AG Bill Barr: This is “The Closest We Have Come to an Organized Effort to Push a President Out of Office”

An "organized effort to push a president out of office"? How so?
BLM leader SAID SO. It is one of their primary goals. Wake the hell up

Facts literally have no affect on those people
But a 4 page bullshit brief by the pig barr on Meullers russia report was ok with you had no affect?
How was it "bullshit?"
He made nothing out of something .He was only trying to protect your idol The truth is Trump asked for and used Putins help in the election and you deny it
Mueller's report was nothing. No collusion. No obstruction. You TDS morons will never get that through your thick skulls.
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."
We aren’t talking about the purpose of government. You just shifted the conversation. You asked how diversity is a virtue. I answered that question. Don’t change the subject.

I related my answer to Christianity because I thought you were a supposed conservative and would give weight to that relation. Apparently you don’t give a shit about Christian values which is fine with me. I myself am not a religious follower which I already mentioned, so take the biblical references out of you like and use the points I made at face value.
Really? Why are we discussing Trump if the subject isn't government? Are we talking about church? If you want to talk about the latter, then quit wasting my time. If you want to talk about Trump's policies, then quit feeding me this "virtue" crap.

I made no Biblical references. Only you did.

You are right, I don't give a shit about Christian values, especially when it comes to government. I thought you leftwing tards believed in separation of church and state.

I'll repeat for your addled brain, I use the term "virtue" to mean "a good or useful quality of a thing," not a part of some moral code.

You're simply trying to avoid explaining how Americans benefit from "diversity," which was the original subject of this thread. In fact, you have already tacitly admitted that they don't benefit from "diversity."
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. "Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."

Diversity makes the USA dominant in the Winter and the Summer Olympics.
That's it though.
That's literally it.
Yeah, we always kill in Boxing and Basketball. However, I don't think it's much of an advantage in synchronize swimming or water polo.
Hank Aaron ,Willie Mays Jackie Robinson ....Beat em
They are all native born Americans, asshole.
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. "Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."

Diversity makes the USA dominant in the Winter and the Summer Olympics.
That's it though.
That's literally it.
Diversity has lead to the most dynamic economy in the world. Just look at the leading companies driving economic growth. A large number of them were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Immigrants from where?
Steve Jobs
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. "Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."

Diversity makes the USA dominant in the Winter and the Summer Olympics.
That's it though.
That's literally it.
Diversity has lead to the most dynamic economy in the world. Just look at the leading companies driving economic growth. A large number of them were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Immigrants from where?

For Facebook, Apple and Google it was Brazil, Syria and USSR respectively.
Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco and raised by native born Americans. Mark Zuckerburg was born in White Plains NY. Sergey Brin is only one of the founders of Google. However, Brin has been in this country since he was 4 years old. He owes very little of his personality and talents to Russia.

So you got 1/4 out of four.
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
shit dude, you're a progressive tragedy.
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. "Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."

Diversity makes the USA dominant in the Winter and the Summer Olympics.
That's it though.
That's literally it.
Diversity has lead to the most dynamic economy in the world. Just look at the leading companies driving economic growth. A large number of them were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Immigrants from where?
Steve Jobs
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. "Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."

Diversity makes the USA dominant in the Winter and the Summer Olympics.
That's it though.
That's literally it.
Diversity has lead to the most dynamic economy in the world. Just look at the leading companies driving economic growth. A large number of them were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Immigrants from where?

For Facebook, Apple and Google it was Brazil, Syria and USSR respectively.
Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco and raised by native born Americans. Mark Zuckerburg was born in White Plains NY. Sergey Brin is only one of the founders of Google. However, Brin has been in this country since he was 4 years old. He owes very little of his personality and talents to Russia.

So you got 1/4 out of four.
Steve Jobs’s father was Syrian. Point for me. Eduardo Saverin is Brazilian. Point for me.

One out of four? I listed three. Good lord.
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."
We aren’t talking about the purpose of government. You just shifted the conversation. You asked how diversity is a virtue. I answered that question. Don’t change the subject.

I related my answer to Christianity because I thought you were a supposed conservative and would give weight to that relation. Apparently you don’t give a shit about Christian values which is fine with me. I myself am not a religious follower which I already mentioned, so take the biblical references out of you like and use the points I made at face value.
Really? Why are we discussing Trump if the subject isn't government? Are we talking about church? If you want to talk about the latter, then quit wasting my time. If you want to talk about Trump's policies, then quit feeding me this "virtue" crap.

