Al Jazeera going after Trumpsters


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Well, this would make sense:

I guess it'll be called "Rightly". Its success will probably depend on distribution, since AON and NewsMax are having some problems there.
Not run by a bunch of America-hating Jews, so it’s instantly better than any US MSM.
Not run by a bunch of America-hating Jews, so it’s instantly better than any US MSM.
yeah because america hating muslims with terrorist ties will be so much better,,,
Actually I think they rather liked President Trump’s policy of no new wars in the Middle East and drawing down our forces.
Well, this would make sense:

I guess it'll be called "Rightly". Its success will probably depend on distribution, since AON and NewsMax are having some problems there.
I will likely be checking it out. I've been reading Aljazeera-English for about 8 years now as one of my daily news sources. I consider it to be way above the US mainstream networks in relaying facts without an obvious political sway. They do a good job at keeping personal commentary out of factual reports, which is something many US journalists really don't concern themselves. Most Aljazeera contributors keep a neutral tone when writing, keeping political spins out of it and leaving it to the reader to form an opinion, so as a reader I appreciate this type of presentation style.

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