AIPAC to push for war!

No they're not. Dipstick. The point was, what other groups promote foreign national interests.

Check mate. Run along now, anti Semite.

yeah, but they don't lobby Congress for America to go to war, with hundreds of activists.

how you like them apples, traitor?
Just did, fool. :lmao:

yeah, but these groups don't lobby Congress with 250 activists to go to war.

how you like them apples,

Activist don't always lobby with cash. They often use signs and petitions and stuff like that. MIC lobbyist use hard, cold cash, and there are way more than 250 of them. The MIC lobbyist are low profile by nature, but they are always on the job, always.
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No they're not. Dipstick. The point was, what other groups promote foreign national interests.

Check mate. Run along now, anti Semite.

yeah, but they don't lobby Congress for America to go to war, with hundreds of activists.

how you like them apples, traitor?

That's not what you asked. You asked him to name a few groups, and he did, while making a big fool of you in the process, sea....I mean Hoffy
Bombing Syria is an act of war. Blurring the lines with "limited action" talks wont change that, And yes, Israel is a parasite on the US resources.

How is Israel a parasite on the US resources ?

We send them aid. We fight for them. They do not return any of this. It's a one sided relationship. They are the parasite, the US is the host.

How would Israeli's view the US if we lobbied their govt. for millions of dollars in annual aid?

I'd imagine not too much. Why isn't Israel helping us pay down our debt now that they have a strengthened economy?

Because it's all about , and only about Israel to Israel.
Bombing Syria is an act of war. Blurring the lines with "limited action" talks wont change that, And yes, Israel is a parasite on the US resources.

How is Israel a parasite on the US resources ?

We send them aid. We fight for them. They do not return any of this. It's a one sided relationship. They are the parasite, the US is the host.

How would Israeli's view the US if we lobbied their govt. for millions of dollars in annual aid?

I'd imagine not too much. Why isn't Israel helping us pay down our debt now that they have a strengthened economy?

Because it's all about , and only about Israel to Israel.

You don't fight for them. That is just a bullshit myth. If the U.S goes to war, it's the choice of the U.S, not Israel. I'm guessing you're part of the same group of idiots who think the U.S went to war in Iraq and Afghanistan because of Israel :lol:

Go educate yourself before making idiotic comments
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AIPAC to deploy hundreds of lobbyists to push for Syria action - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News Broadcast | Haaretz

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee will send hundreds of activists to push Congress to go to war with Syria.


Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do.

I don't pray for forgiveness for those who'd start WWIII.
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The Israeli lobby AIPAC is the most powerful one in Washington and all U.S. presidential candidates must kowtow to it in order to be elected.

And yes, America went to war in Iraq at the behest of Israel.

Basically, U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East is directed from Tel Aviv and built around Israel's needs; and has almost zero benefit for America or it's citizens. .. :cool:
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The Israeli lobby AIPAC is the most powerful one in Washington and all U.S. presidential candidates must kowtow to it in order to be elected.

And yes, America went to war in Iraq at the behest of Israel.

Basically, U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East is directed from Tel Aviv and built around Israel's needs; and has almost zero benefit for America or it's citizens. .. :cool:

Please provide evidence that the U.S went to war with Iraq for ISrael.
Bothers you that Israel exists and always will ? GOOD
You are allowing your genetic ethnic paranoia to dominate your perceptions.

The fact is I don't care if Israel exists or not. My only concern is the effect the close relationship, the so-called "alliance," has on the U.S. One outstanding example of that effect being the 9/11 attack.

The U.S. has done quite enough for Israel and the relationship is neither necessary nor reciprocal. All it does is severely antagonize the Islamic world against us.

The U.S. has done enough for Israel. So if you are American it's time to evaluate your loyalties. Enough is enough.
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Bombing Syria is an act of war. Blurring the lines with "limited action" talks wont change that, And yes, Israel is a parasite on the US resources.

How is Israel a parasite on the US resources ?

since you asked,

The U.S.-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act of 2012 [.pdf] forces Americans to fork hard-earned tax dollars over to Israel’s coffers on the pretext that it is in imminent danger. Yet declassified documents reveal that even the current prime minister once worked inside the state’s clandestine nuclear arms smuggling rings. Transferring foreign aid to the Middle East’s sole nuclear weapons state — which can obviously take care of itself — is not just unseemly and unnecessary. It is illegal.

AIPAC’s publicly available tax return [.pdf] reveals it has now become as seamlessly linked to its foreign principal as its parent organization — the American Zionist Council — was when it was finally ordered by the Kennedy administration to openly register as an Israeli foreign agent in 1962. AIPAC spent $1,541,572 maintaining its Jerusalem office. The office, led by Wendy Senor Singer, is described as the official location for daily meetings with senior Israeli government officials. It is also used to coordinate the visits of supplicant U.S. politicians with funding from a mysterious captive charity of no employees claiming to be an educational organization [.pdf]. The Israeli government’s desires are seamlessly into legislation at AIPAC’s headquarters in Washington — raising the perennial question why AIPAC is not registering as Israel’s foreign agent.

…..(big cut)…

The AIPAC-sponsored U.S.-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act of 2012, signed into law by President Obama on July 27, 2012, makes unprecedented demands on U.S. taxpayers and diplomats. It mandates American economic largess to Israel via high technology, agriculture, medicine, health, pharmaceutical, and energy transfers. It demands funding for Israel Aerospace Industries (a corporation only recently linked to Israeli espionage activities against the U.S.) missile-defense programs and air-refueling tankers and munitions Israel could use to unilaterally set off a wider war with Iran. Israel even won a detour of used weapons from U.S. forces departing Iraq. The aid law extends already generous loan guarantees to Israel.

for more reasons read this article at:
AIPAC is 'seamlessly linked to Israel' and should register as foreign agent -- Grant Smith
The Israeli lobby AIPAC is the most powerful one in Washington and all U.S. presidential candidates must kowtow to it in order to be elected.

And yes, America went to war in Iraq at the behest of Israel.

Basically, U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East is directed from Tel Aviv and built around Israel's needs; and has almost zero benefit for America or it's citizens. .. :cool:

Please provide evidence that the U.S went to war with Iraq for ISrael.
Sorry, but common sense doesn't require a link. .. :cool:
The Israeli lobby AIPAC is the most powerful one in Washington and all U.S. presidential candidates must kowtow to it in order to be elected.

And yes, America went to war in Iraq at the behest of Israel.

Basically, U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East is directed from Tel Aviv and built around Israel's needs; and has almost zero benefit for America or it's citizens. .. :cool:

Please provide evidence that the U.S went to war with Iraq for ISrael.
Sorry, but common sense doesn't require a link. .. :cool:

As usual, you have nothing to back up your jibberish claims. That's what I thought :cool:
Please provide evidence that the U.S went to war with Iraq for ISrael.

The Iraq invasion could not have been authorized by the Congress were it not for the 9/11 attack. And U.S. support of Israel was the primary motivation for that attack.

Sorry, but that proves nothing.

American bases and general intervention in the ME was also a reason for the attack.
One must ask: why is AIPAC lobbying Congress with hundreds of activists to get the US military to help Al Qaeda in Syria?

would an Al Qaeda and Islamist victory in Syria justify an Israeli invasion of Syria?

perhaops it would justify Israel declaring that it will never surrended the Golan Heights under any circumstances?

yes friends, when Israel supports terrorists, we must wonder what their motives are.
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