I made no Biblical references. Only you did.

You are right, I don't give a shit about Christian values, especially when it comes to government. I thought you leftwing tards believed in separation of church and state.

I'll repeat for your addled brain, I use the term "virtue" to mean "a good or useful quality of a thing," not a part of some moral code.

You're simply trying to avoid explaining how Americans benefit from "diversity," which was the original subject of this thread. In fact, you have already tacitly admitted that they don't benefit from "diversity."
Well there you go, you are misusing the world virtue. Do you commonly just change the definitions of words to fit your narrative? Who do you think you’re fooling. You are clearly lost in this thread as the virtue discussion stemmed from a question about what I loved about this country. Diversity was part of my answer and then you pushed on why I consider diversity a virtue. Now your trying to shift the conversation. That’s a cheap tactic and it isn’t working.

Also the original subject of this thread was not about diversity it was about Barr. Again I’ll say... you’re lost and don’t know what your talking about.
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. "Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."

Diversity makes the USA dominant in the Winter and the Summer Olympics.
That's it though.
That's literally it.
Diversity has lead to the most dynamic economy in the world. Just look at the leading companies driving economic growth. A large number of them were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Immigrants from where?
Steve Jobs
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. "Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."

Diversity makes the USA dominant in the Winter and the Summer Olympics.
That's it though.
That's literally it.
Diversity has lead to the most dynamic economy in the world. Just look at the leading companies driving economic growth. A large number of them were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Immigrants from where?

For Facebook, Apple and Google it was Brazil, Syria and USSR respectively.
Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco and raised by native born Americans. Mark Zuckerburg was born in White Plains NY. Sergey Brin is only one of the founders of Google. However, Brin has been in this country since he was 4 years old. He owes very little of his personality and talents to Russia.

So you got 1/4 out of four.
Steve Jobs’s father was Syrian. Point for me. Eduardo Saverin is Brazilian. Point for me.

One out of four? I listed three. Good lord.
Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco and put up for adoption when he was a newborn baby. He never knew his biological father when he was growing up.
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. "Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."

Diversity makes the USA dominant in the Winter and the Summer Olympics.
That's it though.
That's literally it.
Diversity has lead to the most dynamic economy in the world. Just look at the leading companies driving economic growth. A large number of them were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Immigrants from where?
Steve Jobs
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. "Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."

Diversity makes the USA dominant in the Winter and the Summer Olympics.
That's it though.
That's literally it.
Diversity has lead to the most dynamic economy in the world. Just look at the leading companies driving economic growth. A large number of them were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Immigrants from where?

For Facebook, Apple and Google it was Brazil, Syria and USSR respectively.
Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco and raised by native born Americans. Mark Zuckerburg was born in White Plains NY. Sergey Brin is only one of the founders of Google. However, Brin has been in this country since he was 4 years old. He owes very little of his personality and talents to Russia.

So you got 1/4 out of four.
Steve Jobs’s father was Syrian. Point for me. Eduardo Saverin is Brazilian. Point for me.

One out of four? I listed three. Good lord.
Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco and put up for adoption when he was a newborn baby. He never knew his biological father when he was growing up.
And he would have never existed had it not been for immigration.
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."
We aren’t talking about the purpose of government. You just shifted the conversation. You asked how diversity is a virtue. I answered that question. Don’t change the subject.

I related my answer to Christianity because I thought you were a supposed conservative and would give weight to that relation. Apparently you don’t give a shit about Christian values which is fine with me. I myself am not a religious follower which I already mentioned, so take the biblical references out of you like and use the points I made at face value.
Really? Why are we discussing Trump if the subject isn't government? Are we talking about church? If you want to talk about the latter, then quit wasting my time. If you want to talk about Trump's policies, then quit feeding me this "virtue" crap.

I made no Biblical references. Only you did.

You are right, I don't give a shit about Christian values, especially when it comes to government. I thought you leftwing tards believed in separation of church and state.

I'll repeat for your addled brain, I use the term "virtue" to mean "a good or useful quality of a thing," not a part of some moral code.

