
There are no alcoholics, just weak people. Nobody HAS to drink. If you can't handle it, don't drink. It's a disease that will leave you alone if you leave it alone. Most alcoholics I've known are all alike. Life gets a little tough and they crawl inside a bottle so they don't have to deal with it. Their problem isn't alcohol, their problem is running away, then when everyone around them whose lives they ruined finally kick them to the curb, they blame the substance they CHOSE to abuse as the source of their misery.

Alcohol treatment programs vary in their approach but the bottom line in all of them is WILL POWER, the one thing that is always missing in alcoholics and that's not genetics. The fact is that they are not only weak but they're also selfish and inconsiderate in that they allow their lack of self respect and self control to become everyone else's problem We don't do them any favors by blaming their weakness on genetic deficiencies or by saying "they can't help themselves".
Trust me. Many of us spoke of this very thing when in Alanon meetings. However, Mr Gracie didn't run from anything, nor is he weak in the sense you are referring to. Addiction is a tough tough thing. And those who love the ones addicted is just as tough.
This thread is not to laugh at them or call them names or make them feel bad. This thread is to understand what makes them pick up a bottle.
I got a funny story. I woke up this morning in my hot neighbors pool chair with a 6 pack next to me. She came out and was in her underwear with a shirt on, and wasn't shocked at all, asked me for $20.00 took my last beer and went back inside. I went home. It's all good.
Mostly out of boredom. I don't drink much in public any more. I never got angry when I was drunk (still don't- except here LOL).
I do have some hilarious stories though.

My brother once asked why I drink. "Because you're happy? Because you're sad? To celebrate? To forget?".

My reply: Yes. :beer:

Plus, it helps me go to sleep.

Want to hear some funny stories? :dunno:

Yes! Let us hear the funny stories!
There are no alcoholics, just weak people. Nobody HAS to drink. If you can't handle it, don't drink. It's a disease that will leave you alone if you leave it alone. Most alcoholics I've known are all alike. Life gets a little tough and they crawl inside a bottle so they don't have to deal with it. Their problem isn't alcohol, their problem is running away, then when everyone around them whose lives they ruined finally kick them to the curb, they blame the substance they CHOSE to abuse as the source of their misery.

Alcohol treatment programs vary in their approach but the bottom line in all of them is WILL POWER, the one thing that is always missing in alcoholics and that's not genetics. The fact is that they are not only weak but they're also selfish and inconsiderate in that they allow their lack of self respect and self control to become everyone else's problem We don't do them any favors by blaming their weakness on genetic deficiencies or by saying "they can't help themselves".
Trust me. Many of us spoke of this very thing when in Alanon meetings. However, Mr Gracie didn't run from anything, nor is he weak in the sense you are referring to. Addiction is a tough tough thing. And those who love the ones addicted is just as tough.
This thread is not to laugh at them or call them names or make them feel bad. This thread is to understand what makes them pick up a bottle.
Sorry if this pisses you off but you sound like an enabler. Why should he exercise any will power when he has you to defend his drunkenness? You say he's not weak but yet he isn't strong enough to say "NO", and that is the only way anyone can overcome an addiction. The question is, does he not love you enough to do that, or do you make it easy for him to say "yes" by calling it a disease?
There are no alcoholics, just weak people. Nobody HAS to drink. If you can't handle it, don't drink. It's a disease that will leave you alone if you leave it alone. Most alcoholics I've known are all alike. Life gets a little tough and they crawl inside a bottle so they don't have to deal with it. Their problem isn't alcohol, their problem is running away, then when everyone around them whose lives they ruined finally kick them to the curb, they blame the substance they CHOSE to abuse as the source of their misery.

