AG Barr.....Shut Your Damned Mouth

If the AG has a problem with the president...tell him to his face in private. Don't allow a journalist to interview you so you can trash the man in public.

That's the way its always been done in the past.

I'm still pissed about the way he refused to indict Comey for his obvious perjury and LEAKING classified communications.

Now he goes out of his way to castigated Trump in public for a GD tweet.

A winger not respecting the free speech of another American? Be still my heart.
That's rich.
Considering the fact Barr's statement to the press infringed on Trump's freedom of speech.

Sorry, the POTUS has NO right to comment publicly on pending DOJ cases or judges. It's called Separation of Power. He also has no right to intimidate witnesses, and neither does Sleazy Roger.

You should be ashamed (and possibly scurry over to your local community college for an adult ed class in Government101)

Wingers will likely say these statements fall within the purview of a fellow American's (Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) freedom of speech.

Yeah, they'll say that right up until the time when a Democrat pulls the same shit.
There's the rub......they already have.

Obama has, Hillary has, Nancy Pelosi has, Adam Schiff-face has, and Chucky-Bullfucky Schumer has.
If the AG has a problem with the president...tell him to his face in private. Don't allow a journalist to interview you so you can trash the man in public.

That's the way its always been done in the past.

I'm still pissed about the way he refused to indict Comey for his obvious perjury and LEAKING classified communications.

Now he goes out of his way to castigated Trump in public for a GD tweet.

A winger not respecting the free speech of another American? Be still my heart.
That's rich.
Considering the fact Barr's statement to the press infringed on Trump's freedom of speech.

Sorry, the POTUS has NO right to comment publicly on pending DOJ cases or judges. It's called Separation of Power. He also has no right to intimidate witnesses, and neither does Sleazy Roger.

You should be ashamed (and possibly scurry over to your local community college for an adult ed class in Government101)
You are another one of those internet lawyers that can't tell the difference between filing indictments, a trial, and the sentencing phase.

Oh hell, Dotard has weighed in at every phase of his buddies (and former buddies) indictments, trials, and sentencing phases.

Funny - They ALL seem to end up in jail. :D
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A winger not respecting the free speech of another American? Be still my heart.
That's rich.
Considering the fact Barr's statement to the press infringed on Trump's freedom of speech.

Sorry, the POTUS has NO right to comment publicly on pending DOJ cases or judges. It's called Separation of Power. He also has no right to intimidate witnesses, and neither does Sleazy Roger.

You should be ashamed (and possibly scurry over to your local community college for an adult ed class in Government101)

Wingers will likely say these statements fall within the purview of a fellow American's (Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) freedom of speech.

Yeah, they'll say that right up until the time when a Democrat pulls the same shit.
There's the rub......they already have.

Obama has, Hillary has, Nancy Pelosi has, Adam Schiff-face has, and Chucky-Bullfucky Schumer has.

Sorry, there were no Obama admin indictments or convictions. Ditto on Hillary, Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer or any of their people.

Try again?
Apparently the laws, the court, the jurors, and the American people care. what we don't care about is unrepentant criminals associated with the impeached president.
If the judge prosecutors investigators Weren't bias I would probably be interested in your opinion.. Even the anti stone Juror lied to get on the jury
Look jit, if you had evidence that he did not lie or threaten, you should have testified or filed an amicus brief. It is too late now. You and trumps stupid tweets probably will not effect the judge. You can see the Penguin when he gets out or is pardoned.
like Chelsea got pardoned? hmmmmmmmm
Not familiar with a "Chelsea" trial or conviction. If you send me a link, I will read about it.
Did you look it up on the internet? probably not. you all don't do such things.

look up pardon and chelsea.

I even posted it a few days ago.
Chelsea's father in law wasn't pardoned...

Clinton White House passed up pardon for Chelsea's father-in-law

When was Chelsea pardoned??
If the AG has a problem with the president...tell him to his face in private. Don't allow a journalist to interview you so you can trash the man in public.

That's the way its always been done in the past.

