After watching the debate between the communist and criminal (for 2 minutes).........

And the debate highlighted the distinction between modern day Democrats and socialists, correct? I didn't see it so if someone could bring me up to speed I'd appreciate it.
Do you know fucking liberals still think the republicans are the "party of the rich?"

How do democrats get away with such utter bullshit? How do they get away with it? How can the left wing voting base be this stupid?


You are stupid. The GOP is the party for the rich. Just because some rich people are Democrats doesn't mean that the GOP and all of their policies aren't for rich people. What it means is that those rich people agree with us that the GOP is not fair to the middle class or poor people

In other words they lie, got it.
Next week Mrs. Bosnia Clinton will be telling us how the Republican party are nothing but southern toothless barefoot hillbillies. Really, there is absolutely no shame in the democrat party.
Democrats are crooks and only get away with their shit with a complicit media and the mindless sheep they can control.

Liberals do the darndest things:

Madoff was major Democratic campaign contributor
(CNN) - Alleged Ponzi scheme mastermind Bernard Madoff has been a major political donor, directing hundreds of thousands of dollars to Democratic lawmakers over the past two decades.
The op defends the criminals within the corporate sector screwing America every chance they have. I thought Bernie was 100% right unlike your idiots that want to deregulate everything and let the corporations to continue to fuck over this country.

What is communist about regulating our banks and market??? Every sane nation on earth does it, but I doubt you have the education to understand why.

Just a question---------------->Did we ever have a mortgage meltdown before they decided to regulate that banks HAD to give loans to people who could NOT afford to repay them? Seems quite interesting to me that you blame the banks ONLY for figuring out a way to dump off the bad loans that the government FORCED them to hand out.

Now, I am not going to sit here and proclaim that the banks are free from fault here; oh no, I am not! But the truth is..............all the government had to do was INSIST they stop doing the practice, and as a hammer, cut off their over night fed funds. They didn't! Why? Because they supported it!

And now, we have a certain party just pointing their fingers at the banks, when it was the government who hold as much, or more of the blame. That is a totally false narrative, and disingenuous. Who/whom do you think created a law to allow these people to pass off all this bad paper in the form of derivatives? It just didn't come out of thin air you know. It is called..........AHEM.......regulation!

And when this whole hokey idea was put in, BOTH parties pointed at how wonderful it was home ownership had risen............see vote for me, and I will set you free! And when it came crashing down? Oh no, no, no; it was the evil banks who did it all by themselves, and I will be damned if some people do not think that more stupid regulations are going to fix it, given to us by the same damn people who created the ridiculous regulatory ideas, that caused it to crash in the 1st place!

What do they say? EXTRAPOLATION-------------> We fooled you into thinking we had nothing whatsoever to do with it by rewriting history, so let us have another crack at messing with the economy, and we promise we will get it right this time. Oh really, lololol!

The Mortgage Meltdown, authored by Democrat Policy

1. Democrat FDR shredded the Constitution....ignoring article I, section 8, the enumerated powers.

He created GSE's Fannie and Freddie to do something the Constitution didn't authorize: meddle in housing.

2. Democrat Carter....the CRA, constraining banking policy

3. Democrat Clinton....strengthened the CRA

Under Clinton, HUD threatened banks, again, to give unrequited loans.

Henchmen: Democrats Cisneros and Cuomo.

4. Democrats Frank and Dodd barred any governmental discipline in this area.

That's the CliffNotes version.

Agreed! And yet Bush had a hand also because he KNEW it was heading South and let the Dems cower him into doing nothing for political reasons.

Could Bush have prevented it? I do not know, but he could have lessened the effects more than likely. He wussed out! What is worse in everyone's opinion here?-------->

1. Knowing something very bad is PROBABLY going to happen and back down from trying to prevent it?

or rather,

2. Knowing something very bad is probably going to happen, but keep promoting the policy because it increases your power, and your wallet?