You're simply trying to avoid explaining how Americans benefit from "diversity," which was the original subject of this thread. In fact, you have already tacitly admitted that they don't benefit from "diversity."
Well there you go, you are misusing the world virtue. Do you commonly just change the definitions of words to fit your narrative? Who do you think you’re fooling. You are clearly lost in this thread as the virtue discussion stemmed from a question about what I loved about this country. Diversity was part of my answer and then you pushed on why I consider diversity a virtue. Now your trying to shift the conversation. That’s a cheap tactic and it isn’t working
I didn't change the definition of the word, you fucking douchebag

Virtue | Definition of Virtue by Oxford Dictionary on also meaning of Virtue
Definition of virtue in English:

Translate virtue into Spanish
Pronunciation /ˈvərCHo͞o/ /ˈvərtʃu/

  • 1Behavior showing high moral standards.
    ‘paragons of virtue’
  1. 1.1A quality considered morally good or desirable in a person.

    ‘patience is a virtue’
  • 1.2A good or useful quality of a thing.

    ‘Mike was extolling the virtues of the car’

  • 1.3archaic Virginity or chastity, especially of a woman.

    You're weaseling, shit bag.
    Who do you think you're fooling?
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. "Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."

Diversity makes the USA dominant in the Winter and the Summer Olympics.
That's it though.
That's literally it.
Diversity has lead to the most dynamic economy in the world. Just look at the leading companies driving economic growth. A large number of them were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Immigrants from where?
Steve Jobs
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. "Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."

Diversity makes the USA dominant in the Winter and the Summer Olympics.
That's it though.
That's literally it.
Diversity has lead to the most dynamic economy in the world. Just look at the leading companies driving economic growth. A large number of them were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Immigrants from where?

For Facebook, Apple and Google it was Brazil, Syria and USSR respectively.
Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco and raised by native born Americans. Mark Zuckerburg was born in White Plains NY. Sergey Brin is only one of the founders of Google. However, Brin has been in this country since he was 4 years old. He owes very little of his personality and talents to Russia.

So you got 1/4 out of four.
Steve Jobs’s father was Syrian. Point for me. Eduardo Saverin is Brazilian. Point for me.

One out of four? I listed three. Good lord.
Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco and put up for adoption when he was a newborn baby. He never knew his biological father when he was growing up.
And he would have never existed had it not been for immigration.

What part of his Syrian culture benefited Americans?
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. "Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."

Diversity makes the USA dominant in the Winter and the Summer Olympics.
That's it though.
That's literally it.
Diversity has lead to the most dynamic economy in the world. Just look at the leading companies driving economic growth. A large number of them were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Immigrants from where?
Steve Jobs
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. "Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."

Diversity makes the USA dominant in the Winter and the Summer Olympics.
That's it though.
That's literally it.
Diversity has lead to the most dynamic economy in the world. Just look at the leading companies driving economic growth. A large number of them were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Immigrants from where?

For Facebook, Apple and Google it was Brazil, Syria and USSR respectively.
Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco and raised by native born Americans. Mark Zuckerburg was born in White Plains NY. Sergey Brin is only one of the founders of Google. However, Brin has been in this country since he was 4 years old. He owes very little of his personality and talents to Russia.

So you got 1/4 out of four.
Steve Jobs’s father was Syrian. Point for me. Eduardo Saverin is Brazilian. Point for me.

One out of four? I listed three. Good lord.
Jobs was thoroughly American. His father contributed DNA, and nothing more. When turds like you are talking about the benefits of "diversity," do you mean to say that culture has nothing to do with it?
As co-founder, Saverin held the role of chief financial officer and business manager.

he was the company accountant. Big whoop.
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."
We aren’t talking about the purpose of government. You just shifted the conversation. You asked how diversity is a virtue. I answered that question. Don’t change the subject.

I related my answer to Christianity because I thought you were a supposed conservative and would give weight to that relation. Apparently you don’t give a shit about Christian values which is fine with me. I myself am not a religious follower which I already mentioned, so take the biblical references out of you like and use the points I made at face value.
Really? Why are we discussing Trump if the subject isn't government? Are we talking about church? If you want to talk about the latter, then quit wasting my time. If you want to talk about Trump's policies, then quit feeding me this "virtue" crap.

I made no Biblical references. Only you did.

