Ain't no 29 year old ninny gonna rule my world

I am talking about the monkeys who run around claiming that their European roots entitle them to a higher status. People who don't know their Tchaikovsky from their Liszt or Puccini. So they have cowboy hats on and have something to do with cattle. These people are pretending to have ties to European culture that they do not have. Pick a culture from Europe and be on it. I'm listening to Vaughn-Williams now. Before that, Dvorak.

I still question as to where the creative force is among those who criticize "Hollywood" and "the music industry." There is no rule that those who criticize others may not contribute their own talents. Anyone can put together a production company and make a film.

Oh STFU with that shit! Every single Macy's Day Parade song was the same fucking song.

Would it kill them to break out of a single octave, or what? Or do singers not have talent enough to be able to do that these days?

Every song was a shitty pop anthem. Every. Single. One
And who judges by the Thanksgiving Parade? When I took writing classes, the first exercise involved the teacher setting a kitchen timer for ten minutes when we had our paper and pens out. The only rules were that our pens were not to leave the page and that there be no going back and scratching out. The pages were not collected or shown to others. It was an exercise in opening up our own minds as to where we went and what could come out of it. It was an exercise of "me, meet me."

I do, as it exemplifies the current state of music in America.

That state is sad, I'm here to say.

So contribute something that changes it for you. Do a Springsteen. If a poor boy from the wrong side of the tracks can do it, the son of a bus driver, prison guard, and car manufacturing employee, you can do it, too. It depends on your own creative genius.

You do know Springsteen sucks, right?

He made it originally on anti-war movement type stuff and sentiment.

No. He does not "suck." He made it on his understanding of what human emotion is all about. He got battered about, and he writes from a position of experience, even being in a place in which his parents, who were poor, had another baby to bring home when he was 12 or 13, an infant whom he had to care for.

I have been to many of his live shows. Not to be forgotten. He is a tremendous live performer.

And no, he did not make it on his anti-war stance (although there is a history of that stemming from his loss of a band member in Vietnam and the attempts to draft his own self to fight in Vietnam). As a matter of fact, it was that monkey ronald reagan who dragged him into politics, when reagan said outrageous things about his song "Born in the U.S.A." and he, as the author of this song, was forced to speak out and put a stop to reagan's misuse of his work to further reagan's political deals.
Oh STFU with that shit! Every single Macy's Day Parade song was the same fucking song.

Would it kill them to break out of a single octave, or what? Or do singers not have talent enough to be able to do that these days?

Every song was a shitty pop anthem. Every. Single. One
And who judges by the Thanksgiving Parade? When I took writing classes, the first exercise involved the teacher setting a kitchen timer for ten minutes when we had our paper and pens out. The only rules were that our pens were not to leave the page and that there be no going back and scratching out. The pages were not collected or shown to others. It was an exercise in opening up our own minds as to where we went and what could come out of it. It was an exercise of "me, meet me."

I do, as it exemplifies the current state of music in America.

That state is sad, I'm here to say.

So contribute something that changes it for you. Do a Springsteen. If a poor boy from the wrong side of the tracks can do it, the son of a bus driver, prison guard, and car manufacturing employee, you can do it, too. It depends on your own creative genius.

You do know Springsteen sucks, right?

He made it originally on anti-war movement type stuff and sentiment.

No. He does not "suck." He made it on his understanding of what human emotion is all about. He got battered about, and he writes from a position of experience, even being in a place in which his parents, who were poor, had another baby to bring home when he was 12 or 13, an infant whom he had to care for.

I have been to many of his live shows. Not to be forgotten. He is a tremendous live performer.

And no, he did not make it on his anti-war stance (although there is a history of that stemming from his loss of a band member in Vietnam and the attempts to draft his own self to fight in Vietnam). As a matter of fact, it was that monkey ronald reagan who dragged him into politics, when reagan said outrageous things about his song "Born in the U.S.A." and he, as the author of this song, was forced to speak out and put a stop to reagan's misuse of his work to further reagan's political deals.

"Born in the USA" is just another Springsteen anti-war song. :rolleyes:

Not as hippy-ish as his early stuff.

Don't get me wrong, war is bad. I just have a certain loathing for dirty hippies for some reason.
And who judges by the Thanksgiving Parade? When I took writing classes, the first exercise involved the teacher setting a kitchen timer for ten minutes when we had our paper and pens out. The only rules were that our pens were not to leave the page and that there be no going back and scratching out. The pages were not collected or shown to others. It was an exercise in opening up our own minds as to where we went and what could come out of it. It was an exercise of "me, meet me."

I do, as it exemplifies the current state of music in America.

That state is sad, I'm here to say.

So contribute something that changes it for you. Do a Springsteen. If a poor boy from the wrong side of the tracks can do it, the son of a bus driver, prison guard, and car manufacturing employee, you can do it, too. It depends on your own creative genius.

You do know Springsteen sucks, right?

He made it originally on anti-war movement type stuff and sentiment.

No. He does not "suck." He made it on his understanding of what human emotion is all about. He got battered about, and he writes from a position of experience, even being in a place in which his parents, who were poor, had another baby to bring home when he was 12 or 13, an infant whom he had to care for.

