Alabama high school wants to give corporal punishment for 'too revealing' prom dresse

Oh and sorry Barb but I'm required to post this now.


Only a very disturbed individual would agree that the so-called punishment was justified. Sick indeed.
Kinda of weird, they have a problem with skimpy dresses based on some moral code, but then want to spank a young girl, sounds like some pervert just wants to get his rocks off.


It is weird indeed. Ask the GayBiker about spanking girls and "boys". I'm certain, based on his orientation, that he can give an educated response. I studied his type when I was doing my doctorate in University - the type is very sick indeed.
Kinda of weird, they have a problem with skimpy dresses based on some moral code, but then want to spank a young girl, sounds like some pervert just wants to get his rocks off.


It is weird indeed. Ask the GayBiker about spanking girls and "boys". I'm certain, based on his orientation, that he can give an educated response. I studied his type when I was doing my doctorate in University - the type is very sick indeed.

Perhaps you should stop accusing others of being perverted unless you want your own perversions to continue to be outed on this board.
PS - Sending a written threat to a school official, since you just said you would return a threat to the principal who sends out the permission forms every year, is a crime.

Where I come from its fair warning.

As for your "parents like Barb" comment, my kids got suspended once or twice each in all the years they were in school. A couple I didn't agree with, but I accepted the consequences for them breaking the rules.
My issue is with corporal punishment, the states that allow it, and the parents who condone someone ELSE making the descision to discipline their children that way. Its fucking PRIMITIVE.

Fair warning or not, threatening a school official is a crime PERIOD. If you want to commit crimes, fine.

The "parents like Barb comment" was directed towards your stupid comment about you would tell your daughter to flash her tits, not at your comments about corporal punishment. As I said, we do have a few parents who opt out of corporal punishment. oddly it's usually the ones who's children misbehave the most... Coincidence? Doubtful.

As for others making the decision to paddle your child. Hmm, odd you sure don't mind making others responsible for your child's safety and education. You just don't want them to have the complete tools to do so. I get it.
Sounds like that school is run by pedophiles and perverts.

Common traits in white conservative Christian Southern adult males, aka the republican base.
Try not to be stupid, unless, as I suspect, you simply can't help it.
Im not at all surprised. This state is populated primarily by Christian fundamentalists who still believe that having sex with their sister is acceptable. These aren\t very intelligent people and if they do administer corporal punishment they will be sued for millions and will lose. There are still some enlightened people in the USA (Liberals/Democrats) who will not tolerate religious wackos.

We mustn't judge other cultures. Everything they do is valid. Oh...except white Christian conservative ones. We'll judge the SHIT outta them! /leftist tolerance
I wouldn't expect much different from Alabama. Shit don't they allow marrying cousins.

My kids went to private school and no one was paddling my kids.
Im not at all surprised. This state is populated primarily by Christian fundamentalists who still believe that having sex with their sister is acceptable. These aren\t very intelligent people and if they do administer corporal punishment they will be sued for millions and will lose. There are still some enlightened people in the USA (Liberals/Democrats) who will not tolerate religious wackos.

We mustn't judge other cultures. Everything they do is valid. Oh...except white Christian conservative ones. We'll judge the SHIT outta them! /leftist tolerance

as long as you keep your grubby fucking paws off of nubile high school girls (oh the irony! At least they are GIRLS this time, right christian?) then you won't have a reason to be judged.
Schools have become so broke they've resorted to making softcore porn and fetish videos. Who knew!
Im not at all surprised. This state is populated primarily by Christian fundamentalists who still believe that having sex with their sister is acceptable. These aren\t very intelligent people and if they do administer corporal punishment they will be sued for millions and will lose. There are still some enlightened people in the USA (Liberals/Democrats) who will not tolerate religious wackos.

We mustn't judge other cultures. Everything they do is valid. Oh...except white Christian conservative ones. We'll judge the SHIT outta them! /leftist tolerance

as long as you keep your grubby fucking paws off of nubile high school girls (oh the irony! At least they are GIRLS this time, right christian?) then you won't have a reason to be judged.
Oh. Well, then, since the vast majority of Christians don't do that, I guess you should just stop pointing to your irrational hatred of Christians as proof, huh?
We mustn't judge other cultures. Everything they do is valid. Oh...except white Christian conservative ones. We'll judge the SHIT outta them! /leftist tolerance

as long as you keep your grubby fucking paws off of nubile high school girls (oh the irony! At least they are GIRLS this time, right christian?) then you won't have a reason to be judged.
Oh. Well, then, since the vast majority of Christians don't do that, I guess you should just stop pointing to your irrational hatred of Christians as proof, huh?

Hey, I'm not the one leaping to the defense of perverted fucking christians spanking the asses of nubile young women as if they were stand ins on the set of Debby Does Dallas. Maybe you should think about why you feel so defensive before you allow your pepperoni nipples access to your keyboard.
Hey, I'm not the one leaping to the defense of perverted fucking christians spanking the asses of nubile young women as if they were stand ins on the set of Debby Does Dallas. Maybe you should think about why you feel so defensive before you allow your pepperoni nipples access to your keyboard.

Now Shogun, WWJS. Who Would Jesus Spank?
as long as you keep your grubby fucking paws off of nubile high school girls (oh the irony! At least they are GIRLS this time, right christian?) then you won't have a reason to be judged.
Oh. Well, then, since the vast majority of Christians don't do that, I guess you should just stop pointing to your irrational hatred of Christians as proof, huh?

