After the last few weeks I too have made a decision

wouldn't have to if the pervert in the chair before him would have done his job, instead of being impeached.

I can't pretend that made sense.

Obviously he's saying W would have not had to invade if Clinton had focused on doing his job instead of not being able to keep it in his pants. I mean duh, you really couldn't read that?

We would all be much better off if bush hadn't been doing his job.

Our country did great under Clinton. Great economy, no pointless wars, balanced budget....

If we had a balance budget under Slick, why did the National Debt go up every year he was President? Your lies for the Democrats never end ...

I'm sure all the repubs who claim that balanced budget are liars too. You are a joke.

Yes, Republicans all say the war was W and the Democrats fault. You have a mind like a paper trap. Well played.

And my question was simple, why did the national debt go up every year Slick was President if we had a balanced budget? Do you know what balanced budget means? Not really?
None of that changed anything. Clinton didn't invade and start the disasterous war. That is a fact. You sure defend bush a lot. Seems the liar is you. Just ask trump, all bushes fault. That is what republicans support. You are alone in your idiocy.

Me saying you and Republicans are both responsible for the war is me defending Bush and being a "liar"

You saying that when Clinton invaded northern Iraq, preventing Iraq from flying over their own country and bombed Iraq it didn't change anything and wasn't starting a war, then you say Democrats weren't responsible for voting for it and W lied when he said Hussein who used WMDs wasn't a threat and he didn't have them, well, that's just being honest and observing what's going on.

Classic. Yes, Republicans all say the war is both parties fault, that's what you've observed, so of course I'm in lock step with Republicans. You really are an imbicile

All of your babbling has made it clear you are an imbecile. If you can't tell the difference between what Clinton did and the disasterous war bush started you are hopeless.

Clinton invaded northern Iraq, W invaded the whole country and Democrats voted for it, wow, different completely, LOL

Yes it is completely different. One destabilized the whole region, one did not. You really should stop now, you couldn't look any stupider.

You do love to blow the black President. So if the Iraq war destabilized the region, why do you vote for the party that authorized W to do the invasion? Why are you going to vote for a woman who voted for the invasion?

Bill was a great president. Was a great time for our country.

Well the main reason would be the republican nominee acts like a child. And if she is at all like Bill she will do very well.
I can't pretend that made sense.

Obviously he's saying W would have not had to invade if Clinton had focused on doing his job instead of not being able to keep it in his pants. I mean duh, you really couldn't read that?

We would all be much better off if bush hadn't been doing his job.

Our country did great under Clinton. Great economy, no pointless wars, balanced budget....

If we had a balance budget under Slick, why did the National Debt go up every year he was President? Your lies for the Democrats never end ...

I'm sure all the repubs who claim that balanced budget are liars too. You are a joke.

Yes, Republicans all say the war was W and the Democrats fault. You have a mind like a paper trap. Well played.

And my question was simple, why did the national debt go up every year Slick was President if we had a balanced budget? Do you know what balanced budget means? Not really?

He didn't magically have a balanced budget when he stepped into office you idiot. Towards the end it was finally balanced. Something that now seems impossible.
I can't pretend that made sense.

Obviously he's saying W would have not had to invade if Clinton had focused on doing his job instead of not being able to keep it in his pants. I mean duh, you really couldn't read that?

We would all be much better off if bush hadn't been doing his job.

Our country did great under Clinton. Great economy, no pointless wars, balanced budget....

If we had a balance budget under Slick, why did the National Debt go up every year he was President? Your lies for the Democrats never end ...

I'm sure all the repubs who claim that balanced budget are liars too. You are a joke.

Yes, Republicans all say the war was W and the Democrats fault. You have a mind like a paper trap. Well played.

And my question was simple, why did the national debt go up every year Slick was President if we had a balanced budget? Do you know what balanced budget means? Not really?

For the record I give Ross Perot the most credit for the balanced budget.
Did you notice that when Bill Clinton was commander in chief we didn't get stuck in any long, disasterous wars? Sorry, but if you are commander in chief you get credit for the war.

WTF? He was in Iraq through most of his Presidency, he had a policy of "regime change," and when W invaded over WMDs and didn't find them, he said, "I saw the same intelligence and interpreted it the same way." And his wife voted for the invasion. You know, his wife that you and your "independent" thinking are going to vote for in six months for President.

You are a liar, and a bad one. You're a partisan Democrat out for cheap political points and you're willing to pay the price of your manhood to get them.

The war was bad policy, it would be nice to have Democrats on our side. But you clearly and repeatedly show you aren't on the side of actual opposition to the war, you're only in opposition to losing elections to Republicans

And yet with the same info Clinton did not start a disasterous war. That is all Bush, just ask trump.

