Agriculture "Job Creators" LOL !

Pfffft, you're ignorant. Go back to bed, fool
Slaves picked the crops for just a few dollars a day.

So maybe I should thank them.

Maybe you should thank a slave for the electronic device you're using to post your garbage. Think about it, dumbass

Or maybe I should vote for Bernie sanders, who still stands a pretty good chance of winning when he gets the big states with all the delegates.

Bernie is full of Unicorn farts and only a fool supports figures you do. Now run along and let the grown ups talk

He may be full of "unicorns" which by the way is reality except in redneckville...

And American redneck farmers I mean slave owners, and their corporate buddies, are full of Confederate flags, white hoods and Swastikas.

Sat that to a few farm boys I grew up with and you'll be straining the soup they help grow the ingredients over what's left of your gums. You're an idiot and a troll, I should have known when you referenced Yahoo, the fag site
Slaves picked the crops for just a few dollars a day.

So maybe I should thank them.

Maybe you should thank a slave for the electronic device you're using to post your garbage. Think about it, dumbass

Or maybe I should vote for Bernie sanders, who still stands a pretty good chance of winning when he gets the big states with all the delegates.

Bernie is full of Unicorn farts and only a fool supports figures you do. Now run along and let the grown ups talk

He may be full of "unicorns" which by the way is reality except in redneckville...

And American redneck farmers I mean slave owners, and their corporate buddies, are full of Confederate flags, white hoods and Swastikas.

Sat that to a few farm boys I grew up with and you'll be straining the soup they help grow the ingredients over what's left of your gums. You're an idiot and a troll, I should have known when you referenced Yahoo, the fag site

And the kraut motherfuckers in Indiana would get a taste of 225 pound bodybuilding, MMA-Literate pair of American knuckle sandwiches.
Maybe you should thank a slave for the electronic device you're using to post your garbage. Think about it, dumbass

Or maybe I should vote for Bernie sanders, who still stands a pretty good chance of winning when he gets the big states with all the delegates.

Bernie is full of Unicorn farts and only a fool supports figures you do. Now run along and let the grown ups talk

He may be full of "unicorns" which by the way is reality except in redneckville...

And American redneck farmers I mean slave owners, and their corporate buddies, are full of Confederate flags, white hoods and Swastikas.

Sat that to a few farm boys I grew up with and you'll be straining the soup they help grow the ingredients over what's left of your gums. You're an idiot and a troll, I should have known when you referenced Yahoo, the fag site

And the kraut motherfuckers in Indiana would get a taste of 225 pound bodybuilding, MMA-Literate pair of American knuckle sandwiches.

Being fat isn't body building. You're a troll, go back to Gayhoo
Or maybe I should vote for Bernie sanders, who still stands a pretty good chance of winning when he gets the big states with all the delegates.

Bernie is full of Unicorn farts and only a fool supports figures you do. Now run along and let the grown ups talk

He may be full of "unicorns" which by the way is reality except in redneckville...

And American redneck farmers I mean slave owners, and their corporate buddies, are full of Confederate flags, white hoods and Swastikas.

Sat that to a few farm boys I grew up with and you'll be straining the soup they help grow the ingredients over what's left of your gums. You're an idiot and a troll, I should have known when you referenced Yahoo, the fag site

And the kraut motherfuckers in Indiana would get a taste of 225 pound bodybuilding, MMA-Literate pair of American knuckle sandwiches.

Being fat isn't body building. You're a troll, go back to Gayhoo

Go get your kraut faggots, and I'll be glad to kick them all the way back to krautland for them.
Isn't it wonderful that someone with obviously no knowledge about farming can start a thread with broad, inflammatory generalizations and provoke a semi-serious discussion with others who know...just about as much as he does about farming?

To quote Sgt. Schultz: 'I know NOTHING [about farming]." But I do know that I shouldn't be starting threads pretending that I do.
Actually, I'm not a farmer (although I do raise some Sorghum and Alfalfa occasionally), I really am a rancher (about 300+ head of cattle). Oh, I do have some chickens too. And I do have a small garden, about an acre. I do have some tomatoes and some bush beans. My wife used to like cabbage and cauliflower, but I stopped raising that and concentrate on tomatoes. Can make a really good salsa with it.

So I went out and really looked for those slaves you were talking about. I couldn't find a one. Do they hide when the sun comes up or do they collectively move from one "slave owners" plantation to another. If they are here, which you assured me that they are, they are really lousy workers. I had some hay to put up yesterday and when I came out this morning it was still there. So I spent the first couple of hours this morning putting up hay. Before that, I had to go out to the chicken coop (just like I do every morning after my coffee) and collect the eggs. My daughter will be out later and take a couple dozen back to town. Those slaves NEVER seem to get collecting those eggs right.

