AG Barr goes after Democrats, Activist Judges, and for acting against Executive Branch

Considering the courts, comprised of appointees from Bush’s. Clinton, Obama, Trump consistently have problems with his EO’s...he is either ignorant of the Constitution and Law, or he thinks he is above it. Or both. Considering he cozies up to and openly admires autocrats, I suspect the Constitutional restraints on his presidency annoy him.

The only problem with your Trump theory is that eventually he gets these actions by lower courts overturned, so while Trump may not be a constitutional scholar, at least his intentions are good and it seems to be more a desire by certain liberal courts to continually block him than any altruistic concern for Life, Liberty and The American People.
Obama proved that there's no great value in a President who's a constitutional scholar if he's an America hating scumbag.
And then Don came in and expanded the shit.
Nope. Trump has had the court rule in his favor almost every time.
You're a liar too; Trump, All About Winning, Sees Losses in Court Pile Up — ProPublica
ProPublica - enough said. It's a propaganda rag.
I watched this already..........and he talked about 20 NATIONWIDE INJUNCTIONS against Trump from the Lower Courts.............while Obama only had 1 Nationwide Injunction.

Shows how the Judge shopping left go to get their way.

Judicial Activism would be a correct term..........
Shows that Trump doesn’t exactly follow the law or Constitution.
So if Trump replaces the judges and they stop the next Democrat president liked they have Trump. You will support it?

Trump can't replace any judges unless they retire
His speech is very critical of judicial injunctions against the government by the lower courts.

It's time to stop tolerating nullification of 65 million American voters by lower courts, he says. It's about time to end judicial intrusions ordered by Democrats who are very jealous of presidential power they did not win.

Then that's an impeachable offense. The Attorney General has no such powers. He represents the people, not the President, and has now abused his owers on more than one occasion.

And Trump didin't get 65 million votes. He git 62 million votes

Hillary Clinton got 65 million votes.

The AG doesn't represent anyone. He's not elected. He does report to the President, however. Trump, whom we elected, is his boss.

He is the Attorney General of the United States.

He represents the people of the United States.

Which means defending the people from the president, should it become necessary.

Otherwise it makes him complicit in any crimes committed by the president.

We put an Attorney General in prison in the 1970's for doing just that.

Expect this one to be occupying a prison cell, with the president this time.
We have a problem with a president who thinks he is King and there are not three co equal branches.

If you are talking about obummer, I agree with you. Trump has actually been following the laws of this land quite carefully.
This from post#86. How carefully again?
What is your evidence Trump has done nothing wrong? We have evidence of Bribery, Extortion, obstruction, corruption, witness intimidation, campaign finance violations, Emoluments violations, charity violations, abuse of power, and probably more. Where is your evidence he is not guilty of these crimes?

You do? PRESENT IT! So far all you have presented is peoples opinions.
Sworn testimony is admissible in a hearing. It's viewed as fact, not opinion, susceptible to prosecution if they perjure themselves. The evidence has already been presented in the hearings, the Mueller report, and in court cases. Where the hell have you been?
Opinions are not admissible in a court of law, dumbass.
It blew your shit out of the water because you just produced nothing. You're a loser again.
I watched this already..........and he talked about 20 NATIONWIDE INJUNCTIONS against Trump from the Lower Courts.............while Obama only had 1 Nationwide Injunction.

Shows how the Judge shopping left go to get their way.

Judicial Activism would be a correct term..........
Shows that Trump doesn’t exactly follow the law or Constitution.
So if Trump replaces the judges and they stop the next Democrat president liked they have Trump. You will support it?

Trump can't replace any judges unless they retire
His speech is very critical of judicial injunctions against the government by the lower courts.

It's time to stop tolerating nullification of 65 million American voters by lower courts, he says. It's about time to end judicial intrusions ordered by Democrats who are very jealous of presidential power they did not win.

Then that's an impeachable offense. The Attorney General has no such powers. He represents the people, not the President, and has now abused his owers on more than one occasion.

And Trump didin't get 65 million votes. He git 62 million votes

Hillary Clinton got 65 million votes.

The AG doesn't represent anyone. He's not elected. He does report to the President, however. Trump, whom we elected, is his boss.

