After the last few weeks I too have made a decision

If we had a balance budget under Slick, why did the National Debt go up every year he was President? Your lies for the Democrats never end ...

I'm sure all the repubs who claim that balanced budget are liars too. You are a joke.

Yes, Republicans all say the war was W and the Democrats fault. You have a mind like a paper trap. Well played.

And my question was simple, why did the national debt go up every year Slick was President if we had a balanced budget? Do you know what balanced budget means? Not really?

He didn't magically have a balanced budget when he stepped into office you idiot. Towards the end it was finally balanced. Something that now seems impossible.

Again evading the question:

"why did the national debt go up every year Slick was President if we had a balanced budget?"

It was never balanced, not the beginning, not the end.

When the Republicans lied about WMDs that Hussein used but didn't have, that clued you in to that Clinton was a great President, did it?

If the budget wasn't balanced till the end of his presidency every year would still have the debt go up. What don't you get?
:lmao: OMG, you are stupid, that's hillarious
If we had a balance budget under Slick, why did the National Debt go up every year he was President? Your lies for the Democrats never end ...

I'm sure all the repubs who claim that balanced budget are liars too. You are a joke.

Yes, Republicans all say the war was W and the Democrats fault. You have a mind like a paper trap. Well played.

And my question was simple, why did the national debt go up every year Slick was President if we had a balanced budget? Do you know what balanced budget means? Not really?

For the record I give Ross Perot the most credit for the balanced budget.

Ross Perot? How does that make sense? And again, the question you're hiding from:

"why did the national debt go up every year Slick was President if we had a balanced budget?"

Without Perot neither party would have any interest in a balanced budget.

Hiding? I've answered several times. You seem to not be smart enough to understand the answer.

What was Clinton's policy that lead to a "balanced budget?" "Balanced" while the debt went up every year of his Presidency. We already established you're not old enough to remember his Presidency, but all he ever did was propose spending in every speech. So what say you? How did he do it?
Clinton invaded northern Iraq, W invaded the whole country and Democrats voted for it, wow, different completely, LOL

Yes it is completely different. One destabilized the whole region, one did not. You really should stop now, you couldn't look any stupider.

You do love to blow the black President. So if the Iraq war destabilized the region, why do you vote for the party that authorized W to do the invasion? Why are you going to vote for a woman who voted for the invasion?

Bush sold the America people on a short war. We would quickly eliminate saddam and the Iraqi people would love us. They would become a strong democracy in the Middle East and rain free oil down upon us. Bush didn't deliver that, but that is what congress thought they were voting for.

Wow, you and the Democrats just believed everything he said, didn't you? Look at you now, all angry and bitter and don't blindly believe Republicans like you did back in the day. You go girl ...

Yep we believed and it led to disaster.

Yes, you believed that Hussein who used WMDs had them, which turned out to be a lie which was incredibly politically fortunate for you. So riddle me this, Batman. How did Hussein use WMDs he didn't have? I anticipate yet another non-answer from you
All of your babbling has made it clear you are an imbecile. If you can't tell the difference between what Clinton did and the disasterous war bush started you are hopeless.

Clinton invaded northern Iraq, W invaded the whole country and Democrats voted for it, wow, different completely, LOL

Yes it is completely different. One destabilized the whole region, one did not. You really should stop now, you couldn't look any stupider.

You do love to blow the black President. So if the Iraq war destabilized the region, why do you vote for the party that authorized W to do the invasion? Why are you going to vote for a woman who voted for the invasion?

Bill was a great president. Was a great time for our country.

Well the main reason would be the republican nominee acts like a child. And if she is at all like Bill she will do very well.
if by great time you mean internet bubble, and bubbles under the oval desk.
for the love of god god ma... little john john used to play there... :)

Yes, you are not stupid like brainless! It was the economy that was booming, Clinton had nothing to do with it.

The next post, brainless won't answer the question what Clinton policy led to the amazing removal of the deficit while the debt went up every year, he's too busy spinning how Hussein wasn't a WMD threat when he used WMDs ...
Give us a run down on the billionairres funding Hillary
You're making the allegation. Which billionaires are pulling Hillary's strings?

Common knowledge, bro. Don't play dumb.

now let's hear you spew the name soros

as if you can compare the garbage dump that is GOP finances to democratic.

Soros is as vile as it gets, lady. Not surprised to a crusty and crusty lady like yourself excusing him.
Give us a run down on the billionairres funding Hillary
You're making the allegation. Which billionaires are pulling Hillary's strings?
George Soros, the communist billionaire....glad I could help.
Any evidence?

