After the American Civil War, where did the millions of freed slaves go?

Wow if that's what you think the South fought for you need a history lesson. :badgrin:

Yeah, states rights and all that crap.

The right to own other human beings.

You people lost that ridiculous argument and thank God you did.

Slavery was already legal in the US, had been for 89 years. And it had been recently supported by an act of the US Congress and the US Supreme Court. And even when the Civil War was over and all the Confederate held slaves were free...The US still had slavery...
Some 700,000 to a million died in 'Contraband Camps', unable to flee north and left to die of disease and starvation because the north didn't want blacks moving north; the biggest part of the political propaganda was centered on how Lincoln and the War Party were going to keep 'free white labor' from having to compete with black labor free or slave in the north and the free territories. the North controlled the rivers and railroads, and were exporting records amounts of food to Europe, so no need to keep them in disease ridden camps with no food, outside of it being a political necessity. The remainder merely went into share cropping, in a destroyed economy run by carpet baggers.

The myth that Yankees were all fighting for some 'Noble Cause' is just silly revisionism they like to pat themselves on the back for, despite all the evidence to the contrary; they were fighting for keeping blacks in the south and for looting the south to pay for northern subsidies. 'Free' white labor in the north and south were far worse off than slaves, also a well-documented fact of life.

Sounds like the freed slaves who stayed with their slave owners fared a lot better than the ones who were liberated by the Union.

Didn't have a choice; Yankees hated blacks far worse than Southerners did, and still do. Look at the rioting in northern cities over busing and the extension of the Civil Rights Acts to the entire U.S. instead of just limited to a few southern states after Nixon's election. LA, NYC, all keep on having huge race riots for decades after the Civil Rights Acts. Harlem's voter turnout wasn't any higher than Mississippi's until the late 1970s or so, since states like New York and California had literacy tests they kept until well after they were struck down in the southern states, just to name one example.

In any event, Nixon also gave corrupt black 'radicals' control over black quotas and, their school systems, and every other aspect of desegregation, government contracts, etc., the whole show, and they just re-segregated themselves and created a black middle class that merely uses their violent hood rats to extort bennies for themselves from the government and lets the hood rats rot. Their failures re their own, and now they're all mad n stuff, since everything Moynihan said about them has come true, and they know it; they re now really just begging for white people to take care of them again, since they can't take care of themselves. They keep choosing 'leaders' like Al Sharpton, corrupt Chicago frauds like Obama, etc., nutjobs like Maxine Waters, etc., so there is no way they can improve themselves by their own efforts.Their won middle class much prefers living out in the Burbs with all those 'racist' white people for neighbors instead of their 'bruthas and sistas'..
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Wow if that's what you think the South fought for you need a history lesson. :badgrin:

Yeah, states rights and all that crap.

The right to own other human beings.

You people lost that ridiculous argument and thank God you did.

Slavery was already legal in the US, had been for 89 years. And it had been recently supported by an act of the US Congress and the US Supreme Court. And even when the Civil War was over and all the Confederate held slaves were free...The US still had slavery...

Yes. The South had already won all the Court battles over slavery, no need to secede over that issue. No need for Yankee pols to get excited, either, since slavery had already reached its natural geographical limits, and wasn't viable beyond those geographical limits. All those familiar with the U.S. geography knew this by the mid 1840's, which is why Webster had no problems with 'slavery in New Mexico or anywhere else, since it was a moot issue, even though he was an abolitionist; it was stupid to argue over something that was never going to happen in the first place. Jefferson Davis knew this, too, and so did Seward, Lincoln, and the vast majority of educated people.

The Great Plains by Walter Prescott Webb

Walter Prescott Webb's great book on the Great Plains and its impact. Should be required reading by at least Jr High school for every American student.
Wow if that's what you think the South fought for you need a history lesson. :badgrin:

Yeah, states rights and all that crap.

The right to own other human beings.

You people lost that ridiculous argument and thank God you did.

Slavery was already legal in the US, had been for 89 years. And it had been recently supported by an act of the US Congress and the US Supreme Court. And even when the Civil War was over and all the Confederate held slaves were free...The US still had slavery...
The problem was, that slavery was supposed to "die out" after 1808 due to Entry in the Union being a federal obligation and exclusive jurisdiction and all persons naturally born in the US being citizens by birth.
Wow if that's what you think the South fought for you need a history lesson. :badgrin:

Yeah, states rights and all that crap.

The right to own other human beings.

You people lost that ridiculous argument and thank God you did.

