Akin Very Well Could Still Win In Mo.

Well Claire got some 'splaining to do herself...

McCaskill's Husband Cut Deal For $40 Million in "Stimulus" Money for Housing Projects in U.S. Senate Dining Hall

One of the richest bitches in the U.S. Senate...or any other branch of the gubment. And before you libtards start with the rat who outed her was a convicted felon...he worked for the DEMOCRATS.

It's what makes her single term such a laughingstock. She rode the anti-GOP wave into office and she's about to ride he anti-Obama wave out.
Akin is still solidly behind and decent GOP will not stand up for him.
JoeB, you have been lying your ass off since your first post on the Board, so understand when we laugh at you about your take on decency: you have none.
You have been lying from day one. The Mormon girl dumped you thirty years ago, and you have been off your rocker ever since.

JoeB, you have been lying your ass off since your first post on the Board, so understand when we laugh at you about your take on decency: you have none.

I've been the only guy whose been straight up.

I said, day one, I will do whatever it takes to keep the Mormon Cult from taking over the country.

And that's what I've done.
Oh, wait, I thought you said it was because I was an ex-Mormon!

I mean, your speculation of why I distrust the evil LDS Cult has been hilarious, especially since I straight up said why I did.

I met some in 1983 who were soooo fucking creepy that I put them on a permanent watch list.
The Mormon girl dumped you, you were excommunicated for being freaky, and you have been a lying apostate ever since, JoeB.

Accept what you are: Mormon losah boi!
The Mormon girl dumped you, you were excommunicated for being freaky, and you have been a lying apostate ever since, JoeB.

Accept what you are: Mormon losah boi!

Dude, I wouldn't screw a Mormon chick with your dick!

Seriously, the reason the Mormons needed polygamy is no one else would marry the poor things.

Anyway, sorry, I guess I just have a problem with a cult that doesn't realize this country works best when we keep religion out of politics, thinks dark skin is a curse from god, women only exist to serve men and they need to establish God's Kingdom on earth.

WHich, again, has nothing to do with the GOP backing Akin when they said they wouldn't.
You only show that you are an ex-Mormon losah boy, JoeB.

The Mormon girl dumped you, you were excommunicated for being freaky, and you have been a lying apostate ever since, JoeB.

Accept what you are: Mormon losah boi!

Dude, I wouldn't screw a Mormon chick with your dick!

Seriously, the reason the Mormons needed polygamy is no one else would marry the poor things.

Anyway, sorry, I guess I just have a problem with a cult that doesn't realize this country works best when we keep religion out of politics, thinks dark skin is a curse from god, women only exist to serve men and they need to establish God's Kingdom on earth.

WHich, again, has nothing to do with the GOP backing Akin when they said they wouldn't.
The saddest thing is that a piece of filth like that has any support.

Basing that on one comment...McCaskill on the other hand is a fraud...

Figures. Fraud McCaskill Blew $76,000 of Taxpayer Ca$h on Private Flights While Preaching About Wasteful Spending | The Gateway Pundit

And yet it is so laughable how the democrats throw stones at Akin when she's a disaster to Missouri and the United States.
The GOP brought this on themselves in MO, and are delivering the US Senate to the opposition once again.
The subject came up at a recent discussion at work.

Three women, who live in Missouri, admitted responding to polls about Akin in the negative (saying they would not vote for him) when they have every intention of voting for him.

I am so looking forward to Nov 6th.
There's a subject that came up in a recent discussion at my job too. Five men who work for the Romney campaign admitted that the only reason they hate Obama is because he's black.
You know...I'm a Republican when it comes to electing a President, period. Economy, Foreign Relations, national security, a STRONG MILITARY. But I could give a damn less about what women want to do for unwanted pregnancies. If they want to abort, that's fine with me. Too bad some of these street thugs weren't aborted. Of course the baby momma's would NOT receive near as much ADC if they aborted all those little drug pushing gang bangers back when. Abortion is just not my hot button.

So Akin making his dumbass statement about rape and pregnancy is no different than the dumbass Biden telling us that Obama was the FIRST well spoken, CLEAN afro-American ever in contention for a major office...which he was totally WRONG about and showed his TRUE feelings about black people. Of course black democrats were too GD stupid to realize that he just dissed their race big time.
Sure they did :lol:
The subject came up at a recent discussion at work.

Three women, who live in Missouri, admitted responding to polls about Akin in the negative (saying they would not vote for him) when they have every intention of voting for him.

I am so looking forward to Nov 6th.
Sure they did, Listening, :lol:

The subject came up at a recent discussion at work.

Three women, who live in Missouri, admitted responding to polls about Akin in the negative (saying they would not vote for him) when they have every intention of voting for him.

I am so looking forward to Nov 6th.

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