AIPAC to push for war!

You don't fight for them. That is just a bullshit myth. If the U.S goes to war, it's the choice of the U.S, not Israel. I'm guessing you're part of the same group of idiots who think the U.S went to war in Iraq and Afghanistan because of Israel :lol:

Go educate yourself before making idiotic comments

It's not much of a logical leap to know that ME foreign policy of the US has a very healthy dose of Israel interest in it.

Besides that, i noticed that's all you can cherry pick and then insult. At the end, I'm right and you're just mad about. Israel is a parasite to the USA.

And I notice that all you have are claims without backing it up and....well that's all you have .

Back what up? That the AIPAC is lobbying for war in Syria? That we spend millions, if not billions in aid to Israel each year? That there is nothing reciprical about the Israel/US "alliance"? That the US and Israel, although "allies" regularly run espionage against each other?

Again, as an American, there is no other view except parasite for Israel. But the US govt. on my behalf, seems to have to buy its "friendships" all over the world.
AIPAC to deploy hundreds of lobbyists to push for Syria action - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News Broadcast | Haaretz

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee will send hundreds of activists to push Congress to go to war with Syria.


Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do.

They have been staying quiet until now, while Obama was barking long and loud about Syria. Methink someone from the Obama regime called and told they they better start lobbying their friends in the GOP. Obama knows the GOP will be against him on this and he will NEVER be able to sway them, but AIPAC has friends in the GOP and they will try to sway them.

People we see that AIPAC isn't anywhere as powerful as the antisemites believe them to be. They have less resources, money and man power then the oil rich Arab and Muslim lobbies. Eventually the GOP and many Democrats will vote agains this authorization of force (thank god) and I believe Obama will back off. Then hopefully the Syrian killing fields are upped even further!
We send them aid. We fight for them. They do not return any of this. It's a one sided relationship. They are the parasite, the US is the host.

How would Israeli's view the US if we lobbied their govt. for millions of dollars in annual aid?

I'd imagine not too much. Why isn't Israel helping us pay down our debt now that they have a strengthened economy?

Because it's all about , and only about Israel to Israel.

You don't fight for them. That is just a bullshit myth. If the U.S goes to war, it's the choice of the U.S, not Israel. I'm guessing you're part of the same group of idiots who think the U.S went to war in Iraq and Afghanistan because of Israel :lol:

Go educate yourself before making idiotic comments

It's not much of a logical leap to know that ME foreign policy of the US has a very healthy dose of Israel interest in it.

Besides that, i noticed that's all you can cherry pick and then insult. At the end, I'm right and you're just mad about. Israel is a parasite to the USA.
Jews as "parasites"..Gee where have we heard that one before?

Anti Zionism is the new anti Semetism.
No, the U.S protects Israel because they are allies, and Israel provides the U.S with vital information about certain occurrences in the Middle East.
It is becoming increasingly important that we understand something about the word ally as presently used in reference to the Israel/U.S. relationship. While there is a certain level of flexibility regarding the specific meaning of this word, ever since World War Two the accepted sense of the word alliance means obligation for mutual participation in military engagements.

There were no Israeli troops fighting alongside U.S. troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, or Korea. So, for the sake of accuracy in political discussions such as those taking place here let us dispense with the misleading use of the words ally and alliance with regard to Israel. Israel is not an "ally" of the U.S. in the presently accepted sense of the word. The correct word to define Israel's relationship with the U.S. is protectorate.

It should be made clear that the U.S. is in no way obliged to aid Israel in its hostile military engagements or in its political conflicts. There is no such "alliance."
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You don't fight for them. That is just a bullshit myth. If the U.S goes to war, it's the choice of the U.S, not Israel. I'm guessing you're part of the same group of idiots who think the U.S went to war in Iraq and Afghanistan because of Israel :lol:

Go educate yourself before making idiotic comments

It's not much of a logical leap to know that ME foreign policy of the US has a very healthy dose of Israel interest in it.