Slavery was already legal in the US, had been for 89 years. And it had been recently supported by an act of the US Congress and the US Supreme Court. And even when the Civil War was over and all the Confederate held slaves were free...The US still had slavery...

Yes. The South had already won all the Court battles over slavery, no need to secede over that issue. No need for Yankee pols to get excited, either, since slavery had already reached its natural geographical limits, and wasn't viable beyond those geographical limits. All those familiar with the U.S. geography knew this by the mid 1840's, which is why Webster had no problems with 'slavery in New Mexico or anywhere else, since it was a moot issue, even though he was an abolitionist; it was stupid to argue over something that was never going to happen in the first place. Jefferson Davis knew this, too, and so did Seward, Lincoln, and the vast majority of educated people.

The Great Plains by Walter Prescott Webb

Walter Prescott Webb's great book on the Great Plains and its impact. Should be required reading by at least Jr High school for every American student.
The South had insufficient standing after 1808.
Wow if that's what you think the South fought for you need a history lesson. :badgrin:

Yeah, states rights and all that crap.

The right to own other human beings.

You people lost that ridiculous argument and thank God you did.

Slavery was already legal in the US, had been for 89 years. And it had been recently supported by an act of the US Congress and the US Supreme Court. And even when the Civil War was over and all the Confederate held slaves were free...The US still had slavery...
The problem was, that slavery was supposed to "die out" after 1808 due to Entry in the Union being a federal obligation and exclusive jurisdiction and all persons naturally born in the US being citizens by birth.

The invention of the cotton gin at the turn of the 19th Century made that prediction fail.

Whitney's innovation suddenly brought the price of cotton for clothing down to reasonable levels and increased the demand for the product. There was a market for all the cotton that could be grown and a need for workers to get it picked.
Wow if that's what you think the South fought for you need a history lesson. :badgrin:

Yeah, states rights and all that crap.

The right to own other human beings.

You people lost that ridiculous argument and thank God you did.

Slavery was already legal in the US, had been for 89 years. And it had been recently supported by an act of the US Congress and the US Supreme Court. And even when the Civil War was over and all the Confederate held slaves were free...The US still had slavery...
The problem was, that slavery was supposed to "die out" after 1808 due to Entry in the Union being a federal obligation and exclusive jurisdiction and all persons naturally born in the US being citizens by birth.

The invention of the cotton gin at the turn of the 19th Century made that prediction fail.

Whitney's innovation suddenly brought the price of cotton for clothing down to reasonable levels and increased the demand for the product. There was a market for all the cotton that could be grown and a need for workers to get it picked.
the industrial revolution was just around corner.
States have no basis to care if someone is from out of State or from out of state since 1808.
States have no basis to care if someone is from out of State or from out of state since 1808.

Find the 1860 Census, and tell us how many slaves were found outside the southern states. And, how many back people were found in Nebraska, Illinois, Indiana, or out west in the new territories, free or slave.
States have no basis to care if someone is from out of State or from out of state since 1808.

Find the 1860 Census, and tell us how many slaves were found outside the southern states. And, how many back people were found in Nebraska, Illinois, Indiana, or out west in the new territories, free or slave.
upward mobility is dependent upon wealth under capitalism.
I don't see any numbers. Where did these millions of freed slaves go to leave the terrible suppression of southern slavery? How many were welcomed into northern homes and lands?

Part of it is called the Great Northern Migration. The rest had no need to really leave because of 2 reasons... they were no longer slaves, and the southern states had been destroyed and there was a lot of work that would be available during Reconstruction.

Are you Kanye West trying to argue slavery wasn't that bad because they didn't fight back hard enough?...
I don't see any numbers. Where did these millions of freed slaves go to leave the terrible suppression of southern slavery? How many were welcomed into northern homes and lands?

Part of it is called the Great Northern Migration. The rest had no need to really leave because of 2 reasons... they were no longer slaves, and the southern states had been destroyed and there was a lot of work that would be available during Reconstruction.

Are you Kanye West trying to argue slavery wasn't that bad because they didn't fight back hard enough?...

The 'Great Migration' wasn't really all that great', and didn't happen immediately after the Civil War, in any case. Northern labor recruiters were mainly looking for strike breakers and to fill the crappiest jobs in the meat packing plants. WW I was also a big draw. Auto plants, too.