And Soros is not a Communist. You're not very smart, are you?

Google "George Soros, Six Million Dollars, Hillary"...and if you don't know what Soros is all about by now and all the NGO's he funds all designed to dissolve our borders?? It's too late in the game for me to school you.
You google it, find a link which proves Soros is funding Hillary, and post it. And if you can do that, maybe I'll expend the energy to show you that Soros contributes to many Democrats.
Soros is as vile as it gets
What's vile about him? And spare me the wingnut talking points about what he did to survive as a kid. Because Ben Carson tried to murder someone when he was a kid, and you would never say he's vile.

Dude, you don't even see your own moral relativism. And you can easily find my posts on Carson about how he's a disgrace. Some of us are consistent, son. Some of us (you) are lemmings.
Give us a run down on the billionairres funding Hillary
You're making the allegation. Which billionaires are pulling Hillary's strings?
George Soros, the communist billionaire....glad I could help.
Any evidence?

And Soros is not a Communist. You're not very smart, are you?

Google "George Soros, Six Million Dollars, Hillary"...and if you don't know what Soros is all about by now and all the NGO's he funds all designed to dissolve our borders?? It's too late in the game for me to school you.
You google it, find a link which proves Soros is funding Hillary, and post it. And if you can do that, maybe I'll expend the energy to show you that Soros contributes to many Democrats.
I already "found it" thus the reason I put a specific amount for you to "Google". If you can prove my contentions wrong, go for it. Politics is nothing but WWF for old, out of shape sell-outs that are nothing but corporate officers of theUnited States Incorporation Company...FACT! They get stupid fucks like you all excited about "team demrat" versus "team repub" and they always keep just enough of their lackeys on both sides presiding in their corporate offices so one side can blame the other while they steal your sweat equity working for a fiat currency with no intrinsic value that they in turn use to buy up hard assets. You have been played for the ultimate chump but come election day, you will bend over and spread your cheeks because you seem to like anal penetration while their puppetmasters lift even more of your meager earnings from your almost empty pockets. Your kind has been nothing but pawns for the global elites and bankers. The very .0001 percent you claim to despise as used your kind like a crackwhore...that is ALSO a fact.
Yes it is completely different. One destabilized the whole region, one did not. You really should stop now, you couldn't look any stupider.

You do love to blow the black President. So if the Iraq war destabilized the region, why do you vote for the party that authorized W to do the invasion? Why are you going to vote for a woman who voted for the invasion?

Bill was a great president. Was a great time for our country.

Well the main reason would be the republican nominee acts like a child. And if she is at all like Bill she will do very well.

Yes, a perjuring, power abusing, sexual predator is what we need in a President, if we could just go back to that.

BTW, I'm not a Trump supporter, moron. Again with the, you blame both parties for Iraq! That's so Republican!

Yes we could use him. The country did great. Those things are tiny compared to causing thousands of deaths and destabilizing the Middle East.

You really don't remember the Clinton administration. How old are you? Happy 18th!

Yes I do actually. Great economy, no pointless wars, balanced budget.
I'm sure all the repubs who claim that balanced budget are liars too. You are a joke.

Yes, Republicans all say the war was W and the Democrats fault. You have a mind like a paper trap. Well played.

And my question was simple, why did the national debt go up every year Slick was President if we had a balanced budget? Do you know what balanced budget means? Not really?

He didn't magically have a balanced budget when he stepped into office you idiot. Towards the end it was finally balanced. Something that now seems impossible.

Again evading the question:

"why did the national debt go up every year Slick was President if we had a balanced budget?"

It was never balanced, not the beginning, not the end.

When the Republicans lied about WMDs that Hussein used but didn't have, that clued you in to that Clinton was a great President, did it?

If the budget wasn't balanced till the end of his presidency every year would still have the debt go up. What don't you get?
:lmao: OMG, you are stupid, that's hillarious

No it seems to be you that is stupid. Again, what don't you get?
I'm sure all the repubs who claim that balanced budget are liars too. You are a joke.

Yes, Republicans all say the war was W and the Democrats fault. You have a mind like a paper trap. Well played.

And my question was simple, why did the national debt go up every year Slick was President if we had a balanced budget? Do you know what balanced budget means? Not really?

For the record I give Ross Perot the most credit for the balanced budget.

Ross Perot? How does that make sense? And again, the question you're hiding from:

"why did the national debt go up every year Slick was President if we had a balanced budget?"

