AIPAC to push for war!

I fear that the AIPAC/Jewish Congressman driving force behind this war will be successful.

They will bring up the Holocaust and Czechoslovakia.

They will say that not attacking Syria will give a green light to Iran to nuke Israel.

They will say attacking Syria will prevent another Jewish Holcaust.

....and then when the war goes very badly for the USA, the Jews will be blamed.

Anything that weakens one of Israel's Muslim neighbors benefits Israel. It is in Israel's interest to kill every Islamist in the Middle East -- in the entire world!

Assad is not an Islamist.

His wife walks around in short sleeve shirts and flowing hair.

Syria, under Assad, is a secular state.


Just when you think your contempt for Congress could not get any higher, our elected representatives manage to do something to ratchet it up another notch. After congressional shenanigans helped spark a major market sell-off and sparked fears of a double-dip recession, you'd think every single one of them would be heading back to their districts to figure out what their constituents wanted and to try to explain how they were going to help make things better. Or maybe a few of them would even spend the recess taking a crash course in macroeconomics and public finance, so that they could start exercising their public duties more responsibly.

But what did 81 of them decide to do instead? You guessed it: they are off on junkets to Israel, paid for by the American Israel Education Foundation, an AIPAC spinoff that has been funding such trips for years. That's right: during the August recess nearly a fifth of the U.S. Congress will visit a single country whose entire population is less than that of New York City.

Such behavior is especially disturbing in light of our current woes; even Greta Van Susteren of Fox News found it appalling (h/t Mondoweiss here and here). But it's not really a new pattern: in recent decades about 10 percent of all Congressional trips overseas have been to Israel, even though it is only one of the nearly 200 countries in the world.

Why do Congresspersons do this, especially at a moment when it is obvious that they ought to be worrying about conditions here at home? Mostly because such junkets burnish a legislator's ‘pro-Israel' credentials and facilitate campaign fundraising. Such trips also expose these visitors to the policy preferences and basic worldview of Israel's leaders, which is of course why AIEF pays for them.

Read more here: Why is Congress Going to Israel? | Stephen M. Walt


PS: For those who are still naive about the shenanigans of our corrupted Congress, the word "junket" is Newspeak for luxury holiday.
AIPAC to deploy hundreds of lobbyists to push for Syria action - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News Broadcast | Haaretz

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee will send hundreds of activists to push Congress to go to war with Syria.


Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do.

Seriously do they want AQ breathing literally down their neck?

Now I've seen some maniac posts claiming to be Israeli and saying kill Assad now we'll deal with AQ later, but I don't believe them.
Anything that weakens one of Israel's Muslim neighbors benefits Israel. It is in Israel's interest to kill every Islamist in the Middle East -- in the entire world!

Assad is not an Islamist.

His wife walks around in short sleeve shirts and flowing hair.

Syria, under Assad, is a secular state.
Right. And they really love Jews.

Assad hasn't declared open war on Israel.

Pick your poison.

Assad or AQ?
Anything that weakens one of Israel's Muslim neighbors benefits Israel. It is in Israel's interest to kill every Islamist in the Middle East -- in the entire world!

Assad is not an Islamist.

His wife walks around in short sleeve shirts and flowing hair.

Syria, under Assad, is a secular state.

By the way in regards to his wife. She is beautiful, intelligent and fights for rights of women. They can try to make Assad and his family out to be horrid monsters but they aren't.
Anything that weakens one of Israel's Muslim neighbors benefits Israel. It is in Israel's interest to kill every Islamist in the Middle East -- in the entire world!

Assad is not an Islamist.

His wife walks around in short sleeve shirts and flowing hair.

Syria, under Assad, is a secular state.

By the way in regards to his wife. She is beautiful, intelligent and fights for rights of women. They can try to make Assad and his family out to be horrid monsters but they aren't.
Obviously, you have never talked to any of the 90% of Syria's sunni citizens about Assad and his murderous ways. .. :cool:
Obviously, you have never talked to any of the 90% of Syria's sunni citizens about Assad and his murderous ways. .. :cool:

this from the guy who says its ok for the Syrian rebels/terrorists to burn churches and threaten to cut off the heads of Christians if they don't convert to Islam.
Assad is not an Islamist.

His wife walks around in short sleeve shirts and flowing hair.

Syria, under Assad, is a secular state.