Alcohol treatment programs vary in their approach but the bottom line in all of them is WILL POWER, the one thing that is always missing in alcoholics and that's not genetics. The fact is that they are not only weak but they're also selfish and inconsiderate in that they allow their lack of self respect and self control to become everyone else's problem We don't do them any favors by blaming their weakness on genetic deficiencies or by saying "they can't help themselves".
Trust me. Many of us spoke of this very thing when in Alanon meetings. However, Mr Gracie didn't run from anything, nor is he weak in the sense you are referring to. Addiction is a tough tough thing. And those who love the ones addicted is just as tough.
This thread is not to laugh at them or call them names or make them feel bad. This thread is to understand what makes them pick up a bottle.
Sorry if this pisses you off but you sound like an enabler. Why should he exercise any will power when he has you to defend his drunkenness? You say he's not weak but yet he isn't strong enough to say "NO", and that is the only way anyone can overcome an addiction. The question is, does he not love you enough to do that, or do you make it easy for him to say "yes" by calling it a disease?
I'm not pissed off. You just don't understand. Kinda like I never understood it either until I started Alanon. Yes, I enabled him. I also left him and divorced him. But, I went back. And remarried him. I also refuse to call it a disease. Plenty at Alanon AND AA thought I was cruel for stating it out loud. I said the very same things you just posted. Needless to say, I stopped going because I refused to enable the enablers.
Anyway..that is personal and I won't discuss it. Especially on a message board.
As I previously stated...he is 7 years sober. Maybe 8. I don't keep track because I don't give a rats fuck any more. That is what his addiction did. Just one little part of a much bigger part. Which is private. He knows if he ever picks that Best Friend bottle back up again..I'm outta here. He won't, though. He misses his cigs more than he does the bottle.
There are no alcoholics, just weak people. Nobody HAS to drink. If you can't handle it, don't drink. It's a disease that will leave you alone if you leave it alone. Most alcoholics I've known are all alike. Life gets a little tough and they crawl inside a bottle so they don't have to deal with it. Their problem isn't alcohol, their problem is running away, then when everyone around them whose lives they ruined finally kick them to the curb, they blame the substance they CHOSE to abuse as the source of their misery.

Alcohol treatment programs vary in their approach but the bottom line in all of them is WILL POWER, the one thing that is always missing in alcoholics and that's not genetics. The fact is that they are not only weak but they're also selfish and inconsiderate in that they allow their lack of self respect and self control to become everyone else's problem We don't do them any favors by blaming their weakness on genetic deficiencies or by saying "they can't help themselves".
Trust me. Many of us spoke of this very thing when in Alanon meetings. However, Mr Gracie didn't run from anything, nor is he weak in the sense you are referring to. Addiction is a tough tough thing. And those who love the ones addicted is just as tough.
This thread is not to laugh at them or call them names or make them feel bad. This thread is to understand what makes them pick up a bottle.
Sorry if this pisses you off but you sound like an enabler. Why should he exercise any will power when he has you to defend his drunkenness? You say he's not weak but yet he isn't strong enough to say "NO", and that is the only way anyone can overcome an addiction. The question is, does he not love you enough to do that, or do you make it easy for him to say "yes" by calling it a disease?
I'm not pissed off. You just don't understand. Kinda like I never understood it either until I started Alanon. Yes, I enabled him. I also left him and divorced him. But, I went back. And remarried him. I also refuse to call it a disease. Plenty at Alanon AND AA thought I was cruel for stating it out loud. I said the very same things you just posted. Needless to say, I stopped going because I refused to enable the enablers.
Anyway..that is personal and I won't discuss it. Especially on a message board.
As I previously stated...he is 7 years sober. Maybe 8. I don't keep track because I don't give a rats fuck any more. That is what his addiction did. Just one little part of a much bigger part. Which is private. He knows if he ever picks that Best Friend bottle back up again..I'm outta here. He won't, though. He misses his cigs more than he does the bottle.
I apologize, Gracie. I forgot you had said he was sober now. If he has gone that long he deserves a pat on the back and you do too. What matters is that he has stopped, no matter what it took to achieve it.
There are no alcoholics, just weak people. Nobody HAS to drink. If you can't handle it, don't drink. It's a disease that will leave you alone if you leave it alone. Most alcoholics I've known are all alike. Life gets a little tough and they crawl inside a bottle so they don't have to deal with it. Their problem isn't alcohol, their problem is running away, then when everyone around them whose lives they ruined finally kick them to the curb, they blame the substance they CHOSE to abuse as the source of their misery.

