AG Barr met with British, Italians to blow the lid off Obama officials spying on Trump

There already are 17 million of them. And the bullet they use causes more damage then any other. It is designed to kill and cause great damage. Have a semi-automatic hunting rifle and hold on to your AR-15. End of story we don't want them to be sold anymore there's too many already. And we want background checks that's the first thing. Background checks on all sales.

Why don't the liberals give up these weapons voluntarily and first, as an example to the rest of us how to live? All of the liberal candidate for high office, from Obama to the Clintons to Sleepy Joe and Warren Wilhelm, have body guards armed to the teeth with these weapons and more.

Don't you think its hypocritical for B. Hussein O to tell me not to pack heat , when he himself is so heavily armed?
Almost no one is talking about taking away or giving up weapons, super duper. Go
Just Gibberish -
The "whistleblower" told us about a perfectly, perfect call.

The Dems freaked because all the "Gold" is in Ukraine.
They know that their sychophants are too stupid to see - until it runs them over - which it will

Remember how the Democrat media all said "well that sucked' after Mueller made a fool of himself on TV.
Don't worry, you won't have to remember it long
Your memory is going to be refreshed shortly.
Mahler also said that he would indict Trump if he weren't president. The same stuff that his lawyer went to jail for. when the Trump campaign meets with Russians over a hundred times and there are no notes taken oh, and they lie about it actually happening oh, I believe that is pretty damn suspicious. Anyway why would the Russians want these idiots trying to help them LOL? They did just fine with no help. Although the trumper's did say they welcomed any help my God what is going on. Poor America. America brainwashed misinformed and seriously dumb....

Worry not scared little beta male....America will be just fine, even better when you progs are driven back under your rocks.
Damn straight, and it won't be because of you idiots. It'll be because of more civilization, like taxing the rich more like their fair share and investing in America for a change. You believe a pile of crap. And are distracted with all this gun nut talk.... Or other misinformation. military style seems to have some crazy people insane. Sabres score! LOL. We have plentyOf them already. But right now we want background checks so shove the fear-mongering up your ass.
So you think by creating hard restrictions on rich business, this helps poor entrepreneurs with little capital ?
Democrats want them to pay more like their fair share. This is ridiculous. And we need investment in infrastructure and our people desperately.

Would you be so kind as to explain to me what you believe a "fair share" looks like?
Why don't the liberals give up these weapons voluntarily and first, as an example to the rest of us how to live? All of the liberal candidate for high office, from Obama to the Clintons to Sleepy Joe and Warren Wilhelm, have body guards armed to the teeth with these weapons and more.

Don't you think its hypocritical for B. Hussein O to tell me not to pack heat , when he himself is so heavily armed?
Almost no one is talking about taking away or giving up weapons, super duper. Go
Mahler also said that he would indict Trump if he weren't president. The same stuff that his lawyer went to jail for. when the Trump campaign meets with Russians over a hundred times and there are no notes taken oh, and they lie about it actually happening oh, I believe that is pretty damn suspicious. Anyway why would the Russians want these idiots trying to help them LOL? They did just fine with no help. Although the trumper's did say they welcomed any help my God what is going on. Poor America. America brainwashed misinformed and seriously dumb....

Worry not scared little beta male....America will be just fine, even better when you progs are driven back under your rocks.
Damn straight, and it won't be because of you idiots. It'll be because of more civilization, like taxing the rich more like their fair share and investing in America for a change. You believe a pile of crap. And are distracted with all this gun nut talk.... Or other misinformation. military style seems to have some crazy people insane. Sabres score! LOL. We have plentyOf them already. But right now we want background checks so shove the fear-mongering up your ass.
So you think by creating hard restrictions on rich business, this helps poor entrepreneurs with little capital ?
Democrats want them to pay more like their fair share. This is ridiculous. And we need investment in infrastructure and our people desperately.

"fair share" LOL

What that "fair share" would be, give us a number.

Everytime I've asked that question I get crickets....It really isn't anything more than a feel good, bumper sticker that they throw out there when they've got NOTHING!
There already are 17 million of them. And the bullet they use causes more damage then any other. It is designed to kill and cause great damage. Have a semi-automatic hunting rifle and hold on to your AR-15. End of story we don't want them to be sold anymore there's too many already. And we want background checks that's the first thing. Background checks on all sales.