If trump is the other option, every adult should vote for Hillary. I like kasich, but the repubs are voting for a child.

You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts.

As I keep pointing out and you keep ignoring, Clinton DID start the war there. No fly zones over the north and south and boots on the ground in Kurdish territory removing it from Iraq.

Those aren't acts of war? Seriously? And you think you even have a brain much less one worth mentioning?

The fact is Clinton didn't invade Iraq. He didn't start the war that was pointless and lasted years.
wouldn't have had to if the sleazy pervert in the chair before him would have done his job, instead of getting impeached.

clinton the creep couldn't control himself, and he stole much of America's innocence and future. great Americans died because bill clinton was/is an untreated sex addict.
his hands should have on the destruction of osama bin laden, and not monica lewinsky's ass.

i for one cannot so easily forgive him for that. there are two sets of standards for libs and conservatives. ironically, it's the people who don't contribute much that usually choose the former.

people who work really hard resent that.
Wait till the DC madams list of 8or 900 comes out We'll see who the really hard workers are
None of that changed anything. Clinton didn't invade and start the disasterous war. That is a fact. You sure defend bush a lot. Seems the liar is you. Just ask trump, all bushes fault. That is what republicans support. You are alone in your idiocy.

Me saying you and Republicans are both responsible for the war is me defending Bush and being a "liar"

You saying that when Clinton invaded northern Iraq, preventing Iraq from flying over their own country and bombed Iraq it didn't change anything and wasn't starting a war, then you say Democrats weren't responsible for voting for it and W lied when he said Hussein who used WMDs wasn't a threat and he didn't have them, well, that's just being honest and observing what's going on.

Classic. Yes, Republicans all say the war is both parties fault, that's what you've observed, so of course I'm in lock step with Republicans. You really are an imbicile

All of your babbling has made it clear you are an imbecile. If you can't tell the difference between what Clinton did and the disasterous war bush started you are hopeless.

Clinton invaded northern Iraq, W invaded the whole country and Democrats voted for it, wow, different completely, LOL

Yes it is completely different. One destabilized the whole region, one did not. You really should stop now, you couldn't look any stupider.

You do love to blow the black President. So if the Iraq war destabilized the region, why do you vote for the party that authorized W to do the invasion? Why are you going to vote for a woman who voted for the invasion?

Bush sold the America people on a short war. We would quickly eliminate saddam and the Iraqi people would love us. They would become a strong democracy in the Middle East and rain free oil down upon us. Bush didn't deliver that, but that is what congress thought they were voting for.
Me saying you and Republicans are both responsible for the war is me defending Bush and being a "liar"

You saying that when Clinton invaded northern Iraq, preventing Iraq from flying over their own country and bombed Iraq it didn't change anything and wasn't starting a war, then you say Democrats weren't responsible for voting for it and W lied when he said Hussein who used WMDs wasn't a threat and he didn't have them, well, that's just being honest and observing what's going on.

Classic. Yes, Republicans all say the war is both parties fault, that's what you've observed, so of course I'm in lock step with Republicans. You really are an imbicile

All of your babbling has made it clear you are an imbecile. If you can't tell the difference between what Clinton did and the disasterous war bush started you are hopeless.

Clinton invaded northern Iraq, W invaded the whole country and Democrats voted for it, wow, different completely, LOL

Yes it is completely different. One destabilized the whole region, one did not. You really should stop now, you couldn't look any stupider.

You do love to blow the black President. So if the Iraq war destabilized the region, why do you vote for the party that authorized W to do the invasion? Why are you going to vote for a woman who voted for the invasion?

Bill was a great president. Was a great time for our country.

Well the main reason would be the republican nominee acts like a child. And if she is at all like Bill she will do very well.

Yes, a perjuring, power abusing, sexual predator is what we need in a President, if we could just go back to that.

BTW, I'm not a Trump supporter, moron. Again with the, you blame both parties for Iraq! That's so Republican!
Obviously he's saying W would have not had to invade if Clinton had focused on doing his job instead of not being able to keep it in his pants. I mean duh, you really couldn't read that?

We would all be much better off if bush hadn't been doing his job.

Our country did great under Clinton. Great economy, no pointless wars, balanced budget....

If we had a balance budget under Slick, why did the National Debt go up every year he was President? Your lies for the Democrats never end ...

I'm sure all the repubs who claim that balanced budget are liars too. You are a joke.

Yes, Republicans all say the war was W and the Democrats fault. You have a mind like a paper trap. Well played.

And my question was simple, why did the national debt go up every year Slick was President if we had a balanced budget? Do you know what balanced budget means? Not really?

He didn't magically have a balanced budget when he stepped into office you idiot. Towards the end it was finally balanced. Something that now seems impossible.