Alcohol treatment programs vary in their approach but the bottom line in all of them is WILL POWER, the one thing that is always missing in alcoholics and that's not genetics. The fact is that they are not only weak but they're also selfish and inconsiderate in that they allow their lack of self respect and self control to become everyone else's problem We don't do them any favors by blaming their weakness on genetic deficiencies or by saying "they can't help themselves".
Trust me. Many of us spoke of this very thing when in Alanon meetings. However, Mr Gracie didn't run from anything, nor is he weak in the sense you are referring to. Addiction is a tough tough thing. And those who love the ones addicted is just as tough.
This thread is not to laugh at them or call them names or make them feel bad. This thread is to understand what makes them pick up a bottle.
Sorry if this pisses you off but you sound like an enabler. Why should he exercise any will power when he has you to defend his drunkenness? You say he's not weak but yet he isn't strong enough to say "NO", and that is the only way anyone can overcome an addiction. The question is, does he not love you enough to do that, or do you make it easy for him to say "yes" by calling it a disease?
I'm not pissed off. You just don't understand. Kinda like I never understood it either until I started Alanon. Yes, I enabled him. I also left him and divorced him. But, I went back. And remarried him. I also refuse to call it a disease. Plenty at Alanon AND AA thought I was cruel for stating it out loud. I said the very same things you just posted. Needless to say, I stopped going because I refused to enable the enablers.
Anyway..that is personal and I won't discuss it. Especially on a message board.
As I previously stated...he is 7 years sober. Maybe 8. I don't keep track because I don't give a rats fuck any more. That is what his addiction did. Just one little part of a much bigger part. Which is private. He knows if he ever picks that Best Friend bottle back up again..I'm outta here. He won't, though. He misses his cigs more than he does the bottle.
I apologize, Gracie. I forgot you had said he was sober now. If he has gone that long he deserves a pat on the back and you do too. What matters is that he has stopped, no matter what it took to achieve it.

All it takes is Willpower to overcome the addiction to alcohol. Obviously... some people have stronger Willpower than others.

Sorry, but Alcoholism is not a disease, it's a habit. Is smoking cigarettes a disease? How about overeating? Why stop there? What about spitting? None of these things are diseases, they are simply bad behavior/habits. They were learned, they can be unlearned.

As for AA- it's worse than a fucking cult......
Sorry, but Alcoholism is not a disease, it's a habit. Is smoking cigarettes a disease? How about overeating? Why stop there? What about spitting? None of these things are diseases, they are simply bad behavior/habits. They were learned, they can be unlearned.

As for AA- it's worse than a fucking cult......
Gotta agree with ya. "What is shared here, stays here" is a bunch of hogwash. They gossiped about everyone and everything that they heard. I went to an AA meeting with a friend of mine who was struggling. She should have gone to NA but she didn't like it so instead went to AA. One guy sat there with his arms folded surrounded by his cronies and claimed he was 20 years sober. Me, not having a very good filter and married to a guy still drinking which made me not very nice, asked him "then why the fuck are you still here? To get cake? To feel like you are something special? 20 fucking years and all you do is gossip about others instead of sponsoring them or helping the newbs here to GET sober themselves for just a day/week/month?"
I was asked to leave. So I did.
The guy was a jerk. And since they all gossiped about each other, many followed me out while trying to explain why they allowed his bullshit which I already knew about because he gossiped about my friend which of course got back to me via another AA person. Pffffffft. I kept walking.
All it takes is Willpower to overcome the addiction to alcohol. Obviously... some people have stronger Willpower than others.

My willpower SUCKS at nicotine. I'm a strong person when it comes to other stuff...but cigs? Oy. I keep failing. I guess I don't want it bad enough. Gotta, to be able to do it.
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Mostly out of boredom. I don't drink much in public any more. I never got angry when I was drunk (still don't- except here LOL).
I do have some hilarious stories though.

My brother once asked why I drink. "Because you're happy? Because you're sad? To celebrate? To forget?".

My reply: Yes. :beer:

Plus, it helps me go to sleep.

Want to hear some funny stories? :dunno:
Why not. I am to embarrassed to bring up my 37 year relationship with booze...
Here's one... I was a Cub Scout Den Leader back in the mid-80's. We held our meetings on Sundays to accommodate a Jewish kid's Sabbath (we even ordered our pizzas with hamburger instead of sausage). I had the damnedest hangover and thought about calling the parents and cancelling. But I marshaled on...

