AIPAC to push for war!

Russia may have come up with a peaceful solution to the crisis.

and of course, AIPAC and the other lazyboy warmongers are furious!!!
Apparently some are too busy with their hate and trying to blame Jews for everything, to understand the complexity of the situation.

Do we stand by as yet another Arab / Muslim madman gasses and exterminates his own people by the thousands? Or do we at least take out the capability of this madman to further use chemical weapons on his own people, and in the process strengthening his opposition, some of which are Islamist terrorist organizations like Al Queda? That is the question many nations are struggling with, and there is division in Europe over this as well.

Lets also not forget that Assad himself is backed by other terrorist organizations such as Hamas, Hezbollah, and of course Iran's pariah Islamist state.

It's quite a dilemma the world community is in. Of course all of it is the Joooos and AIPAC's fault, right? Let's see a show of hands from the anti Semites out there.....
Dr. Martin Luther King said it best, anti Zionism is the new anti Semetism....

this is a lie, as MLK never uttered these words.
Sure he did. We've gone over this like a thousand times in the past and we can do this dance again.There were things like the "Letter" that we're not verified (doesn't mean it was false), and then there were direct quotes made by him that we're validated and verified, and one of them was he called anti Zionism just another word for anti Semetism.

Of course it bother's the anti Semites when the truth is brought up.
Russia may have come up with a peaceful solution to the crisis.

and of course, AIPAC and the other lazyboy warmongers are furious!!!

Are you watching how they are turning it around and giving credit for all of these developments to Obama? Unbelievable! Putin is saving the day, saving their skin, fixing the mess they made, and they are claiming all the credit. Well, we know the real truth as does the entire world.
Sure he did. We've gone over this like a thousand times in the past and we can do this dance again.There were things like the "Letter" that we're not verified (doesn't mean it was false), and then there were direct quotes made by him that we're validated and verified, and one of them was he called anti Zionism just another word for anti Semetism.

Of course it bother's the anti Semites when the truth is brought up.

prove it with evidence.

I remember reading about this years ago and finding out it was a filthy lie.

so, what's your evidence?
Sure he did. We've gone over this like a thousand times in the past and we can do this dance again.There were things like the "Letter" that we're not verified (doesn't mean it was false), and then there were direct quotes made by him that we're validated and verified, and one of them was he called anti Zionism just another word for anti Semetism.

Of course it bother's the anti Semites when the truth is brought up.

prove it with evidence.

I remember reading about this years ago and finding out it was a filthy lie.

so, what's your evidence?
No lie, truth. But won't get baited into the OP derailing his own thread to save himself from embarrassment.

cheers leis an frith semetic Irishman.
No lie, truth. But won't get baited into the OP derailing his own thread to save himself from embarrassment.

cheers leis an frith semetic Irishman.

shame on you for lying about a great American hero, only a week after the 50th aniversary of his I Have a Dream speech.
No lie, truth. But won't get baited into the OP derailing his own thread to save himself from embarrassment.

cheers leis an frith semetic Irishman.

shame on you for lying about a great American hero, only a week after the 50th aniversary of his I Have a Dream speech.
The shame is on you.

[ame=]Martin Luther King Jr: "Israel... is one of the great outpost of democracy in the world" - YouTube[/ame]
Martin Luther King On Zionism

Here you go, you ignorant waste of space

This "letter to an anti-Zionist friend", is a hoax and a lie.

Letter to an Anti-Zionist Friend - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

CAMERA: Hoax: Martin Luther King's "Letter to an anti-Zionist Friend"

nice job posting lies, you Mossad agent. You're now two for two.
The Letter is not a lie, Hamas agent, it cannot be verified, and is in line with other verified quotes from MLK.

But Martin Luther's other quote regarding anti Zionism being anti Semetism is 100% true.

MLK Supported Israel.

With the predictability of hedgehogs, anti-Zionists are attacking me for protecting Martin Luther King Junior’s memory from what I called an act of intellectual grave-robbery. In demonstrating that it was disrespectful to King and demeaning to the university, for University of Pennsylvania fanatics to use the civil rights martyr’s birthday to libel Israel, I quoted from Bayard Rustin’s column condemning the 1975 Zionism is Racism resolution, in which “Rustin invoked King’s famous comment that ‘when people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews, you are talking anti-Semitism.’”

