alan grayson threatens lawsuit on citizenship grounds if ted cruz is the gop nominee

That said... while I will be voting for Ben Carson in the Primary, I would happily vote for Cruz in the election, as what's fair is fair... if the Left can break the rule and run a communist muslim to ruin the nation... I can break the rules to run a vehement anti-Communist to fix their fuck-up.

Just showing of course you are a person with no morals- who pretended to care about eligibility when Obama was the subject- and doesn't give a damn when it comes to any other candidate.

Right. It couldn't POSSIBLY be that Cruz has been open and forthcoming right from the get-go with his information, whereas Obama insisted on acting cagey and ridiculously secretive, forcing people to actually investigate to get an answer instead of just providing it and clearing the whole thing up.

The only bias here is your willfully obtuse need to pretend that any objection to - or even question of - Obama must be personal and mystifyingly unrelated to any action of his.
Yeah, but where does it this law say that the birth certificate would indicate the child was born in Hawaii?

That's where your argument breaks. And you know it you omit any mention of this question about the birth certificate indicating the child was born in Hawaii in any reply. You won't even quote me asking the question.

You always tell me where you know your argument is weakest by what you refuse, over and over, to address. Or even acknowledge exists.

Oh, and how any of that law 'fraudulent'?

where does it say it doesn' seems to me its up to bureaucrat discretion.

That above post by keys got an informative by me....yours never do.

be interesting to know when that law was passed and if it was during Obama pal Neil Abercrombe's governance.

If you find any post by Keys 'informative' then you are a lost cause.

Meanwhile- the Republican Director of Health- selected by the Republican Governor- confirmed that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii- and that he is a natural born citizen.

News Release
Phone: (808) 586-4410
Fax: (808) 586-4444
For Immediate Release: July 27, 2009 09-063
“I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawai

i State Department of Health, have seen the original vital
records maintained on file by the Hawai‘i State D
epartment of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama
was born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citiz
en. I have nothing further to add to this statement
or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago.”
I notice all that verbiage didnt answer my question......nor does it say anything but that the director of health saw previous records

Actually what it says is two things
a) that the original records in Hawaii say that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii and
b) that he is a natural born citizen.

Birthers refuse to accept those facts- but that is the official statement of the Director of Health of Hawaii- admissible in court.

it dont answer the question I asked......

a lot of things are "admissible in court"

dont consider myself a birther but dont dismiss out of hand questions either.

What hard questions?

"be interesting to know when that law was passed and if it was during Obama pal Neil Abercrombe's governance."

Since you haven't bothered to look up the answer- it appears that you really don't care about 'hard questions'

But you do appear to be interested in 'asking' irrelevant' questions.
You reject the U.S. Constitution when you reject the voters, the Electoral College, Congress and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and declare that your opinion is fact- and everyone else is wrong.


(Recess Appointments, Un-Constitutional Amnesty....than goodness for the courts that have stopped him...on occasion...)
Your lies have been noted.

...because YOU say so...


Because I proved it

When you proclaimed that no Liberals had denounced Grayson for being a Birther I pointed out your lie:

Well since I am a Liberal and I have been calling Grayson an idiot since the beginning of this thread, I think what we have established is that you are just another Conservative liar.

Cruz is eligible.
Grayson is an idiot
Keys is delusional
and you are liar.

And pretty much a troll

You reject the U.S. Constitution when you reject the voters, the Electoral College, Congress and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and declare that your opinion is fact- and everyone else is wrong.


Why are you lying again?

Are you just compelled to lie based upon your Conservative philosophy?

I haven't done any of those things- like I said- you are just another Conservative liar.
That said... while I will be voting for Ben Carson in the Primary, I would happily vote for Cruz in the election, as what's fair is fair... if the Left can break the rule and run a communist muslim to ruin the nation... I can break the rules to run a vehement anti-Communist to fix their fuck-up.

Just showing of course you are a person with no morals- who pretended to care about eligibility when Obama was the subject- and doesn't give a damn when it comes to any other candidate.

Right. It couldn't POSSIBLY be that Cruz has been open and forthcoming right from the get-go with his information, whereas Obama insisted on acting cagey and ridiculously secretive, forcing people to actually investigate to get an answer instead of just providing it and clearing the whole thing up..

Feel free to show any examples of President Obama being more 'secretive' than Cruz.

Obama showed his BC when he was running for President.
Cruz showed his BC
Neither have shown their college transcripts.

Feel free to provide examples- comparing and contrasting.
Because I proved it

You didn't prove shite, 'Alynski'. You just continue to spin and spew shite.

LOL- Cons like you hate having your lies pointed out

. When you proclaimed that no Liberals had denounced Grayson for being a Birther I pointed out your lie:

Well since I am a Liberal and I have been calling Grayson an idiot since the beginning of this thread, I think what we have established is that you are just another Conservative liar.

Cruz is eligible.
Grayson is an idiot
Keys is delusional
and you are liar.

And pretty much a troll
easy, you dopy too.

Wilbur, why are you trying to distract from the fact that I just pointed out how liberals love to generalize and blame everyone (Conservatives) for the actions of one or two or that Liberals have their fair share of nuts as well?

I guess truth hurts like a bi@tch, so you move on as quickly as possible...

Speaking about Conservatives loving to generalize and blame everyone(Liberals)

Quoting easyt65
Continued proof that Liberals are obsessed with color and are the racists...

