Alabama SC orders judges to stop issuing homosexuals "marriage" licenses.

First, according to Johnson's dictionary of the English language (1755 edition) a marriage is very simply defined as ....
"A contract between a man and a woman"

And according to the dictionary today it is;


1. (broadly) any of the diverse forms of interpersonal union established invarious parts of the world to form a familial bond that is recognizedlegally, religiously, or socially, granting the participating partners mutual conjugal rights and responsibilities and including, for example,opposite-sex marriage, same-sex marriage, plural marriage, and arranged marriage:

Marriage Define Marriage at

Marriage is our invention. It is whatever we say it is. We say it includes same sex couples. And our assessment is as authoritative in our era as the assessment of those in the past was in theirs.

In 37 of 50 States, marriage includes same sex couples. With that number likely to increase to 50 of 50 in June. Progress is a wonderful thing.
No, words are not that as we may choose to define them to be in order to fit that which we wish. To do such is to establish Kaos, wherein nothing means anything other than that which one may choose. I may be feeding you cow Sh^* and telling you it is vegetable soup and you would hold no legal recourse because words hold no specific meaning.
The right to bear arms may mean the right to roll up your shirt sleeves.
The right to freedom of speech may mean you have the right to gather a bundle of faggots, which is by definition a bundle of sticks.
Ten thousand people, or ten million calling a dog a cat, does not make a dog a cat, it simply means that people are willing to accept fiction, which has become the case with almost everyone today, who choose to live by emotion alone without any logical reasoning.
There was a time when States held that the Black man was less than a man, and his brain smaller than that of a white man. such was a fiction established to justify a means, rather than truth, a means to get around the "Self evident truth that all men are created equal". What you choose is to establish a fiction to justify a means without regard to the detrimental effects that will arise.
In your fictional acceptance does a marriage only mean between one man and one man, or one woman and one woman? What of polygamy?
Might that as well be defined as proper marriage by this new fictional definition?
What of insest?
Might it now be legal and lawful for a brother and sister, or father and daughter, or mother and son to marry?
How about five men, or five women? Can that be redefined to be a marriage in this new fiction?
First, according to Johnson's dictionary of the English language (1755 edition) a marriage is very simply defined as ....
"A contract between a man and a woman"

And according to the dictionary today it is;


1. (broadly) any of the diverse forms of interpersonal union established invarious parts of the world to form a familial bond that is recognizedlegally, religiously, or socially, granting the participating partners mutual conjugal rights and responsibilities and including, for example,opposite-sex marriage, same-sex marriage, plural marriage, and arranged marriage:

Marriage Define Marriage at

Marriage is our invention. It is whatever we say it is. We say it includes same sex couples. And our assessment is as authoritative in our era as the assessment of those in the past was in theirs.

In 37 of 50 States, marriage includes same sex couples. With that number likely to increase to 50 of 50 in June. Progress is a wonderful thing.
No, words are not that as we may choose to define them to be in order to fit that which we wish.

Actually, that's exactly what words are. They change as their meaning and usage change. That's why we keep printing new editions of dictionaries every year. Because the meaning and usage of words change over time. This is especially true of legal definitions, which change with any statutory adjustment.

You can ignore the dictionary if you wish. You can ignore the courts if you wish. You can ignore the law if you wish. But your willful ignorance doesn't change a thing. Marriage still includes same sex couples. Its still recognized in 37 of 50 States. And its still likely to be recognized in 50 of 50 States by June.

Get used to the idea.
I am advocating that children be adopted by loving parents- some single parents, some married.

And what kind of sex those parents may- or may not- be having is none of those children's business.

Why the hell do you think it is the business of any children- adopted or otherwise to know how their parents are- or are not having sex?

Now you are not only a hypocrite but extremely naive.

You do not think that children learn or are able to understand what is happening in their "homes"?

You do not think that as soon as the neighbor kids or the school kids learn that Tommy had two Dads that they will not at the least teach the kids what are happening.

