Airport Brawl Is Microcosm Of Black America


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I saw this video this morning. Several blacks fighting in an airport terminal.

It pretty much will become normal....if the Democrat Party has anything to do with it.

Knifefights are just a part of growing up in the black community after all.
I saw this video this morning. Several blacks fighting in an airport terminal.

It pretty much will become normal....if the Democrat Party has anything to do with it.

Knifefights are just a part of growing up in the black community after all.

Where are their masks?
I saw this video this morning. Several blacks fighting in an airport terminal.

It pretty much will become normal....if the Democrat Party has anything to do with it.

Knifefights are just a part of growing up in the black community after all.

Fortunately, the Democratic party will never have anything to do with any violence.
That appears to be the new mantra of the Trump fanatics party, especially if their threats bear fruit like on Jan 6.
I can never understand the cowardice or the hatred, or whatever it is that causes someone to hit and beat a person once they are on the ground. People don't show respect, then turn around and want to be the ones to demand respect for themselves.
They lack natural compassion and empathy. Mobs, especially black mobs, are very dangerous.
I saw this video this morning. Several blacks fighting in an airport terminal.

It pretty much will become normal....if the Democrat Party has anything to do with it.

Knifefights are just a part of growing up in the black community after all.

Fortunately, the Democratic party will never have anything to do with any violence.
That appears to be the new mantra of the Trump fanatics party, especially if their threats bear fruit like on Jan 6.

I've been hearing this excuse since the 60s. Blacks blaming Whitey for everything they do wrong.
I saw this video this morning. Several blacks fighting in an airport terminal.

It pretty much will become normal....if the Democrat Party has anything to do with it.

Knifefights are just a part of growing up in the black community after all.

This used to be a part of "blacks growing up":

Just part of growing up "in a white community" after all.
I saw this video this morning. Several blacks fighting in an airport terminal.

It pretty much will become normal....if the Democrat Party has anything to do with it.

Knifefights are just a part of growing up in the black community after all.

Fortunately, the Democratic party will never have anything to do with any violence.
That appears to be the new mantra of the Trump fanatics party, especially if their threats bear fruit like on Jan 6.

Those look like Trump supporters to you?

I saw this video this morning. Several blacks fighting in an airport terminal.

It pretty much will become normal....if the Democrat Party has anything to do with it.

Knifefights are just a part of growing up in the black community after all.

Fortunately, the Democratic party will never have anything to do with any violence.
That appears to be the new mantra of the Trump fanatics party, especially if their threats bear fruit like on Jan 6.

Your joking right? Maxine Watters tells democratic voters to go out and harrass political opponents in public, and to let them know they are not welcome anywhere. Democrats ARE the party of confrontation. Dialogue and ideas be damned.
No it doesnt look good that people act that way in a public place. They all need a time out and have someone sit them down and give them therapy. This should have all been learned in grade school. I blame the public school system. Wherever they went, they learned Zero respect for their peers or teachers. Obviously this does not represent all black people, but they are the biggest victims of the public school system. Its because discipline is not allowed anymore.
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That one guy kicked the young lady in the white pants right in her.....well... coochie ...twice.....that's some really mean stuff
I saw this video this morning. Several blacks fighting in an airport terminal.

It pretty much will become normal....if the Democrat Party has anything to do with it.

Knifefights are just a part of growing up in the black community after all.



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