidence of criminal activity found. 6 years of investigation by a Soecial Prosecutor found nothing. Lots of immunity offered but no charges resulted. No witnesses. No evidence. And no crimes were committed.
No one investigated her email issue.
Libel and slander aren’t free speech. You have to pay for it.
Then Trump is in deep shit if butthurt little Nicky wins
Cite examples.
Everybody he’s ever slandered on twitter, in speeaches, etc. For example, slandering Hillary by spending years calling her a criminal and murderer
There is ample evidence of Hillary being criminal. What’s more, she’s a public figure so the libel and slander laws are different.
If Hillary is a criminal, why has she NEVER been convicted of anything, even after many con investigations or accusations?
Because she hasn’t been investigated for her crimes — yet.
Cite examples.
Everybody he’s ever slandered on twitter, in speeaches, etc. For example, slandering Hillary by spending years calling her a criminal and murderer
There is ample evidence of Hillary being criminal. What’s more, she’s a public figure so the libel and slander laws are different.
If Hillary is a criminal, why has she NEVER been convicted of anything, even after many con investigations or accusations?
I just explained that.
No you did not.
AFTER Trump’s election, he & many cons (in Congress too?) wanted her in jail ...
Well ???
Yes I did. Go back and read.
Cite examples.
Everybody he’s ever slandered on twitter, in speeaches, etc. For example, slandering Hillary by spending years calling her a criminal and murderer
There is ample evidence of Hillary being criminal. What’s more, she’s a public figure so the libel and slander laws are different.

If there was “ample evidence” why has no one ever found it?
Because they’re busy investigating trump.
Are you not aware of Comey’s FBI decision to not investigate Hillary because the election was near and they didn’t want to interfere?
Who knew that the FBI can’t do more than one thing at a time!

And Comey’s Halloween day announcement damaged Minton more than anything
Comet made a conscious decision to not investigate.
Snowflakery at its ugliest.

There can be no criticism of an Authoritarian. Free speech be thou a damned thing in Trumpland!
Libel and slander aren’t free speech. You have to pay for it.
Then Trump is in deep shit if butthurt little Nicky wins
Cite examples.
Everybody he’s ever slandered on twitter, in speeaches, etc. For example, slandering Hillary by spending years calling her a criminal and murderer
There was a lot of baggage with Hill and Bill.
This lawsuit, like the others, will go in the round filer.

What WILL happen is the family will be billed for every one of these cases filed.
I'm sure it pleases you to think this.

30 years of working for the legal trades. This family is dumb enough to think they can win.

They will be settled out of court. The media companies won't risk this to a jury trial and establish case law precedent.

No they won’t be settled out of court. News outlets NEVER settle out of court. This is a civil case which you’re right, will never go to trial because the family will lose.

They have to prove that the slander was malicious and done with intent.

Each of these entities has the resources and the will to fight this on 1st Amendment grounds, and they’ll win.

All true, but at the same time I would appreciate it if you would say what they did was wrong, and damaging to our country.
Someone manufactured a story...actually worse, they took video that showed one thing, that they don't like, and carefully edited it to make the opposite appear true. And then the gleeful media bought that shit like chicken dinner on a Sunday and served right up without hesitation. And then they spent an entire day hashing it out 100 ways getting everyone to get their jib in. And then....oops.'s not true. But then what did they do? Did they retract the story and apologize and say we all screwed up?? Nope. They then continued to attack the kid for a "smirk" on his face.
Nevermind the crowd of black people yelling honky and whitey, and calling them "products of incest"...that's not important. Nevermind the star player in their story was a farce who lied about his military service and was the agressor...nope...he had a smirk on his face so he is still guilty.
That is what is wrong.
And that, I hop, you will condemn.
No they won’t be settled out of court. News outlets NEVER settle out of court. This is a civil case which you’re right, will never go to trial because the family will lose.

They have to prove that the slander was malicious and done with intent.

Each of these entities has the resources and the will to fight this on 1st Amendment grounds, and they’ll win.
As long as it makes you happy to think so.