And you make the claim I do not know children. Are you naive, ignorant, or simply a sick advocate.

You haven't a clue about children- you demonstrate your ignorance and your bigotry in every post.

I say once again

And what kind of sex those parents may- or may not- be having is none of those children's business.

Why the hell do you think it is the business of any children- adopted or otherwise to know how their parents are- or are not having sex?

Your sick fantasies about homosexual parents are nothing but that- your sick fantasies.
I am advocating that children be adopted by loving parents- some single parents, some married.

And what kind of sex those parents may- or may not- be having is none of those children's business.

Why the hell do you think it is the business of any children- adopted or otherwise to know how their parents are- or are not having sex?

Now you are not only a hypocrite but extremely naive.

You do not think that children learn or are able to understand what is happening in their "homes"?

You do not think that as soon as the neighbor kids or the school kids learn that Tommy had two Dads that they will not at the least teach the kids what are happening.

And you make the claim I do not know children. Are you naive, ignorant, or simply a sick advocate.

You haven't a clue about children- you demonstrate your ignorance and your bigotry in every post.

I say once again

And what kind of sex those parents may- or may not- be having is none of those children's business.

Why the hell do you think it is the business of any children- adopted or otherwise to know how their parents are- or are not having sex?

Your sick fantasies about homosexual parents are nothing but that- your sick fantasies.

Elektra claims to speak for all children. She's literally insisted she speaks for all children.

That kind of delusion precludes a rational argument.
Why would I be telling any of that to children?

Really what kind of sick monster are you- what kind of conversations do you have with children? Or are you even allowed around children?

When it comes to sex, you teach them what is appropriate for their age group, and base it upon what they want to know.

And most importantly- and always taught- is that sex is something special, and should only happen between two people who respect and care for each other.

And only a sick monster like yourself thinks that children need to be taught about every variation of sex that adults can dream up. Why you think that a 7 year old needs to know how Mommy likes to have Daddy's penis in her anus, or variations there of is beyond me.

Gay parents end up having the talk just like every other parent.

Kids don't want to know how their parents are having sex- no kid wants to here that.
Why would you teach man to man anal sex to your children? Because you have advocated that Children should be adopted into a lifestyle where they will learn that DAD AND DAD have ANAL SEX!

Yes, we can now all see you are nothing more than a hypocrite, forcing children to live in a homosexual lifestyle family is fine for others but when it comes to your children learning these details then you go off your rocker and call others perverts?

Why would teaching this be perverted? You advocate that its okay for a child to be adopted into a homosexual lifestyle where they will learn these details but to suggest that it be taught to your children is outrageous?

I was simply trolling to show all that you are a hypocrite, what is good for others is a perversion if taught to your kids.

You are a sick fuck, seriously

I am a sick monster for suggesting you teach your children what you think is okay for other children to live with?


You are sick fuck because you despise homosexuals.

You are a sick fuck because you think parenting is only about sex.

You are a sick fuck because you promoted bigotry and homophobia.

You are a sick fuck because you prefer that that children who have been abandoned by their parents live out their childhood in foster care rather than have a parent or parents that will provide them security and love.
How do you know I am not a homosexual?.

Unlike you- I don't care whether you are a homosexual or not.

You are sick fuck because you despise homosexuals.

You are a sick fuck because you think parenting is only about sex.

You are a sick fuck because you promoted bigotry and homophobia.

You are a sick fuck because you prefer that that children who have been abandoned by their parents live out their childhood in foster care rather than have a parent or parents that will provide them security and love.

All of that is the same regardless of which gender you are attracted to.
First, according to Johnson's dictionary of the English language (1755 edition) a marriage is very simply defined as ....
"A contract between a man and a woman"

And according to the dictionary today it is;


1. (broadly) any of the diverse forms of interpersonal union established invarious parts of the world to form a familial bond that is recognizedlegally, religiously, or socially, granting the participating partners mutual conjugal rights and responsibilities and including, for example,opposite-sex marriage, same-sex marriage, plural marriage, and arranged marriage:

Marriage Define Marriage at

Marriage is our invention. It is whatever we say it is. We say it includes same sex couples. And our assessment is as authoritative in our era as the assessment of those in the past was in theirs.