Why don't the liberals give up these weapons voluntarily and first, as an example to the rest of us how to live? All of the liberal candidate for high office, from Obama to the Clintons to Sleepy Joe and Warren Wilhelm, have body guards armed to the teeth with these weapons and more.

Don't you think its hypocritical for B. Hussein O to tell me not to pack heat , when he himself is so heavily armed?
Almost no one is talking about taking away or giving up weapons, super duper. Go
Just Gibberish -
The "whistleblower" told us about a perfectly, perfect call.

The Dems freaked because all the "Gold" is in Ukraine.
They know that their sychophants are too stupid to see - until it runs them over - which it will

Remember how the Democrat media all said "well that sucked' after Mueller made a fool of himself on TV.
Don't worry, you won't have to remember it long
Your memory is going to be refreshed shortly.
Mahler also said that he would indict Trump if he weren't president. The same stuff that his lawyer went to jail for. when the Trump campaign meets with Russians over a hundred times and there are no notes taken oh, and they lie about it actually happening oh, I believe that is pretty damn suspicious. Anyway why would the Russians want these idiots trying to help them LOL? They did just fine with no help. Although the trumper's did say they welcomed any help my God what is going on. Poor America. America brainwashed misinformed and seriously dumb....

Worry not scared little beta male....America will be just fine, even better when you progs are driven back under your rocks.
Damn straight, and it won't be because of you idiots. It'll be because of more civilization, like taxing the rich more like their fair share and investing in America for a change. You believe a pile of crap. And are distracted with all this gun nut talk.... Or other misinformation. military style seems to have some crazy people insane. Sabres score! LOL. We have plentyOf them already. But right now we want background checks so shove the fear-mongering up your ass.
So you think by creating hard restrictions on rich business, this helps poor entrepreneurs with little capital ?
Democrats want them to pay more like their fair share. This is ridiculous. And we need investment in infrastructure and our people desperately.
You democrats refuse to allow the type of manufacturing on urban cities because of so called pollution.. so where are we to work???
Why don't the liberals give up these weapons voluntarily and first, as an example to the rest of us how to live? All of the liberal candidate for high office, from Obama to the Clintons to Sleepy Joe and Warren Wilhelm, have body guards armed to the teeth with these weapons and more.

Don't you think its hypocritical for B. Hussein O to tell me not to pack heat , when he himself is so heavily armed?
Almost no one is talking about taking away or giving up weapons, super duper. Go
Mahler also said that he would indict Trump if he weren't president. The same stuff that his lawyer went to jail for. when the Trump campaign meets with Russians over a hundred times and there are no notes taken oh, and they lie about it actually happening oh, I believe that is pretty damn suspicious. Anyway why would the Russians want these idiots trying to help them LOL? They did just fine with no help. Although the trumper's did say they welcomed any help my God what is going on. Poor America. America brainwashed misinformed and seriously dumb....

Worry not scared little beta male....America will be just fine, even better when you progs are driven back under your rocks.
Damn straight, and it won't be because of you idiots. It'll be because of more civilization, like taxing the rich more like their fair share and investing in America for a change. You believe a pile of crap. And are distracted with all this gun nut talk.... Or other misinformation. military style seems to have some crazy people insane. Sabres score! LOL. We have plentyOf them already. But right now we want background checks so shove the fear-mongering up your ass.
So you think by creating hard restrictions on rich business, this helps poor entrepreneurs with little capital ?
Democrats want them to pay more like their fair share. This is ridiculous. And we need investment in infrastructure and our people desperately.
You democrats refuse to allow the type of manufacturing on urban cities because of so called pollution.. so where are we to work???

Jobs will still be available as informational picketers, towel boys in homosexual bathhouses and fast food positions which will now pay middle class wages under the union contract.
Almost no one is talking about taking away or giving up weapons, super duper. Go
Worry not scared little beta male....America will be just fine, even better when you progs are driven back under your rocks.
Damn straight, and it won't be because of you idiots. It'll be because of more civilization, like taxing the rich more like their fair share and investing in America for a change. You believe a pile of crap. And are distracted with all this gun nut talk.... Or other misinformation. military style seems to have some crazy people insane. Sabres score! LOL. We have plentyOf them already. But right now we want background checks so shove the fear-mongering up your ass.
So you think by creating hard restrictions on rich business, this helps poor entrepreneurs with little capital ?
Democrats want them to pay more like their fair share. This is ridiculous. And we need investment in infrastructure and our people desperately.

