AGAIN: Intel Committee Chair: ‘NO EVIDENCE' Of Collusion Between Trump Campaign And Russians

FBI investigation is still ongoing
Manifort, Flynn and Sessions have not even been interviewed yet

Is there evidence of collusion? not yet
Is the investigation closed? Not by a long shot

And so ends one more episode of "How To Keep An Idiot In Suspense."

I'm certain you'll stay tuned.
I ran the OP's entire post through Google Translate and it translated into...
Trump Lied!

No evidence to support Trump's claim of wire tapping by President Obama
If you ignore the NSA's records of 'electronic surveillance' of Trump and his family.

The FBI explicitly said that President Obama had no authority to order the wire tapping of Trump or any other private citizen.

Trump lied to you- that was confirmed today.

And you just keep burying your head up Trump's ass.

Why would he need to order a wiretap when he has subverts in the intel community that will break the law and leak FISA wiretaps? It has the same effect.

No evidence to support Trump's claim of wire tapping by President Obama
If you ignore the NSA's records of 'electronic surveillance' of Trump and his family.

The FBI explicitly said that President Obama had no authority to order the wire tapping of Trump or any other private citizen.

Trump lied to you- that was confirmed today.

And you just keep burying your head up Trump's ass.

Why would he need to order a wiretap when he has subverts in the intel community that will break the law and leak FISA wiretaps? It has the same effect.

Yea, and why would you need evidence based opinion when you can have baselesss conspiracy theory?

No evidence to support Trump's claim of wire tapping by President Obama
If you ignore the NSA's records of 'electronic surveillance' of Trump and his family.

The FBI explicitly said that President Obama had no authority to order the wire tapping of Trump or any other private citizen.

Trump lied to you- that was confirmed today.

And you just keep burying your head up Trump's ass.

Why would he need to order a wiretap when he has subverts in the intel community that will break the law and leak FISA wiretaps? It has the same effect.

Yea, and why would you need evidence based opinion when you can have baselesss conspiracy theory?

We have the evidence. Evidence of the only confirmed crime: Flynn's name was unmasked and leaked. Comey confirmed that. There is an individual or a group that is leaking information from wiretaps that are supposed to be protected by FISA safeguards. That's not a conspiracy theory, those are the facts, verified by the FBI director under oath.
Snowflakes don't seem to understand - or at least are intentionally acting like they don't - that THE ONLY CRIME CONFIRMED COMMITTED by an American was committed by DEMOCRATS...Obama holdovers....Snowflakes.

While declaring the DNC's 'fishing expedition' will continue into the NON-Collusion between Trum and the Russians, Comey and the director of the NSA clearly declared what was done by Democrats / Obama holdovers was ESPIONAGE
Collusion will bring down the Trump presidency

What we do know is Russia spied on Trumps behalf, Trump used the stolen evidence in his campaign, Trump eased antiRussian wording in the GOP platform, Trump has continually defended Russia, Trump representatives met with Russian agents and lied about it

Let's see how the investigation turns out
Interesting. You make an absolute statement, then turn around and caution everyone else to wait for the results of the investigation. Now why do I believe that you will not accept a finding that absolves Trump of collusion?

No evidence to support Trump's claim of wire tapping by President Obama
If you ignore the NSA's records of 'electronic surveillance' of Trump and his family.

The FBI explicitly said that President Obama had no authority to order the wire tapping of Trump or any other private citizen.

Trump lied to you- that was confirmed today.

And you just keep burying your head up Trump's ass.

Why would he need to order a wiretap when he has subverts in the intel community that will break the law and leak FISA wiretaps? It has the same effect.

Yea, and why would you need evidence based opinion when you can have baselesss conspiracy theory?

We have the evidence. Evidence of the only confirmed crime: Flynn's name was unmasked and leaked. Comey confirmed that. There is an individual or a group that is leaking information from wiretaps that are supposed to be protected by FISA safeguards. That's not a conspiracy theory, those are the facts, verified by the FBI director under oath.

Nonsense, it was Russian ambassador that was wiretapped, not Flynn. As far as the source of leak? Could have been Trump's administration themselves (like for example Pence) as they received the briefing on Flynn lying 2 weeks before it became public.
If you ignore the NSA's records of 'electronic surveillance' of Trump and his family.

The FBI explicitly said that President Obama had no authority to order the wire tapping of Trump or any other private citizen.

Trump lied to you- that was confirmed today.