Besides that, i noticed that's all you can cherry pick and then insult. At the end, I'm right and you're just mad about. Israel is a parasite to the USA.
Jews as "parasites"..Gee where have we heard that one before?

Anti Zionism is the new anti Semetism.

Of course, this is a typical response from the "victim" crowd. No one said anything about "jews" being parasites. The State of Israel on the other hand, most certainly is. What you're saying basically amounts to all jews hold the same belief, which is nonsense. Along with the ever present and undying victimhood Israeli Statists always put on display.
It's not much of a logical leap to know that ME foreign policy of the US has a very healthy dose of Israel interest in it.

Besides that, i noticed that's all you can cherry pick and then insult. At the end, I'm right and you're just mad about. Israel is a parasite to the USA.
Jews as "parasites"..Gee where have we heard that one before?

Anti Zionism is the new anti Semetism.

Of course, this is a typical response from the "victim" crowd. No one said anything about "jews" being parasites. The State of Israel on the other hand, most certainly is. What you're saying basically amounts to all jews hold the same belief, which is nonsense. Along with the ever present and undying victimhood Israeli Statists always put on display.
Dr. Martin Luther King said it best, anti Zionism is the new anti Semetism.

All the ancient hatreds , lies, and conspiracies about Jews are being repeated, except instead of Jews, they replace it with Israel. Same shit different year.
A new phenomenon[edit source | editbeta]
Irwin Cotler, Professor of Law at McGill University and a leading scholar of human rights, has identified nine sets of what he considered to be "new anti-Semitism":[13]

Genocidal antisemitism - The public calls for the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people.
Political antisemitism - The denial of the Jewish people's right to self-determination; The de-legitimization of Israel as a state; The attributions to Israel of all the world's evils.
Ideological antisemitism - The comparison between Zionism and Racism to "Nazify" Israel.
Theological antisemitism - The convergence of Islamic antisemitism and Christian "replacement" theology, drawing on classical hatred of Jews.
Cultural antisemitism - The mixture of attitudes, sentiments, and discourse of "fashionable" salon intellectuals.
Economic antisemitism - BDS movements and extraterritorial application of restrictive covenants against countries trading with Israel.
Holocaust denial
Racist terrorism against Jews
Denial to Israel of equality before the law in the international arena - The differential and discriminatory treatment for Israel in the international arena.
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Jews as "parasites"..Gee where have we heard that one before?

Anti Zionism is the new anti Semetism.

Of course, this is a typical response from the "victim" crowd. No one said anything about "jews" being parasites. The State of Israel on the other hand, most certainly is. What you're saying basically amounts to all jews hold the same belief, which is nonsense. Along with the ever present and undying victimhood Israeli Statists always put on display.
Dr. Martin Luther King said it best, anti Zionism is the new anti Semetism.

All the ancient hatreds and conspiracies about Jews are being repeated, except instead of Jews, they replace it with Israel. Same shit different year.

Uh huh. I see you've abandoned trying to justify Israel's so called "alliance" with the US and moved on to playing a full court press on the victim card.
Of course, this is a typical response from the "victim" crowd. No one said anything about "jews" being parasites. The State of Israel on the other hand, most certainly is. What you're saying basically amounts to all jews hold the same belief, which is nonsense. Along with the ever present and undying victimhood Israeli Statists always put on display.
Dr. Martin Luther King said it best, anti Zionism is the new anti Semetism.

All the ancient hatreds and conspiracies about Jews are being repeated, except instead of Jews, they replace it with Israel. Same shit different year.

Uh huh. I see you've abandoned trying to justify Israel's so called "alliance" with the US and moved on to playing a full court press on the victim card.
Justify what? Calling Israel a parasitic state with absolutely no basis for it, like Germans did Jews during the Nazi era? Nah, it's just old fashioned regurgitated anti Semetism, reworded to make it PC.
Of course, this is a typical response from the "victim" crowd. No one said anything about "jews" being parasites. The State of Israel on the other hand, most certainly is. What you're saying basically amounts to all jews hold the same belief, which is nonsense. Along with the ever present and undying victimhood Israeli Statists always put on display.
Dr. Martin Luther King said it best, anti Zionism is the new anti Semetism.