Without Perot neither party would have any interest in a balanced budget.

Hiding? I've answered several times. You seem to not be smart enough to understand the answer.

What was Clinton's policy that lead to a "balanced budget?" "Balanced" while the debt went up every year of his Presidency. We already established you're not old enough to remember his Presidency, but all he ever did was propose spending in every speech. So what say you? How did he do it?

Really? There were a lot of reforms. It seems you are the one not old enough to remember.
Clinton invaded northern Iraq, W invaded the whole country and Democrats voted for it, wow, different completely, LOL

Yes it is completely different. One destabilized the whole region, one did not. You really should stop now, you couldn't look any stupider.

You do love to blow the black President. So if the Iraq war destabilized the region, why do you vote for the party that authorized W to do the invasion? Why are you going to vote for a woman who voted for the invasion?

Bill was a great president. Was a great time for our country.

Well the main reason would be the republican nominee acts like a child. And if she is at all like Bill she will do very well.
if by great time you mean internet bubble, and bubbles under the oval desk.
for the love of god god ma... little john john used to play there... :)

Yes, you are not stupid like brainless! It was the economy that was booming, Clinton had nothing to do with it.

The next post, brainless won't answer the question what Clinton policy led to the amazing removal of the deficit while the debt went up every year, he's too busy spinning how Hussein wasn't a WMD threat when he used WMDs ...

He didn't mess it up. Many presidents have. Often not doing anything is the best thing a president can do. Like if bush hadn't started that war.
You do love to blow the black President. So if the Iraq war destabilized the region, why do you vote for the party that authorized W to do the invasion? Why are you going to vote for a woman who voted for the invasion?

Bill was a great president. Was a great time for our country.

Well the main reason would be the republican nominee acts like a child. And if she is at all like Bill she will do very well.

Yes, a perjuring, power abusing, sexual predator is what we need in a President, if we could just go back to that.

BTW, I'm not a Trump supporter, moron. Again with the, you blame both parties for Iraq! That's so Republican!

Yes we could use him. The country did great. Those things are tiny compared to causing thousands of deaths and destabilizing the Middle East.

You really don't remember the Clinton administration. How old are you? Happy 18th!

Yes I do actually. Great economy, no pointless wars, balanced budget.

Yet you can't address the points:

Great economy: What was Clinton's policy that led to that?

Pointless wars: He did the same war as W, you're just an idiot. Clinton conducted wars in Somalia, The Sudan, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Haiti, Kosovo, and Iraq where he invaded the north, had no fly zones over most of the country and bombed them. That he didn't have "pointless wars" is compleletely brainless

Balanced Budget: How did we have a balanced budget when the national deficit went up EVERY year of his Presidency, including the last one, Holmes? And what was his policy that led to that?

You're just sucking the black President
Yes, Republicans all say the war was W and the Democrats fault. You have a mind like a paper trap. Well played.

And my question was simple, why did the national debt go up every year Slick was President if we had a balanced budget? Do you know what balanced budget means? Not really?

He didn't magically have a balanced budget when he stepped into office you idiot. Towards the end it was finally balanced. Something that now seems impossible.

Again evading the question:

"why did the national debt go up every year Slick was President if we had a balanced budget?"

It was never balanced, not the beginning, not the end.

When the Republicans lied about WMDs that Hussein used but didn't have, that clued you in to that Clinton was a great President, did it?

If the budget wasn't balanced till the end of his presidency every year would still have the debt go up. What don't you get?
:lmao: OMG, you are stupid, that's hillarious

No it seems to be you that is stupid. Again, what don't you get?

Yes, that is true. I don't get your contention we had a "balanced budget" under Clinton that included the national debt going up every year of his Presidency. Actually, it's you who doesn't know what a balanced budget is ...
Yes, Republicans all say the war was W and the Democrats fault. You have a mind like a paper trap. Well played.

And my question was simple, why did the national debt go up every year Slick was President if we had a balanced budget? Do you know what balanced budget means? Not really?

For the record I give Ross Perot the most credit for the balanced budget.

Ross Perot? How does that make sense? And again, the question you're hiding from:

"why did the national debt go up every year Slick was President if we had a balanced budget?"

Without Perot neither party would have any interest in a balanced budget.

Hiding? I've answered several times. You seem to not be smart enough to understand the answer.

What was Clinton's policy that lead to a "balanced budget?" "Balanced" while the debt went up every year of his Presidency. We already established you're not old enough to remember his Presidency, but all he ever did was propose spending in every speech. So what say you? How did he do it?