I'm still pissed about the way he refused to indict Comey for his obvious perjury and LEAKING classified communications.

Now he goes out of his way to castigated Trump in public for a GD tweet.

This stuff is all well-rehearsed. Just Trump and friends manipulating media.

Yeah, It's just one of several 'proud to be an American' moments in our current timeline.

If you play the game, you use the tools.
If the AG has a problem with the president...tell him to his face in private. Don't allow a journalist to interview you so you can trash the man in public.

That's the way its always been done in the past.

I'm still pissed about the way he refused to indict Comey for his obvious perjury and LEAKING classified communications.

Now he goes out of his way to castigated Trump in public for a GD tweet.
/----/ Things are not always as they seem. Trump is a master at misdirection, and Barr is a no-nonsense, tough as nails AG. This may be how they deflect democRAT charges of the DOJ being Trumps's personal law firm.
Glad you admit that this is political theater to deflect from the fact that the DOJ is indeed Trump's law firm....except Trump is such a gossipy little DIVA, he can't keep his mouth shut
There's a reason that MOST law firms want to have nothing to do with the loud mouthed carnival barking clown.
Intervening to get lighter sentences for people you are friends with would be corrupt, would it not?
The sentence was unfair
Why? It wasn't at the maximum under federal sentencing guidelines. they could have asked for far more. He never expressed guilt or regret. he threatened a witness. He repeatedly lied, on purpose. What are you saying. If you are old and stupid, you should get lighter sentences. What if old people decided to kill people, because they can get off with a slap on the hands? He is guilty as fk, just as the jury of his peers said he was. The prosecutors served the people well. Why don't you go back to Russia, where verdicts are decided and punishment given based on political whim?
The only reason stone was sentenced to jail is that he refused to roll over and and tell lies about trump
The problem was apparently perjury, obstruction, and threatening witnesses, in all 7 counts that a jury of 12 independent people agreed he was guilty of. He chose to do these things for trump. His only hope is that trump will pardon his criminal activity.
They were all non violent process crimes

and the person who was allegedly threatened said he did not take the threat seriously

stone should pay a fine and maybe serve probation

but nothing more

That’s not what the jury decided. They decided the threats were legitimate and that the violent nature of the threats was a substantial enhancer to his sentencing.

The DoJ followed the guidelines like they’re supposed to.
Apparently the laws, the court, the jurors, and the American people care. what we don't care about is unrepentant criminals associated with the impeached president.
If the judge prosecutors investigators Weren't bias I would probably be interested in your opinion.. Even the anti stone Juror lied to get on the jury
Look jit, if you had evidence that he did not lie or threaten, you should have testified or filed an amicus brief. It is too late now. You and trumps stupid tweets probably will not effect the judge. You can see the Penguin when he gets out or is pardoned.
like Chelsea got pardoned? hmmmmmmmm
Not familiar with a "Chelsea" trial or conviction. If you send me a link, I will read about it.
Did you look it up on the internet? probably not. you all don't do such things.

look up pardon and chelsea.

I even posted it a few days ago.
Ewww! If you had said bradley manning or even chelsea manning I would have known what you were talking about. I would not have pardoned that little jerk. Obama was full of sh%t. Manning was a fkn spy and traitor to his country, breaking every oath he ever took. Didn't Rush say manning got a takeadicktomy operation on our dime? Besides being a traitor and spy, he is a twisted sick fk.
The sentence was unfair
Why? It wasn't at the maximum under federal sentencing guidelines. they could have asked for far more. He never expressed guilt or regret. he threatened a witness. He repeatedly lied, on purpose. What are you saying. If you are old and stupid, you should get lighter sentences. What if old people decided to kill people, because they can get off with a slap on the hands? He is guilty as fk, just as the jury of his peers said he was. The prosecutors served the people well. Why don't you go back to Russia, where verdicts are decided and punishment given based on political whim?
The only reason stone was sentenced to jail is that he refused to roll over and and tell lies about trump
The problem was apparently perjury, obstruction, and threatening witnesses, in all 7 counts that a jury of 12 independent people agreed he was guilty of. He chose to do these things for trump. His only hope is that trump will pardon his criminal activity.
All of this was a bias investigation to get a Trump supporters

It was a House intelligence committee investigation run by REPUBLICANS which led to his conviction.
The house intelligence committee has never indicted anyone
If the AG has a problem with the president...tell him to his face in private. Don't allow a journalist to interview you so you can trash the man in public.

