AIPAC to push for war!

Why is a pro-Israel group sending hundreds of activists to DC to push for war?

I guess they think this war would be good for Israel.

funny how AIPAC didn't send hundreds of activists to push for ObamaCare, or immigration reform, or anything else for that matter. their agenda is "what's good for Israel" and that's it.

they should be registered as an agent for a foreign entity.
Ha? Obama care or immigration are not issues not issues having to deal with Israel.

It operates like any other group.

Now there is a doozy-----AIPAC operates like any other group ? Which country does the Black Caucus lobby for ?
I meant it operates like any other lobbying group, within legal bounds. There are other groups promoting other national interests such as China, Turkey, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Armenia, etc. but THIS one should be illegal because its Joooos promoting Israel's interests? LOL.
Because that has nothing to do with AIPAC .... Their agenda is Israel.. What's wrong with that ?
There are other groups that have their own agenda, but AIPAC is for Israel, not for Obama care etc....

There's nothing wrong with an American lobbying group, with tax-exempt status and Congressional lobbying privileges, having the interests of a foreign country being their prime and sole agenda????

damn boy you are retarded!!
I meant it operates like any other lobbying group, within legal bounds. There are other groups promoting other national interests such as China, Turkey, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Armenia, etc. but THIS one should be illegal because its Joooos promoting Israel's interests? LOL.

please name these American lobbying groups with Congressional lobbying privileges and tax-exempt status that lobby for China, Turkey, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Armenia.
Ha? Obama care or immigration are not issues not issues having to deal with Israel.

It operates like any other group.

Now there is a doozy-----AIPAC operates like any other group ? Which country does the Black Caucus lobby for ?
I meant it operates like any other lobbying group, within legal bounds. There are other groups promoting other national interests such as China, Turkey, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Armenia, etc. but THIS one should be illegal because its Joooos promoting Israel's interests? LOL.

Oh spare me the JOOOOS comment--are you so desperate for a persecutor that you invent them when they don't even exist ?
Because that has nothing to do with AIPAC .... Their agenda is Israel.. What's wrong with that ?
There are other groups that have their own agenda, but AIPAC is for Israel, not for Obama care etc....

There's nothing wrong with an American lobbying group, with tax-exempt status and Congressional lobbying privileges, having the interests of a foreign country being their prime and sole agenda????

damn boy you are retarded!!

Ok, well then go cry yourself to sleep that AIPAC is a powerful lobbying group who's interests are for Israel lol.
Do you do anything else but whine on these boards, little troll ?
they should be registered as an agent for a foreign entity.
Ha? Obama care or immigration are not issues not issues having to deal with Israel.

It operates like any other group.


their sole agenda is another country's interests!

they should be registered as an agent of a foreign entity and lose their tax-exempt status.

and I also want to know why AIPAC is rooting for Islamic extremists and Al Qaeda to win in Syria?

have they lost their minds?[/QUOTE]
Global Connections . U.S. Foreign Policy | PBS

The strongest lobbies promoting foreign interests are driven by cohesive ethnic population groups in the United States, such as Armenia, China, Greece, India, Israel, Taiwan, Ukraine, and, historically, Ireland. Even countries that have strong bilateral relations with the United States, such as Australia, Japan, and Norway, need lobbyists as well as embassies. Lobbyists can operate within the system in ways that experienced diplomats cannot. A lobbying group can identify with a domestic ethnic bloc even though it is paid by a foreign government.
And therein lies the tale. Is anyone still wondering where the pressure on Obama to attack Syria is coming from? Does it make sense for a foreign country to lobby our Congress?

Israel is a deadly parasite and is one of the U.S.' most serious problems. It was the main provocation for the 9/11 attack. If the American People don't open their eyes to the menace, demand withdrawal of all relations with Israel and kick AIPAC out of Washington, our troubles in the Middle East will never end. It will continue to be a serious drain on our economy, it will cause the deaths of thousands more American GIs, and it will continue to incite hatred of Americans by the Muslim world.

