Alec Baldwin is toast

They sound pretty pissed at him. They suspended his show for two weeks. That's pretty big for libbies doing to one of their own
It makes sense given the double standards have but usually there is no outrage to begin with. Ie biden's racist comments about Obama. He didn't even have to apologize
Naw, he is a dyed in the wool limousine liberal and gets a 'free pass' no matter what he says or does. . :cool:

Baldwin just illustrates the point that all bigots are blind to their own bigotry. They are simply incapable of understanding how they are perceived by others. It really doesn't matter if the bigotry involves homophobia, race, religion or gender. The bigots are just don't comprehend that what they are saying is odious and obnoxious.

Baldwin deserves whatever he fallout he receives for this rant. The fact that he is still defending himself means that he hasn't learned squat. And like all bigots he is probably incapable of learning how to cure his own bigotry.

Bigots exist in all walks of life and should be shunned in my opinion.
Just 'window dressing'.........he will apologize and all will be forgiven. . :cool:

apologies: what is said, can not be unsaid, what is heard, can not be unheard. :up:

people who apologize are weaklings and worthless POS :up: .... :lmao:

Bigots never apologize unless they are forced to do so and even then they learn nothing from it.

On the other hand real men do apologize when they are wrong and know that only the weak are incapable of admitting when they are wrong.
That's showbiz ....whatever gets the most exposure and brings in the most money. While I do believe he has problems being narcissistic, anger issues etc. He garners enough revenue for his employer(s). Not lib or con just business.
I personally don't view Baldwin as a bigot.

He should have a right to his opinion and the freedom to express it.

It's the liberal homo PC police that are the intolerant bigots. . :cool:
That's showbiz ....whatever gets the most exposure and brings in the most money. While I do believe he has problems being narcissistic, anger issues etc. He garners enough revenue for his employer(s). Not lib or con just business.

He's also very talented.

The guy can act. And lately he's shown his funny side.

Don't like his talk show much, however.
For men of a certain age and of a certain class (and Alex in one of those) insults hurled at men tend to question their homosexual credentials.

Does the use of such language mean that those men hate Gays?

Absolutely not.

But it probably DOES mean that those men are damned happy GOD didn't make them homos.
For men of a certain age and of a certain class (and Alex in one of those) insults hurled at men tend to question their homosexual credentials.

Does the use of such language mean that those men hate Gays?

Absolutely not.

But it probably DOES mean that those men are damned happy GOD didn't make them homos.

I've used "cocksucker" before most gays were even born. I don't get this new PC shit at all.

A cocksucker is someone who is willing to get on their knees and blow someone for a reason not with gratification. NOW it's not acceptable?

I guess brown nosing is completely out the the question then.

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That's showbiz ....whatever gets the most exposure and brings in the most money. While I do believe he has problems being narcissistic, anger issues etc. He garners enough revenue for his employer(s). Not lib or con just business.

That's true.

Its worked for fatso Limbaugh, weird little Genny Beck and lying bigotry is really all Alex Jones has.

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