You are right, I don't give a shit about Christian values, especially when it comes to government. I thought you leftwing tards believed in separation of church and state.

I'll repeat for your addled brain, I use the term "virtue" to mean "a good or useful quality of a thing," not a part of some moral code.

You're simply trying to avoid explaining how Americans benefit from "diversity," which was the original subject of this thread. In fact, you have already tacitly admitted that they don't benefit from "diversity."
Well there you go, you are misusing the world virtue. Do you commonly just change the definitions of words to fit your narrative? Who do you think you’re fooling. You are clearly lost in this thread as the virtue discussion stemmed from a question about what I loved about this country. Diversity was part of my answer and then you pushed on why I consider diversity a virtue. Now your trying to shift the conversation. That’s a cheap tactic and it isn’t working
I didn't change the definition of the word, you fucking douchebag

Virtue | Definition of Virtue by Oxford Dictionary on also meaning of Virtue
Definition of virtue in English:

Translate virtue into Spanish
Pronunciation /ˈvərCHo͞o/ /ˈvərtʃu/

  • 1Behavior showing high moral standards.
    ‘paragons of virtue’
  1. 1.1A quality considered morally good or desirable in a person.

    ‘patience is a virtue’
  • 1.2A good or useful quality of a thing.

    ‘Mike was extolling the virtues of the car’

  • 1.3archaic Virginity or chastity, especially of a woman.

    You're weaseling, shit bag.
    Who do you think you're fooling?
You just literally contradicted yourself. Here is what you said...

“I use the term "virtue" to mean "a good or useful quality of a thing," not a part of some moral code.“

Now compare that with the definition that you just posted. Wow, you’re having a bad day. Try a nap or some coffee
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."
We aren’t talking about the purpose of government. You just shifted the conversation. You asked how diversity is a virtue. I answered that question. Don’t change the subject.

I related my answer to Christianity because I thought you were a supposed conservative and would give weight to that relation. Apparently you don’t give a shit about Christian values which is fine with me. I myself am not a religious follower which I already mentioned, so take the biblical references out of you like and use the points I made at face value.
Really? Why are we discussing Trump if the subject isn't government? Are we talking about church? If you want to talk about the latter, then quit wasting my time. If you want to talk about Trump's policies, then quit feeding me this "virtue" crap.

I made no Biblical references. Only you did.

You are right, I don't give a shit about Christian values, especially when it comes to government. I thought you leftwing tards believed in separation of church and state.

I'll repeat for your addled brain, I use the term "virtue" to mean "a good or useful quality of a thing," not a part of some moral code.

You're simply trying to avoid explaining how Americans benefit from "diversity," which was the original subject of this thread. In fact, you have already tacitly admitted that they don't benefit from "diversity."
Well there you go, you are misusing the world virtue. Do you commonly just change the definitions of words to fit your narrative? Who do you think you’re fooling. You are clearly lost in this thread as the virtue discussion stemmed from a question about what I loved about this country. Diversity was part of my answer and then you pushed on why I consider diversity a virtue. Now your trying to shift the conversation. That’s a cheap tactic and it isn’t working
I didn't change the definition of the word, you fucking douchebag

Virtue | Definition of Virtue by Oxford Dictionary on also meaning of Virtue
Definition of virtue in English:

Translate virtue into Spanish
Pronunciation /ˈvərCHo͞o/ /ˈvərtʃu/

  • 1Behavior showing high moral standards.
    ‘paragons of virtue’
  1. 1.1A quality considered morally good or desirable in a person.

    ‘patience is a virtue’
  • 1.2A good or useful quality of a thing.

    ‘Mike was extolling the virtues of the car’

  • 1.3archaic Virginity or chastity, especially of a woman.

    You're weaseling, shit bag.
    Who do you think you're fooling?
You just literally contradicted yourself. Here is what you said...

“I use the term "virtue" to mean "a good or useful quality of a thing," not a part of some moral code.“

Now compare that with the definition that you just posted. Wow, you’re having a bad day. Try a nap or some coffee
I bolded the definition I used, moron. I literally copied and pasted it into my previous response.

You're only proving that you're a sleazy lying dumbass who doesn't want to address the issue under discussion.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. "Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."