Halfway through our meeting I told the kids that I had to go to the bathroom. I went upstairs, puked my guts out, then went back to the meeting like nothing happened. I must have reaked like booze and vomit. :lol:

These posts break my heart. Don't see anything funny in any of this.
All it takes is Willpower to overcome the addiction to alcohol. Obviously... some people have stronger Willpower than others.

My willpower SUCKS at nicotine. I'm a strong person when it comes to other stuff...but cigs? Oy. I keep failing. I guess I don't want it bad enough. Gotta, to be able to do it.

Gracie, your threads are usually some of the very best and this one is right up there. :) Thanks sweetie for posting it.

No, to alcoholism being a disease. It is a bad habit, many good people get into and at first it is because it is fun and it makes them feel good and down the road they continue it for the same reasons all addicted persons, including workaholics do, and that is because it is an escape from feeling their true feelings, including the ones they have about themselves and their perceived failures in life.

I've enjoyed reading all the posts in this thread. Thanks to all contributors. I know a few dry alcoholics and they all are grateful to AA and their individual sponsors. And they say one has to want to stop drinking more than they want to continue drinking before they can be successful in spite of AA or their sponsors.

I read one time, that of all the addictions, the people who are alcoholics are the best people, character-wise, than the rest. I began observing and agreed with the article.

A fave quote:

"People do what they love to do."
Not everyone that drinks is an alcoholic. I agree that it isn't a disease. Sure, there are physical manifestations from excessive drinking but the drinking isn't a disease. I think it's a disservice to call it that and victimizes the user, like they caught it from some airborn bacteria. Most people don't go over board regularly, they drink because they want to.

That said it is addictive and deadly if you do go over board regularly. As a VA hospital worker the worse guy we had was a severe alkie, he had the DTs bad. Didn't make it. And we had heroin addicts there.

My brother dropped dead at 55, his heart crapped out but he was a fifth a day kind of guy. Alcohol destroys muscle tissue and the heart is a pump made of muscle. It thins out, swell up and goes poof one day.

I'm a beer and wine kind of guy myself. Hard liquor is just too easy to overdo.
Mostly out of boredom. I don't drink much in public any more. I never got angry when I was drunk (still don't- except here LOL).
I do have some hilarious stories though.

My brother once asked why I drink. "Because you're happy? Because you're sad? To celebrate? To forget?".

My reply: Yes. :beer:

Plus, it helps me go to sleep.

Want to hear some funny stories? :dunno:
Why not. I am to embarrassed to bring up my 37 year relationship with booze...
Here's one... I was a Cub Scout Den Leader back in the mid-80's. We held our meetings on Sundays to accommodate a Jewish kid's Sabbath (we even ordered our pizzas with hamburger instead of sausage). I had the damnedest hangover and thought about calling the parents and cancelling. But I marshaled on...

Halfway through our meeting I told the kids that I had to go to the bathroom. I went upstairs, puked my guts out, then went back to the meeting like nothing happened. I must have reaked like booze and vomit. :lol:

These posts break my heart. Don't see anything funny in any of this.

You've never been to an AA meeting. The drunks and stoned are blasted theIr. I got problems and it's sad so thank you for caring I guess. I need god, though.
Sorry, but Alcoholism is not a disease, it's a habit. Is smoking cigarettes a disease? How about overeating? Why stop there? What about spitting? None of these things are diseases, they are simply bad behavior/habits. They were learned, they can be unlearned.

As for AA- it's worse than a fucking cult......

Nicotine IS physically addictive. Alcohol, for most people, is not.
Nicotine IS physically addictive. Alcohol, for most people, is not.
BS. If you smoke three cigarettes a day you won't get addicted. Or have three drinks. People get addicted when they overdo it and alcohol is highly addictive. It can literally kill you to stop cold turkey.
Nicotine IS physically addictive. Alcohol, for most people, is not.
BS. If you smoke three cigarettes a day you won't get addicted. Or have three drinks. People get addicted when they overdo it and alcohol is highly addictive. It can literally kill you to stop cold turkey.
As far as cigs go, some people are incapable of controlling it. I can smoke one cig a day for decades, but others can't do that.

Drinking alcohol is also a problem for some. I have many alcoholics in my I learned early on to be careful. Now I drink responsibly to forget about the tyranny and harm committed by our central government.

The best revenge is a life well-lived.

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