Alaska sues Biden over oil

They used to be America’s friend before greenies labeled them as enemies

And they can be very troublesome enemies as biden is finding out
What year was that? Do greenies justify their crap? I don't know how.
I am in a state where 49% of the power comes from nuclear. but they are still diversified, and it is a good thing.
Diversification can not be good if that electricity is intermitten, expensive, and extremely weak.

Would you diversify your military with slingshots and bow and arrows?
What year was what?
What year did greenies label them as enemies?

I label them as enemies, due to leadership, type of government, past murders by leadership placing them above laws and morality, and especially holding that country responsible for financing the 9/11 attack on my country.

Also of interests is, What makes you think they are friends, today, as they are one of the countries restricting their oil production to make more on the international market by producing less, thereby limiting supply?
Diversification can not be good if that electricity is intermitten, expensive, and extremely weak.

Would you diversify your military with slingshots and bow and arrows?
Apples and oranges. The mix seems to work for TVA and the benefit of the states TVA supplies.
There is nothing good building anything that is inefficient and extremely expensive.

If you like, explain how week expensive inefficient unreliable wind and solar are a good thing
You would have to talk to Texas, the Red state producing the most in the country. Or perhaps get the logic from Red States Iowa, Kansas and South Dakota.
You would have to talk to Texas, the Red state producing the most in the country. Or perhaps get the logic from Red States Iowa, Kansas and South Dakota.
I know the answer, it is a scam making politicians rich, making the rich richer, making wall street richer

Every rich person gets rich off green energy while the middle class pays more for everything because of the Inflation caused by our poor energy policy
I know the answer, it is a scam making politicians rich, making the rich richer, making wall street richer

Every rich person gets rich off green energy while the middle class pays more for everything because of the Inflation caused by our poor energy policy
Sounds like your mind is made up, no matter the numbers or the Red States using it in increasing amounts. You obviously do not think much of Dems and now you obviously do not like Republicans, support states rights, or entrepreneurship, even if cost/rates not increasing faster than inflation. Why ask?
What year did greenies label them as enemies?
Since the Greens believe that oil is killing the planet that alone is enough to set their hair on fire

9-11 when so many of the terrorists were Saudi’s, not allowing women to drive ect, and the death of the radical journalist all added fuel to to the anti Saudi attitude on the left

But just being oil producers is the worst sin from the Greens point of view
Since the Greens believe that oil is killing the planet that alone is enough to set their hair on fire

9-11 when so many of the terrorists were Saudi’s, not allowing women to drive ect, and the death of the radical journalist all added fuel to to the anti Saudi attitude on the left

But just being oil producers is the worst sin from the Greens point of view
Greenies are like a religious cult. We are a two SUV and swimming pool family. Fanatical support of anything is not something I support.
Sounds like your mind is made up, no matter the numbers or the Red States using it in increasing amounts. You obviously do not think much of Dems and now you obviously do not like Republicans, support states rights, or entrepreneurship, even if cost/rates not increasing faster than inflation. Why ask?
My mind is made up, because I do know the numbers.

Funny, you are beginning to act the bigot, and state how I think of who, cause I challenged you to prove your opinion, which you can not.

States rights? What about people's rights! We are getting expensive overpriced barely working garbage forced upon us.

There was a time when you could not build these because our rights were protected by the courts, but California slowly chipped away at those rights through the courts until we have no rights.

Utilities have monopolies hence rules and regulations protected us from high priced electricity. Not any more.

White6, shall I take the liberties that you have with me and state who you hate.

White6 hates old white men who are veterans of the USMC cause we don't want to be forced to buy expensive electricity and our world destroyed

White6 hates animals bird nature and demands that people be forced to accept square miles of solar panels.

White6, where does your bigotry and hate for veterans come from?

See how that works, stating how others think and feel. That was pretty shifty of you, shall I do that to you everything you post.
Greenies are like a religious cult. We are a two SUV and swimming pool family. Fanatical support of anything is not something I support.
Dont forget to mention the gas lawnmower and BBQ grill when AlGore or Greta Thunberg hold Confession
Sounds like your mind is made up, no matter the numbers or the Red States using it in increasing amounts.
Sounds like your mind floats on ignorance. People given the choice are rejecting the industrialization of rural America

Red Stares, the people, are rejecting solar and wind.

Even democrat people reject solar and wind but the rich with the power of the democrat courts force the industrial solar projects on their rural homes

As soon as rural folk are given free choice, they inevitably ban industrial wind and solar from their territories.

Local governments, finally listening to their constituents, are acting out the universal hostility the pointless power. The weather and/or sunshine-dependent stuff – that can’t deliver power on demand – but that guarantees economic misery, environmental destruction and community disruption.

Robert Bryce documents the most recent rejections in a growing trend across the USA, where County Commissions in Ohio in Kansas made it plain once again: America’s farmland is meant for productive farming enterprises, not part-time power generators.
Dont forget to mention the gas lawnmower and BBQ grill when AlGore or Greta Thunberg hold Confession
My gas grill is great and it will keep being great. I love my gasoline lawnmower, too. Though I wish I could get a better deal on the "No-Ethanol" fuel, I use in outdoor power equipment, but that only impacts the mower and tiller. Greta does not effect me, at all, and not somebody I get to vote on.
My gas grill is great and it will keep being great. I love my gasoline lawnmower, too. Though I wish I could get a better deal on the "No-Ethanol" fuel, I use in outdoor power equipment, but that only impacts the mower and tiller. Greta does not effect me, at all, and not somebody I get to vote on.
Too bad we cant vote her out because she’s absolutely trying to decide our future
Too bad we cant vote her out because she’s absolutely trying to decide our future
I pay her not attention, over there in Europe. She got arrested in London, probably deceivingly.
I pay her not attention, over there in Europe. She got arrested in London, probably deceivingly.
I think there are plenty of airhead voters that she does have some influence with
I think there are plenty of airhead voters that she does have some influence with
Young people, maybe. Youth is wasted on the young.
If you are worried about depleting oil than you must be against solar and wind power, inefficient use of natural resources requires massive amounts of oil
It requires massive amounts of oil to create wind and solar energy too. Take away all the oil and there won't be any new solar or wind projects for a very long time at least. Also the vast majority of all solar panels are now being manufactured in China. Do you really want to be critically dependent on China for your energy needs?

I am not at all opposed to wind and solar energy or any other form of energy that is produced ethically and responsibly and as safely as possible. But let free market capitalism figure out what the people most need and want and provide it for them. Any energy that the government must massively subsidize is always going to be iffy and less satisfactory than that produced via free market capitalism.

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