ALABAMA: Paper ballots destroyed after election.

Another BS allegation of voter fraud...Would you guys like some Cheese with that Whine???

Fake Report of Voter Fraud in Alabama -

Q: Did voters in Alabama’s special Senate election get “caught voting multiple times with fake IDs”?

A: No. The Alabama Secretary of State’s office has received no such report.

Alabama elected its first Democratic U.S. senator in 25 years on Dec. 12 in a narrow victory over a Republican candidate who had been beset by allegations of sexual misconduct.

The next day, a popular story on Facebook claimed that 60,000 votes cast in a heavily Democratic area might be invalid. The story was flagged by Facebook users as potentially false. It is.

Jefferson County, which includes the city of Birmingham, voted overwhelmingly in favor of Democrat Doug Jones. Of the 219,541 people who voted in the county, 68 percent voted for Jones and 30 percent voted for Republican Roy Moore, according to the unofficial numbers from the secretary of state.

The made-up story ran under a headline that said, “BREAKING: Black People In Birmingham Caught Voting Multiple Times With Fake IDs,” and suggested that the outcome of the election was in question. It’s not.

The Alabama Secretary of State’s office hasn’t received reports of voter fraud of any significant scale, said Communications Director John Bennett, and it has heard of nothing that would sway the outcome of the election.

The false story began by claiming: “The FEC has announced that it may have to recommend invalidating more than 60K votes from the Birmingham area to the Alabama Secretary of State.”

But the Federal Election Commission enforces federal campaign finance law; it does not have jurisdiction over voting irregularities in statewide elections. The Alabama Secretary of State’s office does oversee elections in Alabama, but it has received no reports of widespread voter fraud in Birmingham, Bennett told us.

The made-up story later uses a quote it claims was posted on the conservative news site Breitbart, but the quote didn’t actually appear on that site. And the link provided goes to a picture of donkey poop.

The story originated on a website called Reagan Was Right, which describes itself as satirical and includes a disclaimer that says: “Everything on this website is fiction.”

But the story was picked up and posted by several other sites that have no such disclaimer.
When did conservatives become such whiny little bitches? I mean, you lost. But instead of accepting that you ran a shit candidate like you insist dems do regarding make up a litany of sniveling, snowflake bullshit about 'voter fraud' and other assorted conspiracy nonsense.

Man the fuck up, snowflakes.
So, why were the ballots destroyed? I'll tell you why. They have something to hide. Did you even read the article? At least one district had 300 percent higher turnout than the historical average. Liberals just can't win an election without stealing it.You can deny what happened all you want. We know the truth.
Tell us all more about voter fraud in a Republican run state where voter ID is in force.
Yes. Alabamians came from all over to vote. He did NOT say they were out of state resident, dumbass.
He didn't say they were Alabamians either, dumbass.

The claim is that they were out of state residents.

You tards just ASSUMED they were. Exactly as the hoaxsters wanted you idiot rubes to do.

You do know Alabama is a Voter ID state, right? RIGHT!?!

Because the reporter is a retard.
Sort of like you? You're typical, fuckwad. The reporter proved you wrong so that makes him a retard. Grow the fuck up, loser.
No, the reporter proved you are one gullible tard. :lol:
When did conservatives become such whiny little bitches? I mean, you lost. But instead of accepting that you ran a shit candidate like you insist dems do regarding make up a litany of sniveling, snowflake bullshit about 'voter fraud' and other assorted conspiracy nonsense.

Man the fuck up, snowflakes.
So, why were the ballots destroyed? I'll tell you why. They have something to hide. Did you even read the article? At least one district had 300 percent higher turnout than the historical average. Liberals just can't win an election without stealing it.You can deny what happened all you want. We know the truth.
Tell us all more about voter fraud in a Republican run state where voter ID is in force.
Careful. You'll make their pointy heads explode.
I swear, it's as if these idiot rubes have never actually voted themselves. They are completely ignorant of the process.
Just because there is a law doesnt mean it gets enoforced at all polling stations.....duh
So...your argument is..."I wudden put it past em!"


You tards have been hoaxed yet again.

Every time I say you are getting back in line to be lied to again, you never disappoint. :lol:
guy in first vid admits to FOX reporter they arent from AL
He does not say he is an out of state resident, dumbass.

That is just what the carefully edited video wants you to ASSUME.

Jesus, you tards are way too easily hoaxed.
Is anyone surprised the sore losers are whining about cheating?

"Five million illegal Mexicans voted, completely undetected!"

WTF look who is calling the kettle black..It iis a freaking year later and the demsare still whinning about Trump's victory over the hildabeast, so just fuck off
Keep crying, Moore boys. Maybe someone will give a damn.

Or we'll just laugh and call you snowflakes.
without seeing this smoking gun video, to me, it is probably fake news....

there is no way the Republican secretary of state would order the precincts to throw their ballots out BEFORE the vote is verified and Certified by the Secretary of State.

that's why I think it is FAKE NEWS.
G5000. the idiot that he is, thinks if he says "hoax" enough times everyone watching the video won't notice the fraudsters admitting their guilt in front of the television cameras. He has shown he can't be taken seriously. Ignore him.

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