"fair share" LOL

What that "fair share" would be, give us a number.

Everytime I've asked that question I get crickets....It really isn't anything more than a feel good, bumper sticker that they throw out there when they've got NOTHING!

Obviously, you're not paying your "fair share". :D
No you won't. You don't like any of our ideas. Lets see if more Americans like your ideas in 2020. You guys keep wanting to say the economy is great but it's really no different than Obama's economy unless you are rich or a corporation. In fact I believe most people are still struggling and Trump hasn't done shit but give everyone middle class a $1 raise. And it's not worth it.

Trump barely won MI, PA and WI last time and he won't win them in 2020. He's only popular with his base. Everyone else is sick of him. You'll see. Remember the midterms? Michigan is going blue and Trump needs MI, stupid.
Hell, at this rate Texas may go blue.
Running on infanticide ? Lol sure it will
No one is killing infants. Well, except Trump with his lowering of air & water quality.
Huh? The gov of Virginia is still the governor right?
Jesus fuck you are as fucking asshole.

The Gov of Virginia was discussing what happens when a couple has a baby that is born with medical conditions & deformities so bad that it has zero chances of surviving. A decision is made between the parents & doctors to issue like a DNR to not take measures to try to keep the infant alive as it will die regardless. The parents hold the infant until is passes away.

No one is killing anyone.

And before you embarrass yourself further, the Governor of Virginia is a pediatric neurologist and has experienced these things.
Idiots like Jitss617 just believe whatever shit their idols shovel into their heads. It sits there and ferments until something triggers them and it comes spewing outta their mouths.
Before Reagan, the top tax rate was 70 percent. He cut it to 50% and had some success. Then on the way out basically he cut it to 28%, and 28% or 39% or anywhere in between or 50% is not enough to keep a healthy economy. and yes I know they do not actually pay that amount. But it goes up. As it is there is not enough money to invest in infrastructure or cheap college and training for our workforce. And the amount we tax giant corporations making gigantic profits is a total scandal. Wake up and smell the coffee dumbass you're voting for scumbag greedy idiot billionaires who brainwash you with garbage propaganda. I love this inquiry because if you pay any attention, you will discover everything you know is a bunch of crap. According to every respected journalists law enforcement politician in the entire world LOL. But you listen to idiots bought off like Sean and Rush Limbaugh and much worse....

Before Woodrow Wilson there was no income tax.

What's the point of 70% tax rate if nobody is paying that much?

Why is a scandal if big corporations make "gigantic" profit?
The higher tax rates mean they pay more duh.

The Scandal is that 60 of the largest corporations are making huge profits and pay nothing. the GOP is in bed with lobbyists they are lobbyists or they were lobbyists or they will be lobbyists. GOP is the swamp. Obviously to anyone in the world but you dupes.

They don't pay more "duh". If 60 of largest corporations, as you claim, are paying nothing, why is matter if their tax rate is 10 or 90 percent? Therefore, problem is not in tax rates, but in write offs.
Okay GOP tax rates and policies. Passed by 51 vote GOP scumbag reconciliation rule, while Democrats need 60 votes to end them. What a scam, brainwashed functional moron.
Before Reagan, the top tax rate was 70 percent. He cut it to 50% and had some success. Then on the way out basically he cut it to 28%, and 28% or 39% or anywhere in between or 50% is not enough to keep a healthy economy. and yes I know they do not actually pay that amount. But it goes up. As it is there is not enough money to invest in infrastructure or cheap college and training for our workforce. And the amount we tax giant corporations making gigantic profits is a total scandal. Wake up and smell the coffee dumbass you're voting for scumbag greedy idiot billionaires who brainwash you with garbage propaganda. I love this inquiry because if you pay any attention, you will discover everything you know is a bunch of crap. According to every respected journalists law enforcement politician in the entire world LOL. But you listen to idiots bought off like Sean and Rush Limbaugh and much worse....