Again evading the question:

"why did the national debt go up every year Slick was President if we had a balanced budget?"

It was never balanced, not the beginning, not the end.

When the Republicans lied about WMDs that Hussein used but didn't have, that clued you in to that Clinton was a great President, did it?
Obviously he's saying W would have not had to invade if Clinton had focused on doing his job instead of not being able to keep it in his pants. I mean duh, you really couldn't read that?

We would all be much better off if bush hadn't been doing his job.

Our country did great under Clinton. Great economy, no pointless wars, balanced budget....

If we had a balance budget under Slick, why did the National Debt go up every year he was President? Your lies for the Democrats never end ...

I'm sure all the repubs who claim that balanced budget are liars too. You are a joke.

Yes, Republicans all say the war was W and the Democrats fault. You have a mind like a paper trap. Well played.

And my question was simple, why did the national debt go up every year Slick was President if we had a balanced budget? Do you know what balanced budget means? Not really?

For the record I give Ross Perot the most credit for the balanced budget.

Ross Perot? How does that make sense? And again, the question you're hiding from:

"why did the national debt go up every year Slick was President if we had a balanced budget?"
Me saying you and Republicans are both responsible for the war is me defending Bush and being a "liar"

You saying that when Clinton invaded northern Iraq, preventing Iraq from flying over their own country and bombed Iraq it didn't change anything and wasn't starting a war, then you say Democrats weren't responsible for voting for it and W lied when he said Hussein who used WMDs wasn't a threat and he didn't have them, well, that's just being honest and observing what's going on.

Classic. Yes, Republicans all say the war is both parties fault, that's what you've observed, so of course I'm in lock step with Republicans. You really are an imbicile

All of your babbling has made it clear you are an imbecile. If you can't tell the difference between what Clinton did and the disasterous war bush started you are hopeless.

Clinton invaded northern Iraq, W invaded the whole country and Democrats voted for it, wow, different completely, LOL

Yes it is completely different. One destabilized the whole region, one did not. You really should stop now, you couldn't look any stupider.

You do love to blow the black President. So if the Iraq war destabilized the region, why do you vote for the party that authorized W to do the invasion? Why are you going to vote for a woman who voted for the invasion?

Bush sold the America people on a short war. We would quickly eliminate saddam and the Iraqi people would love us. They would become a strong democracy in the Middle East and rain free oil down upon us. Bush didn't deliver that, but that is what congress thought they were voting for.

Wow, you and the Democrats just believed everything he said, didn't you? Look at you now, all angry and bitter and don't blindly believe Republicans like you did back in the day. You go girl ...
All of your babbling has made it clear you are an imbecile. If you can't tell the difference between what Clinton did and the disasterous war bush started you are hopeless.

Clinton invaded northern Iraq, W invaded the whole country and Democrats voted for it, wow, different completely, LOL

Yes it is completely different. One destabilized the whole region, one did not. You really should stop now, you couldn't look any stupider.

You do love to blow the black President. So if the Iraq war destabilized the region, why do you vote for the party that authorized W to do the invasion? Why are you going to vote for a woman who voted for the invasion?

Bill was a great president. Was a great time for our country.

Well the main reason would be the republican nominee acts like a child. And if she is at all like Bill she will do very well.

Yes, a perjuring, power abusing, sexual predator is what we need in a President, if we could just go back to that.

BTW, I'm not a Trump supporter, moron. Again with the, you blame both parties for Iraq! That's so Republican!

Yes we could use him. The country did great. Those things are tiny compared to causing thousands of deaths and destabilizing the Middle East.
We would all be much better off if bush hadn't been doing his job.

Our country did great under Clinton. Great economy, no pointless wars, balanced budget....

If we had a balance budget under Slick, why did the National Debt go up every year he was President? Your lies for the Democrats never end ...

I'm sure all the repubs who claim that balanced budget are liars too. You are a joke.

Yes, Republicans all say the war was W and the Democrats fault. You have a mind like a paper trap. Well played.

And my question was simple, why did the national debt go up every year Slick was President if we had a balanced budget? Do you know what balanced budget means? Not really?

He didn't magically have a balanced budget when he stepped into office you idiot. Towards the end it was finally balanced. Something that now seems impossible.

Again evading the question:

"why did the national debt go up every year Slick was President if we had a balanced budget?"

It was never balanced, not the beginning, not the end.

When the Republicans lied about WMDs that Hussein used but didn't have, that clued you in to that Clinton was a great President, did it?

If the budget wasn't balanced till the end of his presidency every year would still have the debt go up. What don't you get?
We would all be much better off if bush hadn't been doing his job.

Our country did great under Clinton. Great economy, no pointless wars, balanced budget....

If we had a balance budget under Slick, why did the National Debt go up every year he was President? Your lies for the Democrats never end ...