That's the way its always been done in the past.

I'm still pissed about the way he refused to indict Comey for his obvious perjury and LEAKING classified communications.

Now he goes out of his way to castigated Trump in public for a GD tweet.

A winger not respecting the free speech of another American? Be still my heart.
That's rich.
Considering the fact Barr's statement to the press infringed on Trump's freedom of speech.

Sorry, the POTUS has NO right to comment publicly on pending DOJ cases or judges. It's called Separation of Power. He also has no right to intimidate witnesses, and neither does Sleazy Roger.

You should be ashamed (and possibly scurry over to your local community college for an adult ed class in Government101)
You are another one of those internet lawyers that can't tell the difference between filing indictments, a trial, and the sentencing phase.

At least I know the constitution. You deal in bullshit political stunts.
Why? It wasn't at the maximum under federal sentencing guidelines. they could have asked for far more. He never expressed guilt or regret. he threatened a witness. He repeatedly lied, on purpose. What are you saying. If you are old and stupid, you should get lighter sentences. What if old people decided to kill people, because they can get off with a slap on the hands? He is guilty as fk, just as the jury of his peers said he was. The prosecutors served the people well. Why don't you go back to Russia, where verdicts are decided and punishment given based on political whim?
The only reason stone was sentenced to jail is that he refused to roll over and and tell lies about trump
The problem was apparently perjury, obstruction, and threatening witnesses, in all 7 counts that a jury of 12 independent people agreed he was guilty of. He chose to do these things for trump. His only hope is that trump will pardon his criminal activity.
All of this was a bias investigation to get a Trump supporters

It was a House intelligence committee investigation run by REPUBLICANS which led to his conviction.
The house intelligence committee has never indicted anyone
Correct. The House intelligence committee investigated Stone’s participation in the WikiLeaks dumping of DNC emails. That’s where this whole thing began.
If the AG has a problem with the president...tell him to his face in private. Don't allow a journalist to interview you so you can trash the man in public.

That's the way its always been done in the past.

I'm still pissed about the way he refused to indict Comey for his obvious perjury and LEAKING classified communications.

Now he goes out of his way to castigated Trump in public for a GD tweet.
You know that shit was just for show,.right? He cleared it with tRump before saying it. Otherwise tRump woulda come unglued on him like he does every other time someone criticizes him.

This was to provide the illusion of distance, of Independence, from the Whitehouse.

He's not fooling anyone.

This is great...
How much did Trump make on Art of the Deal? (hint: at least one mil in one year) And he didn't even write it.
If the AG has a problem with the president...tell him to his face in private. Don't allow a journalist to interview you so you can trash the man in public.

That's the way its always been done in the past.

I'm still pissed about the way he refused to indict Comey for his obvious perjury and LEAKING classified communications.

Now he goes out of his way to castigated Trump in public for a GD tweet.

A winger not respecting the free speech of another American? Be still my heart.
That's rich.
Considering the fact Barr's statement to the press infringed on Trump's freedom of speech.

Sorry, the POTUS has NO right to comment publicly on pending DOJ cases or judges. It's called Separation of Power. He also has no right to intimidate witnesses, and neither does Sleazy Roger.

You should be ashamed (and possibly scurry over to your local community college for an adult ed class in Government101)

Wingers will likely say these statements fall within the purview of a fellow American's (Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) freedom of speech.
It does.