Before Woodrow Wilson there was no income tax.

What's the point of 70% tax rate if nobody is paying that much?

Why is a scandal if big corporations make "gigantic" profit?
The higher tax rates mean they pay more duh.

The Scandal is that 60 of the largest corporations are making huge profits and pay nothing. the GOP is in bed with lobbyists they are lobbyists or they were lobbyists or they will be lobbyists. GOP is the swamp. Obviously to anyone in the world but you dupes.

They don't pay more "duh". If 60 of largest corporations, as you claim, are paying nothing, why is matter if their tax rate is 10 or 90 percent? Therefore, problem is not in tax rates, but in write offs.
Okay GOP tax rates and policies. Passed by 51 vote GOP scumbag reconciliation rule, while Democrats need 60 votes to end them. What a scam, brainwashed functional moron.

If its a "good idea" to raise taxes, the liberals should be pushing for it. It helped Mondale keep it close in 1984
Why don't the liberals give up these weapons voluntarily and first, as an example to the rest of us how to live? All of the liberal candidate for high office, from Obama to the Clintons to Sleepy Joe and Warren Wilhelm, have body guards armed to the teeth with these weapons and more.

Don't you think its hypocritical for B. Hussein O to tell me not to pack heat , when he himself is so heavily armed?
Almost no one is talking about taking away or giving up weapons, super duper. Go
Mahler also said that he would indict Trump if he weren't president. The same stuff that his lawyer went to jail for. when the Trump campaign meets with Russians over a hundred times and there are no notes taken oh, and they lie about it actually happening oh, I believe that is pretty damn suspicious. Anyway why would the Russians want these idiots trying to help them LOL? They did just fine with no help. Although the trumper's did say they welcomed any help my God what is going on. Poor America. America brainwashed misinformed and seriously dumb....

Worry not scared little beta male....America will be just fine, even better when you progs are driven back under your rocks.
Damn straight, and it won't be because of you idiots. It'll be because of more civilization, like taxing the rich more like their fair share and investing in America for a change. You believe a pile of crap. And are distracted with all this gun nut talk.... Or other misinformation. military style seems to have some crazy people insane. Sabres score! LOL. We have plentyOf them already. But right now we want background checks so shove the fear-mongering up your ass.
So you think by creating hard restrictions on rich business, this helps poor entrepreneurs with little capital ?
Democrats want them to pay more like their fair share. This is ridiculous. And we need investment in infrastructure and our people desperately.

"fair share" LOL

What that "fair share" would be, give us a number.
And there is the dumbass brainwashed functional moron argument. I let my Representatives figure out things like that. More than they pay now that's for damn sure a******. Then we could invest in our infrastructure and people and not be the most unequal and unfair modern country, thanks to you idiots and your scumbag brainwashing Masters.
Before Reagan, the top tax rate was 70 percent. He cut it to 50% and had some success. Then on the way out basically he cut it to 28%, and 28% or 39% or anywhere in between or 50% is not enough to keep a healthy economy. and yes I know they do not actually pay that amount. But it goes up. As it is there is not enough money to invest in infrastructure or cheap college and training for our workforce. And the amount we tax giant corporations making gigantic profits is a total scandal. Wake up and smell the coffee dumbass you're voting for scumbag greedy idiot billionaires who brainwash you with garbage propaganda. I love this inquiry because if you pay any attention, you will discover everything you know is a bunch of crap. According to every respected journalists law enforcement politician in the entire world LOL. But you listen to idiots bought off like Sean and Rush Limbaugh and much worse....

Before Woodrow Wilson there was no income tax.

What's the point of 70% tax rate if nobody is paying that much?

Why is a scandal if big corporations make "gigantic" profit?
The higher tax rates mean they pay more duh.

The Scandal is that 60 of the largest corporations are making huge profits and pay nothing. the GOP is in bed with lobbyists they are lobbyists or they were lobbyists or they will be lobbyists. GOP is the swamp. Obviously to anyone in the world but you dupes.

They don't pay more "duh". If 60 of largest corporations, as you claim, are paying nothing, why is matter if their tax rate is 10 or 90 percent? Therefore, problem is not in tax rates, but in write offs.
Okay GOP tax rates and policies. Passed by 51 vote GOP scumbag reconciliation rule, while Democrats need 60 votes to end them. What a scam, brainwashed functional moron.

