Alec Baldwin will stand trial on manslaughter charges

..As for Hunter... looks like the gun store were the ones who tampered with the form he filled out.

However, there is another version of the form — a physical version — that was filled out at a gun store. It was revealed in court Friday a gun store employee, Gordon Cleveland, helped Biden fill out the physical form that day.
There is only one form per gun. The dealer will always make sure it is filled out completely and signed.
Cleveland is likely to be called to the stand, and Noreika suggested the government would likely ask him to testify that Biden filled out the form and signed it.

Noreika said she would rule later on whether the physical form would be allowed into evidence but seemed to agree that the gun store employees could be examined.
She can allow the dealer to testify and she can admit the physical form, it will not make a bit of difference. That he bought the gun is not in dispute.
That's not true... they point guns at the camera all the time on movies... Like that scene in Goodfellas.

So now we have a gun in evidence that has been altered from it's original state.

Sounds like an acquittal to me.

Yeah, at the CAMERA you stupid moron! Not the people! The cameraman isn't behind it, you fucking idiot.
They are just investors. They weren't running the production.

I would be surprised if they weren't named in the civil suit.

As they should be. But criminally, the only person responsible is Hannah, not whoever hired Hannah without checking her resume.

And Trump's jury will have to find criminal intent, and Baldwin's jury won't.

Actually, they'll have to find it in both.

And in Baldwin's case, it just ain't there.

But here's the biggest problem. Baldwin is charismatic. He'll get on the stand, charm the jury, and they'll acquit him.

Trump didn't dare to get on the stand, he'd have just made things worse for himself.

Your nutty conspiracy theory is that the gun store tampered with Hunter's federal background check form?

So they sold him a gun, knowing it was illegal, which put their entire business at risk, then tampered with a federal form (a felony), in order to "get" Hunter at some unspecified time down the road? That's what you're going with?
Or they were sloppy in their paperwork like most gun stores are..

In any event, Hunter is going to put these two nitwits on the stand, and his lawyer is going to have a field day with them.
There is only one form per gun. The dealer will always make sure it is filled out completely and signed.

She can allow the dealer to testify and she can admit the physical form, it will not make a bit of difference. That he bought the gun is not in dispute.

No, what is in dispute is if he checked off the box saying, "I'm not an addict", when the gun dealer is the one who filled it out, not him, and he wasn't sure if he was an addict or not. ( Most addicts don't know they have a problem).

The very fact the gun store owner filled in parts of the form brings the whole form into question.
No, what is in dispute is if he checked off the box saying, "I'm not an addict", when the gun dealer is the one who filled it out, not him, and he wasn't sure if he was an addict or not. ( Most addicts don't know they have a problem).

The very fact the gun store owner filled in parts of the form brings the whole form into question.
Have you ever purchased a gun?

The dealer is not allowed to fill out the form, and if the form is not complete he is not allowed to sell the gun.

He isn't going to put his FFL in jeopardy for some crackhead.
Or they were sloppy in their paperwork like most gun stores are..

In any event, Hunter is going to put these two nitwits on the stand, and his lawyer is going to have a field day with them.
Oh good luck with that one, lol.

The jails are full of people who "didn't do it"...
Have you ever purchased a gun?

The dealer is not allowed to fill out the form, and if the form is not complete he is not allowed to sell the gun.

He isn't going to put his FFL in jeopardy for some crackhead.
I'm sure that does apply to the ethical ones.

But the one gun store in Indiana that was the origin point for 800 guns recovered from criminals in Chicago, I doubt he was being that diligent.

Studies by the University of Chicago found that Westforth Sports was the third-largest supplier of guns recovered by Chicago police. The research, which was conducted in cooperation with the city and focused on 2009 to 2016, linked just over 850 such guns to Westforth.
The lady who was killed was the Cinematographer.

The Cinematographer operates- wait for it - The Camera.

HOLY FUCK, are you people stupid.
Yeah, holy fuck she is ALONGSIDE the camera. Holy fuck are you stupid!

As they should be. But criminally, the only person responsible is Hannah, not whoever hired Hannah without checking her resume.

Actually, they'll have to find it in both.

And in Baldwin's case, it just ain't there.

But here's the biggest problem. Baldwin is charismatic. He'll get on the stand, charm the jury, and they'll acquit him.

Trump didn't dare to get on the stand, he'd have just made things worse for himself.

Or they were sloppy in their paperwork like most gun stores are..

In any event, Hunter is going to put these two nitwits on the stand, and his lawyer is going to have a field day with them.

"The guy who pulled the trigger isn't liable". "The guy who bought the gun isn't liable". There goes your "gun control" argument.

I'm sure that does apply to the ethical ones.

But the one gun store in Indiana that was the origin point for 800 guns recovered from criminals in Chicago, I doubt he was being that diligent.
Which has exactly nothing to do with Hunter buying a gun in Delaware... :cuckoo:
Duuuuummmmmmmmy, this isn't a crime, this is an accident.

Most gun accidents AREN'T charged as crimes.
They are if there is negligence, as in this case.

Just like a reckless driver is charged if someone is killed, no difference.


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