By the way in regards to his wife. She is beautiful, intelligent and fights for rights of women. They can try to make Assad and his family out to be horrid monsters but they aren't.
Obviously, you have never talked to any of the 90% of Syria's sunni citizens about Assad and his murderous ways. .. :cool:

It's ok, as long as the wife is pretty and smart and sticks up for the women in her neighborhood. Wow.
I never said that nitwit. .. :cool:

yes you did.

you defended the rebel/terrorist attacks upon Christians and their churches.

don't even start lying about our own comments as I will gladly post them and embarrass you.
Obviously, you have never talked to any of the 90% of Syria's sunni citizens about Assad and his murderous ways. .. :cool:

this from the guy who says its ok for the Syrian rebels/terrorists to burn churches and threaten to cut off the heads of Christians if they don't convert to Islam.

Listen, the above Ignorant poster states he doesn't believe the Muslims have to change their ways. What does that tell you?
Assad is not an Islamist.

His wife walks around in short sleeve shirts and flowing hair.

Syria, under Assad, is a secular state.

By the way in regards to his wife. She is beautiful, intelligent and fights for rights of women. They can try to make Assad and his family out to be horrid monsters but they aren't.
Obviously, you have never talked to any of the 90% of Syria's sunni citizens about Assad and his murderous ways. .. :cool:

Do you really see the potential for a stable government for Syria in the Opposition? They will not even agree to diplomacy, they reject participating in Geneva II talks. How is a diplomatic solution to be reached when the Opposition renounces diplomacy?
By the way in regards to his wife. She is beautiful, intelligent and fights for rights of women. They can try to make Assad and his family out to be horrid monsters but they aren't.
Obviously, you have never talked to any of the 90% of Syria's sunni citizens about Assad and his murderous ways. .. :cool:

Do you really see the potential for a stable government for Syria in the Opposition? They will not even agree to diplomacy, they reject participating in Geneva II talks. How is a diplomatic solution to be reached when the Opposition renounces diplomacy?
The Syrian people have been under the boot of Assad and his father for several decades.

They do not want to negotiate and have a future that includes Assad and his brutal henchmen.

In fact, they are willing to fight to the death rather than being slaves to that murdering psychopath.

Any red blooded American should empathize with the Syrian peoples fight against a tyrant like Assad and desire for freedom. .. :cool:
Blah blah blah. We currently have 50,000 US troops in South Korea. Is the South Korean Lobby pushing us to war, every time the N Koreans do something to their people?

Or how abut our security arrangement with the Taiwanese or Japanese?

Nah, this is just Jew hating as the Irish say...malarkey.

Longtime lobbying campaign pays off for South Korea with recent trade deal - Sunlight Foundation Reporting Group

Longtime lobbying campaign pays off for South Korea with recent trade deal
By Lindsay Young Oct 14 2011 4:12 p.m.
Trade agreements stem from long-winded talks, some heavy handed diplomacy and, as it turns out, a substantial amount of lobbying. The newest trade deal between South Korea and the U.S. was a massive operation which cost the Koreans $39.9 million in lobbying and PR fees in 2010 alone.

The Department of Justice shows nineteen international contracts currently operating with South Korean entities. Four of those contracts are primarily for lobbying. Four deal with public relations. Three promote trade. Another three offer policy consultation. Other firms provide tourism promotions and distribute broadcast material. In 2009, the Korea lobby spent slightly more, 41.9 million. See more details on lobbying contacts for 2009 here.

Lobbying hot shots at Akin Gump, Daniel J. Edelman, Fierce Isakowitz & Blaloc, Patton Boggs and Thomas Capitol Partners have specifically been working on this task. In July, the lobbying arsenal got even bigger with the addition of Podesta Group.

But it was not just foreign interests that lobbied on the Korean trade agreement. Senate electronic records show reform of Korean trade as an issue starting in 2000.

Large multinationals weighed in to influence legislators about the Korean Free Trade Agreement. From companies as big as Nokia, to the humble Nebraska Farm Bureau, a range of players made their voices heard. Some of the most notable companies that lobbied on this issue were Chevron, HP, Ford, US Rice Producers Association, Google, Kraft Foods, Pfizer, American Meat Institute, and Dunkin Brands. For most of these companies and conglomerates Korean trade was one of many issues on their lobbying agenda.

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