After the last few weeks I too have made a decision

Every one with the exception of maybe Rosie has more integrity than Donald Trump.

Which is not to say they have any, at all.
The Clintons are the scum of the earth, who only think about themselves and their power.

Dont tell me Trump gives you some differing impression than that, lllllolll!!

Unlike ?Trump The Clintons have been in politics, working their crony deals, their whole life
Bro....Trump has been funneling money into politics since before I was BORN.
How many wealthy people have NOT funneled money into politics? Have any idea?
The Clinton's have made all their money from their crony deals. At least Trump has ran a business, employing, 10s of thousands of people. The only people the Clintons have employed are friends and political allies...they're scum
Im currently not yet rated,

well.......Im not a left swipe on the hot or not app maybe I have been.

You are good at rating other people...........hmmmm................then you talk about others egos................

Who are you trying to prove how great you are too............You looking in the mirror.
Im just telling it like it is for myself and any other human on earth proficient in reading human character traits....

That Donald Trump......the guy with every characteristic one would think of .......when they think of what they dont like about politicians? He is those things to an EXAGGERATED, cartoonish, MOST OBVIOUS degree of anyone that's quite possibly EVER run for President.

And I say that quite confidently - but, you'd only understand how I could be so confident if you'd been gifted with that very basic human attribute as well.
I'm gifted in the art of I don't give a fuck what you think.........same as you with me........clear it up for you.

The establishment rigs the game.............there is only 1 party............and I'm going outside the box. Even if it is pandora..............In 3 decades we have more of the same........they don't secure the border and continue with job killing Trade Deals............The TPP is a POS............he is the only one saying I'll take my chances............and by the looks of it..................

So are most of the voters............Whether you like it or not........Cruz is losing..........he is close in some states.........neck and neck but in others he is LOSING by double digits...............Kasich is giving him challenges in those states which is the only reason he is still in the race.

Neither one will have more delegates than Trump........all they can hope to do is Block the magic number and anyone who has been watching knows this...........

If they get to a brokered convention..............they hand it to the's that simple............but the establishment doesn't want anyone else in the game.............The GOP will throw the election to get establishment Hillary...............who shouldn't even be running for the leader of a girl scout troop.

But keep your arrogant responses flowing.........some on here might actually care what you think.

Trump put actual MONEY down on Hillary and Bills ideals.

Thats more support than MOST of their "supporters" can even dream to show.

That wasnt cool ehh? Well, until he simply "says" he doesnt share their ideals. Now hes all set all golden, problem solved!

Forgive me.....but, Trump is quite obviously the WORST of the ENTIRE field.

Most obviously lusting after power, most willing to change his answers on ANYTHING at all......and MOST important, MOST lacking in class and most likely to lose his cool like an abject moron over something as simple as spilled milk.

The Clinton's don't lust for power?..the Clintons have class?....Wtf?:lmao:
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I will NEVER vote for Donald Trump.......

......In this aspect I suppose I will be as popular as rderp for his proclamation earlier this week.

Murked, that's nice. Compare that to the Legions of us who have sworn to never vote for another Liberal/Centrist sack of shit, establishment RINO.

I'll go one step further..... I'll vote FOR Hillary. I'll work to ensure no Republican ever sits in tbe Oval Office again whil I'm alive. I'd rather have ab Honest Socialist Democrat than a Lying Socialist Republican.

You live in Massachusetts, dude...your vote doesn't matter.
A lot of people don't want Trump or Hillary. Gary Johnson is polling at 11% and if he can get included in the debates with the two of them his numbers will continue to go up from there.

Libertarian candidate gains in polls - CNN Video

I'm not a Johnson fan but I will probably look at him if its trump Clinton

No to Johnson, he's so wishy washy he can be bought easily by either of the party (dem/GopE) Establishment

Congratulations. You've just described Donald trump. A man who will make any deal if it makes him a dollar

Bullshit ...The Clintons have sold out the country fro 150 million dollars and you have the nerve to talk about Trump? I'm supporting Cruz but if Trump is the nominee i'll be going door to door for Trump just like I did Romney

I'm not. I'm not going to vote for someone just as bad just because he has an R next to his name

Better to take a chance with Trump, then to completely give up on the country with a Hillary Clinton appointing the next 3 justices. Trump still may not even be the nominee but you people who would rather see Hillary in there, are selfish, and delusional
Better to take a chance with Trump, then to completely give up on the country with a Hillary Clinton appointing the next 3 justices. Trump still may not even be the nominee but you people who would rather see Hillary in there, are selfish, and delusional

Says you. You actually think there's a difference.
Same song and dance............he put money into the coffers of both sides.........he admits it...........You only see one side..............

