Alabama high school wants to give corporal punishment for 'too revealing' prom dresse

Father Time

I'll be Still Alive
Nov 29, 2008
Deramous was one of about 25 Oxford High students who were disciplined for violating the dress code at her school’s prom Saturday. The students in violation were allowed to stay at the prom, but the following week, each was given the option of receiving corporal punishment or accepting a three-day suspension from school, Oxford principal Trey Holladay said.

“We’re using the same policy we’ve had for the last five years,” Holladay said. “Being a parent, I want to make sure girls and guys act accordingly. We’re a high school and our community has certain expectations of what is appropriate.”

Erica’s mother, Darrie Deramous, however, is convinced her daughter’s dress was just fine.

“They said her dress length was short and that it was too low up at the top,” she said. “But that’s the way they are making them now.”

Darrie said she bought the $200 dress from a reputable prom Web site.

Anniston Star - What not to wear

So these people want to spank the girls' asses for wearing something that's too revealing.

I don't think I need to go on about how seriously fucked up that is.
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Ted Turner's Cable News Network strikes again!!! So don't blame me "bama" for finding your state the second worst laugh-a-minute state in the Union only trailing that number one state also in the deepsouth SOUTH CAROLINA(lol) now to my question,statement and observations: Why would you paddle secondary (high school) students anyway. Don't you realize that these young people are almost college age adults or adults period. Some are even in todays society raising kids. So in effect you are perhaps using corporal punishment on current or potential parents??? So the light is on in your belfry but nobody seems to be home you think Alabama??? Now I have my own experience with corporal punishment. I was in Junior High school you may call it middleschool. It was in 1976 or thereabouts in Oklahoma. Maybe you need to re-think your policy and have it apply to lower grades like grade and middle school...but secondary school is a slippery slope. Of course I have some of my own colorful language to describe your corporal punishment of the young ladies with incorrect prom dress decollete. I'll just pour my salt into your wound by saying in this age of the internet. With 30 US states and DC having banned corporal punishment. Most of this planet is laughing at you Alabama. As the same deep south, backward, racist, not having a clue state that will never reach the 21st century until maybe we get to the 22nd century.
I just find it fascinating that they'd let the girls stay if they were wearing dresses that violated the dress code. Then call them up on the carpet days later basically for looking too sexy. Then spank them?

Does anybody else see the irony here?
The tickets to spank the girls were sold to the highest bidders?

Better than a faux lesbo bondage show?

those conservatives have all the fun...
Deramous was one of about 25 Oxford High students who were disciplined for violating the dress code at her school’s prom Saturday. The students in violation were allowed to stay at the prom, but the following week, each was given the option of receiving corporal punishment or accepting a three-day suspension from school, Oxford principal Trey Holladay said.

“We’re using the same policy we’ve had for the last five years,” Holladay said. “Being a parent, I want to make sure girls and guys act accordingly. We’re a high school and our community has certain expectations of what is appropriate.”

Erica’s mother, Darrie Deramous, however, is convinced her daughter’s dress was just fine.

“They said her dress length was short and that it was too low up at the top,” she said. “But that’s the way they are making them now.”

Darrie said she bought the $200 dress from a reputable prom Web site.

Anniston Star - What not to wear

So these people want to spank the girls' asses for wearing something that's too revealing.

I don't think I need to go on about how seriously fucked up that is.

You HAD to know where this thread was going to end up, didn't you? :cool:
Dress looked awfully trampy to me, but if she was comfortable wearing a "F Me" outfit to prom, well I understand that is what the event is for (sic).
You need to link this up to where you got your source(s)

There have been many comments relating to the disciplinary action taken against students at Oxford HS, AL, for dress code violations whilst attending the prom. Most responses on the internet unfairly criticize the school administration and the policies. However, little has been said in relation to support for the school. The school wanted to maintain a formal Prom dress code and they should be commended for trying to maintain standards, which often become relaxed in many schools.

The following facts make a valid point in support of the schools actions.

1 “Oxford High School sent notices home during Christmas break and again in January outlining what clothing would be acceptable for the prom. This was done to eliminate confusion or to clear questionable clothing. Parents had enough time to ask questions before they purchased prom attire. We’re using the same policy we’ve had for the last five years. Being a parent, I want to make sure students act accordingly. We’re a high school, and our community has certain expectations of what is appropriate, said principal Trey Holladay”.