Diversity makes the USA dominant in the Winter and the Summer Olympics.
That's it though.
That's literally it.
Diversity has lead to the most dynamic economy in the world. Just look at the leading companies driving economic growth. A large number of them were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Immigrants from where?
Steve Jobs
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. "Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."

Diversity makes the USA dominant in the Winter and the Summer Olympics.
That's it though.
That's literally it.
Diversity has lead to the most dynamic economy in the world. Just look at the leading companies driving economic growth. A large number of them were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Immigrants from where?

For Facebook, Apple and Google it was Brazil, Syria and USSR respectively.
Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco and raised by native born Americans. Mark Zuckerburg was born in White Plains NY. Sergey Brin is only one of the founders of Google. However, Brin has been in this country since he was 4 years old. He owes very little of his personality and talents to Russia.

So you got 1/4 out of four.
Steve Jobs’s father was Syrian. Point for me. Eduardo Saverin is Brazilian. Point for me.

One out of four? I listed three. Good lord.
Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco and put up for adoption when he was a newborn baby. He never knew his biological father when he was growing up.
And he would have never existed had it not been for immigration.

What part of his Syrian culture benefited Americans?
That’s a different question, now isn’t it.
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. "Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."

Diversity makes the USA dominant in the Winter and the Summer Olympics.
That's it though.
That's literally it.
Diversity has lead to the most dynamic economy in the world. Just look at the leading companies driving economic growth. A large number of them were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Immigrants from where?
Steve Jobs
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. "Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."

Diversity makes the USA dominant in the Winter and the Summer Olympics.
That's it though.
That's literally it.
Diversity has lead to the most dynamic economy in the world. Just look at the leading companies driving economic growth. A large number of them were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Immigrants from where?

For Facebook, Apple and Google it was Brazil, Syria and USSR respectively.
Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco and raised by native born Americans. Mark Zuckerburg was born in White Plains NY. Sergey Brin is only one of the founders of Google. However, Brin has been in this country since he was 4 years old. He owes very little of his personality and talents to Russia.

So you got 1/4 out of four.
Steve Jobs’s father was Syrian. Point for me. Eduardo Saverin is Brazilian. Point for me.

One out of four? I listed three. Good lord.
Jobs was thoroughly American. His father contributed DNA, and nothing more. When turds like you are talking about the benefits of "diversity," do you mean to say that culture has nothing to do with it?
As co-founder, Saverin held the role of chief financial officer and business manager.

he was the company accountant. Big whoop.
Ha! I guess you’re the expert on who did what for Facebook now?
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. "Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."

Diversity makes the USA dominant in the Winter and the Summer Olympics.
That's it though.
That's literally it.
Diversity has lead to the most dynamic economy in the world. Just look at the leading companies driving economic growth. A large number of them were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Immigrants from where?
Steve Jobs
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. "Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."

Diversity makes the USA dominant in the Winter and the Summer Olympics.
That's it though.
That's literally it.
Diversity has lead to the most dynamic economy in the world. Just look at the leading companies driving economic growth. A large number of them were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Immigrants from where?

For Facebook, Apple and Google it was Brazil, Syria and USSR respectively.
Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco and raised by native born Americans. Mark Zuckerburg was born in White Plains NY. Sergey Brin is only one of the founders of Google. However, Brin has been in this country since he was 4 years old. He owes very little of his personality and talents to Russia.

So you got 1/4 out of four.
Steve Jobs’s father was Syrian. Point for me. Eduardo Saverin is Brazilian. Point for me.

One out of four? I listed three. Good lord.
Jobs was thoroughly American. His father contributed DNA, and nothing more. When turds like you are talking about the benefits of "diversity," do you mean to say that culture has nothing to do with it?
As co-founder, Saverin held the role of chief financial officer and business manager.

he was the company accountant. Big whoop.
Ha! I guess you’re the expert on who did what for Facebook now?
I quoted the Wiki entry on him, shit for brains.
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. "Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."

Diversity makes the USA dominant in the Winter and the Summer Olympics.
That's it though.
That's literally it.
Diversity has lead to the most dynamic economy in the world. Just look at the leading companies driving economic growth. A large number of them were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Immigrants from where?
Steve Jobs
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. "Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."

Diversity makes the USA dominant in the Winter and the Summer Olympics.
That's it though.
That's literally it.
Diversity has lead to the most dynamic economy in the world. Just look at the leading companies driving economic growth. A large number of them were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Immigrants from where?