And Barr has the right to voice his opinions on tweets, but he isn't exactly being tactful and is in fact being counter-productive

So, then you already knew Barr's statement wasn't infringing upon Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed)'s 1st amendment rights. This is why you aren't taken seriously.
Why? It wasn't at the maximum under federal sentencing guidelines. they could have asked for far more. He never expressed guilt or regret. he threatened a witness. He repeatedly lied, on purpose. What are you saying. If you are old and stupid, you should get lighter sentences. What if old people decided to kill people, because they can get off with a slap on the hands? He is guilty as fk, just as the jury of his peers said he was. The prosecutors served the people well. Why don't you go back to Russia, where verdicts are decided and punishment given based on political whim?
The only reason stone was sentenced to jail is that he refused to roll over and and tell lies about trump
The problem was apparently perjury, obstruction, and threatening witnesses, in all 7 counts that a jury of 12 independent people agreed he was guilty of. He chose to do these things for trump. His only hope is that trump will pardon his criminal activity.
All of this was a bias investigation to get a Trump supporters

It was a House intelligence committee investigation run by REPUBLICANS which led to his conviction.
The house intelligence committee has never indicted anyone
Don't believe he said they convicted him -- he said their investigation "LED" to his conviction...
Intervening to get lighter sentences for people you are friends with would be corrupt, would it not?
The sentence was unfair
Why? It wasn't at the maximum under federal sentencing guidelines. they could have asked for far more. He never expressed guilt or regret. he threatened a witness. He repeatedly lied, on purpose. What are you saying. If you are old and stupid, you should get lighter sentences. What if old people decided to kill people, because they can get off with a slap on the hands? He is guilty as fk, just as the jury of his peers said he was. The prosecutors served the people well. Why don't you go back to Russia, where verdicts are decided and punishment given based on political whim?
The only reason stone was sentenced to jail is that he refused to roll over and and tell lies about trump
The problem was apparently perjury, obstruction, and threatening witnesses, in all 7 counts that a jury of 12 independent people agreed he was guilty of. He chose to do these things for trump. His only hope is that trump will pardon his criminal activity.
They were all non violent process crimes

and the person who was allegedly threatened said he did not take the threat seriously

stone should pay a fine and maybe serve probation

but nothing more
As I said earlier, too late for new testimony. How could stone have been so stupid as to send his threat in writing. He is just another in a long list of criminal idiots, the pres hangs with. You can tell a person's character by the company they keep.
If the AG has a problem with the president...tell him to his face in private. Don't allow a journalist to interview you so you can trash the man in public.

That's the way its always been done in the past.

I'm still pissed about the way he refused to indict Comey for his obvious perjury and LEAKING classified communications.

Now he goes out of his way to castigated Trump in public for a GD tweet.

This stuff is all well-rehearsed. Just Trump and friends manipulating media.

Yeah, It's just one of several 'proud to be an American' moments in our current timeline.

If you play the game, you use the tools.

So using 'tools' to rig the game in favor of your guy is A-ok for you, yes?
If the AG has a problem with the president...tell him to his face in private. Don't allow a journalist to interview you so you can trash the man in public.

That's the way its always been done in the past.

I'm still pissed about the way he refused to indict Comey for his obvious perjury and LEAKING classified communications.

Now he goes out of his way to castigated Trump in public for a GD tweet.

A winger not respecting the free speech of another American? Be still my heart.
That's rich.
Considering the fact Barr's statement to the press infringed on Trump's freedom of speech.

Sorry, the POTUS has NO right to comment publicly on pending DOJ cases or judges. It's called Separation of Power. He also has no right to intimidate witnesses, and neither does Sleazy Roger.

You should be ashamed (and possibly scurry over to your local community college for an adult ed class in Government101)
sure he does, you're confused as usual. He's his boss. The fact is Barr should get his prosecutors in line and then the tweets would stop.

This is great...
How much did Trump make on Art of the Deal? (hint: at least one mil in one year) And he didn't even write it.

Why are you always back to Trump? This is more about Tulsi Gabbard. She is the real American. Middle class, served two tours in Afghanistan, still a capitalist. Sanders is a loon.

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