If its a "good idea" to raise taxes, the liberals should be pushing for it. It helped Mondale keep it close in 1984
Raise taxes only on the rich and
giant corporations, dumbass doop. Everyone else deserves a tax cut that doesn't run out and means something....that is the Democratic platform and you would know it if you weren't a stupid a*******. LOL
Why don't the liberals give up these weapons voluntarily and first, as an example to the rest of us how to live? All of the liberal candidate for high office, from Obama to the Clintons to Sleepy Joe and Warren Wilhelm, have body guards armed to the teeth with these weapons and more.

Don't you think its hypocritical for B. Hussein O to tell me not to pack heat , when he himself is so heavily armed?
Almost no one is talking about taking away or giving up weapons, super duper. Go
Mahler also said that he would indict Trump if he weren't president. The same stuff that his lawyer went to jail for. when the Trump campaign meets with Russians over a hundred times and there are no notes taken oh, and they lie about it actually happening oh, I believe that is pretty damn suspicious. Anyway why would the Russians want these idiots trying to help them LOL? They did just fine with no help. Although the trumper's did say they welcomed any help my God what is going on. Poor America. America brainwashed misinformed and seriously dumb....

Worry not scared little beta male....America will be just fine, even better when you progs are driven back under your rocks.
Damn straight, and it won't be because of you idiots. It'll be because of more civilization, like taxing the rich more like their fair share and investing in America for a change. You believe a pile of crap. And are distracted with all this gun nut talk.... Or other misinformation. military style seems to have some crazy people insane. Sabres score! LOL. We have plentyOf them already. But right now we want background checks so shove the fear-mongering up your ass.
So you think by creating hard restrictions on rich business, this helps poor entrepreneurs with little capital ?
Democrats want them to pay more like their fair share. This is ridiculous. And we need investment in infrastructure and our people desperately.

Would you be so kind as to explain to me what you believe a "fair share" looks like?
Me? At the moment everyone making any money at all is paying between 25 and 30% in all taxes. Over a million they should be paying 40%. Over 20 million / 50%, over 100 million 60% over 200 million 70% / 300 million 80%. Then we could have a fair and just Society again and invest in Americans and America. Like the Golden age of the 50s and 60s.
Before Reagan, the top tax rate was 70 percent. He cut it to 50% and had some success. Then on the way out basically he cut it to 28%, and 28% or 39% or anywhere in between or 50% is not enough to keep a healthy economy. and yes I know they do not actually pay that amount. But it goes up. As it is there is not enough money to invest in infrastructure or cheap college and training for our workforce. And the amount we tax giant corporations making gigantic profits is a total scandal. Wake up and smell the coffee dumbass you're voting for scumbag greedy idiot billionaires who brainwash you with garbage propaganda. I love this inquiry because if you pay any attention, you will discover everything you know is a bunch of crap. According to every respected journalists law enforcement politician in the entire world LOL. But you listen to idiots bought off like Sean and Rush Limbaugh and much worse....

Before Woodrow Wilson there was no income tax.

What's the point of 70% tax rate if nobody is paying that much?

Why is a scandal if big corporations make "gigantic" profit?
The higher tax rates mean they pay more duh.

The Scandal is that 60 of the largest corporations are making huge profits and pay nothing. the GOP is in bed with lobbyists they are lobbyists or they were lobbyists or they will be lobbyists. GOP is the swamp. Obviously to anyone in the world but you dupes.

They don't pay more "duh". If 60 of largest corporations, as you claim, are paying nothing, why is matter if their tax rate is 10 or 90 percent? Therefore, problem is not in tax rates, but in write offs.
Okay GOP tax rates and policies. Passed by 51 vote GOP scumbag reconciliation rule, while Democrats need 60 votes to end them. What a scam, brainwashed functional moron.

