Al-Quds interview: Israeli media tricks backfire


Gold Member
May 21, 2014
Q: Do you think that protests against the failure of peace talks are the motivation behind the current Intifada?

A: No one on either side takes the endless talks seriously. Netanyahu has made it clear more than once that he has no intention as prime minister of ceding any more settlements or of stopping their expansion. His goal is to make Jerusalem the capital of Israel, to lead the way to destruction of al-Aqsa Mosque and the building on Temple Mount a Jewish temple dedicated to King Solomon. Palestinians have no 'negotiating' position, as they were granted a state in 1947 by the UN, which Israel subsequently denied them. They merely trust that the UN will eventually be able to enact the original agreement or convince Israel to negotiate a solution in line with the agreement that allowed Israel to be created in 1947. So the intifadas will continue as long as there are Palestinians alive to fight for their rights.

Q: Please comment on the hypocrisy of western countries, which loudly bemoan every death of a western and/or Israeli citizen and ignore the daily killing of dozens of Palestinians.

A: Yes, western media is hypocritical, marginally concerned when a westerner dies, but oblivious to the daily torture and murder of Palestinians. But the concern for westerners and those with western passports does have some effect. Just two days ago, a Canadian artist of Palestinian origins, Rehab Nazzal, was shot in Bethlehem unprovoked, merely taking pictures which the Israeli conscripts resented. Resented with good reason, for these members of the Israeli Defense Forces were spraying a Palestinian neighborhood with "skunk," a smelly, nonlethal liquid used for crowd control. So one of them turned around and shot her to teach her who is boss.

Eitan Weiss, a spokesperson for the Israeli embassy in Ottawa, told the Ottawa Citizen that there was no report of the incident, and that in cases of a non-lethal injury to an individual "it's very difficult to prove that it ever happened, and it's very difficult to prove that it didn't happen."
Al-Quds interview: Israeli media tricks backfire

Artist Rehab Nazzal Shot in West Bank - Canadian Art
“What shocked me was the fact that I was alone, with no clashes, no stone throwers, absolutely no one around me, and yet I was intentionally shot by a sniper. This was not an accident,” says Nazzal.
I trust nothing from Arab media concerning the middle east conflict. Similarly I am highly skeptical of Israeli media as well. It is only through the understanding of a wide variety of sources that this conflict can take shape in reality
Q: Do you think that protests against the failure of peace talks are the motivation behind the current Intifada?

A: No one on either side takes the endless talks seriously. Netanyahu has made it clear more than once that he has no intention as prime minister of ceding any more settlements or of stopping their expansion. His goal is to make Jerusalem the capital of Israel, to lead the way to destruction of al-Aqsa Mosque and the building on Temple Mount a Jewish temple dedicated to King Solomon. Palestinians have no 'negotiating' position, as they were granted a state in 1947 by the UN, which Israel subsequently denied them. They merely trust that the UN will eventually be able to enact the original agreement or convince Israel to negotiate a solution in line with the agreement that allowed Israel to be created in 1947. So the intifadas will continue as long as there are Palestinians alive to fight for their rights.

Q: Please comment on the hypocrisy of western countries, which loudly bemoan every death of a western and/or Israeli citizen and ignore the daily killing of dozens of Palestinians.

A: Yes, western media is hypocritical, marginally concerned when a westerner dies, but oblivious to the daily torture and murder of Palestinians. But the concern for westerners and those with western passports does have some effect. Just two days ago, a Canadian artist of Palestinian origins, Rehab Nazzal, was shot in Bethlehem unprovoked, merely taking pictures which the Israeli conscripts resented. Resented with good reason, for these members of the Israeli Defense Forces were spraying a Palestinian neighborhood with "skunk," a smelly, nonlethal liquid used for crowd control. So one of them turned around and shot her to teach her who is boss.

Eitan Weiss, a spokesperson for the Israeli embassy in Ottawa, told the Ottawa Citizen that there was no report of the incident, and that in cases of a non-lethal injury to an individual "it's very difficult to prove that it ever happened, and it's very difficult to prove that it didn't happen."
Al-Quds interview: Israeli media tricks backfire

Artist Rehab Nazzal Shot in West Bank - Canadian Art
“What shocked me was the fact that I was alone, with no clashes, no stone throwers, absolutely no one around me, and yet I was intentionally shot by a sniper. This was not an accident,” says Nazzal.

OMG! Thanks for your post. Wow would the Christians love that if Israel destroyed the Mosque & rebuilt the Temple on the mount of Solomon's Temple, stolen by the Palestinians. Let us all join together & pray you are right about that. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
Palestinians have no 'negotiating' position, as they were granted a state in 1947 by the UN, which Israel subsequently denied them.
So I'm supposed to take their word over my government's?