So if these slaves do move from one farm to another, I'll bet they spend a lot of time at my neighbors (actually three miles away). He raises soybeans. Going to put in about 100 acres of soybeans this year he says. Course he's Indian (from India) and has a large family. There's about 6 kids, his wife's mom and dad and they all live in the same house. Down the other way is a Hispanic couple. They raise winter wheat and then turn it over and put in Sorghum usually. They have four kids. So, since they aren't white are they slave owners too? I told Nate (the Indian who wears cowboy hats and boots) that he looks a little strange with that rain gutter straw hat he always wears. Ever hear someone say "y'all" with a slight Indian accent. Never heard anything so damn funny.

These slaves y'all keep talking about must be lazy as hell. Course, if you ask me, I think you're a little 'teeched' (slang for touched - nuts - unstable - mentally deficient). Have a nice day (midwestern/southern for "go screw yourself").
If you eat today...thank a farmer

I got news for the slave owning rip off con artist.
I don't give a fuck what he calls himself, he's a slave owner not a job creator, and ought to be arrested for how he helps to fuck Americans with his operations.

And since I'm eating today, I should thank the Government and my family... and Myself too more than some fucking fat fucking retarded slave owner.


Gee.. it's official.. you're a tard.
When you claim to be a job creator when you're absolutely not one, and you get all kinds of farm subsidies, and you hire 3rd world uneducated people for just a few dollars a day..
You're a slave owner.

You don't have the first fucking clue.

If I didn't have a clue, I wouldn't be calling the fat fuckers out for it, and calling them what they are.
Slave owners, plantation master.

Yawn....don't eat today....a farmer raised it. If you do you're a hypocrite

The farmer didn't do shit for me... I'm the one who puts food on my table, not the farmer.
And if you want to get technical, the government is putting food on more and more and more tables, because of the rip off practices of those kinds of people like that.

Who grew the food you put on you table? Are you really this dense? LMAO Gawd you are stupid

He's probably on all kinds of public assistance.
Maybe you should thank a slave for the electronic device you're using to post your garbage. Think about it, dumbass

Or maybe I should vote for Bernie sanders, who still stands a pretty good chance of winning when he gets the big states with all the delegates.

Bernie is full of Unicorn farts and only a fool supports figures you do. Now run along and let the grown ups talk

He may be full of "unicorns" which by the way is reality except in redneckville...

And American redneck farmers I mean slave owners, and their corporate buddies, are full of Confederate flags, white hoods and Swastikas.

Sat that to a few farm boys I grew up with and you'll be straining the soup they help grow the ingredients over what's left of your gums. You're an idiot and a troll, I should have known when you referenced Yahoo, the fag site

And the kraut motherfuckers in Indiana would get a taste of 225 pound bodybuilding, MMA-Literate pair of American knuckle sandwiches.

Oh shut the fuck up Nancy....

Here's Mr. Tough Guy:

Or maybe I should vote for Bernie sanders, who still stands a pretty good chance of winning when he gets the big states with all the delegates.

Bernie is full of Unicorn farts and only a fool supports figures you do. Now run along and let the grown ups talk

He may be full of "unicorns" which by the way is reality except in redneckville...

And American redneck farmers I mean slave owners, and their corporate buddies, are full of Confederate flags, white hoods and Swastikas.

Sat that to a few farm boys I grew up with and you'll be straining the soup they help grow the ingredients over what's left of your gums. You're an idiot and a troll, I should have known when you referenced Yahoo, the fag site

And the kraut motherfuckers in Indiana would get a taste of 225 pound bodybuilding, MMA-Literate pair of American knuckle sandwiches.

Being fat isn't body building. You're a troll, go back to Gayhoo

Careful, you'll make him soil his onesie.
Or maybe I should vote for Bernie sanders, who still stands a pretty good chance of winning when he gets the big states with all the delegates.

Bernie is full of Unicorn farts and only a fool supports figures you do. Now run along and let the grown ups talk

He may be full of "unicorns" which by the way is reality except in redneckville...

And American redneck farmers I mean slave owners, and their corporate buddies, are full of Confederate flags, white hoods and Swastikas.

Sat that to a few farm boys I grew up with and you'll be straining the soup they help grow the ingredients over what's left of your gums. You're an idiot and a troll, I should have known when you referenced Yahoo, the fag site

And the kraut motherfuckers in Indiana would get a taste of 225 pound bodybuilding, MMA-Literate pair of American knuckle sandwiches.

Oh shut the fuck up Nancy....

Here's Mr. Tough Guy:


Maybe you should thank a slave for the electronic device you're using to post your garbage. Think about it, dumbass

Or maybe I should vote for Bernie sanders, who still stands a pretty good chance of winning when he gets the big states with all the delegates.

Bernie is full of Unicorn farts and only a fool supports figures you do. Now run along and let the grown ups talk

He may be full of "unicorns" which by the way is reality except in redneckville...

And American redneck farmers I mean slave owners, and their corporate buddies, are full of Confederate flags, white hoods and Swastikas.

Sat that to a few farm boys I grew up with and you'll be straining the soup they help grow the ingredients over what's left of your gums. You're an idiot and a troll, I should have known when you referenced Yahoo, the fag site

And the kraut motherfuckers in Indiana would get a taste of 225 pound bodybuilding, MMA-Literate pair of American knuckle sandwiches.


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