Hey, I'm not the one leaping to the defense of perverted fucking christians spanking the asses of nubile young women as if they were stand ins on the set of Debby Does Dallas. Maybe you should think about why you feel so defensive before you allow your pepperoni nipples access to your keyboard.

WTF is your damage? Do you have sexual thoughts when you spank children? I certainly don't on the occasional spanking was needed, I'm fairly certain my parents didn't, in fact I'm fairly certain that that is one of many things most Christians and non Christians have in common. WE don't get thrills, sexual or otherwise from spanking children, and your insistence on calling them nubile young ladies as if that is all those school administrators are thinking about is laughable.

Do you even have any proof that the people who paddled the students are Christians? Never mind can you prove they got off on doing it? I seriously doubt it.

WTF is your damage? Do you have sexual thoughts when you spank children? I certainly don't on the occasional spanking was needed, I'm fairly certain my parents didn't, in fact I'm fairly certain that that is one of many things most Christians and non Christians have in common. WE don't get thrills, sexual or otherwise from spanking children, and your insistence on calling them nubile young ladies as if that is all those school administrators are thinking about is laughable.

Do you even have any proof that the people who paddled the students are Christians? Never mind can you prove they got off on doing it? I seriously doubt it.


School: You're dressing too sexy, so we're going to spank you.

You don't see the insanity of such logic?
Oh. Well, then, since the vast majority of Christians don't do that, I guess you should just stop pointing to your irrational hatred of Christians as proof, huh?

Hey, I'm not the one leaping to the defense of perverted fucking christians spanking the asses of nubile young women as if they were stand ins on the set of Debby Does Dallas. Maybe you should think about why you feel so defensive before you allow your pepperoni nipples access to your keyboard.

WTF is your damage? Do you have sexual thoughts when you spank children? I certainly don't on the occasional spanking was needed, I'm fairly certain my parents didn't, in fact I'm fairly certain that that is one of many things most Christians and non Christians have in common. WE don't get thrills, sexual or otherwise from spanking children, and your insistence on calling them nubile young ladies as if that is all those school administrators are thinking about is laughable.

Do you even have any proof that the people who paddled the students are Christians? Never mind can you prove they got off on doing it? I seriously doubt it.



yea.. you might as well just have insisted that clowns don't, in fact, wear white face paint. Face it, pedostain, if you find yourself validating spanking nubile women after allowing the very dresses that broke the rules to remain at the prom then you might want to take off your frock while playing pocket pool.
WTF is your damage? Do you have sexual thoughts when you spank children? I certainly don't on the occasional spanking was needed, I'm fairly certain my parents didn't, in fact I'm fairly certain that that is one of many things most Christians and non Christians have in common. WE don't get thrills, sexual or otherwise from spanking children, and your insistence on calling them nubile young ladies as if that is all those school administrators are thinking about is laughable.

Do you even have any proof that the people who paddled the students are Christians? Never mind can you prove they got off on doing it? I seriously doubt it.


School: You're dressing too sexy, so we're going to spank you.

You don't see the insanity of such logic?

yea.. he's dumb as shit though so...
WTF is your damage? Do you have sexual thoughts when you spank children? I certainly don't on the occasional spanking was needed, I'm fairly certain my parents didn't, in fact I'm fairly certain that that is one of many things most Christians and non Christians have in common. WE don't get thrills, sexual or otherwise from spanking children, and your insistence on calling them nubile young ladies as if that is all those school administrators are thinking about is laughable.

Do you even have any proof that the people who paddled the students are Christians? Never mind can you prove they got off on doing it? I seriously doubt it.


School: You're dressing too sexy, so we're going to spank you.

You don't see the insanity of such logic?

Bert, go back to page one, I clearly stated that although I have no problem with spanking, in THIS particular case i don't think it was the appropriate action. At MY school, the girls in question would h ave been sent home and not been able to return to the prom. No further punishment needed, as most high school girls would gladly take a paddling over missing their prom.

But , if we extended your logic , we could say hey, why do we paddle kids who get caught fighting, I mean is that how you teach people not to hit, by hitting them? Oh wait, that is the actual argument I used to get the rules changed at my school. LOL My bad.

For real, we do paddle at our school, but it is rare, and frankly we have much more effective punishments. Kids for some reason hate being sent to the football coach to spend an hour cleaning the campus grounds for instance. But there are times when paddling is called for, and I for one will fight for our school to have that option.

But in THIS case, good grief.
Oh. Well, then, since the vast majority of Christians don't do that, I guess you should just stop pointing to your irrational hatred of Christians as proof, huh?

Hey, I'm not the one leaping to the defense of perverted fucking christians spanking the asses of nubile young women as if they were stand ins on the set of Debby Does Dallas. Maybe you should think about why you feel so defensive before you allow your pepperoni nipples access to your keyboard.

WTF is your damage? Do you have sexual thoughts when you spank children? I certainly don't on the occasional spanking was needed, I'm fairly certain my parents didn't, in fact I'm fairly certain that that is one of many things most Christians and non Christians have in common. WE don't get thrills, sexual or otherwise from spanking children, and your insistence on calling them nubile young ladies as if that is all those school administrators are thinking about is laughable.

Do you even have any proof that the people who paddled the students are Christians? Never mind can you prove they got off on doing it? I seriously doubt it.


These are high school kids as in 14-18 year olds, some of them are adults and if not they can be developed enough to look like them.

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