For Facebook, Apple and Google it was Brazil, Syria and USSR respectively.
Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco and raised by native born Americans. Mark Zuckerburg was born in White Plains NY. Sergey Brin is only one of the founders of Google. However, Brin has been in this country since he was 4 years old. He owes very little of his personality and talents to Russia.

So you got 1/4 out of four.
Steve Jobs’s father was Syrian. Point for me. Eduardo Saverin is Brazilian. Point for me.

One out of four? I listed three. Good lord.
Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco and put up for adoption when he was a newborn baby. He never knew his biological father when he was growing up.
And he would have never existed had it not been for immigration.

What part of his Syrian culture benefited Americans?
That’s a different question, now isn’t it.
Nope. By "diversity" rational person would assume you mean diversity of cultures, not mere diversity of DNA. Apparently you're claiming that if we took sperm donations from foreigners and impregnated millions of American women with it, then we would achieve the same alleged "benefit." Only imbeciles swallow that theory.
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."
We aren’t talking about the purpose of government. You just shifted the conversation. You asked how diversity is a virtue. I answered that question. Don’t change the subject.

I related my answer to Christianity because I thought you were a supposed conservative and would give weight to that relation. Apparently you don’t give a shit about Christian values which is fine with me. I myself am not a religious follower which I already mentioned, so take the biblical references out of you like and use the points I made at face value.
Really? Why are we discussing Trump if the subject isn't government? Are we talking about church? If you want to talk about the latter, then quit wasting my time. If you want to talk about Trump's policies, then quit feeding me this "virtue" crap.

I made no Biblical references. Only you did.

You are right, I don't give a shit about Christian values, especially when it comes to government. I thought you leftwing tards believed in separation of church and state.

I'll repeat for your addled brain, I use the term "virtue" to mean "a good or useful quality of a thing," not a part of some moral code.

You're simply trying to avoid explaining how Americans benefit from "diversity," which was the original subject of this thread. In fact, you have already tacitly admitted that they don't benefit from "diversity."
Well there you go, you are misusing the world virtue. Do you commonly just change the definitions of words to fit your narrative? Who do you think you’re fooling. You are clearly lost in this thread as the virtue discussion stemmed from a question about what I loved about this country. Diversity was part of my answer and then you pushed on why I consider diversity a virtue. Now your trying to shift the conversation. That’s a cheap tactic and it isn’t working
I didn't change the definition of the word, you fucking douchebag

Virtue | Definition of Virtue by Oxford Dictionary on also meaning of Virtue
Definition of virtue in English:

Translate virtue into Spanish
Pronunciation /ˈvərCHo͞o/ /ˈvərtʃu/

  • 1Behavior showing high moral standards.
    ‘paragons of virtue’
  1. 1.1A quality considered morally good or desirable in a person.

    ‘patience is a virtue’
  • 1.2A good or useful quality of a thing.

    ‘Mike was extolling the virtues of the car’

  • 1.3archaic Virginity or chastity, especially of a woman.

    You're weaseling, shit bag.
    Who do you think you're fooling?
You just literally contradicted yourself. Here is what you said...

“I use the term "virtue" to mean "a good or useful quality of a thing," not a part of some moral code.“

Now compare that with the definition that you just posted. Wow, you’re having a bad day. Try a nap or some coffee
I bolded the definition I used, moron. I literally copied and pasted it into my previous response.

You're only proving that you're a sleazy lying dumbass who doesn't want to address the issue under discussion.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Yes I saw that... you highlighting your selective definition instead of just having a common sense intellectual discussion about the point I was obviously making is very apparent. The very first definition you posted refers to morality yet I’m the idiot for using a moral argument... doesn’t get any dumber than that.... I don't know how you think you are helping your argument.
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. "Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."

Diversity makes the USA dominant in the Winter and the Summer Olympics.
That's it though.
That's literally it.
Diversity has lead to the most dynamic economy in the world. Just look at the leading companies driving economic growth. A large number of them were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Immigrants from where?
Steve Jobs
Dims had the opportunity to call all the witnesses they wanted during the impeachment.
Yup they could call all they wanted but subpoenas were ignored. Would you have preferred they let it drag out for months longer while it all played out in court?