Yeah, that makes lotta sense
Palestinians have no 'negotiating' position, as they were granted a state in 1947 by the UN, which Israel subsequently denied them.

An obviously false statement as the UN is not in the state building (or "granting") biz and has no authority to do so.

The region's Arabs were offered the same opportunity for UN membership in 1947 on the condition that they create an Arab state next to Israel and abide by UN covenants.

The Arabs - as is painfully well established - rejected that opportunity and instead chose squalid "refugee" camps and their now decades long siege of Israel.

Ironically, the Jewish State suggested by UN 181 (a non-binding resolution) would most likely have had to confederate with its Arab neighbors and would by now have probably lost its Jewish majority, character and nature.

It was and has always been the rabid bigotry of the Arabs that fueled their defeat in 1948, which has kept them from establishing a state (despite control of the Gaza and the WB - including Jerusalem - from 1948 to 1967) and which maintains those squalid "refugee" camps.

I understand why the Nazi types among us cling so desperately to bogus claims like those made in OP but have always found the twisting, twirling, spinning and bending over backwards of seemingly rational posters to be strange at best (and damning at worst).

If it goosesteps and clicks its heels...

The late Jeane Kirkpatrick on her 4-year (1981-1985) experience as US Ambassador to the UN:

"I felt for the first time in my life that I could understand how the Holocaust happened."

"The United Nations hasn't really improved much in the years since I was there, and it hasn't really improved much at all with respect to Israel...
I was very deeply shocked by the simple anti-Semitism that pervaded the place."
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Palestinians have no 'negotiating' position, as they were granted a state in 1947 by the UN, which Israel subsequently denied them.

An obviously false statement as the UN is not in the state building (or "granting") biz and has no authority to do so.

The region's Arabs were offered the same opportunity for UN membership in 1947 on the condition that they create an Arab state next to Israel and abide by UN covenants.

The Arabs - as is painfully well established - rejected that opportunity and instead chose squalid "refugee" camps and their now decades long siege of Israel.

Ironically, the Jewish State suggested by UN 181 (a non-binding resolution) would most likely have had to confederate with its Arab neighbors and would by now have probably lost its Jewish majority, character and nature.

It was and has always been the rabid bigotry of the Arabs that fueled their defeat in 1948, which has kept them from establishing a state (despite control of the Gaza and the WB - including Jerusalem - from 1948 to 1967) and which maintains those squalid "refugee" camps.

I understand why the Nazi types among us cling so desperately to bogus claims like those made in OP but have always found the twisting, twirling, spinning and bending over backwards of seemingly rational posters to be strange at best (and damning at worst).

If it goosesteps and clicks its heels...

The late Jeane Kirkpatrick on her 4-year (1981-1985) experience as US Ambassador to the UN:

"I felt for the first time in my life that I could understand how the Holocaust happened."

"The United Nations hasn't really improved much in the years since I was there, and it hasn't really improved much at all with respect to Israel...
I was very deeply shocked by the simple anti-Semitism that pervaded the place."

The Israelis are today's Nazis as Primo Levi, Holocaust survivor and author, implied.

"Everybody is somebody's Jew. And today the Palestinians are the Jews of the Israelis."

Primo Levi

Read more at: Primo Levi Quote
Palestinians have no 'negotiating' position, as they were granted a state in 1947 by the UN, which Israel subsequently denied them.
"Pal'istanians" as a national identity never existed until the late 1960's as an invention of Yassir Arafat.

An invented people with an invented identity.

Palestine Mandate Coins

Shortly after World War I, Britain took control of an area known as the Palestine Mandate. The region, which was created out of land formerly controlled by the Ottoman Empire, consisted of the territory we know of today as the nation of Israel, the Palestinian Administrations in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. To effectively administer this area, a stable monetary system was required. As a result, a unique numismatic event took place, one that will never occur again. The British Palestine Mandate coins were minted. These were the only coins that were ever minted with the word "Palestine" inscribed on them. Under the aegis of the British Mandate, coins were minted from 1927 to 1946. Coins dated 1947 were minted, but not distributed. The entire 1947 issue was supposedly melted down, however a few managed to survive. Today, the few remaining 1947 Mandate coins represent some of the rarest coins in the world.

What makes these coins very special is that they were they only coins in history that were minted with the name of a sovereign country that never existed: Palestine. The complete set consists of 59 different coins that range from 1 Mil to 100 Mils. Today, to accumulate a complete set is a very difficult and challenging assignment.

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