All the ancient hatreds and conspiracies about Jews are being repeated, except instead of Jews, they replace it with Israel. Same shit different year.

Uh huh. I see you've abandoned trying to justify Israel's so called "alliance" with the US and moved on to playing a full court press on the victim card.

Chomskys words about Israelis response to the present debate about military strikes in Syria, they are reveling in that victim card state. "Meanwhile, Israel can celebrate, and its status as what they call a “Villa in the Jungle”.*There was an interesting article by the editor of*Haaretz, Aluf Benn, who wrote about how Israelis are going to the beach and enjoying themselves, and congratulating themselves as being a “Villa in the jungle” while the wild beasts out there tear each other to shreds. And, of course, Israel under this picture is doing nothing except defending itself. They like that picture and the US doesn’t seem too dissatisfied with it either. The rest is shadowboxing." Chomsky: Israel and US enjoying the spectacle as Syria descends into suicide | Mondoweiss
Dr. Martin Luther King said it best, anti Zionism is the new anti Semetism.

All the ancient hatreds and conspiracies about Jews are being repeated, except instead of Jews, they replace it with Israel. Same shit different year.

Uh huh. I see you've abandoned trying to justify Israel's so called "alliance" with the US and moved on to playing a full court press on the victim card.

Chomskys words about Israelis response to the present debate about military strikes in Syria, they are reveling in that victim card state. "Meanwhile, Israel can celebrate, and its status as what they call a “Villa in the Jungle”.*There was an interesting article by the editor of*Haaretz, Aluf Benn, who wrote about how Israelis are going to the beach and enjoying themselves, and congratulating themselves as being a “Villa in the jungle” while the wild beasts out there tear each other to shreds. And, of course, Israel under this picture is doing nothing except defending itself. They like that picture and the US doesn’t seem too dissatisfied with it either. The rest is shadowboxing." Chomsky: Israel and US enjoying the spectacle as Syria descends into suicide | Mondoweiss

Sherri has me on ignore so she won't be able to see this, but why should Israel be upset if the surrounding countries want to spend their time murdering each other in the name of their branch of Islam or whatever the excuse is?

Israel takes in Gazans and Syrians for hospital treatment. Other than that let Israel just gets on with day to day life. Working hard and playing hard.

What is the point of being beside the beautiful Mediterranean with its wonderful beaches if you can't enjoy it?
It's not much of a logical leap to know that ME foreign policy of the US has a very healthy dose of Israel interest in it.

Besides that, i noticed that's all you can cherry pick and then insult. At the end, I'm right and you're just mad about. Israel is a parasite to the USA.

And I notice that all you have are claims without backing it up and....well that's all you have .

Back what up? That the AIPAC is lobbying for war in Syria? That we spend millions, if not billions in aid to Israel each year? That there is nothing reciprical about the Israel/US "alliance"? That the US and Israel, although "allies" regularly run espionage against each other?

Again, as an American, there is no other view except parasite for Israel. But the US govt. on my behalf, seems to have to buy its "friendships" all over the world.

So whoever receives aid from them U.S is a parasite? Terrible 'logic' .
Yes, the U.S and Israel are allies, and there is no end in sight to their allegiance.
Israel in in the Middle East , the same Middle East in which the U.S operates ans has military bases and consulates. Having an ally like Israel in the Middle East is very beneficial to the U.S, weather you believe it or not . Just because you don't hear or see things that Israel does for the U.S, doesn't mean they are not happening.
Convenient idiots forget that Israel has struck Syria many times before, taking out it's secret nuclear program and a shipment of chemical weapons to Hezbollah. Without having to beg and grovel and make a public spectacle of it, the way Obama is doing. Not to mention taking away the whole element of surprise and preparation by making this the world's longest telegraphed punch ever in history. Truly a pathetic spineless president we have today.