He knows their inside secrets and they don't like it...............The one donation people like you keep referring to was $700 to the Hildabeast.........the other thing he's saying is that you basically have to give donations some of the time in business to get permission to do business..........especially up North...........

Hell, that happens down South as well.....but I doubt as much...........

He's given to most Presidential candidates depending on the time and race.
In other words he puts his personal gain ahead of the best interests of the Country.


(But dont worry I already knew that, its you all who are gullible to it).
You obviously haven't been around business deals before..........I've been around and sometimes you have to grease palms to get them............I've only been around a few and have multi million dollar jobs.............but it's plain as day on the sidelines.............

The politicians in some place are corrupt to the core..........and don't do anything without being greased.............

You say it's corruption..........yeah it is............but on the ones having to pay to play or the ones extorting the money.
I make business deals every week. I don't compromise my values in those deals, EVER.
It happens............trash me if you like.................but in large Corp contracts if you don't pay you don't play........It is reality unfortunately............I will not get into the details............those that didn't play are no longer there...........Nuff said.
And electing the folks like Trump who engage in this corrupt process is smart.........right......and the label of naive placed on those not fuckwitted enough to sell their souls to the exascerbation of our money corrupted Government.

This is exactly why I say, it is the gullibility of you folks that got us to this point. Trump is just the spiking of the football.
There's no comparison between the corruption of the Clintons, and the business dealings of Trump. Trump would have locked up long ago, if he was into half of the crony, double dealing, money laundering corruption of the Clintons:slap:
Better to take a chance with Trump, then to completely give up on the country with a Hillary Clinton appointing the next 3 justices. Trump still may not even be the nominee but you people who would rather see Hillary in there, are selfish, and delusional

Says you. You actually think there's a difference.

Personally I do. I certainly know what i'm going to get with a Hillary Clinton..ill pass on that, you should too
Many Americans feel the same. They cannot bring themselves to vote for Trump

Hillary will run a campaign to accentuate the fear of what a Trump Presidency would mean.

Nope, "many" Americans will secretly vote for Trump same as they did for Ronald Reagan. Carter was actually ahead in the polls before the Gipper hit him like a freight train in November.
The Clintons are the scum of the earth, who only think about themselves and their power.

Dont tell me Trump gives you some differing impression than that, lllllolll!!

Unlike ?Trump The Clintons have been in politics, working their crony deals, their whole life
Bro....Trump has been funneling money into politics since before I was BORN.
How many wealthy people have NOT funneled money into politics? Have any idea?
The Clinton's have made all their money from their crony deals. At least Trump has ran a business, employing, 10s of thousands of people. The only people the Clintons have employed are friends and political allies...they're scum

Total garbage. Their money comes from speaking fees and books they have both authored.
I'm not a Johnson fan but I will probably look at him if its trump Clinton

No to Johnson, he's so wishy washy he can be bought easily by either of the party (dem/GopE) Establishment

Congratulations. You've just described Donald trump. A man who will make any deal if it makes him a dollar

Bullshit ...The Clintons have sold out the country fro 150 million dollars and you have the nerve to talk about Trump? I'm supporting Cruz but if Trump is the nominee i'll be going door to door for Trump just like I did Romney

I'm not. I'm not going to vote for someone just as bad just because he has an R next to his name

Better to take a chance with Trump, then to completely give up on the country with a Hillary Clinton appointing the next 3 justices. Trump still may not even be the nominee but you people who would rather see Hillary in there, are selfish, and delusional

Start saying it now...President Clinton....

Beat the Christmas rush.

Dont tell me Trump gives you some differing impression than that, lllllolll!!

Unlike ?Trump The Clintons have been in politics, working their crony deals, their whole life
Bro....Trump has been funneling money into politics since before I was BORN.
How many wealthy people have NOT funneled money into politics? Have any idea?
The Clinton's have made all their money from their crony deals. At least Trump has ran a business, employing, 10s of thousands of people. The only people the Clintons have employed are friends and political allies...they're scum

Total garbage. Their money comes from speaking fees and books they have both authored.
Now, you know conservatives don’t allow facts to be posted in their threads.
I'm not a Johnson fan but I will probably look at him if its trump Clinton

No to Johnson, he's so wishy washy he can be bought easily by either of the party (dem/GopE) Establishment

Congratulations. You've just described Donald trump. A man who will make any deal if it makes him a dollar

Bullshit ...The Clintons have sold out the country fro 150 million dollars and you have the nerve to talk about Trump? I'm supporting Cruz but if Trump is the nominee i'll be going door to door for Trump just like I did Romney

I'm not. I'm not going to vote for someone just as bad just because he has an R next to his name