There wan't that much 'work' after Reconstruction; it was still agriculturally based. Yankee troops didn't just loot white people's houses, they also robbed and murdered slaves; they couldn't believe slaves were allowed to own property, especially good stuff. Kanye West is right; most slaves were materially better off than 'free' white labor, north or south. Being 'freed' was no great favor bestowed on them by northern looters and killers.
I don't see any numbers. Where did these millions of freed slaves go to leave the terrible suppression of southern slavery? How many were welcomed into northern homes and lands?

Part of it is called the Great Northern Migration. The rest had no need to really leave because of 2 reasons... they were no longer slaves, and the southern states had been destroyed and there was a lot of work that would be available during Reconstruction.

Are you Kanye West trying to argue slavery wasn't that bad because they didn't fight back hard enough?...

The 'Great Migration' wasn't really all that great', and didn't happen immediately after the Civil War, in any case. Northern labor recruiters were mainly looking for strike breakers and to fill the crappiest jobs in the meat packing plants. WW I was also a big draw. Auto plants, too.

There wan't that much 'work' after Reconstruction; it was still agriculturally based. Yankee troops didn't just loot white people's houses, they also robbed and murdered slaves; they couldn't believe slaves were allowed to own property, especially good stuff. Kanye West is right; most slaves were materially better off than 'free' white labor, north or south. Being 'freed' was no great favor bestowed on them by northern looters and killers.

In the South during Reconstruction there was a TON of work to do. So not only were there fields that were no longer manned by slaves, but a HUGE amount of the men who fought for the Confederacy in the war died or came back nothing like they left, many of whom would be missing limbs, eyes, or more. Those positions would be filled by former slaves, but eventually a second type of slavery would step in, where Blacks would be arrested and given fines they couldn't pay. A lot of the time being arrested for bogus crimes like vagrancy. White land owners would then come and buy their fines and make them have to work it off... which they never could because the land owners would charge more for food and shelter than they could afford.

So no, the Great Northern Migration wasn't at its peak right after the war, but it certainly started no long afterwards.
I don't see any numbers. Where did these millions of freed slaves go to leave the terrible suppression of southern slavery? How many were welcomed into northern homes and lands?

Part of it is called the Great Northern Migration. The rest had no need to really leave because of 2 reasons... they were no longer slaves, and the southern states had been destroyed and there was a lot of work that would be available during Reconstruction.

Are you Kanye West trying to argue slavery wasn't that bad because they didn't fight back hard enough?...

The 'Great Migration' wasn't really all that great', and didn't happen immediately after the Civil War, in any case. Northern labor recruiters were mainly looking for strike breakers and to fill the crappiest jobs in the meat packing plants. WW I was also a big draw. Auto plants, too.

There wan't that much 'work' after Reconstruction; it was still agriculturally based. Yankee troops didn't just loot white people's houses, they also robbed and murdered slaves; they couldn't believe slaves were allowed to own property, especially good stuff. Kanye West is right; most slaves were materially better off than 'free' white labor, north or south. Being 'freed' was no great favor bestowed on them by northern looters and killers.

In the South during Reconstruction there was a TON of work to do. So not only were there fields that were no longer manned by slaves, but a HUGE amount of the men who fought for the Confederacy in the war died or came back nothing like they left, many of whom would be missing limbs, eyes, or more. Those positions would be filled by former slaves, but eventually a second type of slavery would step in, where Blacks would be arrested and given fines they couldn't pay. A lot of the time being arrested for bogus crimes like vagrancy. White land owners would then come and buy their fines and make them have to work it off... which they never could because the land owners would charge more for food and shelter than they could afford.

So no, the Great Northern Migration wasn't at its peak right after the war, but it certainly started no long afterwards.

Blacks in the South were no worse off than white sharecroppers, the main employment for laborers in the South. They had no great future in the Northern states, weren't welcome, and most didn't go. 'Freeing' them subjected them to the same abuse given to white labor; they were truly made equal in the South, unlike in the North, where they were abused even more by the factory systems, used for strike-breaking and the violence and discrimination that brought on them. Your inability to admit the facts and avoid them is itself evidence of the bullshit being fed to schoolchildren to this day.

Blacks in the South were no worse off than white sharecroppers....

A ridiculous comment.

Only to a clueless parrot like yourself. Well documented and easily verifiable, is what you really mean.

Isn't it time for another your OPs throwing a Pity Party for Japanese and Nazis for their WW II defeats? You know, one of your ludicrous narratives about how they were Dupes Of Da Ebul FDR N Stuff? Or, are you just too busy playing with somebody's feces at the moment?

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