Al Gore is Full of Crap

Deniers of climate change are now coming close to criminal behavior.

You've written many foolish, and bullshit things since I've been here, but this one HEADS THE LIST of stupidity....criminal behavior, for UNSETTLED science that DOESN'T DEPEND on money from the gov't or from biased organizations to KEEP THE FUCKERS EATING LOBSTER!!!! :ahole-1:
The only unsettled heads on this issue are the sheeple that follow Rush.

Climate change is happening, and the science, which is not unsettled as to that fact, is beginning to clearly reveal that human behavior has a definitive effect on it.
Al Gore burns more carbons in one month heating his mansion and fueling his Lear jet, than most Americans can burn in an entire year. Pure hypocrite.
The only unsettled heads on this issue are the sheeple that follow Rush.

Climate change is happening, and the science, which is not unsettled as to that fact, is beginning to clearly reveal that human behavior has a definitive effect on it.

CLIMATE CHANGE has been happening for over 4 BILLION YEARS on this planet, you dumbfucks just don't seem to get that FACT, The sun varies the earth’s temperature by 10s of degrees on a daily basis. We have supposedly varied it by a degree or two over how many years? The sun wins in its ability to control our climate....even a complete idiot, such as yourself, should be able to understand that!

Deniers of climate change are now coming close to criminal behavior.

Journalist Charles Krauthammer related on a FOX interview a couple of months ago, that Washington "global warming" lobbyists (who number in the thousands...that's how big a cash hustle this scam potentially represents), had presented a petition to the Washington Times with 100,000 (unverified) signatures. They demanded that the paper never again print anything by anybody critical of the warmy scam, regardless of the scientific empiricism of the evidence presented, regardless of the academic credentials of the author.

How do you feel about that development in a country whose First Amendment is under constant attack by radical warmy extortionists?

Speaking of extortion, Eric Holder's recent extortion of $12 billion from Bank of America earmarks a pile of that money for warmy lobbyists. Pray tell, when addressing redress of former mortgage holders, where does the greasing of warmy lobbyist palms fit into the picture?

And most interestingly, Dr. Patrick Moore, founder of Greenpeace, and for the past 40 years probably the earth's most high profile environmental scientist, held a news conference in Ottawa this summer as a preface to an address he'll make before the US Senate later this year. During his speech he warned of the wholesale abandonment of scientific doctrine by radical leftists who trumpet the great warmy extortion scam. He called "global warming", "global fooling". He'll take reams of empirically proven environmental science with him to Washington in an attempt to make our legislators wake up to the great con.
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my favorite send-up of one of the most supercilious self-important persons ever to walk the face of the earth...

eta: a coupla few minutes into the episode, I spewed a mouthfulla beer...

'n then again a few minutes later...

n' then again towards the end... :)
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