OIC - so because AIPAC is allegedly going to lobby for an attack on Syrian Government forces, that magically ERASES anyone else who is advocating the same thing for reasons of their own having nothing to do with Israel.

The 'American People' need a REASON to cut off an alliance, and since that would be an extremely drastic step (whens the last time we did that?) - it will have to be a really good one, a 'slam-dunk' airtight case......

When people are complaining that 'others' (Israel) ignore the 'rule of law' and then those same people blithely make ridiculously 'lawless' suggestions as to a response - I just am unable to take such nonsense seriously. It's completely worthless as part of any serious discussion.
Ok, well then go cry yourself to sleep that AIPAC is a powerful lobbying group who's interests are for Israel lol.
Do you do anything else but whine on these boards, little troll ?


naaa, I'll just expose their treasonous ways and their support from traitors like you.
The strongest lobbies promoting foreign interests are driven by cohesive ethnic population groups in the United States, such as Armenia, China, Greece, India, Israel, Taiwan, Ukraine, and, historically, Ireland. Even countries that have strong bilateral relations with the United States, such as Australia, Japan, and Norway, need lobbyists as well as embassies. Lobbyists can operate within the system in ways that experienced diplomats cannot. A lobbying group can identify with a domestic ethnic bloc even though it is paid by a foreign government.

name these groups.
Ok, well then go cry yourself to sleep that AIPAC is a powerful lobbying group who's interests are for Israel lol.
Do you do anything else but whine on these boards, little troll ?


naaa, I'll just expose their treasonous ways and their support from traitors like you.

You go do that :lol: :lol:

Let me know how that goes for you hahaha :lol: :lol:

I meant it operates like any other lobbying group, within legal bounds. There are other groups promoting other national interests such as China, Turkey, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Armenia, etc. but THIS one should be illegal because its Joooos promoting Israel's interests? LOL.

please name these American lobbying groups with Congressional lobbying privileges and tax-exempt status that lobby for China, Turkey, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Armenia.
Are some people fookin' ignorant or what? Make the Irish lobby illegal! Treasonous Irishmen! Ha ha ha.

Irish-American lobby - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Irish American lobby is the loose coalition of groups and individuals who influence United States policy in both foreign and domestic affairs in support of causes related to Ireland and Irish American interests.
The main issues that have concerned the Irish American lobby historically have been support for Irish independence, support for the unification of Ireland, support for Catholic parochial schools, and winning increased quotas for immigration from Ireland. In areas with large Irish populations, the Irish lobby has worked through the Democratic Party.
Formal organizations[edit source | editbeta]

The Irish National Caucus (INC) was founded in 1974 by Father Sean Gabriel McManus at a meeting of the Ancient Order of Hibernians.[1] The INC lobbies for the MacBride Principles, a manifesto that demands the cooperation of US companies doing business in Northern Ireland in fighting alleged discrimination and abuses there.[2] The INC formerly operated a now defunct political action committee under the name INC Irish PAC. [3] The INC operates a tax-exempt charitable organization, the Irish Peace Foundation, to support "a non-violent solution in Ireland."[4][5]
The Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) is an Irish-Catholic fraternal organization. The order was instrumental for establishing, in 1977, the Congressional Ad Hoc Committee on Irish Affairs. [6] The Ireland-US Council and the US-Ireland Alliance are organisations which encourage bilateral cooperation between the two countries.
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AIPAC was hoping to sit this out with a low profile on themselves and Israel. Now that the vote for war looks like it may fail, desperation is setting in. Do not underestimate the power of this group. They have alot of favours owed to them. They provide alot of funding for political campaigns and enough votes in key distracts to make a difference between R & D.
Ok, well then go cry yourself to sleep that AIPAC is a powerful lobbying group who's interests are for Israel lol.
Do you do anything else but whine on these boards, little troll ?


naaa, I'll just expose their treasonous ways and their support from traitors like you.
Look in the mirror.