2 Students were not sent home but allowed to take part in the Prom. This was a good undertaking by the school not to ruin one of the most rememberable events in the students’ senior year.

3 Of the 352 students who attended the prom, 25 students broke the dress code rules and 17 girls requested corporal punishment instead of taking 3 days suspension. Erica DeRamus requested 3 days suspension and the school respected her wishes. The other 7 students received violations and were not paddled or suspended.
The Student handbook rules clearly specifies the dress code rules and the disciplinary process

1st Violation – Warning
2nd Violation and 3rd Violation – T.E. (1-3 Days)
4th Violation and subsequent violations – O.S.S. (1Day + 1/each offense)
*Corporal punishment may be substituted for O.S.S if appropriate.

A dress code violation did not automatically mean that the student was given a choice of a suspension or corporal punishment. A short skirt or exposed midriff or low cut neckline would each count as one violation. The school rules specify that the student is required to have 4 separate violations before they are given a choice of a paddling or suspension. All the girls involved, had previously received violations for other offenses before attending the prom. The extra dress code violations pushed them over the limit and the school was required to take action, in order to maintain discipline. In the case of Erica DeRamus she received 2 dress code violations at the prom and taking into consideration previous violations, under the rules, she should have received 5 days suspension. The girls who were paddled should have received 5 or more swats. The school showed lenience and gave 3 swats or 3 days suspension to all students.

4 Girls of 17 and 18, try to test the system to see what they can get away with, and often do. Whereas boys maybe disciplined under similar circumstances. Perhaps this why such a high percentage of the offending students were girls. In addition, this is not about a white administrator paddling black students. The majority of the girls involved were white. It is apparent that these girls were trying to flaunt the school rules and deserved to be punished.
5 It is unfair to criticize Oxford school administrators for paddling the girls when the students requested that method of punishment and the principle was operating in accordance with the school and ISD rules. Erica DeRamus did not agree with corporal punishment and opted for a suspension. The school respected her choice.

6 I agree with the use of corporal punishment as long as it is offered as an alternative punishment to high school students and used evenhanded. Girls of 17 and 18 are mature enough to be able to evaluate the options and can clearly understand the rules and consequences. In my opinion children not attending high school should not be paddled for those reasons.

7 Seventeen students and their parents have not made any public comments or complaints as a result of the paddlings and this is a fair indication that they support the schools actions.

8 None of the girls or parents complained that the paddling caused bruising to their buttocks, which is sometimes used to indicate that excessive force was used when administering the paddling (Ref - Timpson HS 2002).

9 The paddlings were not given as a compulsory punishment as in the Timpson HS incident. In that case 12 senior girls were paddled, which resulted in several of them receiving a severely bruised buttock.

10 Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 says that any institution receiving federal funding may not discriminate against anyone based on gender, which is why girls should receive the same punishment as boys. Many school administrators are aware that “girls seem more prone than boys to bruise from a minor injury, especially on the thighs, buttocks and upper arms” (Ref. ‘Merck Manual of Medical Information’ on page 126’). Nowadays, school administrators are likely to be more concerned if a girl receives a bruised buttock as a result of a paddling, rather than a boy. Girls are more likely to make a complaint compared to boys and that will generate adverse newspaper publicity. Boys are still paddled more than girls, but rarely cause the same controversy. For these reasons, girls today are more likely to be paddled lighter than boys given the same offense.

11 Girls of 17 and 18 are more likely to wear higher cut underwear, unlike younger girls who are more likely to wear full backed panties which give added protection. Whereas boys, normally wear shorts which completely cover the cheeks; so older girls are likely to feel the effect of the paddle more intensely, even though we are mostly better "padded" on the backside! In the past, administrators tended not to make allowances for thinner clothing when paddling girls. Nowadays they are more aware. Evidence relating to Oxford HS paddlings indicates that the girls were not spanked too harshly.

12 The girls at Oxford HS were fully aware of the consequences when attending school the following week and had time to prepare. The majority of the girls had already decided to request corporal punishment and wore jeans or pants to preserve their modesty. In addition, at least 4 of the 17 girls wore extra layers of underwear or shorts that completely covered their buttocks for added protection.

13 A number of girls involved had previously received a paddling in lieu of other punishments, so they were fully aware of the implications when choosing corporal punishment instead of a detention.

14 The ISD rules do not specify that a student has to be paddled by an administrator or teacher of the same gender. This is usual in most HS where corporal punishment is administered.