If its a "good idea" to raise taxes, the liberals should be pushing for it. It helped Mondale keep it close in 1984
It is a great idea to raise taxes on the bloated rich and Court giant corporations and invest in America again dumbass dupe. Too bad Republicans can never say on the rich and always scare idiots like you with garbage propaganda, dumbass.
Almost no one is talking about taking away or giving up weapons, super duper. Go
Worry not scared little beta male....America will be just fine, even better when you progs are driven back under your rocks.
Damn straight, and it won't be because of you idiots. It'll be because of more civilization, like taxing the rich more like their fair share and investing in America for a change. You believe a pile of crap. And are distracted with all this gun nut talk.... Or other misinformation. military style seems to have some crazy people insane. Sabres score! LOL. We have plentyOf them already. But right now we want background checks so shove the fear-mongering up your ass.
So you think by creating hard restrictions on rich business, this helps poor entrepreneurs with little capital ?
Democrats want them to pay more like their fair share. This is ridiculous. And we need investment in infrastructure and our people desperately.
You democrats refuse to allow the type of manufacturing on urban cities because of so called pollution.. so where are we to work???

Jobs will still be available as informational picketers, towel boys in homosexual bathhouses and fast food positions which will now pay middle class wages under the union contract.
Jebus, you morons are absolutely fos LOL
Almost no one is talking about taking away or giving up weapons, super duper. Go
Worry not scared little beta male....America will be just fine, even better when you progs are driven back under your rocks.
Damn straight, and it won't be because of you idiots. It'll be because of more civilization, like taxing the rich more like their fair share and investing in America for a change. You believe a pile of crap. And are distracted with all this gun nut talk.... Or other misinformation. military style seems to have some crazy people insane. Sabres score! LOL. We have plentyOf them already. But right now we want background checks so shove the fear-mongering up your ass.
So you think by creating hard restrictions on rich business, this helps poor entrepreneurs with little capital ?
Democrats want them to pay more like their fair share. This is ridiculous. And we need investment in infrastructure and our people desperately.

"fair share" LOL

What that "fair share" would be, give us a number.

Everytime I've asked that question I get crickets....It really isn't anything more than a feel good, bumper sticker that they throw out there when they've got NOTHING!
Maybe because smart people don't like explaining obvious points to idiots.... You think there is a logarithm to decide what tax rates are best to the decimal point? You think Reagan was spoken to by God when he left us with a 28% top rate and it turned us into the worst upward Mobility and greatest inequality country....
Okay GOP tax rates and policies. Passed by 51 vote GOP scumbag reconciliation rule, while Democrats need 60 votes to end them. What a scam, brainwashed functional moron.

Remind me again how ACA was passed?

And for the record, I am not OK with GOP tax rates. They should be much lower.
There is no "point" as you say. If I follow your attempted distraction you have accomplished your goal.

We aren't going down that road, time to return to the thread topic.
Of course Barr is investigating it,, of course you don’t want him to lol hahahahahahahh

The Impeachment Story Is Simple. Republicans Are just Trying To Confuse You. GOP leaders desperately want to lose you in the process and take attention away from what the president did. He repeatedly pressured a foreign government to meddle in the 2020 election to help him win. It’s all in the White House summary and it’s corroborated by the whistleblower complaint and Trump admitted it. He’s even asking other countries to do it on tv now. The Republican strategy to this is to create confusion, namely by focusing on the legal process of whistleblower law. Not only are their claims false, they are irrelevant to the facts of Trump’s abuse of power. The whistleblower did exactly what they were supposed to do.

Republicans are trying to paper over the facts with confusion, conspiracies and flat-out lies. “This is looking more & more like a deep state scheme,” House Republican Steve Scalise (R-La.) tweeted Wednesday, invoking an insane conspiracy theory as an explanation for how Schiff got wind of a whistleblower complaint before it was filed. He lied. The question is why?” McCarthy tweeted Wednesday, falsely claiming Schiff had spoken with the whistleblower when he had not. GOP senators, meanwhile, have been spreading misinformation to try to smear the credibility of the whistleblower. They have argued that in order to be considered a “real” whistleblower, you have to have firsthand information of a situation, which is false. “By definition, he’s not a whistleblower because he was reporting hearsay,” Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) incorrectly told reporters last week. “I think that we are giving too much credit, to someone who does not meet the definition of a whistleblower.” “It’s not a whistleblower because he wasn’t in the room. He wasn’t on the phone call,” Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.) said last week, also falsely. They were publicly corrected on Tuesday by one of their own colleague, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). “The distinctions being drawn between first- and second-hand knowledge aren’t legal ones,”. “It’s just not part of whistleblower protection law or any agency policy.” He added, “This person appears to have followed the whistleblower protection laws and ought to be heard out and protected.”