And you just keep burying your head up Trump's ass.

Why would he need to order a wiretap when he has subverts in the intel community that will break the law and leak FISA wiretaps? It has the same effect.

Yea, and why would you need evidence based opinion when you can have baselesss conspiracy theory?

We have the evidence. Evidence of the only confirmed crime: Flynn's name was unmasked and leaked. Comey confirmed that. There is an individual or a group that is leaking information from wiretaps that are supposed to be protected by FISA safeguards. That's not a conspiracy theory, those are the facts, verified by the FBI director under oath.

Nonsense, it was Russian ambassador that was wiretapped, not Flynn. As far as the source of leak? Could have been Trump's administration themselves (like for example Pence) as they received the briefing on Flynn lying 2 weeks before it became public.

For the Trump administration to even know about it, it had to have been leaked from the NSA/FBI, that is the felony. Using the excuse that "the ambassador was being wiretapped" isn't an excuse.
The FBI explicitly said that President Obama had no authority to order the wire tapping of Trump or any other private citizen.

Trump lied to you- that was confirmed today.

And you just keep burying your head up Trump's ass.

Why would he need to order a wiretap when he has subverts in the intel community that will break the law and leak FISA wiretaps? It has the same effect.

Yea, and why would you need evidence based opinion when you can have baselesss conspiracy theory?

We have the evidence. Evidence of the only confirmed crime: Flynn's name was unmasked and leaked. Comey confirmed that. There is an individual or a group that is leaking information from wiretaps that are supposed to be protected by FISA safeguards. That's not a conspiracy theory, those are the facts, verified by the FBI director under oath.

Nonsense, it was Russian ambassador that was wiretapped, not Flynn. As far as the source of leak? Could have been Trump's administration themselves (like for example Pence) as they received the briefing on Flynn lying 2 weeks before it became public.

For the Trump administration to even know about it, it had to have been leaked from the NSA/FBI, that is the felony. Using the excuse that "the ambassador was being wiretapped" isn't an excuse.

You are a fucking idiot making nonsense up, FBI gives regular briefings to Trump and members of administration to APPROPRIATELY share with them information they have.
Why would he need to order a wiretap when he has subverts in the intel community that will break the law and leak FISA wiretaps? It has the same effect.

Yea, and why would you need evidence based opinion when you can have baselesss conspiracy theory?

We have the evidence. Evidence of the only confirmed crime: Flynn's name was unmasked and leaked. Comey confirmed that. There is an individual or a group that is leaking information from wiretaps that are supposed to be protected by FISA safeguards. That's not a conspiracy theory, those are the facts, verified by the FBI director under oath.

Nonsense, it was Russian ambassador that was wiretapped, not Flynn. As far as the source of leak? Could have been Trump's administration themselves (like for example Pence) as they received the briefing on Flynn lying 2 weeks before it became public.

For the Trump administration to even know about it, it had to have been leaked from the NSA/FBI, that is the felony. Using the excuse that "the ambassador was being wiretapped" isn't an excuse.

You are a fucking idiot making nonsense up, FBI gives regular briefings to Trump and members of administration to APPROPRIATELY share with them information they have.

I'm making this up? Yesterday Comey made it quite clear that any American identified in a foreign wiretap falls under FISA, and only 20 people in the NSA have the authority to "unmask" the names of such US citizens. No one else has access to those names. The President has no authority to see such names. Comey testified that Flynn's name leak is a felony, and that it had to be committed from within the intel community.

Now get lost, you're just making yourself look like an unhinged lunatic that doesn't have a clue about what is really going on.
how come we didnt have a trial of this nature after all of the lies that came from Obama-Care? was there some reason that they couldnt grill Barry after what happened?
Yea, and why would you need evidence based opinion when you can have baselesss conspiracy theory?

We have the evidence. Evidence of the only confirmed crime: Flynn's name was unmasked and leaked. Comey confirmed that. There is an individual or a group that is leaking information from wiretaps that are supposed to be protected by FISA safeguards. That's not a conspiracy theory, those are the facts, verified by the FBI director under oath.

Nonsense, it was Russian ambassador that was wiretapped, not Flynn. As far as the source of leak? Could have been Trump's administration themselves (like for example Pence) as they received the briefing on Flynn lying 2 weeks before it became public.

For the Trump administration to even know about it, it had to have been leaked from the NSA/FBI, that is the felony. Using the excuse that "the ambassador was being wiretapped" isn't an excuse.