He is the Attorney General of the United States.

He represents the people of the United States.

Which means defending the people from the president, should it become necessary.

Otherwise it makes him complicit in any crimes committed by the president.

We put an Attorney General in prison in the 1970's for doing just that.

Expect this one to be occupying a prison cell, with the president this time.

Sorry, turd, but that is just plain wrong. He wasn't elected, so he doesn't represent anyone.
His speech is very critical of judicial injunctions against the government by the lower courts.
Not really against the government. Against Team Trump's legal team's laughable arguments that Trump can not be investigated or prosecuted and that Congress, as a co-equal branch of said government, lacks the authority to conduct their constitutionally protected oversight responsibilities of the executive for which there is ample precedent.
Get a grip. Democrat inquiries have turned into a shilling for more power for themselves and the revelation that Democrats are first, last and always criminals who do not regard their criminal activities as error. Donald Trump and Bill Barr are doing the best they can to redeem the United States Constitution to its initial use--protecting the American people from the false narratives of the party that the Democrat Party has turned themselves into. Their history shows zero concern for the common man and recently, a general desperate grab for control to instill upon the backs of the people a form of government it will incarcerate free men who worked hard all their lives and haven't a prayer for the American dream because all the money they earn will be taken from them and spent on debunked science like global warming which has only served to greedy politicians as a method to get to the cash in the treasury right now to share with friends of the cause for serious kickbacks, like the one Biden took for his kid who has received criticism that should have been vented straight at Biden, whose Democrat lawyers have figured out a way to excuse all Democrats and throw all Republicans in jail who offend Congressmen Pelosi, Waters, Nadler, and Schiff who control the House, Finance, the Judiciary, and Intelligence respectively. These five have brought decency to its knees, and Barr is going to do his best to put things right that the Democrats are beating down to a pulp for self interests of Democrats in power to take the money and leave America with no means to protect itself. What I'm wondering is why one of the wealthiest men in the world is funding taking out the best nation for free people that ever existed. What is George Soros investing all this money to shake down the American laws and citizen protection and secuirty. Why does George Soros hate the founders?
I watched this already..........and he talked about 20 NATIONWIDE INJUNCTIONS against Trump from the Lower Courts.............while Obama only had 1 Nationwide Injunction.

Shows how the Judge shopping left go to get their way.

Judicial Activism would be a correct term..........
Shows that Trump doesn’t exactly follow the law or Constitution.
So if Trump replaces the judges and they stop the next Democrat president liked they have Trump. You will support it?

Trump can't replace any judges unless they retire
His speech is very critical of judicial injunctions against the government by the lower courts.

It's time to stop tolerating nullification of 65 million American voters by lower courts, he says. It's about time to end judicial intrusions ordered by Democrats who are very jealous of presidential power they did not win.

Then that's an impeachable offense. The Attorney General has no such powers. He represents the people, not the President, and has now abused his owers on more than one occasion.

And Trump didin't get 65 million votes. He git 62 million votes

Hillary Clinton got 65 million votes.

The AG doesn't represent anyone. He's not elected. He does report to the President, however. Trump, whom we elected, is his boss.

He is the Attorney General of the United States.

He represents the people of the United States.

Which means defending the people from the president, should it become necessary.

Otherwise it makes him complicit in any crimes committed by the president.

We put an Attorney General in prison in the 1970's for doing just that.

Expect this one to be occupying a prison cell, with the president this time.

The President is not the problem. The problem is the Democrats in Congress want to work in secrecy as a daily deal. Schiff was merely there to put their thumb in the wind to see if Americans are ready for Oligarchical government run by the Deep State that is being revealed one day at a time.

And AG Barr is preventing a Presidential coup. And if you hadn't noticed the full bleachers when Trump goes on a tour of America, a lot of people show up to cheer him on, because they see Democrats maddened by the thought of having more power than anyone else, then not winning that power; and the people pick going to see the best president who ever lived give a speech, not a bunch of gotcha liberals who are lusting for all the money people earn going into their pockets so they can be the nouveau riche of the Twenty-first Century.
We have a problem with a president who thinks he is King and there are not three co equal branches.