So Israel doesn't "need" the US to do ANYTHING for it, and it never has, when it comes to taking care of it's national security interests. Israelis will not wait for the appeasement community to give it permission.
And I notice that all you have are claims without backing it up and....well that's all you have .

Back what up? That the AIPAC is lobbying for war in Syria? That we spend millions, if not billions in aid to Israel each year? That there is nothing reciprical about the Israel/US "alliance"? That the US and Israel, although "allies" regularly run espionage against each other?

Again, as an American, there is no other view except parasite for Israel. But the US govt. on my behalf, seems to have to buy its "friendships" all over the world.

So whoever receives aid from them U.S is a parasite? Terrible 'logic' .
Yes, the U.S and Israel are allies, and there is no end in sight to their allegiance.
Israel in in the Middle East , the same Middle East in which the U.S operates ans has military bases and consulates. Having an ally like Israel in the Middle East is very beneficial to the U.S, weather you believe it or not . Just because you don't hear or see things that Israel does for the U.S, doesn't mean they are not happening.
Only Jews can be parasites. LOL
And I notice that all you have are claims without backing it up and....well that's all you have .

Back what up? That the AIPAC is lobbying for war in Syria? That we spend millions, if not billions in aid to Israel each year? That there is nothing reciprical about the Israel/US "alliance"? That the US and Israel, although "allies" regularly run espionage against each other?

Again, as an American, there is no other view except parasite for Israel. But the US govt. on my behalf, seems to have to buy its "friendships" all over the world.

So whoever receives aid from them U.S is a parasite? Terrible 'logic' .
Yes, the U.S and Israel are allies, and there is no end in sight to their allegiance.
Israel in in the Middle East , the same Middle East in which the U.S operates ans has military bases and consulates. Having an ally like Israel in the Middle East is very beneficial to the U.S, weather you believe it or not . Just because you don't hear or see things that Israel does for the U.S, doesn't mean they are not happening.

Is that what i said? Although a case could be made for it. The fact that you keep calling Israel a US ally only points that out. It's a completely one sided "alliance". That is the point. Israel's only foreign policy interest is self preservation. They do not fight along side the US on any confrontation that does not (and even then sometimes not) directly effect Israel.

The point is, the US makes a shit ton of contributions to the State of Israel, while Israel's contributions to the US are almost void. I believe this has been pointed out already. The interests of the US government in the ME are vastly different than the interests the American people hold in the region.

I dont care about the existence of Israel. it can stay, it can go. The only rightful commentary I have on the subject is in my tax dollars being used, along with our assets, for the benefit of Israel at the expense of American citizen wealth. Israel lobbies the US for their own benefits, and couldn't probably care at all about the rammifications on Americans.

I'd cut all foreign aid to all countries. We aren't the daddy nation. I really dont see how the US losing all that "ally" support from Israel is of any consequence.

Or maybe us Americans should come up with a lobby group to go there and start manipulating their politics to get aid and other items from Israel instead of the other way around.
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Back what up? That the AIPAC is lobbying for war in Syria? That we spend millions, if not billions in aid to Israel each year? That there is nothing reciprical about the Israel/US "alliance"? That the US and Israel, although "allies" regularly run espionage against each other?

Again, as an American, there is no other view except parasite for Israel. But the US govt. on my behalf, seems to have to buy its "friendships" all over the world.

So whoever receives aid from them U.S is a parasite? Terrible 'logic' .
Yes, the U.S and Israel are allies, and there is no end in sight to their allegiance.
Israel in in the Middle East , the same Middle East in which the U.S operates ans has military bases and consulates. Having an ally like Israel in the Middle East is very beneficial to the U.S, weather you believe it or not . Just because you don't hear or see things that Israel does for the U.S, doesn't mean they are not happening.
Only Jews can be parasites. LOL

Yes, i realize you're stuck on the victimhood card.