The Sandmann family has hired one of the premiere lawyers in the nation in these types of cases, L. Lin Wood.
He already took on all the big media giants when he represented Richard Jewell when he was unfairly targeted by the FBI during the Atlanta Olympics and won over them all.

This man does not waste his time with cases he doesn't think can be won. L. Lin Wood - Wikipedia

Good luck with your hopeful wishes.
Everybody he’s ever slandered on twitter, in speeaches, etc. For example, slandering Hillary by spending years calling her a criminal and murderer
There is ample evidence of Hillary being criminal. What’s more, she’s a public figure so the libel and slander laws are different.

If there was “ample evidence” why has no one ever found it?
Because they’re busy investigating trump.
Are you not aware of Comey’s FBI decision to not investigate Hillary because the election was near and they didn’t want to interfere?
Who knew that the FBI can’t do more than one thing at a time!

And Comey’s Halloween day announcement damaged Minton more than anything
Comet made a conscious decision to not investigate.

From The Hill
An early draft of former FBI Director James Comey's statement closing out the Hillary Clinton email case accused the former secretary of State of having been "grossly negligent" in handling classified information, newly reported memos to Congress show.

The tough language was changed to the much softer accusation that Clinton had been "extremely careless" in her handling of classified information when Comey announced in July 2016 there would be no charges against her.

The change is significant, since federal law states that gross negligence in handling the nation's intelligence can be punished criminally with prison time or fines

Early Comey draft accused Clinton of gross negligence on emails
This lawsuit, like the others, will go in the round filer.

What WILL happen is the family will be billed for every one of these cases filed.
I'm sure it pleases you to think this.

30 years of working for the legal trades. This family is dumb enough to think they can win.

They will be settled out of court. The media companies won't risk this to a jury trial and establish case law precedent.

No they won’t be settled out of court. News outlets NEVER settle out of court. This is a civil case which you’re right, will never go to trial because the family will lose.

They have to prove that the slander was malicious and done with intent.

Each of these entities has the resources and the will to fight this on 1st Amendment grounds, and they’ll win.

All true, but at the same time I would appreciate it if you would say what they did was wrong, and damaging to our country.
Someone manufactured a story...actually worse, they took video that showed one thing, that they don't like, and carefully edited it to make the opposite appear true. And then the gleeful media bought that shit like chicken dinner on a Sunday and served right up without hesitation. And then they spent an entire day hashing it out 100 ways getting everyone to get their jib in. And then....oops.'s not true. But then what did they do? Did they retract the story and apologize and say we all screwed up?? Nope. They then continued to attack the kid for a "smirk" on his face.
Nevermind the crowd of black people yelling honky and whitey, and calling them "products of incest"...that's not important. Nevermind the star player in their story was a farce who lied about his military service and was the agressor...nope...he had a smirk on his face so he is still guilty.
That is what is wrong.
And that, I hop, you will condemn.

WHERE exactly is this contrived "story"? What exactly is it?

I put that question out two months ago, when it was current "news", and no one has yet come up with anything.

The story, far as I know, is that some kid parked himself in front of a chanting Indian and smirked for several minutes.
That's it. And it's on video. What else is there?

For that matter why can't the kid just admit he was being a dick and move on?
No they won’t be settled out of court. News outlets NEVER settle out of court. This is a civil case which you’re right, will never go to trial because the family will lose.

They have to prove that the slander was malicious and done with intent.

Each of these entities has the resources and the will to fight this on 1st Amendment grounds, and they’ll win.
As long as it makes you happy to think so.

The Sandmann family has hired one of the premiere lawyers in the nation in these types of cases, L. Lin Wood.
He already took on all the big media giants when he represented Richard Jewell when he was unfairly targeted by the FBI during the Atlanta Olympics and won over them all.

This man does not waste his time with cases he doesn't think can be won. L. Lin Wood - Wikipedia

Good luck with your hopeful wishes.

Interesting then that he would take on a case with no evidence, huh.