Armenian lobby in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lobby organizations[edit source | editbeta]

The Armenian American Political Action Committee (A.A.P.A.C.), is a political action committee founded by Albert A. Boyajian.[citation needed]
The Armenian National Committee of America works to initiate legislation on issues of concern to the Armenian American community, such as strengthening Armenia as a secure, prosperous and democratic state; supporting Nagorno Karabagh's right to self-determination and independence within secure borders; increasing U.S. aid levels to Armenia to promote economic and democratic development; securing direct U.S. aid to Nagorno Karabagh; ensuring the appropriate commemoration of the Armenian Genocide; and encouraging Turkey and Azerbaijan to lift their blockades and adhere to international standards for human rights and humanitarian practices.[citation needed]
The Armenian Assembly of America aims to "strengthen U.S./Armenia and U.S./Nagorno Karabakh relations, promotes Armenia's and Karabakh's democratic development and economic prosperity and seeks universal affirmation of the Armenian Genocide" via "research, education and advocacy."[4]
The Armenian Youth Federation-Youth Organization Of The Armenian Revolutionary Federation (AYF-YOARF). In the early 1990s the AYF found a new challenge: Nagorno-Karabakh. In 1988 the struggle for independence in the Karabagh region started. AYF became involved in fund raising activities to supply much-needed funds to the people in Karabakh. Even after the independence of Nagorno-Karabagh in 1991 and the cease-fire in 1993, the AYF continued to help the region. In 1994 the AYF Western Region decided to create a program, called the AYF Youth Corps, that sent about ten youths that year and continues to send up to 15 each summer. The mission of the Youth Corps is to help rebuild schools, camps, churches, etc. in the various regions of Nagorno-Karabakh.[citation needed]
And therein lies the tale. Is anyone still wondering where the pressure on Obama to attack Syria is coming from? Does it make sense for a foreign country to lobby our Congress?

Israel is a deadly parasite and is one of the U.S.' most serious problems. It was the main provocation for the 9/11 attack. If the American People don't open their eyes to the menace, demand withdrawal of all relations with Israel and kick AIPAC out of Washington, our troubles in the Middle East will never end. It will continue to be a serious drain on our economy, it will cause the deaths of thousands more American GIs, and it will continue to incite hatred of Americans by the Muslim world.

OIC - so because AIPAC is allegedly going to lobby for an attack on Syrian Government forces, that magically ERASES anyone else who is advocating the same thing for reasons of their own having nothing to do with Israel.

The 'American People' need a REASON to cut off an alliance, and since that would be an extremely drastic step (whens the last time we did that?) - it will have to be a really good one, a 'slam-dunk' airtight case......

When people are complaining that 'others' (Israel) ignore the 'rule of law' and then those same people blithely make ridiculously 'lawless' suggestions as to a response - I just am unable to take such nonsense seriously. It's completely worthless as part of any serious discussion.

So what in the hell took them so long to come forward ?
The strongest lobbies promoting foreign interests are driven by cohesive ethnic population groups in the United States, such as Armenia, China, Greece, India, Israel, Taiwan, Ukraine, and, historically, Ireland. Even countries that have strong bilateral relations with the United States, such as Australia, Japan, and Norway, need lobbyists as well as embassies. Lobbyists can operate within the system in ways that experienced diplomats cannot. A lobbying group can identify with a domestic ethnic bloc even though it is paid by a foreign government.

name these groups.
Just did, fool. :lmao:
The Irish lobby? their days are over, loser.
No they're not. Dipstick. The point was, what other groups promote foreign national interests.

Check mate. Run along now, anti Semite.
AIPAC was hoping to sit this out with a low profile on themselves and Israel. Now that the vote for war looks like it may fail, desperation is setting in. Do not underestimate the power of this group. They have alot of favours owed to them. They provide alot of funding for political campaigns and enough votes in key distracts to make a difference between R & D.

Bingo---The will of the American people may not coincide with AIPAC's desires so AIPAC plans on changing that. And people wonder why lobby groups are so detested...

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