Even if that's not what anyone said, or even implied. I've seen this song and dance before. It's not convincing and certainly doesn't make me feel any type of guilt about your perceived victimhood.
So whoever receives aid from them U.S is a parasite? Terrible 'logic' .
Yes, the U.S and Israel are allies, and there is no end in sight to their allegiance.
Israel in in the Middle East , the same Middle East in which the U.S operates ans has military bases and consulates. Having an ally like Israel in the Middle East is very beneficial to the U.S, weather you believe it or not . Just because you don't hear or see things that Israel does for the U.S, doesn't mean they are not happening.
Only Jews can be parasites. LOL

Yes, i realize you're stuck on the victimhood card.


Even if that's not what anyone said, or even implied. I've seen this song and dance before. It's not convincing and certainly doesn't make me feel any type of guilt about your perceived victimhood.

What hes saying is you call Israel a parasite because of foreign aid received from the U.S, but you fail to mention he other recipients of foreign aid from the U.S . A little bias , don't you think ?

Anyway, so you say that Israel doesn't do enough for the U.S in comparison to what the U.S does for Israel (even though I told you what Israel does for the U.S)
So lets speak hypothetically here. I know you want the U.S to cut aid to Israel but that's not an option. So tell me what you want/expect Israel to do for the U.S in return ?
Russia may have come up with a peaceful solution to the crisis.

and of course, AIPAC and the other lazyboy warmongers are furious!!!
Back what up? That the AIPAC is lobbying for war in Syria? That we spend millions, if not billions in aid to Israel each year? That there is nothing reciprical about the Israel/US "alliance"? That the US and Israel, although "allies" regularly run espionage against each other?

Again, as an American, there is no other view except parasite for Israel. But the US govt. on my behalf, seems to have to buy its "friendships" all over the world.

So whoever receives aid from them U.S is a parasite? Terrible 'logic' .
Yes, the U.S and Israel are allies, and there is no end in sight to their allegiance.
Israel in in the Middle East , the same Middle East in which the U.S operates ans has military bases and consulates. Having an ally like Israel in the Middle East is very beneficial to the U.S, weather you believe it or not . Just because you don't hear or see things that Israel does for the U.S, doesn't mean they are not happening.

Is that what i said? Although a case could be made for it. The fact that you keep calling Israel a US ally only points that out. It's a completely one sided "alliance". That is the point. Israel's only foreign policy interest is self preservation. They do not fight along side the US on any confrontation that does not (and even then sometimes not) directly effect Israel.

The point is, the US makes a shit ton of contributions to the State of Israel, while Israel's contributions to the US are almost void. I believe this has been pointed out already. The interests of the US government in the ME are vastly different than the interests the American people hold in the region.

I dont care about the existence of Israel. it can stay, it can go. The only rightful commentary I have on the subject is in my tax dollars being used, along with our assets, for the benefit of Israel at the expense of American citizen wealth. Israel lobbies the US for their own benefits, and couldn't probably care at all about the rammifications on Americans.

I'd cut all foreign aid to all countries. We aren't the daddy nation. I really dont see how the US losing all that "ally" support from Israel is of any consequence.

Or maybe us Americans should come up with a lobby group to go there and start manipulating their politics to get aid and other items from Israel instead of the other way around.
United States has alliances and contributes to many states. One of them being Israel. Among the list of states are Japan, Taiwan, Pakistan, Palestinians, Jordan, Egypt, etc.

But the only one that gets called a "parasite" and its contributions questioned is Israel. By the way unlike the other states mentioned, Israel's contributions both militarily, intelligence, and in other important areas to the US are vast. Unlike the Bin Laden hiding Pakistanis who have received far more than Israel, about 20 billion since 2001 alone.

If it smells like an anti Semite and quacks like an anti Semite, then it is one.
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