Just Gibberish -
The "whistleblower" told us about a perfectly, perfect call.

The Dems freaked because all the "Gold" is in Ukraine.
They know that their sychophants are too stupid to see - until it runs them over - which it will

Remember how the Democrat media all said "well that sucked' after Mueller made a fool of himself on TV.
Don't worry, you won't have to remember it long
Your memory is going to be refreshed shortly.
Mahler also said that he would indict Trump if he weren't president. The same stuff that his lawyer went to jail for. when the Trump campaign meets with Russians over a hundred times and there are no notes taken oh, and they lie about it actually happening oh, I believe that is pretty damn suspicious. Anyway why would the Russians want these idiots trying to help them LOL? They did just fine with no help. Although the trumper's did say they welcomed any help my God what is going on. Poor America. America brainwashed misinformed and seriously dumb....

Worry not scared little beta male....America will be just fine, even better when you progs are driven back under your rocks.
When we take back the White House

People say, “don’t impeach. It will just get trump supporters to show up”

I think there going to show up either way so fuck it. We need to impeach and the goal is to wake up the people who usually don’t show up to vote.

But my fear is these people will vote for trump. He’s a populist and great bullshit artist aka con man
Almost no one is talking about taking away or giving up weapons, super duper. Go
Worry not scared little beta male....America will be just fine, even better when you progs are driven back under your rocks.
Damn straight, and it won't be because of you idiots. It'll be because of more civilization, like taxing the rich more like their fair share and investing in America for a change. You believe a pile of crap. And are distracted with all this gun nut talk.... Or other misinformation. military style seems to have some crazy people insane. Sabres score! LOL. We have plentyOf them already. But right now we want background checks so shove the fear-mongering up your ass.
So you think by creating hard restrictions on rich business, this helps poor entrepreneurs with little capital ?
Democrats want them to pay more like their fair share. This is ridiculous. And we need investment in infrastructure and our people desperately.

"fair share" LOL

What that "fair share" would be, give us a number.
And there is the dumbass brainwashed functional moron argument. I let my Representatives figure out things like that. More than they pay now that's for damn sure a******. Then we could invest in our infrastructure and people and not be the most unequal and unfair modern country, thanks to you idiots and your scumbag brainwashing Masters.

Oh, you can demand some "fair share" without telling me what actually is. Then blame me for asking what is the "fair share" of taxes you demand to be paid.
Are you really that dumb, or do you think that's whitty?

Trump literally floated the idea of pardoning himself. This is proof that American conservatives would absolutely love to be ruled by a lying dictator like Putin who is above the law. Every 4 years they would like an election but the only two choices would be right wing extremists or even farther right wing extremists. Anyone moderate is now a deep state rino.

I used to tell USMB republicans, "how come Republican politicians don't say the stupid shit you guys say here" but I can't say that anymore because Trump is the biggest conspiracy theorist being manipulated by Fox News fake news. He tweets the same stupid shit jitss617 posts.
You desperate for a win! It’s not going to happen full of rage, encourage democrats to be successful at something, maybe we will vote for you. Give it a shot
No you won't. You don't like any of our ideas. Lets see if more Americans like your ideas in 2020. You guys keep wanting to say the economy is great but it's really no different than Obama's economy unless you are rich or a corporation. In fact I believe most people are still struggling and Trump hasn't done shit but give everyone middle class a $1 raise. And it's not worth it.

