Akin Very Well Could Still Win In Mo.

Todd Akin, Of 'Legitimate Rape' Infamy, May Still Win Senate Seat

The lasted poll has him up by 1 point and if Romney really cleans up in the state, he likely wins.

What a sad statement about Clair and the democrats.

Republicans believe every brutal rapist deserves the chance to be a father. It has nothing to do with Democrats. Akin wrote half the Republicans Party Platform.

And it all had to do with rapists ?

You bet.

Can you bastards get a grip yet. It's been two days for crying out loud (which you've been doing a great deal of).
She's been leading in the polls by 6. If they elect Akin, they have to be the dumbest state in the union.. :D

But she isn't.

She was down by ten before he ran off at the mouth. Now that Romney has legs again, MO is going to get pushed more by the right and that does not bode well for ass-kisser Clair.

BTW: You missed where she supported him thus creating the situation where if he got elected...you were going to get a Tea Party on Steroids type in the senate.

Why don't you send her a thank you note telling her that her interests outran Missouri's and thus the two people who were much more qualified did not get the nod. Go ahead...tell her thanks.

I'll tell Akin thanks after Claire McCaskill is reelected.

Gonna take the bet there Madame Mouth ?

Clair is up in RC....but the inside story around here is that the next set of poll numbers will have Akin in the lead. As Romney continues to pressure Obama....Obama will abandon Missouri (he basically has already) and if Romney sweeps it pretty hard....Akin is in.

What a country. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Akin, it seems, is a friend of Paul Broun who made a fool of himself recently, by denying science and evolution. They deserve each other.
Akin, it seems, is a friend of Paul Broun who made a fool of himself recently, by denying science and evolution. They deserve each other.

It still puts an extremist Tea Party whackjob in the senate who is going to rabidly do all kinds of crazy right wing stuff.

Oh, have I mentioned, you can thank Clair, in part, if he gets elected.

If he hadn't made a race of it by shoving his foot up his ass and through his mouth he'd be killing her....

And then you could really thank her for putting a moron in her place.

We didn't trade up....but we didn't trade down either.
It will all depend on St Louis, Kansas City and Columbia.

I'll tell you, Rural Missouri is energized.

Akin's chances are good.

The most telling sign of Claire's weakness is she never, and I mean never, mentions Obama or the Democrat Party.

She is ashamed of being a Democrat.

I've already voted, I voted for Romney and Akin on the Gop side, and Nixon and Koster on the Dem side.
It is sounding better and better for Akin.

As Romney surges, MO has fallen off the dems radar screen.

People on the right are energized.

Thanks Clair.....if Akin wins....it is, in part, because of you, that we will get the worst of the three possible "could haves".....all because you thought you might win. MO should be proud of a selfish dimwit like yourself.
What say we bet.

Akin loses...I leave the board.

McCaskill loses....you depart...

Permanent departures.

Are you up to it ?

You'll be leaving anyway when Romney loses.

You bet....

RCP now has him leading in FL. Va. and N.C.

But, if Sarah is so confident...I am sure she'll have no problem betting on McCaskill.

No thanks sock, I'm sure you'd be back as yet another incarnation when you lose.
It will all depend on St Louis, Kansas City and Columbia.

I'll tell you, Rural Missouri is energized.

Akin's chances are good.

The most telling sign of Claire's weakness is she never, and I mean never, mentions Obama or the Democrat Party.

She is ashamed of being a Democrat.

I've already voted, I voted for Romney and Akin on the Gop side, and Nixon and Koster on the Dem side.

So you guys all feel the same way Akin does regarding rape? How could you vote for someone so disgusting? Putrid in fact.
Akin Very Well Could Still Win In Mo

Ya....He's got the self loathing rape victim vote LOCKED UP!!!

They just weren't aware it was their fault until Aikin cleared things up for them..

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You'll be leaving anyway when Romney loses.

You bet....

RCP now has him leading in FL. Va. and N.C.

But, if Sarah is so confident...I am sure she'll have no problem betting on McCaskill.

No thanks sock, I'm sure you'd be back as yet another incarnation when you lose.

Didn't think so.......you've always been a great talker....but only a great talker.

As for Akin.....he's in...I don't live in MO. It's looking better all the time.
Remember when:

Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said last week that the GOP campaign committee intends to stick with its plan and not spend resources to help Akin. "I just think that this is not a winnable race," Cornyn told our Gannett colleague Jim Carroll of The Courier-Journal.


This last week the KC area TV is awash with Akin commercials paid for by the committee.

No recent polls on this race, but Romney is increasing his lead in MO and Akin comes with that lead.

Thank Clair....the selfish bi**h.
It will all depend on St Louis, Kansas City and Columbia.

I'll tell you, Rural Missouri is energized.

Akin's chances are good.

The most telling sign of Claire's weakness is she never, and I mean never, mentions Obama or the Democrat Party.

She is ashamed of being a Democrat.

I've already voted, I voted for Romney and Akin on the Gop side, and Nixon and Koster on the Dem side.

So you guys all feel the same way Akin does regarding rape? How could you vote for someone so disgusting? Putrid in fact.

Typical leftist comment.

I'd vote for satan himself it it will get Obamadon'tcare repealed.
McKaskill has an "internal" poll that shows she is up by 9. ROTFLMAO.

No poll has her anywhere close to that.

Recent internal polls show the race very tight and Akin gaining favorability points over McKaskill. All people need is an excuse to vote for him.

It's looking pretty good.

And more groups are putting money and volunteers into the race now that it looks like he could win.

Thank Clair for him if he heads to the Senate.

You morons are in a whole lot of trouble. Akin is the kind of whackjob that will make Joe Wilson look tame.
Romney is now pulling away in Missouri.

Akin is going to ride his coatails into the Senate.

Thanks Clair......you moron.
It will all depend on St Louis, Kansas City and Columbia.

I'll tell you, Rural Missouri is energized.

Akin's chances are good.

The most telling sign of Claire's weakness is she never, and I mean never, mentions Obama or the Democrat Party.

She is ashamed of being a Democrat.

I've already voted, I voted for Romney and Akin on the Gop side, and Nixon and Koster on the Dem side.

So you guys all feel the same way Akin does regarding rape? How could you vote for someone so disgusting? Putrid in fact.

People like you voted for Obama when he was against gay marriage, and from what I hear recently, being against gay marriage is a awful terrible very bad no good thing.
It will all depend on St Louis, Kansas City and Columbia.

I'll tell you, Rural Missouri is energized.

Akin's chances are good.

The most telling sign of Claire's weakness is she never, and I mean never, mentions Obama or the Democrat Party.

She is ashamed of being a Democrat.

I've already voted, I voted for Romney and Akin on the Gop side, and Nixon and Koster on the Dem side.

So you guys all feel the same way Akin does regarding rape? How could you vote for someone so disgusting? Putrid in fact.

My God, is that the way you really think? That because this candidate said something every person that votes for him supports that particular 'something'?

Have you never voted for a candidate that had some positions you didn't agree with?

Or are you even old enough to vote?

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