Libel requires defamation of some person in the public mind. How exactly has Smirk-Boi been defamed in the public mind, if no one can cite any evidence thereof? Seems to me somebody in the public would be able to point to something they read or saw.
I'm sure it pleases you to think this.

30 years of working for the legal trades. This family is dumb enough to think they can win.

They will be settled out of court. The media companies won't risk this to a jury trial and establish case law precedent.

No they won’t be settled out of court. News outlets NEVER settle out of court. This is a civil case which you’re right, will never go to trial because the family will lose.

They have to prove that the slander was malicious and done with intent.

Each of these entities has the resources and the will to fight this on 1st Amendment grounds, and they’ll win.

All true, but at the same time I would appreciate it if you would say what they did was wrong, and damaging to our country.
Someone manufactured a story...actually worse, they took video that showed one thing, that they don't like, and carefully edited it to make the opposite appear true. And then the gleeful media bought that shit like chicken dinner on a Sunday and served right up without hesitation. And then they spent an entire day hashing it out 100 ways getting everyone to get their jib in. And then....oops.'s not true. But then what did they do? Did they retract the story and apologize and say we all screwed up?? Nope. They then continued to attack the kid for a "smirk" on his face.
Nevermind the crowd of black people yelling honky and whitey, and calling them "products of incest"...that's not important. Nevermind the star player in their story was a farce who lied about his military service and was the agressor...nope...he had a smirk on his face so he is still guilty.
That is what is wrong.
And that, I hop, you will condemn.

WHERE exactly is this contrived "story"? What exactly is it?

I put that question out two months ago, when it was current "news", and no one has yet come up with anything.

The story, far as I know, is that some kid parked himself in front of a chanting Indian and smirked for several minutes.
That's it. And it's on video. What else is there?

Really Pogo?
So as these kids were trying to get to their bus, there was a group of black men yelling all manner of racist comments at them, and then when they were waiting in comes this Indian moron who thought it would be a good idea to confront a group of teenagers, beat drums in their face and accuse them of all kinds of stuff.
And the REAL story is that one of those kids refused to go hide somewhere.
Really? That's the story?
30 years of working for the legal trades. This family is dumb enough to think they can win.

They will be settled out of court. The media companies won't risk this to a jury trial and establish case law precedent.

No they won’t be settled out of court. News outlets NEVER settle out of court. This is a civil case which you’re right, will never go to trial because the family will lose.

They have to prove that the slander was malicious and done with intent.

Each of these entities has the resources and the will to fight this on 1st Amendment grounds, and they’ll win.

All true, but at the same time I would appreciate it if you would say what they did was wrong, and damaging to our country.
Someone manufactured a story...actually worse, they took video that showed one thing, that they don't like, and carefully edited it to make the opposite appear true. And then the gleeful media bought that shit like chicken dinner on a Sunday and served right up without hesitation. And then they spent an entire day hashing it out 100 ways getting everyone to get their jib in. And then....oops.'s not true. But then what did they do? Did they retract the story and apologize and say we all screwed up?? Nope. They then continued to attack the kid for a "smirk" on his face.
Nevermind the crowd of black people yelling honky and whitey, and calling them "products of incest"...that's not important. Nevermind the star player in their story was a farce who lied about his military service and was the agressor...nope...he had a smirk on his face so he is still guilty.
That is what is wrong.
And that, I hop, you will condemn.

WHERE exactly is this contrived "story"? What exactly is it?

I put that question out two months ago, when it was current "news", and no one has yet come up with anything.

The story, far as I know, is that some kid parked himself in front of a chanting Indian and smirked for several minutes.
That's it. And it's on video. What else is there?

Really Pogo?
So as these kids were trying to get to their bus, there was a group of black men yelling all manner of racist comments at them, and then when they were waiting in comes this Indian moron who thought it would be a good idea to confront a group of teenagers, beat drums in their face and accuse them of all kinds of stuff.
And the REAL story is that one of those kids refused to go hide somewhere.
Really? That's the story?

See what I mean? You can't think of one either.

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