alan grayson threatens lawsuit on citizenship grounds if ted cruz is the gop nominee

Well, actually, Obama was born in the US, Rafael Cruz wasn't.

Hillary Clinton: "What difference does it make?"

Grayson is still a 'birther' supported by Liberals who bashed others for being 'birthers'...the hypocrisy is so thick it can choke you.

Grayson is an idiot.

And Conservatives like Keys are such hypocrites that he even admits that he doesn't believe Cruz is eligible- but he would vote for him anyways.

And of course- you are a liar.
And the right says Obama is foreign. Course Cruz looks white.
It's funny how when the Liberals bring up color and show their racist side they actually believe they are not being racist....

So Easy- when the Right calls Obama foreign- even though he was born in Hawaii- and does not call Cruz foreign- what other reason is it other than skin color?

Feel free to provide an alternative explanation.
So Easy- when the Right calls Obama foreign- even though he was born in Hawaii- and does not call Cruz foreign- what other reason is it other than skin color?

Feel free to provide an alternative explanation.

Generalize much?

'When the 'RIGHT' calls Obama foreign...'
- I am afraid you are going to have to be far more specific than that, for as you know it all depends on exactly WHO you are talking about. Case in point, 'Birther' Grayson - who we have established as a nut - claims Cruz is 'foreign'.

There are nuts on both sides of the proverbial aisle, but Liberals like yourself like to generalize, demonizing 'the entire right' based on the comments of a few....which is why you can never really be taken seriously...or at least ONE of the reasons.
Generated, not the original source document signed by the doctor. ie. a fabrication.
Nope, you're still wrong. Hawaii says it an official document of birth and can serves as evidence in a court of law...

This copy serves as prima facie evidence of the fact of birth in any court proceeding/ [HRS 338-13(b), 338-19]
They say that about a lot of foreign born people I hear.
What you "hear" is irrelevant. Lord knows where you hear it?

Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for you to prove anything you've claimed....

Prove Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya....

Prove Obama's COLB is not authentic....

Prove it was produced by "shills" working for the state of Hawaii.....
The fact that they can't produce the original document with doctor signature is proof this one is a manufactured fake.
What part of ....

This copy serves as prima facie evidence of the fact of birth in any court proceeding/ [HRS 338-13(b), 338-19]

..... don't you understand?

I'm here to help you. Do you need me to explain it to you?
Issued by a Republican governor, too.
Cruz will be nominated. Cruz will be elected.
Saved so that I can throw this in your face every chance I get.
[§338-17.8] Certificates for children born out of State. (a) Upon application of an adult or the legal parents of a minor child, the director of health shall issue a birth certificate for such adult or minor, provided that proof has been submitted to the director of health that the legal parents of such individual while living without the Territory or State of Hawaii had declared the Territory or State of Hawaii as their legal residence for at least one year immediately preceding the birth or adoption of such child.

(b) Proof of legal residency shall be submitted to the director of health in any manner that the director shall deem appropriate. The director of health may also adopt any rules pursuant to chapter 91 that he or she may deem necessary or proper to prevent fraudulent applications for birth certificates and to require any further information or proof of events necessary for completion of a birth certificate.

(c) The fee for each application for registration shall be established by rule adopted pursuant to chapter 91. [L 1982, c 182, §1]

Yeah, but where does it this law say that the birth certificate would indicate the child was born in Hawaii?

That's where your argument breaks. And you know it you omit any mention of this question about the birth certificate indicating the child was born in Hawaii in any reply. You won't even quote me asking the question.

You always tell me where you know your argument is weakest by what you refuse, over and over, to address. Or even acknowledge exists.

Oh, and how any of that law 'fraudulent'?

where does it say it doesn' seems to me its up to bureaucrat discretion.

That above post by keys got an informative by me....yours never do.

be interesting to know when that law was passed and if it was during Obama pal Neil Abercrombe's governance.

If you find any post by Keys 'informative' then you are a lost cause.

Meanwhile- the Republican Director of Health- selected by the Republican Governor- confirmed that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii- and that he is a natural born citizen.

News Release
Phone: (808) 586-4410
Fax: (808) 586-4444
For Immediate Release: July 27, 2009 09-063
“I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawai

i State Department of Health, have seen the original vital
records maintained on file by the Hawai‘i State D
epartment of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama
was born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citiz
en. I have nothing further to add to this statement
or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago.”
I notice all that verbiage didnt answer my question......nor does it say anything but that the director of health saw previous records

Actually what it says is two things
a) that the original records in Hawaii say that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii and
b) that he is a natural born citizen.

Birthers refuse to accept those facts- but that is the official statement of the Director of Health of Hawaii- admissible in court.

it dont answer the question I asked......

a lot of things are "admissible in court"

dont consider myself a birther but dont dismiss out of hand questions either.
So Easy- when the Right calls Obama foreign- even though he was born in Hawaii- and does not call Cruz foreign- what other reason is it other than skin color?

Feel free to provide an alternative explanation.

Generalize much?

'When the 'RIGHT' calls Obama foreign...'
- I am afraid you are going to have to be far more specific than that, for as you know it all depends on exactly WHO you are talking about. Case in point, 'Birther' Grayson - who we have established as a nut - claims Cruz is 'foreign'.

There are nuts on both sides of the proverbial aisle, but Liberals like yourself like to generalize, demonizing 'the entire right' based on the comments of a few....which is why you can never really be taken seriously...or at least ONE of the reasons.

easy, you dopy too.

What does foreign born mean? LMAO As in not born in the USA. ANd you got confused by the question eh?

But it is funny how Cruz was born in Canada, for sure, and he is good to go.

You hope Obama wasnt born in Hawiai but he is the illegal Pres.