Easy- a liar and a hypocrite
Why are you lying again?
I pointed out - accurately ... FACTUALLY - that Obama has Repeatedly violated the CONSTITUTION, has been CAUGHT doing so, and has been STOPPED by Federal Courts AND the SCOTUS!

You called me a liar....

Obama tried to make recess appointments that were found to be UN-CONSTITUTIONAL!

SCOTUS strikes appointments
SCOTUS strikes appointments

Obama's attempt to By-Pass Congress to pass Amnesty has been BLOCKED, found so far to be UN-CONSTITUTIONAL...TWICE

Appeals court keeps block on Obama immigration actions
Appeals court keeps block on Obama immigration actions STFU, you lying ignorant little liberal bi@tch!
And Conservatives like Keys are such hypocrites that he even admits that he doesn't believe Cruz is eligible- but he would vote for him anyways.

Well, if you can believe the US Constitution, Cruz is not eligible. For the same reason that obama is not eligible.

Doesn't say anywhere in the U.S. Constitution that either are not eligible.

Actually... it does. And it says so in plain english:

Section 1 of Article Two of the United States Constitution sets forth the eligibility requirements for serving as president of the United States, under clause 5:

No person except a natural born Citizen...

A natural born citizen is a term which speaks to the NATURE OF CITIZENSHIP... which simply is that a citizen is the consequence of birth, where the birth is the result of the joining of TWO CITIZENS.

The Nature of Humanity is that where two humans join, it results in a human.

The Nature of Citizenship is the same... when two citizens join, it naturally results in a citizen.

No one can reasonably argue otherwise, which is why no one HAS ARGUED OTHERWISE...

Understand: In now 70 PAGES and nearly 700 posts... NOT ONE CONTRIBUTOR has even attempted to show that reasoning to be flawed. They simply cite it, DENY IT OUT OF HAND AND CHANGE THE SUBJECT.

Last edited:
7 out of 8 of our first Presidents were not born in the United States since it was not the United States when they were born.
That's true. They were naturalized citizens of the U.S. when they became president; for which, the Constitution made provisions. There are, only two classifications of U.S. citizens, natural or naturalized.

Yes, and the law covers this situation, as well, by stating that the children of US citizens are US citizens, regardless of whether their moms drop them here or elsewhere.
Unless you're Barack Obama.

Yes, or anyone else whose mother hated the US and spent as little of her adult life here as she could.
OMG, the Right keeps trying.:dig:

Trust me, we realize how futile trying to educate leftists is, but we just can't restrain our generous, giving nature.
And Conservatives like Keys are such hypocrites that he even admits that he doesn't believe Cruz is eligible- but he would vote for him anyways.

Well, if you can believe the US Constitution, Cruz is not eligible. For the same reason that obama is not eligible.

Now... would someone who is gifted in research please help Syriusly out here? We need to know if obama was ever elected President and IF SO... how many times.

She seems to be struggling with some curiosity and I think that may help her out, if there is any way we can get those questions answered.
Obama being elected has nothing to do with your hypocrisy of potentially voting for a candidate you don't believe is eligible. That's nothing but you trying, and failing, to justify your hypocrisy.
And Conservatives like Keys are such hypocrites that he even admits that he doesn't believe Cruz is eligible- but he would vote for him anyways.

Well, if you can believe the US Constitution, Cruz is not eligible. For the same reason that obama is not eligible.

Now... would someone who is gifted in research please help Syriusly out here? We need to know if obama was ever elected President and IF SO... how many times.

She seems to be struggling with some curiosity and I think that may help her out, if there is any way we can get those questions answered.
Where does the US COnstiutution say Cruz is not eligible?
Where does the US COnstiutution say Cruz is not eligible?

Come on Rabbi... we're 70 pages in.

Section 1 of Article Two of the United States Constitution sets forth the eligibility requirements for serving as president of the United States, under clause 5:

No person except a natural born Citizen...

A natural born citizen is a term which speaks to the NATURE OF CITIZENSHIP... which simply is that a citizen is the consequence of birth, where the birth is the result of the joining of TWO CITIZENS.

The Nature of Humanity is that where two humans join, it results in a human.

The Nature of Citizenship is the same... when two citizens join, it naturally results in a citizen.

No one can reasonably argue otherwise, which is why no one HAS ARGUED OTHERWISE...

Understand: In now 70 PAGES and nearly 700 posts... NOT ONE CONTRIBUTOR has even attempted to show that reasoning to be flawed. They simply cite it, DENY IT OUT OF HAND AND CHANGE THE SUBJECT.
That said... while I will be voting for Ben Carson in the Primary, I would happily vote for Cruz in the election, as what's fair is fair... if the Left can break the rule and run a communist muslim to ruin the nation... I can break the rules to run a vehement anti-Communist to fix their fuck-up.

Just showing of course you are a person with no morals- who pretended to care about eligibility when Obama was the subject- and doesn't give a damn when it comes to any other candidate.

Right. It couldn't POSSIBLY be that Cruz has been open and forthcoming right from the get-go with his information, whereas Obama insisted on acting cagey and ridiculously secretive, forcing people to actually investigate to get an answer instead of just providing it and clearing the whole thing up.

The only bias here is your willfully obtuse need to pretend that any objection to - or even question of - Obama must be personal and mystifyingly unrelated to any action of his.
He did not. Obama released a copy of his birth record while running for office. There's nothing about that to indicate caginess or secrecy.

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