You are a fucking idiot making nonsense up, FBI gives regular briefings to Trump and members of administration to APPROPRIATELY share with them information they have.

I'm making this up? Yesterday Comey made it quite clear that any American identified in a foreign wiretap falls under FISA, and only 20 people in the NSA have the authority to "unmask" the names of such US citizens. No one else has access to those names. The President has no authority to see such names. Comey testified that Flynn's name leak is a felony, and that it had to be committed from within the intel community.

Now get lost, you're just making yourself look like an unhinged lunatic that doesn't have a clue about what is really going on.


Trump's administration members knew Flynn lied, I don't see how it is at all possible to know who exactly leaked.

And lets not lose track of what is going on here, administration KNOWS for 2 weeks that Flynn was lying about Russians, KNEW that he let Pence make a total fool of himself when he went out and defended Flynn and DID NOTHING until story went public.

And what are you fucking treasonous assholes are concerned about? Someone letting the world know what a piece of shit Flynn is.
We have the evidence. Evidence of the only confirmed crime: Flynn's name was unmasked and leaked. Comey confirmed that. There is an individual or a group that is leaking information from wiretaps that are supposed to be protected by FISA safeguards. That's not a conspiracy theory, those are the facts, verified by the FBI director under oath.

Nonsense, it was Russian ambassador that was wiretapped, not Flynn. As far as the source of leak? Could have been Trump's administration themselves (like for example Pence) as they received the briefing on Flynn lying 2 weeks before it became public.

For the Trump administration to even know about it, it had to have been leaked from the NSA/FBI, that is the felony. Using the excuse that "the ambassador was being wiretapped" isn't an excuse.

You are a fucking idiot making nonsense up, FBI gives regular briefings to Trump and members of administration to APPROPRIATELY share with them information they have.

I'm making this up? Yesterday Comey made it quite clear that any American identified in a foreign wiretap falls under FISA, and only 20 people in the NSA have the authority to "unmask" the names of such US citizens. No one else has access to those names. The President has no authority to see such names. Comey testified that Flynn's name leak is a felony, and that it had to be committed from within the intel community.

Now get lost, you're just making yourself look like an unhinged lunatic that doesn't have a clue about what is really going on.


Trump's administration members knew Flynn lied, I don't see how it is at all possible to know who exactly leaked.

And lets not lose track of what is going on here, administration KNOWS for 2 weeks that Flynn was lying about Russians, KNEW that he let Pence make a total fool of himself when he went out and defended Flynn and DID NOTHING until story went public.

And what are you fucking treasonous assholes are concerned about? Someone letting the world know what a piece of shit Flynn is.

The leaks happened during Obama's term.

Here is the transcript. 20 people in the NSA have access.
There are also many in the FBI with access, and political appointees (Obamaphiles) had access:

ROONEY: Who normally in the NSA would make the decision to unmask?
ROGERS: There are 20 individuals including myself who I have delegated this authority to approve unmask requests.
GOWDY: Admiral Rogers said there are 20 people within the NSA that are part of the unmasking process. How many people within the FBI are part of the unmasking process?
COMEY: I don't know for sure. As I sit here, surely more, given the nature the FBI's work. We come into contact with U.S. persons a whole lot more than the NSA does because we may be conducting -- we only conduct our operations in the United States to collect electronic surveillance -- to conduct electronic surveillance, so I don't -- I can find out the exact number, I don't know it as I sit here.
GOWDY: All right, so that's four. The NSA, FBI, CIA, Main Justice. Does the White House have the authority to unmask a U.S. citizen's name?
COMEY: I think other elements of the government that are consumers of our products can ask the collectors to unmask. The unmasking resides with those who collected the information. And so if Mike Rogers's folks collected something and they sent it to me in a report and it says U.S. person number one and it's important for the FBI to know who that is, our request will go back to them. The White House can make similar requests of the FBI or of NSA but they can't on their -- they don't own their own collect and so they can't on their own unmask. I got that about right?
ROGERS: No, that's correct.
COMEY: Yeah.

