After watching the debate between the communist and criminal (for 2 minutes).........

Next week Mrs. Bosnia Clinton will be telling us how the Republican party are nothing but southern toothless barefoot hillbillies. Really, there is absolutely no shame in the democrat party.
Hillary and her husband had a hand in this mess, yet she feels she can point fingers and throw blame around like it had nothing to do with her. Christ, this mess is a direct effect of Clinton policies for fuck sake. Bernie Sanders would only make it worse, but Hillary is the very last person that should be in the white house calling the shots.
Do you know fucking liberals still think the republicans are the "party of the rich?"

How do democrats get away with such utter bullshit? How do they get away with it? How can the left wing voting base be this stupid?


You are stupid. The GOP is the party for the rich. Just because some rich people are Democrats doesn't mean that the GOP and all of their policies aren't for rich people. What it means is that those rich people agree with us that the GOP is not fair to the middle class or poor people
***left wing socialist propaganda alert!***

These fucking Morons hate it when I fuck with their puppet strings.

These fucking Morons have no clue how to think for themselves. Nothing but a walking bag of democrat talking points and left wing cliches.

They are utterly useless.
Like all cons you think much too much of yourself
Another big Hillary lie last night in the Moon Bat debates.

The Bitch admitted taking tons of money from special interest groups but denied ever selling herself.

That is like the South Chicago whore that claims yea she took money but she gave the blowjob for free.

Kinda like Bill saying he never had sex with that woman.
Do you know fucking liberals still think the republicans are the "party of the rich?"

How do democrats get away with such utter bullshit? How do they get away with it? How can the left wing voting base be this stupid?


You are stupid. The GOP is the party for the rich. Just because some rich people are Democrats doesn't mean that the GOP and all of their policies aren't for rich people. What it means is that those rich people agree with us that the GOP is not fair to the middle class or poor people
***left wing socialist propaganda alert!***

These fucking Morons hate it when I fuck with their puppet strings.

These fucking Morons have no clue how to think for themselves. Nothing but a walking bag of democrat talking points and left wing cliches.

They are utterly useless.
Like all cons you think much too much of yourself

How bout giving us examples of this blanket statement.

Is it because we have opinions and principles, or is it because we don't accept everything Hillary says without question?
Do you know fucking liberals still think the republicans are the "party of the rich?"

How do democrats get away with such utter bullshit? How do they get away with it? How can the left wing voting base be this stupid?


You are stupid. The GOP is the party for the rich. Just because some rich people are Democrats doesn't mean that the GOP and all of their policies aren't for rich people. What it means is that those rich people agree with us that the GOP is not fair to the middle class or poor people
***left wing socialist propaganda alert!***

These fucking Morons hate it when I fuck with their puppet strings.

These fucking Morons have no clue how to think for themselves. Nothing but a walking bag of democrat talking points and left wing cliches.

They are utterly useless.
Like all cons you think much too much of yourself


Kinda like Bill saying he never had sex with that woman.

At one time Bill Clinton had the title of being the biggest liar in America. Many of us thought that he would have that title forever even though Obama gave him a run for his money. However, it looks like Hillary is out lying Slick Willy. She now the undisputed biggest liar in the country.

Like all cons you think much too much of yourself

Wall Street gave more money to Obama than they gave to either McCain or Romney and Obama took the money and gave bailouts.

Wall Street has given tons of money to The Bitch. Goldman Sachs even gave the stupid shithead $650,000 for a speech. Blatant special interest buying a candidate.

Democrats are guilty as hell. The Bitch is really guilty.

Nobody in their right mind would ever think The Bitch would be a good honest competent President of the US. Nobody except a stupid Gruberidiot Moon Bat.
Must suck to go through life looking for things to piss you off every day.
Sad, isn't it. Just a bitter little person, with nothing better to do than anonymously whine all day long on an internet message board.

Sounds like your doing some heavy duty whining.
Nah, just calling out assholes.
Not only are you a pathetic ignorant blob who has proven that you have no ability to think outside of the Democratic talking points and clichés, but you have also conclusively proven me right again about being useless fucking hypocrites. Not just about this, but about everything.

You stand for nothing. You are nothing. Now bitch more about me posting on a political site about political issues. It makes me laugh even more in an even more disrespectful manner reading your stupid nonsensical moronic post.

The world would have been far better off if you were flushed or swallowed. Stupid fucking trained monkey.
I can just picture you frothing at the mouth and screaming at the monitor as you typed that in. ROTFLMAO.