That's the system.
Why do you hate the system that the USA has?
because like with many other areas of government it is inefficient, ineffective, a huge waste of time and a huge waste of money

Maybe you should relocate to a country more to your liking.
I love my country... Don't know what your talking about

What do you love ?
It clearly is not the system that we live under
I love the diversity, the freedom, the innovation, the progression, the fight that many undertake to do what's right, until Trump I've always felt like the USA stood for what's right and good. We were the good guys. Now I feel like he is representing us as selfish, greedy, arrogant douchbags, he can't leave soon enough.
And the sad thing is the rest of the world thinks of us like that too
So in order to get respect from the rest of the world, we have to allow anyone who wants to walk all over us and give it to us up the ass? That's why I don't give a fuck what the rest of the world thinks.
where do you get these retarded interpretations from? You sound more and more like a complete idiot each time you make comments like this.
That's what turds like you mean when you call Trump "selfish" and "greedy." If he acts in the best interests of Americans, then he's selfish and greedy. Turds, like you put the interests of foreigners of our interests. Americans have had their fill of that shit.

BTW, anyone who extols the virtues of "diversity" is automatically a douchebag. When has anyone ever demonstrated any benefit from "diversity?"
Wrong. I don’t call Trump selfish and greedy because he put the needs of Americans before all else you dipshit. If you don’t get that by now then I can’t help you. And I’m certainly not wasting any more of my time explaining it to you.
You can explain it to him but you can't make him understand it
I understand it perfectly. That's what has him so upset.
You think you understand it when you clearly don’t. That’s part of your issue with life in general. That’s why you're comedy to me.
How have I demonstrated I don't understand it when all I've done is ask you to explain your understanding?

You are obviously dodging and weaving because you know your position is absurd. So-called "diversity" has no tangible benefits of any kind to any native born American. None.

I once had a thread with over 2000 posts where I asked libtards to explain the benefits of "diversity." The only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food."
I’m not a religious follower but I do believe the teachings in the Bible have many good life lessons and virtues, one of the most obvious lessons being to love thy neighbor, to help and give charity to the less fortunate, to treat others as you’d like to be treated, to sacrifice ones self for the good of others. All these lessons of Virtue reflect the values of having a diverse, accepting, and welcoming country. You don’t think Trump is selfish because you yourself are selfish and apparently in denial. You want what’s best for you and your own, damn the others.

It’s unfortunate you can’t see that.
The purpose of government is not to force Americans to comply with Christian principles. The purpose of our government is to benefit Americans. Once again you have failed to explain how any native born American benefits from "diversity." You have also implicitly admitted that you object to Trump because he wants to control the border. Screwing native born Americans so you can do good deeds for foreigners is clearly not a legitimate government objective. I don't want the government "sacrificing" (your word) my welfare for the sake of the citizens of Mexico or any other country.

You're twisting yourself into a logic pretzel trying to deny the obvious, but all you do is reinforce it.

BTW, when you use the word "virtue" you mean in the Christian sense. "Celibacy is also a Christian virtue, but I don't see you endorsing that. I only use the word as a synonym meaning "benefit."

Diversity makes the USA dominant in the Winter and the Summer Olympics.
That's it though.
That's literally it.
Diversity has lead to the most dynamic economy in the world. Just look at the leading companies driving economic growth. A large number of them were founded by immigrants or children of immigrants.

Immigrants from where?

For Facebook, Apple and Google it was Brazil, Syria and USSR respectively.
Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco and raised by native born Americans. Mark Zuckerburg was born in White Plains NY. Sergey Brin is only one of the founders of Google. However, Brin has been in this country since he was 4 years old. He owes very little of his personality and talents to Russia.

So you got 1/4 out of four.
Steve Jobs’s father was Syrian. Point for me. Eduardo Saverin is Brazilian. Point for me.

One out of four? I listed three. Good lord.
Jobs was thoroughly American. His father contributed DNA, and nothing more. When turds like you are talking about the benefits of "diversity," do you mean to say that culture has nothing to do with it?
As co-founder, Saverin held the role of chief financial officer and business manager.

he was the company accountant. Big whoop.
Ha! I guess you’re the expert on who did what for Facebook now?
I quoted the Wiki entry on him, shit for brains.
The wiki article was fine.

Your commentary was absurd.

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