I therefore conclude that Oxford HS acted fairly and correctly in disciplining these girls and principle Trey Holladay should be commended for taking a firm stance. He was clearly trying to maintain school standards, which are often becoming eroded in our communities.
Jennifer. V (TX)
Well. That part of the empire is heavily infested with Krisstoon terrorists.
Maybe a burka outlet is in order.
I have no problem with the punishment. I do however question why they were allowed to remain at the prom . Let's weight the punishments here. Seniors know they will be ejected from their sr prom vs seniors know they will get a paddling for violating dress code. That's a no brainer that most will take the paddling, but most wouldn't risk missing their prom.
Deramous was one of about 25 Oxford High students who were disciplined for violating the dress code at her school’s prom Saturday. The students in violation were allowed to stay at the prom, but the following week, each was given the option of receiving corporal punishment or accepting a three-day suspension from school, Oxford principal Trey Holladay said.

“We’re using the same policy we’ve had for the last five years,” Holladay said. “Being a parent, I want to make sure girls and guys act accordingly. We’re a high school and our community has certain expectations of what is appropriate.”

Erica’s mother, Darrie Deramous, however, is convinced her daughter’s dress was just fine.

“They said her dress length was short and that it was too low up at the top,” she said. “But that’s the way they are making them now.”

Darrie said she bought the $200 dress from a reputable prom Web site.

Anniston Star - What not to wear

So these people want to spank the girls' asses for wearing something that's too revealing.

I don't think I need to go on about how seriously fucked up that is.

Being a parent myself, I'd break more than the wrist of some sick bastard that used this as an excuse to do ANY such thing to my not quite adult daughter's derriere. She's grown now, but not too long ago, 25 to life would not have been too high a price to pay. I don't understand the mentality that allows authority "figures" to do this to peoples kids. Its fucking primitive.

I say the kids should get together in protest and flash their tits as if they were at the Mardi Gras or a Harley Rendezvous.
Deramous was one of about 25 Oxford High students who were disciplined for violating the dress code at her school’s prom Saturday. The students in violation were allowed to stay at the prom, but the following week, each was given the option of receiving corporal punishment or accepting a three-day suspension from school, Oxford principal Trey Holladay said.

“We’re using the same policy we’ve had for the last five years,” Holladay said. “Being a parent, I want to make sure girls and guys act accordingly. We’re a high school and our community has certain expectations of what is appropriate.”

Erica’s mother, Darrie Deramous, however, is convinced her daughter’s dress was just fine.

“They said her dress length was short and that it was too low up at the top,” she said. “But that’s the way they are making them now.”

Darrie said she bought the $200 dress from a reputable prom Web site.

Anniston Star - What not to wear

So these people want to spank the girls' asses for wearing something that's too revealing.

I don't think I need to go on about how seriously fucked up that is.

Being a parent myself, I'd break more than the wrist of some sick bastard that used this as an excuse to do ANY such thing to my not quite adult daughter's derriere. She's grown now, but not too long ago, 25 to life would not have been too high a price to pay. I don't understand the mentality that allows authority "figures" to do this to peoples kids. Its fucking primitive.

I say the kids should get together in protest and flash their tits as if they were at the Mardi Gras or a Harley Rendezvous.

My isn't that good motherly advice. Don't like the rules that you were well aware of before you chose to break them, wellt hen when your punished, protest by acting like an animal.

We have corporal punishment at the school that I sit on the school board of, and the rules are simple. At the beginning of the year each student must bring in a signed waiver allowing their child to be paddled or not. Each offense that could earn a paddling is plainly laid out in the school handbook. If a child who's parents declined the paddling option breaks a rule that calls for a paddling they are suspended for one week. IF that child breaks ANY other rule which could result in a paddling in the same school year, they are expelled for the school year. Over the last 4 years our percentage of parents who opt in to the corporal punishment is 98.3%. Last school year we paddled 4 kids once each.

By the way, at our school if your child exposed themselves we would have them arrested and charged with a sex crime, And yes it is a sex crime if done on school property.

With an attitude such as yours is it any wonder our schools are in such pitiful shape?
I have a problem with suspending or kicking kids out of school. Some kids like to be suspended because it gets them out of school and they do not see it as a form of punishment. It is better to keep them in school and punish them than send them home. But the punishment needs to be something the kids dread to be effective.

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