Really? There were a lot of reforms. It seems you are the one not old enough to remember.

Name some of them. You have no idea because there weren't any, you're just making it up
Yes it is completely different. One destabilized the whole region, one did not. You really should stop now, you couldn't look any stupider.

You do love to blow the black President. So if the Iraq war destabilized the region, why do you vote for the party that authorized W to do the invasion? Why are you going to vote for a woman who voted for the invasion?

Bill was a great president. Was a great time for our country.

Well the main reason would be the republican nominee acts like a child. And if she is at all like Bill she will do very well.
if by great time you mean internet bubble, and bubbles under the oval desk.
for the love of god god ma... little john john used to play there... :)

Yes, you are not stupid like brainless! It was the economy that was booming, Clinton had nothing to do with it.

The next post, brainless won't answer the question what Clinton policy led to the amazing removal of the deficit while the debt went up every year, he's too busy spinning how Hussein wasn't a WMD threat when he used WMDs ...

He didn't mess it up. Many presidents have. Often not doing anything is the best thing a president can do. Like if bush hadn't started that war.

Clinton left Iraq under virtual occupation of the country and physical occupation of the north, that's a positive about that? This is again why those of us actually opposed to meddling in everyone's shit have no regard for Democrats. You are just Republicans, you don't mean it. Your issue with W is that he was a Republicans, when a Democrat is in office like Slick or Barry, you are good with their militaristic policies
He didn't magically have a balanced budget when he stepped into office you idiot. Towards the end it was finally balanced. Something that now seems impossible.

Again evading the question:

"why did the national debt go up every year Slick was President if we had a balanced budget?"

It was never balanced, not the beginning, not the end.

When the Republicans lied about WMDs that Hussein used but didn't have, that clued you in to that Clinton was a great President, did it?

If the budget wasn't balanced till the end of his presidency every year would still have the debt go up. What don't you get?
:lmao: OMG, you are stupid, that's hillarious

No it seems to be you that is stupid. Again, what don't you get?

Yes, that is true. I don't get your contention we had a "balanced budget" under Clinton that included the national debt going up every year of his Presidency. Actually, it's you who doesn't know what a balanced budget is ...

If the budget is balanced as of October of his last year in office the the national debt will still go up for that year. That doesn't change that they managed to get at a balanced budget. Why are you arguing about this? You prefer the Bush or Obama out of control spending?
Last edited:
Bill was a great president. Was a great time for our country.

Well the main reason would be the republican nominee acts like a child. And if she is at all like Bill she will do very well.

Yes, a perjuring, power abusing, sexual predator is what we need in a President, if we could just go back to that.

BTW, I'm not a Trump supporter, moron. Again with the, you blame both parties for Iraq! That's so Republican!

Yes we could use him. The country did great. Those things are tiny compared to causing thousands of deaths and destabilizing the Middle East.

You really don't remember the Clinton administration. How old are you? Happy 18th!

Yes I do actually. Great economy, no pointless wars, balanced budget.

Yet you can't address the points:

Great economy: What was Clinton's policy that led to that?

Pointless wars: He did the same war as W, you're just an idiot. Clinton conducted wars in Somalia, The Sudan, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Haiti, Kosovo, and Iraq where he invaded the north, had no fly zones over most of the country and bombed them. That he didn't have "pointless wars" is compleletely brainless

Balanced Budget: How did we have a balanced budget when the national deficit went up EVERY year of his Presidency, including the last one, Holmes? And what was his policy that led to that?

You're just sucking the black President

Clinton didn't mess up the economy.

Nothing Clinton did led to a huge occupation that led to destabilizing the whole Middle East. You really are an idiot. Clinton did things intelligently. Bush got many thousands killed.
For the record I give Ross Perot the most credit for the balanced budget.

Ross Perot? How does that make sense? And again, the question you're hiding from:

"why did the national debt go up every year Slick was President if we had a balanced budget?"

Without Perot neither party would have any interest in a balanced budget.

Hiding? I've answered several times. You seem to not be smart enough to understand the answer.

What was Clinton's policy that lead to a "balanced budget?" "Balanced" while the debt went up every year of his Presidency. We already established you're not old enough to remember his Presidency, but all he ever did was propose spending in every speech. So what say you? How did he do it?

Really? There were a lot of reforms. It seems you are the one not old enough to remember.

Name some of them. You have no idea because there weren't any, you're just making it up

Welfare wasn't reformed? Are you really this stupid?

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