In 37 of 50 States, marriage includes same sex couples. With that number likely to increase to 50 of 50 in June. Progress is a wonderful thing.
No, words are not that as we may choose to define them to be in order to fit that which we wish. To do such is to establish Kaos,

That is why we have dictionaries.

Languages change, evolve- and dictionaries reflect that.

So when we refer to the definition in the dictionary- that reflects the actual definition.

follow the link to Websters

Marriage - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
You are sick fuck because you despise homosexuals.

You are an angry person who is angry. You are angry because there are people who disagree with you.

You are a sick fuck because you think parenting is only about sex.

How else do children happen? How do parents become parents?

You are a sick fuck because you promoted bigotry and homophobia.

See my first response. Bigotry works two ways, just to let you know.

You are a sick fuck because you prefer that that children who have been abandoned by their parents live out their childhood in foster care rather than have a parent or parents that will provide them security and love.

I'll simply let that alone...
I am advocating that children be adopted by loving parents- some single parents, some married.

And what kind of sex those parents may- or may not- be having is none of those children's business.

Why the hell do you think it is the business of any children- adopted or otherwise to know how their parents are- or are not having sex?

Now you are not only a hypocrite but extremely naive.

You do not think that children learn or are able to understand what is happening in their "homes"?

You do not think that as soon as the neighbor kids or the school kids learn that Tommy had two Dads that they will not at the least teach the kids what are happening.

And you make the claim I do not know children. Are you naive, ignorant, or simply a sick advocate.

You haven't a clue about children- you demonstrate your ignorance and your bigotry in every post.

I say once again

And what kind of sex those parents may- or may not- be having is none of those children's business.

Why the hell do you think it is the business of any children- adopted or otherwise to know how their parents are- or are not having sex?

Your sick fantasies about homosexual parents are nothing but that- your sick fantasies.

Elektra claims to speak for all children. She's literally insisted she speaks for all children.

That kind of delusion precludes a rational argument.

Once again- much like Silhouette- we have a person who clearly has no actual experience with children- telling everyone that they know what children want.

And apparently- according to Elektra and Silhouette- the absolutely only need children have is to prevent homosexuals from marrying.
First, according to Johnson's dictionary of the English language (1755 edition) a marriage is very simply defined as ....
"A contract between a man and a woman"

And according to the dictionary today it is;


1. (broadly) any of the diverse forms of interpersonal union established invarious parts of the world to form a familial bond that is recognizedlegally, religiously, or socially, granting the participating partners mutual conjugal rights and responsibilities and including, for example,opposite-sex marriage, same-sex marriage, plural marriage, and arranged marriage:

Marriage Define Marriage at

Marriage is our invention. It is whatever we say it is. We say it includes same sex couples. And our assessment is as authoritative in our era as the assessment of those in the past was in theirs.

In 37 of 50 States, marriage includes same sex couples. With that number likely to increase to 50 of 50 in June. Progress is a wonderful thing.
No, words are not that as we may choose to define them to be in order to fit that which we wish. To do such is to establish Kaos,

That is why we have dictionaries.

Languages change, evolve- and dictionaries reflect that.

So when we refer to the definition in the dictionary- that reflects the actual definition.

follow the link to Websters

Marriage - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Apparently it would do you well to learn how to read one. It makes two distinctions between marriage. Not that one is the same as the other. Nice try.
I am advocating that children be adopted by loving parents- some single parents, some married.

And what kind of sex those parents may- or may not- be having is none of those children's business.

Why the hell do you think it is the business of any children- adopted or otherwise to know how their parents are- or are not having sex?

