After Trump's inaguration Obama will go to the next mosque


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
and laugh about those idiots who believed Hussein Obama were a Christian.No one will amazed if would be found out his long form birth certificate is a fake.
Lefts are liars from the beginning, they promise you pie in the sky, than rob, rape and kill you.
If Trump want to make America great again he must outlaw communism, socialism, Marxism, atheism, Islam and other leftism of any kind.
Otherwise leftists liars will deceive folks and sometimes gain power again.
Leftists are from devil who is their daddy.
One of the best evidences is liar Hussein Obama.

He's basically had a mosque in the WH.
Muslims have been granted 35 minutes a day during working hours on their prayer rug.
Bowing down to some stone in mecca.

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