Ahmaud Arbery's Murderer On His Way To His Dirt Nap

".....when the dude that had it was only going to hold him until police arrived?"


And Arbery knew that how?

And you know that how?

And does it make a difference?

I mean, the two men in the truck were terrorizing the jogger. He likely was scared. He should have been scared given their menacing threats. Arbery was trying to defend himself....to keep the murderous assailant from aiming the gun at his head and blowing it off.

It didn't turn out well, of course.

But Arbery likely felt it is either I try to defend myself or these crackers are gonna do a 'gun-lynching' on me.

Seems like a reasonable conclusion given the violent behavior of the assailants.

The assailant got what they richly deserved.

He would still be alive if 3 racist wouldn't have chased him down with a shotgun.

What would you have done, if someone who had been chasing you would have jumped out of their vehicle with a gun?

If someone was pointing a shotgun at me, I sure as hell wouldn't have gotten into a wrestling match with them. Yes the racists are at fault, but tell that to the undertaker when he's prepping your body.
It always has, hell they didn't even have to be an accessory to the murder. Just be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
But should the same sentence Bryant received be given to blacks convicted of the same crime? 30 years served before eligibility for parole?
If someone was pointing a shotgun at me, I sure as hell wouldn't have gotten into a wrestling match with them.
What would you have done, if I point a shotgun at someone it is to shoot their ass.
Yes the racists are at fault, but tell that to the undertaker when he's prepping your body.
What's the difference shot while trying to defend yourself or shot in the back trying to run away.
It never would have happened had those 3 stooges not chased after Arbery,

True that, but once they set out after him, he should have stood down, and waited to explain things to the cops.
Yeah, it sucked, the whole situation sucked, but the dude would have lived to tell the story had he not allowed his ego and testosterone to get the better of him.
True that, but once they set out after him, he should have stood down, and waited to explain things to the cops.
So would you stop if men are chasing you with guns and spewing racial insults at you?
Yeah, it sucked, the whole situation sucked, but the dude would have lived to tell the story had he not allowed his ego and testosterone to get the better of him.
How do you know he would have lived? Please for the love of God tell us how you know he would have lived.
What would you have done, if I point a shotgun at someone it is to shoot their ass.

What's the difference shot while trying to defend yourself or shot in the back trying to run away.

They thought he might be responsible for some break-ins in their neighborhood, and I can just about guarantee you they would have simply held him until police arrived. Shooting an unarmed dude that was not fighting you would have not made any sense. Once the dude started fighting, everything changed, and he's in the ground today taking his dirt nap because he decided to go the route he did.
It's not fair, but when you try and wrestle a shotgun away, bad things are going to happen to someone, and he was the 'someone' in this case.
True that, but once they set out after him, he should have stood down, and waited to explain things to the cops.
Yeah, it sucked, the whole situation sucked, but the dude would have lived to tell the story had he not allowed his ego and testosterone to get the better of him.

So everyone should stop and engage with someone who chases them down in their car?
They thought he might be responsible for some break-ins in their neighborhood, and I can just about guarantee you they would have simply held him until police arrived. Shooting an unarmed dude that was not fighting you would have not made any sense. Once the dude started fighting, everything changed, and he's in the ground today taking his dirt nap because he decided to go the route he did.
It's not fair, but when you try and wrestle a shotgun away, bad things are going to happen to someone, and he was the 'someone' in this case.

Arbery had a right to defend himself from some loon threatening him with a shotgun.
Hell black men are given twice the time that Bryant rec'd for lesser crimes.
There is no doubt blacks have been railroaded by our ridiculously unjust justice system, but you continue to refuse to answer my question.

PS. I’m unaware of 60 year prison sentences before eligible for parole for black men who were accessories to murder. Do you have proof?
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No. There hadn't been burglaries in the area. The building contractor said there were no thefts from the job.
No thefts from that constuction job. But I read that there had been burglaries from homes. I'll try to find the link. Okay, I've looked. No burglaries in the area, plural. But a burglary, singular. (Of a firearm from the trunk of a car.)

These men made a bad error of judgement, no doubt reinforced by the racial prejudice -- pre-judgement -- that every single person reading this, who's an American, has some of, and they probably have a lot of. The racial pre-judgement that means that every liberal/progressive (and conservative/patriot) reading this would fail -- the 'feel relieved test' that I often propose to self-righteous whites: you're walking down a lonely street at night, hear footsteps behind you, turn around, and feel a sense of relief that you're being followed by whites.

More than that, they were Georgia whites, from the non-college class, and didn't have the layer of (necessary and good) hypocrisy that both Blacks and whites have when dealing with each other.

Here's how to be honest about this case, whichever side you're on: had this been a white boy jogging through a Black neighborhood, in the identical circumstances -- Blacks trying to make a citizens'' arrest, he tries to grab the shotgun, is killed -- would they be sent to prison for life in America today?