Now you are not only a hypocrite but extremely naive.

You do not think that children learn or are able to understand what is happening in their "homes"?

You do not think that as soon as the neighbor kids or the school kids learn that Tommy had two Dads that they will not at the least teach the kids what are happening.

And you make the claim I do not know children. Are you naive, ignorant, or simply a sick advocate.

You haven't a clue about children- you demonstrate your ignorance and your bigotry in every post.

I say once again

And what kind of sex those parents may- or may not- be having is none of those children's business.

Why the hell do you think it is the business of any children- adopted or otherwise to know how their parents are- or are not having sex?

Your sick fantasies about homosexual parents are nothing but that- your sick fantasies.

Elektra claims to speak for all children. She's literally insisted she speaks for all children.

That kind of delusion precludes a rational argument.

Once again- much like Silhouette- we have a person who clearly has no actual experience with children- telling everyone that they know what children want.

And apparently- according to Elektra and Silhouette- the absolutely only need children have is to prevent homosexuals from marrying.

Do you have a real argument, or are you going to pontificate ad nauseam?
You are sick fuck because you despise homosexuals.

You are an angry person who is angry. You are angry because there are people who disagree with you.

You are a sick fuck because you think parenting is only about sex.

How else do children happen? How do parents become parents?

Having kids. Adoption. Surrogacy. Artificial insemination. Remarriage. Fostering. Only one of which requires sex by the parent.

Your argument is only valid if raising the child is the same thing as fucking. It obviously isn't. Parenting isn't about sex. Parenting is about commiting to the upbringing of a child. And same sex parents are as devoted to their children as straight parents are.

The reason your ilk keep losing this that too many people actually know gays and lesbians. Too many people work with them. Too many people know their children. Too many people have seen the caring and concern they have for their partners and their children.

And the ludicrous caricatures painted by your ilk simply don't match the real world experiences of folks who know gays and lesbians.

Being children of homosexual parents will surely bring down hatred unmerciful on them. Why should they be subject to that?

They shouldn't. And blaming the victim of bigotry for bigotry is rather absurd. If you were genuinely concerned about the welfare of these children, wouldn't you be blaming those perpetrating the bigotry and 'unmerciful hatred' upon them?

Not the victims of the 'unmerciful hatred'.
Last edited:
I am advocating that children be adopted by loving parents- some single parents, some married.

And what kind of sex those parents may- or may not- be having is none of those children's business.

Why the hell do you think it is the business of any children- adopted or otherwise to know how their parents are- or are not having sex?

Now you are not only a hypocrite but extremely naive.

You do not think that children learn or are able to understand what is happening in their "homes"?

You do not think that as soon as the neighbor kids or the school kids learn that Tommy had two Dads that they will not at the least teach the kids what are happening.

And you make the claim I do not know children. Are you naive, ignorant, or simply a sick advocate.

You haven't a clue about children- you demonstrate your ignorance and your bigotry in every post.

I say once again

And what kind of sex those parents may- or may not- be having is none of those children's business.

Why the hell do you think it is the business of any children- adopted or otherwise to know how their parents are- or are not having sex?

Your sick fantasies about homosexual parents are nothing but that- your sick fantasies.

Elektra claims to speak for all children. She's literally insisted she speaks for all children.

That kind of delusion precludes a rational argument.

Once again- much like Silhouette- we have a person who clearly has no actual experience with children- telling everyone that they know what children want.

And apparently- according to Elektra and Silhouette- the absolutely only need children have is to prevent homosexuals from marrying.

Do you have a real argument, or are you going to pontificate ad nauseam?

When Elektra bizarrely insists that she speaks for all children, pointing out the absurdity of such a position is quite an effective argument.
You are sick fuck because you despise homosexuals.

You are an angry person who is angry. You are angry because there are people who disagree with you.

I am a person who is angry with Elektra's bigotry.

Reasonable people disagree with me all the time and I don't get angry about it.