By the way, ASSHOLE, the OP wasn't a political post. It was an idiotic personal rant by an anonymous, internet dipshit.
How do democrats get away with such utter bullshit?

Dems are lying lowlife scum filth and control most of the media. If liberals had their way the people would be slaves to government and a small minority of elite liberals would rule the country with an iron fist.
Do you know fucking liberals still think the republicans are the "party of the rich?"

How do democrats get away with such utter bullshit? How do they get away with it? How can the left wing voting base be this stupid?



Gruber already told us, they're stupid
I'm voting for Ben Carson. To hell with all your old white people on stage.
Do you know fucking liberals still think the republicans are the "party of the rich?"

How do democrats get away with such utter bullshit? How do they get away with it? How can the left wing voting base be this stupid?




it looks like they each did much damage to each other

and the party

hope they do this again

a bunch of times

"After watching the debate between the communist and criminal (for 2 minutes)........."

You decided to start a thread about it to reaffirm the fact that you're a liar.
"After watching the debate between the communist and criminal (for 2 minutes)........."

You decided to start a thread about it to reaffirm the fact that you're a liar.

Don't get your panties in a wad lib, he was stating an opinion.

I agree, he was just stating an opinion; an opinion shared by most, but still only an opinion-)

Can anyone recall a presidential nominee being investigated by the FBI for crimes this serious? I can't.
Do you know fucking liberals still think the republicans are the "party of the rich?"

How do democrats get away with such utter bullshit? How do they get away with it? How can the left wing voting base be this stupid?


You are stupid. The GOP is the party for the rich. Just because some rich people are Democrats doesn't mean that the GOP and all of their policies aren't for rich people. What it means is that those rich people agree with us that the GOP is not fair to the middle class or poor people
Now who has been president for the past 7 years? The middle class is worst off now.
Do you know fucking liberals still think the republicans are the "party of the rich?"

How do democrats get away with such utter bullshit? How do they get away with it? How can the left wing voting base be this stupid?



You are spot on!

  1. In the conventional wisdom, it is Republicans and the political right, with their corporate sponsors and big-money donors who make up the “party of the rich,” while progressives speak for the poor and powerless.
    1. And conservatives are agents of an economic “ruling class” organized to defend its social privileges.
    2. And Democrats are the party of “working Americans and their families.”
    3. They're for the powerful,we're for the people!” Al Gore,'re%20for%20the%20powerful%3B%20we're%20for%20the%20people&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&oq=Al+Gore:+They're+for+the+powerful%3B+we're+for+the+people&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=708bd950daecd80b&biw=1152&bih=773
  2. This is standard progressive folklore. Provably false.
  3. As of 2009, the financial assets of the 115 major tax-exempt foundations of the Left add up to $104.56 billlion. Not only is this total not less than the financial assets of the 75 foundations of the Right, it was more than ten times greater! “The New Leviathan,” David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin [p. 8]
    1. Bradley, Olin, Scaife, the “Big Three” conservative foundations, not one has assets exceeding $1 billion. (Olin has been defunct since 2005).
i. Scaife Foundation has assets totaling $244 million.

ii. Bradley Foundation, $623 million.

  1. Fourteen progressive foundations do, including Gates, Ford, Robert Wood Johnson, Hewlett, Kellogg, Packard, MacArthur, Mellon, Rockefeller, Casey, Carnegie, Simons, Heinz, and the Open Society Institute.
i. Ford alone has 16 times what Bradley has.

ii. Soros has claimed that he has donated over $7 billion to his Open Society organizations.

iii. The leading Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, $33 billion.

  1. With over $100 billion in tax-exempt assets at their disposal, left-wing foundations have been able to invest massively greater amounts in their beneficiary groups. Ford gave more in one year than Scaife in 40!
    1. “By compiling a computerized record of nearly all his contributions over the last four decades, The Washington Post found that Scaife and his family's charitable entities have given at least $340 million to conservative causes and institutions…The Ford Foundation gave away $491 million in 1998 alone.” Scaife: Funding Father of the Right
The rich called fdr a traitor to his class. What's that make you?

Oprah is a traitor to her class. Carson is a traitor to his race and forgot where he came from.

Not all rich people are greedy mean and stupid.

If it weren't for social wedge issues the GOP would offer you nothing.

Republicans say both parties are corrupt. So they realize the rich own both sides.
Carson forgot where he came from? You're an idiot. How about Obama? Did he forget where he came from? Blacks are worse off now than when he came in.

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