Better to take a chance with Trump, then to completely give up on the country with a Hillary Clinton appointing the next 3 justices. Trump still may not even be the nominee but you people who would rather see Hillary in there, are selfish, and delusional
how many years now have your pos led the supreme court in a row Think it's overdue, time for a change
Unlike ?Trump The Clintons have been in politics, working their crony deals, their whole life
Bro....Trump has been funneling money into politics since before I was BORN.
How many wealthy people have NOT funneled money into politics? Have any idea?
The Clinton's have made all their money from their crony deals. At least Trump has ran a business, employing, 10s of thousands of people. The only people the Clintons have employed are friends and political allies...they're scum

Total garbage. Their money comes from speaking fees and books they have both authored.
Now, you know conservatives don’t allow facts to be posted in their threads.
republicans pain is Americas gain
I will NEVER vote for Donald Trump.

1. Retweeting a bad photo of Cruz’s wife along side a beautiful photo his own wife.
2. Mocking Rubios ears & short stature.
3. Bullying everyone he disagrees with
4. Dodging serious questions to avoid exposing his lack of knowledge.
5. Wants to kill the families of terrorists.
6. Lowering the public discourse of our nation to that of a junior high school locker room.
7. Has flip flopped on almost every major issue important to a REAL conservative. (I went there, deal with it)
8. Has given money to liberal politicians to buy favor despite the positions those liberals held.
9. The most shallow person besides Edwards to run for potus in my lifetime.

For the first time in my life I don't have a candidate that I believe in & I will NOT be voting against anyone either.
The American people created the mess our country is in by continually reelecting corrupt politicians. If Hillary wins America gets what it deserves for being uninformed dupes. Same goes for a Trump victory.

In this aspect I suppose I will be as popular as rderp for his proclamation earlier this week.
Look around at third parties. Your vote isn't wasted there, it's no less influential than anyone else's individual vote.

Gotta vote!

LOL, ARE you serious? Of course a third party vote is a wasted vote- how is it not? It gaurentees if enough of them hillary gets in.
I will NEVER vote for Donald Trump.

1. Retweeting a bad photo of Cruz’s wife along side a beautiful photo his own wife.
2. Mocking Rubios ears & short stature.
3. Bullying everyone he disagrees with
4. Dodging serious questions to avoid exposing his lack of knowledge.
5. Wants to kill the families of terrorists.
6. Lowering the public discourse of our nation to that of a junior high school locker room.
7. Has flip flopped on almost every major issue important to a REAL conservative. (I went there, deal with it)
8. Has given money to liberal politicians to buy favor despite the positions those liberals held.
9. The most shallow person besides Edwards to run for potus in my lifetime.

For the first time in my life I don't have a candidate that I believe in & I will NOT be voting against anyone either.
The American people created the mess our country is in by continually reelecting corrupt politicians. If Hillary wins America gets what it deserves for being uninformed dupes. Same goes for a Trump victory.

In this aspect I suppose I will be as popular as rderp for his proclamation earlier this week.

Congratulations.....Hillary appreciates your help.:slap:
The things that I believe in are far more important than a Trump victory. I will not compromise my values so other voters are happy.

Do you believe in having 2-3 more regressive judges on the supreme court that could effect the direction of the country far more than any single president? Consider that.
I will NEVER vote for Donald Trump.

1. Retweeting a bad photo of Cruz’s wife along side a beautiful photo his own wife.
2. Mocking Rubios ears & short stature.
3. Bullying everyone he disagrees with
4. Dodging serious questions to avoid exposing his lack of knowledge.
5. Wants to kill the families of terrorists.
6. Lowering the public discourse of our nation to that of a junior high school locker room.
7. Has flip flopped on almost every major issue important to a REAL conservative. (I went there, deal with it)
8. Has given money to liberal politicians to buy favor despite the positions those liberals held.
9. The most shallow person besides Edwards to run for potus in my lifetime.

For the first time in my life I don't have a candidate that I believe in & I will NOT be voting against anyone either.
The American people created the mess our country is in by continually reelecting corrupt politicians. If Hillary wins America gets what it deserves for being uninformed dupes. Same goes for a Trump victory.

In this aspect I suppose I will be as popular as rderp for his proclamation earlier this week.
Look around at third parties. Your vote isn't wasted there, it's no less influential than anyone else's individual vote.

Gotta vote!

A third party vote is a wasted vote ... if you want to make a statement, carry a sign. If you want to make a difference, vote for a candidate who might get elected.
As a business owner I have been treading water during Obamas on the job training.
Oh, bullshit. Nothing Obama has done has affected your business in the slightest, other than saving the crashed economy. So sorry he didn't single-handedly clean up all of Bush's disasters fast enough for your satisfaction.

Unequivocal nonsense ... bred in the cesspool of ignorance.

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