And number 1 and 2 is the exact positions the Republican GW Bush took, and the Democratic congress. The fallacy it was all the banks is ridiculous. Once you grasp all the players from BOTH party's in that fiasco, it will cement the in vogue idea that we need to get someone in charge who is NOT establishment!
Well, to be fair, in Congress only 80 percent of the top 10 wealthiest are Democrats.

Do you know fucking liberals still think the republicans are the "party of the rich?"

How do democrats get away with such utter bullshit? How do they get away with it? How can the left wing voting base be this stupid?



Sorry Owl but I have to question your whole OP. I can't believe you actually watched the debate. If you did, then thank you for taking one for the team! :D
Must suck to go through life looking for things to piss you off every day.
Sad, isn't it. Just a bitter little person, with nothing better to do than anonymously whine all day long on an internet message board.
The op defends the criminals within the corporate sector screwing America every chance they have. I thought Bernie was 100% right unlike your idiots that want to deregulate everything and let the corporations to continue to fuck over this country.

What is communist about regulating our banks and market??? Every sane nation on earth does it, but I doubt you have the education to understand why.

Just a question---------------->Did we ever have a mortgage meltdown before they decided to regulate that banks HAD to give loans to people who could NOT afford to repay them? Seems quite interesting to me that you blame the banks ONLY for figuring out a way to dump off the bad loans that the government FORCED them to hand out.

Now, I am not going to sit here and proclaim that the banks are free from fault here; oh no, I am not! But the truth is..............all the government had to do was INSIST they stop doing the practice, and as a hammer, cut off their over night fed funds. They didn't! Why? Because they supported it!

And now, we have a certain party just pointing their fingers at the banks, when it was the government who hold as much, or more of the blame. That is a totally false narrative, and disingenuous. Who/whom do you think created a law to allow these people to pass off all this bad paper in the form of derivatives? It just didn't come out of thin air you know. It is called..........AHEM.......regulation!

And when this whole hokey idea was put in, BOTH parties pointed at how wonderful it was home ownership had risen............see vote for me, and I will set you free! And when it came crashing down? Oh no, no, no; it was the evil banks who did it all by themselves, and I will be damned if some people do not think that more stupid regulations are going to fix it, given to us by the same damn people who created the ridiculous regulatory ideas, that caused it to crash in the 1st place!

What do they say? EXTRAPOLATION-------------> We fooled you into thinking we had nothing whatsoever to do with it by rewriting history, so let us have another crack at messing with the economy, and we promise we will get it right this time. Oh really, lololol!

The Mortgage Meltdown, authored by Democrat Policy

1. Democrat FDR shredded the Constitution....ignoring article I, section 8, the enumerated powers.

He created GSE's Fannie and Freddie to do something the Constitution didn't authorize: meddle in housing.

2. Democrat Carter....the CRA, constraining banking policy

3. Democrat Clinton....strengthened the CRA

Under Clinton, HUD threatened banks, again, to give unrequited loans.

Henchmen: Democrats Cisneros and Cuomo.

4. Democrats Frank and Dodd barred any governmental discipline in this area.

That's the CliffNotes version.

Agreed! And yet Bush had a hand also because he KNEW it was heading South and let the Dems cower him into doing nothing for political reasons.

Could Bush have prevented it? I do not know, but he could have lessened the effects more than likely. He wussed out! What is worse in everyone's opinion here?-------->

1. Knowing something very bad is PROBABLY going to happen and back down from trying to prevent it?

or rather,

2. Knowing something very bad is probably going to happen, but keep promoting the policy because it increases your power, and your wallet?

And number 1 and 2 is the exact positions the Republican GW Bush took, and the Democratic congress. The fallacy it was all the banks is ridiculous. Once you grasp all the players from BOTH party's in that fiasco, it will cement the in vogue idea that we need to get someone in charge who is NOT establishment!