Elektra's absolute ignorance- and determined effort to stay ignorant annoys me.

In the U.S. 397,122 children are living without permanent families in the foster care system. 101,666 of these children are eligible for adoption, but nearly 32% of these children will wait over three years in foster care before being adopted.

Elektra doesn't give a damn about any of the 33,000 kids who wait 3 or more years to be adopted- if she had her way, no child would be adopted by a homosexual- so that number would just go up- every child who would have been adopted by a homosexual would make that number 33,001- and then 33,002.

The math is simple.

We have more kids abandoned by their parents than there are heterosexuals willing to adopt them. Telling those kids its better for them to linger in foster care, or age out of the system than be adopted by a homosexual who is offering them a lifetime commitment pisses me off.

And I am okay with that.
First, according to Johnson's dictionary of the English language (1755 edition) a marriage is very simply defined as ....
"A contract between a man and a woman"

And according to the dictionary today it is;


1. (broadly) any of the diverse forms of interpersonal union established invarious parts of the world to form a familial bond that is recognizedlegally, religiously, or socially, granting the participating partners mutual conjugal rights and responsibilities and including, for example,opposite-sex marriage, same-sex marriage, plural marriage, and arranged marriage:

Marriage Define Marriage at

Marriage is our invention. It is whatever we say it is. We say it includes same sex couples. And our assessment is as authoritative in our era as the assessment of those in the past was in theirs.

In 37 of 50 States, marriage includes same sex couples. With that number likely to increase to 50 of 50 in June. Progress is a wonderful thing.
No, words are not that as we may choose to define them to be in order to fit that which we wish.

Actually, that's exactly what words are. They change as their meaning and usage change. That's why we keep printing new editions of dictionaries every year. Because the meaning and usage of words change over time. This is especially true of legal definitions, which change with any statutory adjustment.

You can ignore the dictionary if you wish. You can ignore the courts if you wish. You can ignore the law if you wish. But your willful ignorance doesn't change a thing. Marriage still includes same sex couples. Its still recognized in 37 of 50 States. And its still likely to be recognized in 50 of 50 States by June.

Get used to the idea.
Again, definitions do not change, people accept fiction. Legal definition of words does not change, you are confusing "statutory adjustments" with legal definitions. Statutory adjustments have nothing to do with redefining words, or legal terms. Statutes may change, however the legal definitions do not, adjustments in statutes do occur, but the legal definitions do not. Again such would render law ineffective. You have simply posted a fictional definition that fits that which you wish, much as the question of what your definition of is, is.
A state supreme court decision will be overturned re: this issue.

And then the state nullifies yet again.

Then what?


The feds will find something to use as ransom over this issue.

The Alabama Court of the Judiciary removing Moore again would work. He did this same bullshit in 2003.

He lost then. He'll lose now. As his legal argument is nonsense. And he knows its nonsense. How can you tell? He avoids the fact that the USSC denied cert to Alabama's appeal like the topic were on fire.

If his claims were valid, he wouldn't have to run from this simple fact. But Moore won't even discuss it.
You are sick fuck because you despise homosexuals.

You are an angry person who is angry. You are angry because there are people who disagree with you.

You are a sick fuck because you think parenting is only about sex.

How else do children happen? How do parents become parents?

Do you think parenting is only about sex?

I mean as a parent this intrigues me. I don't know of any parent that believes that.

When you see parents showing up for PTA meetings- is that only about sex?
When you see parents working two jobs to ensure that their kids can go to college- is that only about sex?

To you- is parenting only about sex?

I have known many parents while raising my own child. And that has never been my experience or the experience of any parent i know.
First, according to Johnson's dictionary of the English language (1755 edition) a marriage is very simply defined as ....
"A contract between a man and a woman"

And according to the dictionary today it is;


1. (broadly) any of the diverse forms of interpersonal union established invarious parts of the world to form a familial bond that is recognizedlegally, religiously, or socially, granting the participating partners mutual conjugal rights and responsibilities and including, for example,opposite-sex marriage, same-sex marriage, plural marriage, and arranged marriage:

Marriage Define Marriage at

Marriage is our invention. It is whatever we say it is. We say it includes same sex couples. And our assessment is as authoritative in our era as the assessment of those in the past was in theirs.