I'm sure all the repubs who claim that balanced budget are liars too. You are a joke.

Yes, Republicans all say the war was W and the Democrats fault. You have a mind like a paper trap. Well played.

And my question was simple, why did the national debt go up every year Slick was President if we had a balanced budget? Do you know what balanced budget means? Not really?

For the record I give Ross Perot the most credit for the balanced budget.

Ross Perot? How does that make sense? And again, the question you're hiding from:

"why did the national debt go up every year Slick was President if we had a balanced budget?"

Without Perot neither party would have any interest in a balanced budget.

Hiding? I've answered several times. You seem to not be smart enough to understand the answer.
All of your babbling has made it clear you are an imbecile. If you can't tell the difference between what Clinton did and the disasterous war bush started you are hopeless.

Clinton invaded northern Iraq, W invaded the whole country and Democrats voted for it, wow, different completely, LOL

Yes it is completely different. One destabilized the whole region, one did not. You really should stop now, you couldn't look any stupider.

You do love to blow the black President. So if the Iraq war destabilized the region, why do you vote for the party that authorized W to do the invasion? Why are you going to vote for a woman who voted for the invasion?

Bush sold the America people on a short war. We would quickly eliminate saddam and the Iraqi people would love us. They would become a strong democracy in the Middle East and rain free oil down upon us. Bush didn't deliver that, but that is what congress thought they were voting for.

Wow, you and the Democrats just believed everything he said, didn't you? Look at you now, all angry and bitter and don't blindly believe Republicans like you did back in the day. You go girl ...

Yep we believed and it led to disaster.
Give us a run down on the billionairres funding Hillary
You're making the allegation. Which billionaires are pulling Hillary's strings?
George Soros, the communist billionaire....glad I could help.
Any evidence?

And Soros is not a Communist. You're not very smart, are you?

Google "George Soros, Six Million Dollars, Hillary"...and if you don't know what Soros is all about by now and all the NGO's he funds all designed to dissolve our borders?? It's too late in the game for me to school you.
Me saying you and Republicans are both responsible for the war is me defending Bush and being a "liar"

You saying that when Clinton invaded northern Iraq, preventing Iraq from flying over their own country and bombed Iraq it didn't change anything and wasn't starting a war, then you say Democrats weren't responsible for voting for it and W lied when he said Hussein who used WMDs wasn't a threat and he didn't have them, well, that's just being honest and observing what's going on.

Classic. Yes, Republicans all say the war is both parties fault, that's what you've observed, so of course I'm in lock step with Republicans. You really are an imbicile

All of your babbling has made it clear you are an imbecile. If you can't tell the difference between what Clinton did and the disasterous war bush started you are hopeless.

Clinton invaded northern Iraq, W invaded the whole country and Democrats voted for it, wow, different completely, LOL

Yes it is completely different. One destabilized the whole region, one did not. You really should stop now, you couldn't look any stupider.

You do love to blow the black President. So if the Iraq war destabilized the region, why do you vote for the party that authorized W to do the invasion? Why are you going to vote for a woman who voted for the invasion?

Bill was a great president. Was a great time for our country.

Well the main reason would be the republican nominee acts like a child. And if she is at all like Bill she will do very well.
if by great time you mean internet bubble, and bubbles under the oval desk.
for the love of god god ma... little john john used to play there... :)
  • Thanks
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Give us a run down on the billionairres funding Hillary
You're making the allegation. Which billionaires are pulling Hillary's strings?
George Soros, the communist billionaire....glad I could help.
Any evidence?

And Soros is not a Communist. You're not very smart, are you?

Google "George Soros, Six Million Dollars, Hillary"...and if you don't know what Soros is all about by now and all the NGO's he funds all designed to dissolve our borders?? It's too late in the game for me to school you.

It wont' be hard to school this clown
Clinton invaded northern Iraq, W invaded the whole country and Democrats voted for it, wow, different completely, LOL

Yes it is completely different. One destabilized the whole region, one did not. You really should stop now, you couldn't look any stupider.

You do love to blow the black President. So if the Iraq war destabilized the region, why do you vote for the party that authorized W to do the invasion? Why are you going to vote for a woman who voted for the invasion?

Bill was a great president. Was a great time for our country.

Well the main reason would be the republican nominee acts like a child. And if she is at all like Bill she will do very well.

Yes, a perjuring, power abusing, sexual predator is what we need in a President, if we could just go back to that.

BTW, I'm not a Trump supporter, moron. Again with the, you blame both parties for Iraq! That's so Republican!

Yes we could use him. The country did great. Those things are tiny compared to causing thousands of deaths and destabilizing the Middle East.

You really don't remember the Clinton administration. How old are you? Happy 18th!

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