If you are talking about obummer, I agree with you. Trump has actually been following the laws of this land quite carefully.
This from post#86. How carefully again?
What is your evidence Trump has done nothing wrong? We have evidence of Bribery, Extortion, obstruction, corruption, witness intimidation, campaign finance violations, Emoluments violations, charity violations, abuse of power, and probably more. Where is your evidence he is not guilty of these crimes?

You do? PRESENT IT! So far all you have presented is peoples opinions.
Sworn testimony is admissible in a hearing. It's viewed as fact, not opinion, susceptible to prosecution if they perjure themselves. The evidence has already been presented in the hearings, the Mueller report, and in court cases. Where the hell have you been?
The evidence freed Trump months ago, and it was not even presented as a court case, because so far the best Democrats can do is crank out kangaroo court claims of victory. Nancy, Maxine, and the boys are desperate to control-freak away at the Executive Branch's time because they are green with jealousy and nothing else. They trashed justice long ago. AG Barr is doing his best to put justice back into judicial proceedings and remove the Democrat meddling in local judicial affairs for cheap shots at national political rivals. He's doing everything right.
We have a problem with a president who thinks he is King and there are not three co equal branches.

If you are talking about obummer, I agree with you. Trump has actually been following the laws of this land quite carefully.
This from post#86. How carefully again?
What is your evidence Trump has done nothing wrong? We have evidence of Bribery, Extortion, obstruction, corruption, witness intimidation, campaign finance violations, Emoluments violations, charity violations, abuse of power, and probably more. Where is your evidence he is not guilty of these crimes?

You do? PRESENT IT! So far all you have presented is peoples opinions.
Sworn testimony is admissible in a hearing. It's viewed as fact, not opinion, susceptible to prosecution if they perjure themselves. The evidence has already been presented in the hearings, the Mueller report, and in court cases. Where the hell have you been?
The evidence freed Trump months ago, and it was not even presented as a court case, because so far the best Democrats can do is crank out kangaroo court claims of victory. Nancy, Maxine, and the boys are desperate to control-freak away at the Executive Branch's time because they are green with jealousy and nothing else. They trashed justice long ago. AG Barr is doing his best to put justice back into judicial proceedings and remove the Democrat meddling in local judicial affairs for cheap shots at national political rivals. He's doing everything right.
And yet,your own Fox news judge claims just the opposite; The evidence is overwhelming against Trump. Wake up from your cult nap.
If you are talking about obummer, I agree with you. Trump has actually been following the laws of this land quite carefully.
This from post#86. How carefully again?
What is your evidence Trump has done nothing wrong? We have evidence of Bribery, Extortion, obstruction, corruption, witness intimidation, campaign finance violations, Emoluments violations, charity violations, abuse of power, and probably more. Where is your evidence he is not guilty of these crimes?

You do? PRESENT IT! So far all you have presented is peoples opinions.
Sworn testimony is admissible in a hearing. It's viewed as fact, not opinion, susceptible to prosecution if they perjure themselves. The evidence has already been presented in the hearings, the Mueller report, and in court cases. Where the hell have you been?
The evidence freed Trump months ago, and it was not even presented as a court case, because so far the best Democrats can do is crank out kangaroo court claims of victory. Nancy, Maxine, and the boys are desperate to control-freak away at the Executive Branch's time because they are green with jealousy and nothing else. They trashed justice long ago. AG Barr is doing his best to put justice back into judicial proceedings and remove the Democrat meddling in local judicial affairs for cheap shots at national political rivals. He's doing everything right.
And yet,your own Fox news judge claims just the opposite; The evidence is overwhelming against Trump. Wake up from your cult nap.