GOWDY: Would Director Brennan have access to an unmasked U.S. citizen's name?
COMEY: In some circumstances, yes.
GOWDY: Would National Security Adviser Susan Rice have access to an unmasked U.S. citizen's name?
COMEY: I think any -- yes, in general, and any other national security adviser would, I think, as a matter of their ordinary course of their business.
GOWDY: Would former White House Advisor Ben Rhodes have access to an unmasked U.S. citizen's name?
COMEY: I don't know the answer to that.
GOWDY: Would former Attorney General Loretta Lynch have access to an unmasked U.S. citizen's name?
COMEY: In general, yes, as would any attorney general.
GOWDY: So that would also include Acting AG Sally Yates?
COMEY: Same answer.

GOWDY: Did you brief President Obama on -- well, I'll just ask you. Did you brief President Obama on any calls involving Michael Flynn?
COMEY: I'm not gonna get into either that particular case that matter, or any conversations I had with the president. So I can't answer that.
Full transcript: FBI Director James Comey testifies on Russian interference in 2016 election

There you have it. The only people that had access to Flynn's name were intell people during the Obama regime, as well as Obama political appointees, many of whom we already know are corrupt pieces of shit (Lynch, Yates).
Nonsense, it was Russian ambassador that was wiretapped, not Flynn. As far as the source of leak? Could have been Trump's administration themselves (like for example Pence) as they received the briefing on Flynn lying 2 weeks before it became public.

For the Trump administration to even know about it, it had to have been leaked from the NSA/FBI, that is the felony. Using the excuse that "the ambassador was being wiretapped" isn't an excuse.

You are a fucking idiot making nonsense up, FBI gives regular briefings to Trump and members of administration to APPROPRIATELY share with them information they have.

I'm making this up? Yesterday Comey made it quite clear that any American identified in a foreign wiretap falls under FISA, and only 20 people in the NSA have the authority to "unmask" the names of such US citizens. No one else has access to those names. The President has no authority to see such names. Comey testified that Flynn's name leak is a felony, and that it had to be committed from within the intel community.

Now get lost, you're just making yourself look like an unhinged lunatic that doesn't have a clue about what is really going on.


Trump's administration members knew Flynn lied, I don't see how it is at all possible to know who exactly leaked.

And lets not lose track of what is going on here, administration KNOWS for 2 weeks that Flynn was lying about Russians, KNEW that he let Pence make a total fool of himself when he went out and defended Flynn and DID NOTHING until story went public.

And what are you fucking treasonous assholes are concerned about? Someone letting the world know what a piece of shit Flynn is.

The leaks happened during Obama's term.

NOPE, wrong again dumbass.

the calls happened during Obama's term, the story broke in FEBRUARY, 2 weeks after Trump administration was briefed on the matter.

You said that Comney has stated that he was certain the leak came from the intelligence community itself, but so far have not provided any such quote. Instead you posted exchange about general nature of who has access to information, while we also know damn sure that in this specific case Trump's administration had access to it as well before the leaking occurred.
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For the Trump administration to even know about it, it had to have been leaked from the NSA/FBI, that is the felony. Using the excuse that "the ambassador was being wiretapped" isn't an excuse.

You are a fucking idiot making nonsense up, FBI gives regular briefings to Trump and members of administration to APPROPRIATELY share with them information they have.

I'm making this up? Yesterday Comey made it quite clear that any American identified in a foreign wiretap falls under FISA, and only 20 people in the NSA have the authority to "unmask" the names of such US citizens. No one else has access to those names. The President has no authority to see such names. Comey testified that Flynn's name leak is a felony, and that it had to be committed from within the intel community.

Now get lost, you're just making yourself look like an unhinged lunatic that doesn't have a clue about what is really going on.


Trump's administration members knew Flynn lied, I don't see how it is at all possible to know who exactly leaked.

And lets not lose track of what is going on here, administration KNOWS for 2 weeks that Flynn was lying about Russians, KNEW that he let Pence make a total fool of himself when he went out and defended Flynn and DID NOTHING until story went public.

And what are you fucking treasonous assholes are concerned about? Someone letting the world know what a piece of shit Flynn is.

The leaks happened during Obama's term.

NOPE, wrong again dumbass.

the calls happened during Obama's term, the story broke in FEBRUARY, 2 weeks after Trump administration was briefed on the matter.

You said that Comney has stated that he was certain the leak came from the intelligence community itself, but so far have not provided any such quote. Instead you posted exchange about general nature of who has access to information, while we also know damn sure that in this specific case Trump's administration had access to it as well before the leaking occurred.

I was only aware that he stated the intel community knew of the masked names. He later stated also Obama appointees could had known.
It was either the intel community, or Obama hacks. Not the Trump administration.