Both to American Mothers. Or is that in dispute with you?

See why you look like a dipshit??
And Conservatives like Keys are such hypocrites that he even admits that he doesn't believe Cruz is eligible- but he would vote for him anyways.

Well, if you can believe the US Constitution, Cruz is not eligible. For the same reason that obama is not eligible.

Now... would someone who is gifted in research please help Syriusly out here? We need to know if obama was ever elected President and IF SO... how many times.

She seems to be struggling with some curiosity and I think that may help her out, if there is any way we can get those questions answered.
easy, you dopy too.

Wilbur, why are you trying to distract from the fact that I just pointed out how liberals love to generalize and blame everyone (Conservatives) for the actions of one or two or that Liberals have their fair share of nuts as well?

I guess truth hurts like a bi@tch, so you move on as quickly as possible...
So Easy- when the Right calls Obama foreign- even though he was born in Hawaii- and does not call Cruz foreign- what other reason is it other than skin color?

Feel free to provide an alternative explanation.

Generalize much?

'When the 'RIGHT' calls Obama foreign...'
- I am afraid you are going to have to be far more specific than that, for as you know it all depends on exactly WHO you are talking about. Case in point, 'Birther' Grayson - who we have established as a nut - claims Cruz is 'foreign'.

There are nuts on both sides of the proverbial aisle, but Liberals like yourself like to generalize, demonizing 'the entire right' based on the comments of a few....which is why you can never really be taken seriously...or at least ONE of the reasons.

easy, you dopy too.

What does foreign born mean? LMAO As in not born in the USA. ANd you got confused by the question eh?

But it is funny how Cruz was born in Canada, for sure, and he is good to go.

You hope Obama wasnt born in Hawiai but he is the illegal Pres.

Both to American Mothers. Or is that in dispute with you?

See why you look like a dipshit??

Natural Born Citizen has no relevance to where one is born. It serves only to note the nature of citizenship, wherein the birth which exclusively provides for unqualified, incontestable citizenship is where the birth is the result of the joining of: TWO CITIZENS.

The phrase does not speak to STATUTES which serve to identify who is and who is not a citizen... it speaks only to THE NATURE OF CITIZENSHIP.

It's very simple really... when two human beings reproduce, they reproduce a human being.

The same is true for two US Citizens in good standing... the natural consequence of two US Citizens having a child, is unquestionably... incontestably... irrefutably... A NEW US CITIZEN. And this without regard to on what dry patch of ground it landed. North Pole? US Citizen. A SOVIET GULAG? US CITIZEN.

Understand this is in contrast to a person born to a Citizen of Country A and a Citizen of Country B... where such is naturally... a half citizen of Country A and B.

ONLY where one is born to TWO citizens of the same nation, is one a Natural Born Citizen.

Again... it's not even a debatable point. But shallow intellects produce shallow means for reason.
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You're upset about the Obama birther sham, but you are more than willing to challenge the citizenship of a Republican senator. Lol.

Who's the kook now?
If Cruz was born in Canada he has the same problem former Michigan governor Jennifer granholm has. That's as far as she can go because she was born in Canada.

Sounds to me like Cruz ain't denying he's a wetback from the great white north aye?

Or Arnold swartzanigger.

There's nothing about being a natural born citizen that has anything to do with where one was born.

According to the Delusional keys

According to everyone else- anyone born in the United States is a Natural born citizen- except children born to diplomats.

Otherwise the framers would have simply spelled it out: The President must be born to at least one US Citizen.PROPHECY!

And if the framers wanted Presidents to have been the child of two citizens- they would have simply spelled out "The President must be born to at least one U.S. Citizen"

Instead they used the term "Natural Born Citizen"- which we all know means naturally born a citizen- i.e. not naturalized.

Hence the decision in Wong Kim Ark.

Confirmed by several courts.
Confirmed by the Congressional Research Service
Confirmed by the Congress that confirmed Barack Obama's election without dissent.
Confirmed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court when he swore in President Obama three different times.

You prefer your own fantasies- we understand that.

But Obama is eligible. Cruz is eligible.

And Birthers are idiots.
Rafael Cruz looks more white. So for Republicans, that makes him more eligible.
So Easy- when the Right calls Obama foreign- even though he was born in Hawaii- and does not call Cruz foreign- what other reason is it other than skin color?

Feel free to provide an alternative explanation.

Generalize much?

'When the 'RIGHT' calls Obama foreign...'
- I am afraid you are going to have to be far more specific than that, for as you know it all depends on exactly WHO you are talking about. Case in point, 'Birther' Grayson - who we have established as a nut - claims Cruz is 'foreign'.

There are nuts on both sides of the proverbial aisle, but Liberals like yourself like to generalize, demonizing 'the entire right' based on the comments of a few....which is why you can never really be taken seriously...or at least ONE of the reasons.

easy, you dopy too.

What does foreign born mean? LMAO As in not born in the USA. ANd you got confused by the question eh?

But it is funny how Cruz was born in Canada, for sure, and he is good to go.

You hope Obama wasnt born in Hawiai but he is the illegal Pres.

Both to American Mothers. Or is that in dispute with you?

See why you look like a dipshit??

Natural Born Citizen has no relevance to where one is born..

According to you.

Not according to anyone else.
And Conservatives like Keys are such hypocrites that he even admits that he doesn't believe Cruz is eligible- but he would vote for him anyways.

Well, if you can believe the US Constitution, Cruz is not eligible. For the same reason that obama is not eligible.

Doesn't say anywhere in the U.S. Constitution that either are not eligible.

I actually believe in the U.S. Constitution- and our system of elections.

You reject the U.S. Constitution when you reject the voters, the Electoral College, Congress and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and declare that your opinion is fact- and everyone else is wrong.

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