Judge nappy is a long term never trumper. Yet again, stop relying on your echo chamber. Otherwise you are going to have quite the sad coming.
His speech is very critical of judicial injunctions against the government by the lower courts.
Not really against the government. Against Team Trump's legal team's laughable arguments that Trump can not be investigated or prosecuted and that Congress, as a co-equal branch of said government, lacks the authority to conduct their constitutionally protected oversight responsibilities of the executive for which there is ample precedent.
Get a grip. Democrat inquiries have turned into a shilling for more power for themselves and the revelation that Democrats are first, last and always criminals who do not regard their criminal activities as error. Donald Trump and Bill Barr are doing the best they can to redeem the United States Constitution to its initial use--protecting the American people from the false narratives of the party that the Democrat Party has turned themselves into. Their history shows zero concern for the common man and recently, a general desperate grab for control to instill upon the backs of the people a form of government it will incarcerate free men who worked hard all their lives and haven't a prayer for the American dream because all the money they earn will be taken from them and spent on debunked science like global warming which has only served to greedy politicians as a method to get to the cash in the treasury right now to share with friends of the cause for serious kickbacks, like the one Biden took for his kid who has received criticism that should have been vented straight at Biden, whose Democrat lawyers have figured out a way to excuse all Democrats and throw all Republicans in jail who offend Congressmen Pelosi, Waters, Nadler, and Schiff who control the House, Finance, the Judiciary, and Intelligence respectively. These five have brought decency to its knees, and Barr is going to do his best to put things right that the Democrats are beating down to a pulp for self interests of Democrats in power to take the money and leave America with no means to protect itself. What I'm wondering is why one of the wealthiest men in the world is funding taking out the best nation for free people that ever existed. What is George Soros investing all this money to shake down the American laws and citizen protection and secuirty. Why does George Soros hate the founders?
Trump has the biggest rap sheet of any criminal president who has ever taken the oath. And your long winded speech saying nothing isn't going to change the reality on the ground. Establishment Republicans know this;
This from post#86. How carefully again?
What is your evidence Trump has done nothing wrong? We have evidence of Bribery, Extortion, obstruction, corruption, witness intimidation, campaign finance violations, Emoluments violations, charity violations, abuse of power, and probably more. Where is your evidence he is not guilty of these crimes?

You do? PRESENT IT! So far all you have presented is peoples opinions.
Sworn testimony is admissible in a hearing. It's viewed as fact, not opinion, susceptible to prosecution if they perjure themselves. The evidence has already been presented in the hearings, the Mueller report, and in court cases. Where the hell have you been?
The evidence freed Trump months ago, and it was not even presented as a court case, because so far the best Democrats can do is crank out kangaroo court claims of victory. Nancy, Maxine, and the boys are desperate to control-freak away at the Executive Branch's time because they are green with jealousy and nothing else. They trashed justice long ago. AG Barr is doing his best to put justice back into judicial proceedings and remove the Democrat meddling in local judicial affairs for cheap shots at national political rivals. He's doing everything right.
And yet,your own Fox news judge claims just the opposite; The evidence is overwhelming against Trump. Wake up from your cult nap.

Judge nappy is a long term never trumper. Yet again, stop relying on your echo chamber. Otherwise you are going to have quite the sad coming.

I don't think so. I think the rule of law and the Constitution will prevail in the end. We are the most powerful country in the world. For us to suddenly switch to supporting a lawless authoritarian leaves the world open to chaos and destruction. I seriously doubt the majority of the American public are ready for a murderous dictator.
This from post#86. How carefully again?
What is your evidence Trump has done nothing wrong? We have evidence of Bribery, Extortion, obstruction, corruption, witness intimidation, campaign finance violations, Emoluments violations, charity violations, abuse of power, and probably more. Where is your evidence he is not guilty of these crimes?

You do? PRESENT IT! So far all you have presented is peoples opinions.
Sworn testimony is admissible in a hearing. It's viewed as fact, not opinion, susceptible to prosecution if they perjure themselves. The evidence has already been presented in the hearings, the Mueller report, and in court cases. Where the hell have you been?
The evidence freed Trump months ago, and it was not even presented as a court case, because so far the best Democrats can do is crank out kangaroo court claims of victory. Nancy, Maxine, and the boys are desperate to control-freak away at the Executive Branch's time because they are green with jealousy and nothing else. They trashed justice long ago. AG Barr is doing his best to put justice back into judicial proceedings and remove the Democrat meddling in local judicial affairs for cheap shots at national political rivals. He's doing everything right.
And yet,your own Fox news judge claims just the opposite; The evidence is overwhelming against Trump. Wake up from your cult nap.

Judge nappy is a long term never trumper. Yet again, stop relying on your echo chamber. Otherwise you are going to have quite the sad coming.