"Seventeen. That's how many times, according tothisWhite House statement (hat tipGateway Pundit), that the Bush administration has called for tighter regulation of the government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Congress has cooperated only once. In spring 2007, as House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank likes to point out, the House did pass a bill in response. The Senate did not act until 2008; Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd spent most of 2007 camped out in Iowa running for president. The legislation passed by Congress in 2008 enabled Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson to put Fannie and Freddie into federal conservatorship this summer when they failed. But it didn't prevent them from spewing a huge amount of toxic waste, in the form of subprime and Alt-A mortgages, into our financial institutions from 2004 to 2007.

Much if not all of that could have been prevented by a bill cosponsored by John McCain and supported by all the Republicans and opposed by all the Democrats in the Senate Banking Committee in 2005. That bill, which the Democrats stopped from passing, would have prohibited the GSEs from speculating on the mortgage-based securities they packaged."
Democrats Were Wrong on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Last night was a joke, yet enjoyable.
I enjoyed corrupt cankles being called out.
I laughed so fuckin hard when she was trying to sound "anti-establishment" and all that other empty rhetoric she was lying about..
Did anyone notice that dumb bitch kept saying she would get shit done, yet, when talking about her past it was all "we didn't succeed but" "it failed but"?\
Then, Rachel mentioned Obama sending over 4K troops back to Iraq. The dumb bitches response was "I agree with Obama we don't need to send more troops to Iraq" People ACTUALLY buy this shit.
I could only watch for an hour and that bitch made 45 fallacies and contradictions to reality..
Last night was a joke, yet enjoyable.
I enjoyed corrupt cankles being called out.
I laughed so fuckin hard when she was trying to sound "anti-establishment" and all that other empty rhetoric she was lying about..
Did anyone notice that dumb bitch kept saying she would get shit done, yet, when talking about her past it was all "we didn't succeed but" "it failed but"?\
Then, Rachel mentioned Obama sending over 4K troops back to Iraq. The dumb bitches response was "I agree with Obama we don't need to send more troops to Iraq" People ACTUALLY buy this shit.
I could only watch for an hour and that bitch made 45 fallacies and contradictions to reality..

Mrs. Bosnia Clinton can't run on her record so she tries to run on Obama's record. She keeps preaching the fear that if she doesn't win then the progress "they" have made will be lost. I would actually think that is a better slogan for the opposition. We want to stop their progress.
Another big Hillary lie last night in the Moon Bat debates.

The Bitch admitted taking tons of money from special interest groups but denied ever selling herself.

That is like the South Chicago whore that claims yea she took money but she gave the blowjob for free.
Must suck to go through life looking for things to piss you off every day.
Sad, isn't it. Just a bitter little person, with nothing better to do than anonymously whine all day long on an internet message board.

Sounds like your doing some heavy duty whining.
Nah, just calling out assholes.
Not only are you a pathetic ignorant blob who has proven that you have no ability to think outside of the Democratic talking points and clichés, but you have also conclusively proven me right again about being useless fucking hypocrites. Not just about this, but about everything.

You stand for nothing. You are nothing. Now bitch more about me posting on a political site about political issues. It makes me laugh even more in an even more disrespectful manner reading your stupid nonsensical moronic post.

The world would have been far better off if you were flushed or swallowed. Stupid fucking trained monkey.
Another big Hillary lie last night in the Moon Bat debates.

The Bitch admitted taking tons of money from special interest groups but denied ever selling herself.
...and her supporters will believe it.

Well you know any idiot that would vote for The Bitch probably also voted for Obama so you know they are not exactly the best and brightest.

Johnthan Gruber identified these dumbass as the stupid Americans that will believe anything the Democrats tell them.
The op defends the criminals within the corporate sector screwing America every chance they have. I thought Bernie was 100% right unlike your idiots that want to deregulate everything and let the corporations to continue to fuck over this country.

What is communist about regulating our banks and market??? Every sane nation on earth does it, but I doubt you have the education to understand why.
You talk as if they aren't regulated now.

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