In writing that blog post—and in writing the chapter in my book "Moynihan's Moment: America's Fight Against Zionism as Racism"—I used this King quotation carefully, aware of the controversy surrounding one King statement on Zionism, and how critics used it to impeach the credibility of anyone who mentioned King’s support for Israel and contempt for anti-Semitism. I checked the King quotation issue before publishing it—and proceeded because I was summarizing Rustin’s column. Yes, the "flowery" letter which King supposedly wrote to an anti-Zionist friend has not been verified—that is what pro-Israel sources like Camera and others called a hoax. But just because one letter was not authenticated does not mean that every Martin Luther King quotation on Israel and Zionism is false.

Here's part of what Camera said—it's pretty rude and foolish to quote a fact-checker inaccurately: "The flowery, pro-Zionist 'Letter to an Anti-Zionist Friend'… allegedly written by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is apparently a hoax. However, the basic message of the letter was indeed, without question, spoken by Martin Luther King, Jr. at a dinner in Cambridge, MA, shortly before he was assassinated. At that dinner, he rebuked a student who made an anti-Zionist remark, saying, 'When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You are talking anti-Semitism.' (See, e.g., 'The Socialism of Fools: The Left, the Jews and Israel' by Seymour Martin Lipset; Encounter magazine, December 1969, p. 24.)"
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Martin Luther King On Zionism

Here you go, you ignorant waste of space

This "letter to an anti-Zionist friend", is a hoax and a lie.

Letter to an Anti-Zionist Friend - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

CAMERA: Hoax: Martin Luther King's "Letter to an anti-Zionist Friend"

nice job posting lies, you Mossad agent. You're now two for two.

What am I lying about, IRA agent. You said that Roudy's claim was a lie, and I just showed you a link to make a fool out of yourself AGAIN
What did I lie about ??
Martin Luther King On Zionism

Here you go, you ignorant waste of space

This "letter to an anti-Zionist friend", is a hoax and a lie.

Letter to an Anti-Zionist Friend - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

CAMERA: Hoax: Martin Luther King's "Letter to an anti-Zionist Friend"

nice job posting lies, you Mossad agent. You're now two for two.

What am I lying about, IRA agent. You said that Roudy's claim was a lie, and I just showed you a link to make a fool out of yourself AGAIN
What did I lie about ??
They have nothing but used up anti Semetic canards.

Antisemitic canard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An antisemitic canard (evoking a French-derived English catchword for "hoax") is a false story inciting antisemitism. Despite being thoroughly disproved, antisemitic canards are often part of broader theories of Jewish conspiracies. According to defense attorney Kenneth S. Stern,

Dual Loyalty

A canard found in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, but dating to before that document, is that Jews are more loyal to world Jewry than to their own country. Since the establishment of the state of Israel, this canard has taken the form of accusations that Jewish citizens of countries such as the United States are more loyal to Israel than to their home country.[51]
AIPAC wants a military strike---
So does the British Parliament, most of the French Parliament, the Turks, the Saudi, the Jordanians, etc. Does AIPAC's desire supersede the others and somehow get more priority? LOL

Simply put, what Assad did was outrageous and an abomination, but the world community is tired of going to war with Muslim savages. So do we let them slaughter each other like there's no tomorrow, or do we show more compassion then they do for themselves? That's the question or one might say, struggle.
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What am I lying about, IRA agent. You said that Roudy's claim was a lie, and I just showed you a link to make a fool out of yourself AGAIN
What did I lie about ??

the "letter to an anti-zionist friend", is a hoax.

just like you.
What am I lying about, IRA agent. You said that Roudy's claim was a lie, and I just showed you a link to make a fool out of yourself AGAIN
What did I lie about ??

the "letter to an anti-zionist friend", is a hoax.

just like you.
Something that cannot be verified is not a hoax, especially if its in line with the rest of MLKs views, Hamas agent.

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