Trump barely won MI, PA and WI last time and he won't win them in 2020. He's only popular with his base. Everyone else is sick of him. You'll see. Remember the midterms? Michigan is going blue and Trump needs MI, stupid.
Hell, at this rate Texas may go blue.
Running on infanticide ? Lol sure it will
If a woman is on welfare and has a second child should she be forced to tie her tubes before we pay for number 2? She doesn’t have to but we won’t pay for number 2 if she doesnt
Almost no one is talking about taking away or giving up weapons, super duper. Go
Worry not scared little beta male....America will be just fine, even better when you progs are driven back under your rocks.
Damn straight, and it won't be because of you idiots. It'll be because of more civilization, like taxing the rich more like their fair share and investing in America for a change. You believe a pile of crap. And are distracted with all this gun nut talk.... Or other misinformation. military style seems to have some crazy people insane. Sabres score! LOL. We have plentyOf them already. But right now we want background checks so shove the fear-mongering up your ass.
So you think by creating hard restrictions on rich business, this helps poor entrepreneurs with little capital ?
Democrats want them to pay more like their fair share. This is ridiculous. And we need investment in infrastructure and our people desperately.

"fair share" LOL

What that "fair share" would be, give us a number.
And there is the dumbass brainwashed functional moron argument. I let my Representatives figure out things like that. More than they pay now that's for damn sure a******. Then we could invest in our infrastructure and people and not be the most unequal and unfair modern country, thanks to you idiots and your scumbag brainwashing Masters.
Where has welfare worked?
Of course Barr is investigating it,, of course you don’t want him to lol hahahahahahahh

The Impeachment Story Is Simple. Republicans Are just Trying To Confuse You. GOP leaders desperately want to lose you in the process and take attention away from what the president did. He repeatedly pressured a foreign government to meddle in the 2020 election to help him win. It’s all in the White House summary and it’s corroborated by the whistleblower complaint and Trump admitted it. He’s even asking other countries to do it on tv now. The Republican strategy to this is to create confusion, namely by focusing on the legal process of whistleblower law. Not only are their claims false, they are irrelevant to the facts of Trump’s abuse of power. The whistleblower did exactly what they were supposed to do.

Republicans are trying to paper over the facts with confusion, conspiracies and flat-out lies. “This is looking more & more like a deep state scheme,” House Republican Steve Scalise (R-La.) tweeted Wednesday, invoking an insane conspiracy theory as an explanation for how Schiff got wind of a whistleblower complaint before it was filed. He lied. The question is why?” McCarthy tweeted Wednesday, falsely claiming Schiff had spoken with the whistleblower when he had not. GOP senators, meanwhile, have been spreading misinformation to try to smear the credibility of the whistleblower. They have argued that in order to be considered a “real” whistleblower, you have to have firsthand information of a situation, which is false. “By definition, he’s not a whistleblower because he was reporting hearsay,” Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) incorrectly told reporters last week. “I think that we are giving too much credit, to someone who does not meet the definition of a whistleblower.” “It’s not a whistleblower because he wasn’t in the room. He wasn’t on the phone call,” Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.) said last week, also falsely. They were publicly corrected on Tuesday by one of their own colleague, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). “The distinctions being drawn between first- and second-hand knowledge aren’t legal ones,”. “It’s just not part of whistleblower protection law or any agency policy.” He added, “This person appears to have followed the whistleblower protection laws and ought to be heard out and protected.”

Just Gibberish -
The "whistleblower" told us about a perfectly, perfect call.

The Dems freaked because all the "Gold" is in Ukraine.
They know that their sychophants are too stupid to see - until it runs them over - which it will

Remember how the Democrat media all said "well that sucked' after Mueller made a fool of himself on TV.
Don't worry, you won't have to remember it long
Your memory is going to be refreshed shortly.
Mahler also said that he would indict Trump if he weren't president. The same stuff that his lawyer went to jail for. when the Trump campaign meets with Russians over a hundred times and there are no notes taken oh, and they lie about it actually happening oh, I believe that is pretty damn suspicious. Anyway why would the Russians want these idiots trying to help them LOL? They did just fine with no help. Although the trumper's did say they welcomed any help my God what is going on. Poor America. America brainwashed misinformed and seriously dumb....

Worry not scared little beta male....America will be just fine, even better when you progs are driven back under your rocks.
When we take back the White House

People say, “don’t impeach. It will just get trump supporters to show up”

I think there going to show up either way so fuck it. We need to impeach and the goal is to wake up the people who usually don’t show up to vote.

But my fear is these people will vote for trump. He’s a populist and great bullshit artist aka con man

I am going to love it if should the day come when a Democrat wins the Presidency, and Republican's start in with all the shit y'all threw at this President....

I'll bet some squealing will be heard then.

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