I see the judge as a long term supporter for the rule of law and the Constitution, and he's a Republican.
If you are talking about obummer, I agree with you. Trump has actually been following the laws of this land quite carefully.
This from post#86. How carefully again?
What is your evidence Trump has done nothing wrong? We have evidence of Bribery, Extortion, obstruction, corruption, witness intimidation, campaign finance violations, Emoluments violations, charity violations, abuse of power, and probably more. Where is your evidence he is not guilty of these crimes?

You do? PRESENT IT! So far all you have presented is peoples opinions.
Sworn testimony is admissible in a hearing. It's viewed as fact, not opinion, susceptible to prosecution if they perjure themselves. The evidence has already been presented in the hearings, the Mueller report, and in court cases. Where the hell have you been?
The evidence freed Trump months ago, and it was not even presented as a court case, because so far the best Democrats can do is crank out kangaroo court claims of victory. Nancy, Maxine, and the boys are desperate to control-freak away at the Executive Branch's time because they are green with jealousy and nothing else. They trashed justice long ago. AG Barr is doing his best to put justice back into judicial proceedings and remove the Democrat meddling in local judicial affairs for cheap shots at national political rivals. He's doing everything right.
And yet,your own Fox news judge claims just the opposite; The evidence is overwhelming against Trump. Wake up from your cult nap.

You didn't know? Judge Neapolitano has knocked himself out hating on Trump for years. And I change channels, because his spiel is the same as the other channels that embrace the Democrat talking points on a 10-times-a-day basis, which are based on a narrative to assassinate the character of those who won the last Presidential election. I just change channels when Neapolitano is shown. Hatred is unpleasant to watch, and now, the hatred he has is based on the Democrat consensus basis. Unfortunately, the Democrats have fallen to the foible of lust for power and hatred for half the Americans in this country. With them weaponized to force America into becoming a communist country, they are ignoring crimes committed by their own leadership.

Then-Vice President Biden extorted money from the leader of a third-world country that is in turmoil fighting off Russian communists. Russia in WWII went into farming communities in the Ukraine and scorched the earth underneath the farms who grew a lot of food before the Bolsheviks got rid of them en masse. They're part of the 20 million people we know the Stalin regime murdered, and though unsure, some counters think he clipped off 80 million more within Russian borders to bring the WWII Russian toll as high as Mao Tse-Dung's mass murders of one hundred million Chinese citizens who did not kiss everything between his heel and his ass. Dictatorial governing includes the government killing a lot of people while other countries are busy fighting each other to notice human rights violations in areas they're not fighting in. There's an abuser out there willing to take power when good men do nothing.

And that's why I respect Attorney General Barr so much. He's a good man, and he's doing something to stop the madness of accepted false narratives in this nation. I envy those fortunate enough to know him as a friend because people are made better just by watching his good deeds pile up where a hero of the people needs to be. I think one of his aims is to take the false narrative, post it to a target, and shoot it through the Bull's eye and rip out all that is being used to damage the Executive Branch by powermongering and powerhungering Clinton clingers.
His speech is very critical of judicial injunctions against the government by the lower courts.
Not really against the government. Against Team Trump's legal team's laughable arguments that Trump can not be investigated or prosecuted and that Congress, as a co-equal branch of said government, lacks the authority to conduct their constitutionally protected oversight responsibilities of the executive for which there is ample precedent.
Get a grip. Democrat inquiries have turned into a shilling for more power for themselves and the revelation that Democrats are first, last and always criminals who do not regard their criminal activities as error. Donald Trump and Bill Barr are doing the best they can to redeem the United States Constitution to its initial use--protecting the American people from the false narratives of the party that the Democrat Party has turned themselves into. Their history shows zero concern for the common man and recently, a general desperate grab for control to instill upon the backs of the people a form of government it will incarcerate free men who worked hard all their lives and haven't a prayer for the American dream because all the money they earn will be taken from them and spent on debunked science like global warming which has only served to greedy politicians as a method to get to the cash in the treasury right now to share with friends of the cause for serious kickbacks, like the one Biden took for his kid who has received criticism that should have been vented straight at Biden, whose Democrat lawyers have figured out a way to excuse all Democrats and throw all Republicans in jail who offend Congressmen Pelosi, Waters, Nadler, and Schiff who control the House, Finance, the Judiciary, and Intelligence respectively. These five have brought decency to its knees, and Barr is going to do his best to put things right that the Democrats are beating down to a pulp for self interests of Democrats in power to take the money and leave America with no means to protect itself. What I'm wondering is why one of the wealthiest men in the world is funding taking out the best nation for free people that ever existed. What is George Soros investing all this money to shake down the American laws and citizen protection and secuirty. Why does George Soros hate the founders?
Trump has the biggest rap sheet of any criminal president who has ever taken the oath. And your long winded speech saying nothing isn't going to change the reality on the ground. Establishment Republicans know this;