In 37 of 50 States, marriage includes same sex couples. With that number likely to increase to 50 of 50 in June. Progress is a wonderful thing.
No, words are not that as we may choose to define them to be in order to fit that which we wish.

Actually, that's exactly what words are. They change as their meaning and usage change. That's why we keep printing new editions of dictionaries every year. Because the meaning and usage of words change over time. This is especially true of legal definitions, which change with any statutory adjustment.

You can ignore the dictionary if you wish. You can ignore the courts if you wish. You can ignore the law if you wish. But your willful ignorance doesn't change a thing. Marriage still includes same sex couples. Its still recognized in 37 of 50 States. And its still likely to be recognized in 50 of 50 States by June.

Get used to the idea.
Again, definitions do not change,.

Definitions change all of the time.

Look at the definition of 'Truck'
First, according to Johnson's dictionary of the English language (1755 edition) a marriage is very simply defined as ....
"A contract between a man and a woman"

And according to the dictionary today it is;


1. (broadly) any of the diverse forms of interpersonal union established invarious parts of the world to form a familial bond that is recognizedlegally, religiously, or socially, granting the participating partners mutual conjugal rights and responsibilities and including, for example,opposite-sex marriage, same-sex marriage, plural marriage, and arranged marriage:

Marriage Define Marriage at

Marriage is our invention. It is whatever we say it is. We say it includes same sex couples. And our assessment is as authoritative in our era as the assessment of those in the past was in theirs.

In 37 of 50 States, marriage includes same sex couples. With that number likely to increase to 50 of 50 in June. Progress is a wonderful thing.
No, words are not that as we may choose to define them to be in order to fit that which we wish.

Actually, that's exactly what words are. They change as their meaning and usage change. That's why we keep printing new editions of dictionaries every year. Because the meaning and usage of words change over time. This is especially true of legal definitions, which change with any statutory adjustment.

You can ignore the dictionary if you wish. You can ignore the courts if you wish. You can ignore the law if you wish. But your willful ignorance doesn't change a thing. Marriage still includes same sex couples. Its still recognized in 37 of 50 States. And its still likely to be recognized in 50 of 50 States by June.

Get used to the idea.
Again, definitions do not change, people accept fiction.

Definitions do change. The English language isn't latin. Its a living language where the meaning of words evolve and adapt to the times. In our era, the meaning of marriage is as follows:


1. (broadly) any of the diverse forms of interpersonal union established invarious parts of the world to form a familial bond that is recognizedlegally, religiously, or socially, granting the participating partners mutual conjugal rights and responsibilities and including, for example,opposite-sex marriage, same-sex marriage, plural marriage, and arranged marriage:

Marriage Define Marriage at

Ignore as you wish. No one gives a shit.

Legal definition of words does not change, you are confusing "statutory adjustments" with legal definitions.

Of course legal definitions change. Legal definitions are based on statutes. And statutes are changed with every session of congress.

You simply have no idea what you're talking about.
Do you think parenting is only about sex?

How else do humans reproduce? Educate me.

I mean as a parent this intrigues me. I don't know of any parent that believes that.

I don't know any parent that has had a child by any other method of reproduction.

When you see parents showing up for PTA meetings- is that only about sex?
When you see parents working two jobs to ensure that their kids can go to college- is that only about sex?

Non sequiturs.

To you- is parenting only about sex?

I'll say it again, how else are they to have the child(ren)?

I have known many parents while raising my own child. And that has never been my experience or the experience of any parent i know.

What you know and what you've experience is in fact not an argument. Both your experience and knowledge from other parents is unverified, therefore unreliable.

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