Al Sharpton Has a Show on MSNBC

It should been appropriately named "The Al Sharpton Shitshow."

The guy is a fraud, a huckster, and a race pimp.
He was recently in Mpls spouting his usual crap about racist police, even though half the force is black and conveniently ignored the funeral for a local high school black kid who was a star football player shot in a drive by.
Sharpton needs a new name, like Dimton.

Not one functioning brain cell left.
Yeah, the bobble-headed huckster has been on there for a while....I wonder if he ever paid all his back taxes?
No. He has an IRS "Special Negro" exemption. Plus there's those 87 dependents he claims, so...
Sharpton is fucking amazing.

A walking, talking, worthless piece of garbage. The stink of him arrives five minutes before he does.

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