The story did not break in February, you lying sack of shit. It broke in January.

Here's the Jan 12th article:

Why did Obama dawdle on Russia’s hacking?

According to a senior U.S. government official, Flynn phoned Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak several times on Dec. 29, the day the Obama administration announced the expulsion of 35 Russian officials as well as other measures in retaliation for the hacking. What did Flynn say, and did it undercut the U.S. sanctions? The Logan Act (though never enforced) bars U.S. citizens from correspondence intending to influence a foreign government about “disputes” with the United States. Was its spirit violated? The Trump campaign didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

So there is Flynn's name in a newspaper, about him speaking to a Russian ambassador. Now gee, how could that be the fault of the "Trump administration" on Jan 12th?

It's obvious what happened. Obama subverts, whether intel officers, or more likely political appointee hacks like Lynch or Yates, illegally leaked the information.
You are a fucking idiot making nonsense up, FBI gives regular briefings to Trump and members of administration to APPROPRIATELY share with them information they have.

I'm making this up? Yesterday Comey made it quite clear that any American identified in a foreign wiretap falls under FISA, and only 20 people in the NSA have the authority to "unmask" the names of such US citizens. No one else has access to those names. The President has no authority to see such names. Comey testified that Flynn's name leak is a felony, and that it had to be committed from within the intel community.

Now get lost, you're just making yourself look like an unhinged lunatic that doesn't have a clue about what is really going on.


Trump's administration members knew Flynn lied, I don't see how it is at all possible to know who exactly leaked.

And lets not lose track of what is going on here, administration KNOWS for 2 weeks that Flynn was lying about Russians, KNEW that he let Pence make a total fool of himself when he went out and defended Flynn and DID NOTHING until story went public.

And what are you fucking treasonous assholes are concerned about? Someone letting the world know what a piece of shit Flynn is.

The leaks happened during Obama's term.

NOPE, wrong again dumbass.

the calls happened during Obama's term, the story broke in FEBRUARY, 2 weeks after Trump administration was briefed on the matter.

You said that Comney has stated that he was certain the leak came from the intelligence community itself, but so far have not provided any such quote. Instead you posted exchange about general nature of who has access to information, while we also know damn sure that in this specific case Trump's administration had access to it as well before the leaking occurred.

I was only aware that he stated the intel community knew of the masked names. He later stated also Obama appointees could had known.
It was either the intel community, or Obama hacks. Not the Trump administration.

Not the Trump administration??? Where did Comey say that it could not have been administration and how would he possibly know?

You got caught making things up, Comey never said that the leak had to come from intelligence itself.
I'm making this up? Yesterday Comey made it quite clear that any American identified in a foreign wiretap falls under FISA, and only 20 people in the NSA have the authority to "unmask" the names of such US citizens. No one else has access to those names. The President has no authority to see such names. Comey testified that Flynn's name leak is a felony, and that it had to be committed from within the intel community.

Now get lost, you're just making yourself look like an unhinged lunatic that doesn't have a clue about what is really going on.


Trump's administration members knew Flynn lied, I don't see how it is at all possible to know who exactly leaked.

And lets not lose track of what is going on here, administration KNOWS for 2 weeks that Flynn was lying about Russians, KNEW that he let Pence make a total fool of himself when he went out and defended Flynn and DID NOTHING until story went public.

And what are you fucking treasonous assholes are concerned about? Someone letting the world know what a piece of shit Flynn is.

The leaks happened during Obama's term.

NOPE, wrong again dumbass.

the calls happened during Obama's term, the story broke in FEBRUARY, 2 weeks after Trump administration was briefed on the matter.

You said that Comney has stated that he was certain the leak came from the intelligence community itself, but so far have not provided any such quote. Instead you posted exchange about general nature of who has access to information, while we also know damn sure that in this specific case Trump's administration had access to it as well before the leaking occurred.

I was only aware that he stated the intel community knew of the masked names. He later stated also Obama appointees could had known.
It was either the intel community, or Obama hacks. Not the Trump administration.

Not the Trump administration??? Where did Comey say that it could not have been administration and how would he possibly know?

You are making things up, Comey never said what you claimed he said.

I like how you just ignored a Jan 12th news article that cites a "Senior US government official" for the illegal knowledge of Flynn making a phone call to the Russian Ambassador.

^^THAT is how we all know it was an Obama hack that leaked the information about Flynn.

Carry on, dipshit.

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