Napolito is merely parrotting what the DNC selectively picks. If they were telling the truth, President Trump would have been disallowed from registering his intention to run for the POTUS. But he wasn't.
You do? PRESENT IT! So far all you have presented is peoples opinions.
Sworn testimony is admissible in a hearing. It's viewed as fact, not opinion, susceptible to prosecution if they perjure themselves. The evidence has already been presented in the hearings, the Mueller report, and in court cases. Where the hell have you been?
The evidence freed Trump months ago, and it was not even presented as a court case, because so far the best Democrats can do is crank out kangaroo court claims of victory. Nancy, Maxine, and the boys are desperate to control-freak away at the Executive Branch's time because they are green with jealousy and nothing else. They trashed justice long ago. AG Barr is doing his best to put justice back into judicial proceedings and remove the Democrat meddling in local judicial affairs for cheap shots at national political rivals. He's doing everything right.
And yet,your own Fox news judge claims just the opposite; The evidence is overwhelming against Trump. Wake up from your cult nap.

Judge nappy is a long term never trumper. Yet again, stop relying on your echo chamber. Otherwise you are going to have quite the sad coming.

I don't think so. I think the rule of law and the Constitution will prevail in the end. We are the most powerful country in the world. For us to suddenly switch to supporting a lawless authoritarian leaves the world open to chaos and destruction. I seriously doubt the majority of the American public are ready for a murderous dictator.

You said, "I seriously doubt the majority of the American public are ready for a murderous dictator."​

Your false claim of "murderous dictator" does not match the avoidance of armed confrontation President Trump has practiced. ISIS with their trail of blood had it coming. But later when he could have sent in troops, he expedited a peaceful means for avoiding bloodshed. If anything President Trump has bargained for peace and gotten the best outcome for the United States over the negotiation of deals table. Now ain't that good to know that we've got a friend in countries we didn't used to. ;)
You do? PRESENT IT! So far all you have presented is peoples opinions.
Sworn testimony is admissible in a hearing. It's viewed as fact, not opinion, susceptible to prosecution if they perjure themselves. The evidence has already been presented in the hearings, the Mueller report, and in court cases. Where the hell have you been?
The evidence freed Trump months ago, and it was not even presented as a court case, because so far the best Democrats can do is crank out kangaroo court claims of victory. Nancy, Maxine, and the boys are desperate to control-freak away at the Executive Branch's time because they are green with jealousy and nothing else. They trashed justice long ago. AG Barr is doing his best to put justice back into judicial proceedings and remove the Democrat meddling in local judicial affairs for cheap shots at national political rivals. He's doing everything right.
And yet,your own Fox news judge claims just the opposite; The evidence is overwhelming against Trump. Wake up from your cult nap.

Judge nappy is a long term never trumper. Yet again, stop relying on your echo chamber. Otherwise you are going to have quite the sad coming.

I see the judge as a long term supporter for the rule of law and the Constitution, and he's a Republican.

I see you never felt this way til he spoke against Trump.