Of course not. (A hundred years ago in Georgia they would have been lynched, of course. And probably some people on the Left think, 'Turn about is fair play' -- in fact, the original poster exults at the idea of one of imprisoned men being murdered in a prison hospital. But if anyone thinks the 'terms of oppression' are going to be reversed in America, please think again. )

These men should have known the law. But ... it turns out, that the (now repealed) law regarding citizens' arrests in Georgia was apparently poorly written, and ambiguous.

Of course the Left are happy to see working class whites who don't like Leftist politics sent to prison, or killed. That's not going to change. It's just old fashioned class prejudice. So we will see more of this.

What patriots have to do is, first of all, if you're going to have a firearm and be willing to use it, learn the law. There are some people who think they can bring their AR15 to an Anti-Fa riot and if the rioters attack them, they can just shoot in self-defense. Well, Kyle Rittenhouse got lucky: there are probably some honest liberals in Wisconsin. But don't count on it happening again.

We have to organize, learn, prepare.
They thought he might be responsible for some break-ins in their neighborhood, and I can just about guarantee you they would have simply held him until police arrived.
You can't guarantee a damn thing, you were not there so you don't know what the hell was being said. How many folks grab guns and jump in their vehicles chasing someone they THOUGHT may have committed a crime. You would call the police and let them go after someone.
Shooting an unarmed dude that was not fighting you would have not made any sense. Once the dude started fighting, everything changed, and he's in the ground today taking his dirt nap because he decided to go the route he did.
Any man who has had someone chasing them with guns is going to fight if they are put in a corner, what you are saying doesn't make any sense.
It's not fair, but when you try and wrestle a shotgun away, bad things are going to happen to someone, and he was the 'someone' in this case.
I would rather get shot trying to take it from him, rather than getting shot in my back trying to run.
No thefts from that constuction job. But I read that there had been burglaries from homes. I'll try to find the link. Okay, I've looked. No burglaries in the area, plural. But a burglary, singular. (Of a firearm from the trunk of a car.)

These men made a bad error of judgement, no doubt reinforced by the racial prejudice -- pre-judgement -- that every single person reading this, who's an American, has some of, and they probably have a lot of. The racial pre-judgement that means that every liberal/progressive (and conservative/patriot) reading this would fail the 'feel relieved test' that I often to self-righteous whites: you're walking down a lonely street at night, hear footsteps behind you, turn around, and feel a sense of relief that you're being followed by whites.

More than that, they were Georgia whites, from the non-college class, and didn't have the layer of (necessary and good) hypocrisy that both Blacks and whites have when dealing with each other.

Here's how to be honest about this case, whichever side you're on: had this been a white boy jogging through a Black neighborhood, in the identical circumstances -- Blacks trying to make a citizens'' arrest, he tries to grab the shotgun, is killed -- would they be sent to prison for life in America today? Of course not. (A hundred years ago in Georgia they would have been lynched, of course. And probably some people on the Left think, 'Turn about is fair play' -- in fact, the original poster exults at the idea of one of imprisoned men being murdered in a prison hospital. But if anyone thinks the 'terms of oppression' are going to be reversed in America, please think again. )

These men should have known the law. But ... it turns out, that the (now repealed) law regarding citizens' arrests in Georgia was apparently poorly written, and ambiguous.

Of course the Left are happy to see working class whites who don't like Leftist politics sent to prison, or killed. That's not going to change. It's just old fashioned class prejudice. So we will see more of this.

What patriots have to do is, first of all, if you're going to have a firearm and be willing to use it, learn the law. There are some people who think they can bring their AR15 to an Anti-Fa riot and if the rioters attack them, they can just shoot in self-defense. Well, Kyle Rittenhouse got lucky: there are probably some honest liberals in Wisconsin. But don't count on it happening again.

We have to organize, learn, prepare.

Nope. No burglaries.

Kyle Rittenhouse is a dumbass drop out with vigilante fantasies.


And Arbery knew that how?

And you know that how?

And does it make a difference?

I mean, the two men in the truck were terrorizing the jogger. He likely was scared. He should have been scared given their menacing threats. Arbery was trying to defend himself....to keep the murderous assailant from aiming the gun at his head and blowing it off.

It didn't turn out well, of course.

But Arbery likely felt it is either I try to defend myself or these crackers are gonna do a 'gun-lynching' on me.

Seems like a reasonable conclusion given the violent behavior of the assailants.

The assailant got what they richly deserved.


Think about this. If Aubrey was so sure they were out to kill him, why would you even consider jogging through a neighborhood like that?

If I was so paranoid that white people were out to get me, I would definitely have chosen a different neighborhood to do my jogging in.

It's not fair, it's not right, he didn't deserve what happen to him, but he could have had more control of the situation had he simply let these inbreds have their moment of "glory" and just stopped and waited.

This is 2023 not 1823, the likelihood that these yahoos would have shot him for no other reason than they thought he was casing the neighborhood is highly unlikely.

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