I have been to many of his live shows. Not to be forgotten. He is a tremendous live performer.

And no, he did not make it on his anti-war stance (although there is a history of that stemming from his loss of a band member in Vietnam and the attempts to draft his own self to fight in Vietnam). As a matter of fact, it was that monkey ronald reagan who dragged him into politics, when reagan said outrageous things about his song "Born in the U.S.A." and he, as the author of this song, was forced to speak out and put a stop to reagan's misuse of his work to further reagan's political deals.

"Born in the USA" is just another Springsteen anti-war song. :rolleyes:

Not as hippy-ish as his early stuff.

Don't get me wrong, war is bad. I just have a certain loathing for dirty hippies for some reason.

So he's a "dirty hippy"? What is a "dirty hippy"? Somebody who thinks, writes, creates? I haven't seen any right-wingers do it. It is still true that it was the dirty scum reagan who challenged him into the political arena, as the reagan campaign was misusing "Born in the U.S.A." for propaganda purposes, and as it's creator, he had to stop it.

He comes from a time of the draft when the federal government was trolling for young men to put on the line in Vietnam (thank you, Mr. Bonespurs screwing his way through New York). Springsteen flunked his physical due to injuries suffered in a motorcycle accident. My brother also flunked his physical, for which I am so thankful to this very day. Those were bitter days.

Attend a concert, when the houselights darken, and Springsteen stands there with a harmonica and speaks into the microphone about emotional turmoil and love lost in his introduction to "The River." He is a genius. Listen to "New York City Serenade." Look at the pictures of some earnest young boy outside the Cafe Wha?. I grew up a bus-ride from him. A bus-ride from Greenwich Village and Radio City during the same times. Springsteen is ROOTS. He did it for all of us. because he understood that you've got to real.
Oh STFU with that shit! Every single Macy's Day Parade song was the same fucking song.

Would it kill them to break out of a single octave, or what? Or do singers not have talent enough to be able to do that these days?

Every song was a shitty pop anthem. Every. Single. One
And who judges by the Thanksgiving Parade? When I took writing classes, the first exercise involved the teacher setting a kitchen timer for ten minutes when we had our paper and pens out. The only rules were that our pens were not to leave the page and that there be no going back and scratching out. The pages were not collected or shown to others. It was an exercise in opening up our own minds as to where we went and what could come out of it. It was an exercise of "me, meet me."

I do, as it exemplifies the current state of music in America.

That state is sad, I'm here to say.

So contribute something that changes it for you. Do a Springsteen. If a poor boy from the wrong side of the tracks can do it, the son of a bus driver, prison guard, and car manufacturing employee, you can do it, too. It depends on your own creative genius.

You do know Springsteen sucks, right?

He made it originally on anti-war movement type stuff and sentiment.

No. He does not "suck." He made it on his understanding of what human emotion is all about. He got battered about, and he writes from a position of experience, even being in a place in which his parents, who were poor, had another baby to bring home when he was 12 or 13, an infant whom he had to care for.

I have been to many of his live shows. Not to be forgotten. He is a tremendous live performer.

And no, he did not make it on his anti-war stance (although there is a history of that stemming from his loss of a band member in Vietnam and the attempts to draft his own self to fight in Vietnam). As a matter of fact, it was that monkey ronald reagan who dragged him into politics, when reagan said outrageous things about his song "Born in the U.S.A." and he, as the author of this song, was forced to speak out and put a stop to reagan's misuse of his work to further reagan's political deals.
I've only been to one of his concerts but it was an experience never to be forgotten. I never wanted it to end!
She's just a new fruit cake like Beto O'Rourke half-mexican half-irish drug cartel product

Beto is about as mexican as I am ......and I'm Dutch.
He's never claimed to be Mexican.

Than why does he use a mexican/spanish nickname?
We all know why so you can stop with the bullshit crazy cat lady.
She's just a new fruit cake like Beto O'Rourke half-mexican half-irish drug cartel product

Beto is about as mexican as I am ......and I'm Dutch.
He's never claimed to be Mexican.

Than why does he use a mexican/spanish nickname?
We all know why so you can stop with the bullshit crazy cat lady.

He's had that name his entire life. It was given to him by his father on the day he was born and he's gone by it his whole life. Unlike Rafael Edward Cruz who became "Ted" in order to appeal to the white redneck Americans in TX. Oh, and Beto was born and raised in TX, again like "Ted" Cruz who was born in Canada to an immigrant Cuban father.
She's just a new fruit cake like Beto O'Rourke half-mexican half-irish drug cartel product

Beto is about as mexican as I am ......and I'm Dutch.
He's never claimed to be Mexican.

Than why does he use a mexican/spanish nickname?
We all know why so you can stop with the bullshit crazy cat lady.

He's had that name his entire life. It was given to him by his father on the day he was born and he's gone by it his whole life. Unlike Rafael Edward Cruz who became "Ted" in order to appeal to the white redneck Americans in TX. Oh, and Beto was born and raised in TX, again like "Ted" Cruz who was born in Canada to an immigrant Cuban father.

Robert Francis O'Rourke.

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