AG Barr goes after Democrats, Activist Judges, and for acting against Executive Branch

His speech is very critical of judicial injunctions against the government by the lower courts.

It's time to stop tolerating nullification of 65 million American voters by lower courts, he says. It's about time to end judicial intrusions ordered by Democrats who are very jealous of presidential power they did not win.

Just having tRump squatting in the oval office is nullifying the wishes or 3,000,000 more voters than the that.

Oh, ye of little faith, Mr. Crepitus. *sigh* In God our defender, nothing is impossible.

Dear Lord: we pray for our Constitution, dedicated to man's reconciliation to things unseen and unknown to those in darkness. God is our light and our staff, and he favors those human beings whose hearts he looks upon and finds truthful.
We believe President Trump has turned from darkness and is dedicated to that
light and righteousness of God's Kingdom.
Thank thee, O God, for thy miracles, and we pray for those opposed to your goodness and counsel and light. We pray that you let the lost see the light and keep America and our dear President safe within thy Kingdom's boundaries.
Give him Thy loving counsel every day, dear Lord and Father of Mankind.
His speech is very critical of judicial injunctions against the government by the lower courts.

It's time to stop tolerating nullification of 65 million American voters by lower courts, he says. It's about time to end judicial intrusions ordered by Democrats who are very jealous of presidential power they did not win.

William Barr has shredded what was left of his reputation after he aided and abetted George H.W. Bush in pardoning all of the Iran-Contra conspirators. He'll be lucky is he isn't impeached for his abject refusal to investigate criminal acts by Donald Trump in the Ukraine scandal. Those who aid and abett a criminal President are the ones who go to jail. Nixon staffers and cabinet members went to jail, including John Mitchell, his Attorney General. Nixon was pardoned.

Spin, spin, spin, spin.

Doesn't change the dutifulness to the Constitution and to the people of the United States of America that Attorney General William Barr has pledged himself to. He will bring this nation back to the right spirit God has for our nation to be in. Hallelujah! May God himself guide AG Barr! Amen!

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