You do? PRESENT IT! So far all you have presented is peoples opinions.
Sworn testimony is admissible in a hearing. It's viewed as fact, not opinion, susceptible to prosecution if they perjure themselves. The evidence has already been presented in the hearings, the Mueller report, and in court cases. Where the hell have you been?
The evidence freed Trump months ago, and it was not even presented as a court case, because so far the best Democrats can do is crank out kangaroo court claims of victory. Nancy, Maxine, and the boys are desperate to control-freak away at the Executive Branch's time because they are green with jealousy and nothing else. They trashed justice long ago. AG Barr is doing his best to put justice back into judicial proceedings and remove the Democrat meddling in local judicial affairs for cheap shots at national political rivals. He's doing everything right.
And yet,your own Fox news judge claims just the opposite; The evidence is overwhelming against Trump. Wake up from your cult nap.

Judge nappy is a long term never trumper. Yet again, stop relying on your echo chamber. Otherwise you are going to have quite the sad coming.

I don't think so. I think the rule of law and the Constitution will prevail in the end. We are the most powerful country in the world. For us to suddenly switch to supporting a lawless authoritarian leaves the world open to chaos and destruction. I seriously doubt the majority of the American public are ready for a murderous dictator.

When are you going to come out against the phony impeachment kangaroo court then?
Sworn testimony is admissible in a hearing. It's viewed as fact, not opinion, susceptible to prosecution if they perjure themselves. The evidence has already been presented in the hearings, the Mueller report, and in court cases. Where the hell have you been?
The evidence freed Trump months ago, and it was not even presented as a court case, because so far the best Democrats can do is crank out kangaroo court claims of victory. Nancy, Maxine, and the boys are desperate to control-freak away at the Executive Branch's time because they are green with jealousy and nothing else. They trashed justice long ago. AG Barr is doing his best to put justice back into judicial proceedings and remove the Democrat meddling in local judicial affairs for cheap shots at national political rivals. He's doing everything right.
And yet,your own Fox news judge claims just the opposite; The evidence is overwhelming against Trump. Wake up from your cult nap.

Judge nappy is a long term never trumper. Yet again, stop relying on your echo chamber. Otherwise you are going to have quite the sad coming.

I see the judge as a long term supporter for the rule of law and the Constitution, and he's a Republican.

I see you never felt this way til he spoke against Trump.


That's a good analysis there, iceberg. People don't realize that while Fox News allows the truth to be spoken in behalf of the right conservatives, they think we do not get to hear the other side. We do, and Judge Neapolitano shows that when he lets his disdain for President Trump known to all subscribers to their station.
There will be celebrations when Barr indicts McCabe, Comey, Mueller, Obama, and Hillary.
Haha, I love that there are still those of you who say this. When do you think it will happen? The IG report hits in the next couple weeks right?
Sworn testimony is admissible in a hearing. It's viewed as fact, not opinion, susceptible to prosecution if they perjure themselves. The evidence has already been presented in the hearings, the Mueller report, and in court cases. Where the hell have you been?
The evidence freed Trump months ago, and it was not even presented as a court case, because so far the best Democrats can do is crank out kangaroo court claims of victory. Nancy, Maxine, and the boys are desperate to control-freak away at the Executive Branch's time because they are green with jealousy and nothing else. They trashed justice long ago. AG Barr is doing his best to put justice back into judicial proceedings and remove the Democrat meddling in local judicial affairs for cheap shots at national political rivals. He's doing everything right.
And yet,your own Fox news judge claims just the opposite; The evidence is overwhelming against Trump. Wake up from your cult nap.

Judge nappy is a long term never trumper. Yet again, stop relying on your echo chamber. Otherwise you are going to have quite the sad coming.

I don't think so. I think the rule of law and the Constitution will prevail in the end. We are the most powerful country in the world. For us to suddenly switch to supporting a lawless authoritarian leaves the world open to chaos and destruction. I seriously doubt the majority of the American public are ready for a murderous dictator.

When are you going to come out against the phony impeachment kangaroo court then?

I'm not sure a leftist who comes to the party loaded for bear can avoid shooting down those of us who know Trump has always been a straight shooter in business, but he decided to become a Republican when he realized his true interests of making America great again could not be prospered in such a system as the Democrat Party who want to land on everyone else like an 800-pound gorilla. Our nation is more than that. I just hope we can say or provide links or information to help those held way back by the control-freaks the DNC Party Bosses are right now, proferring communism and socialist as what's best, when actually a lot of killings have to be done to eliminate rivals once the far left gets its way. Time for vespers. Good night, everybody.

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