Alex Jones proven correct

Here you go, another fascist calling for more floodgates to open...

‘Survival of our democracy’ depends on banning sites like InfoWars, Dem senator says

Shall we watch Trump’s effusive praise of Jones together?

Keep running
Of course it's politically motivated. Comparing what has happened to Jones to banning someone here is a stretch. This imo is the beginning of a new wave of corporate censoring aimed not at stopping kids from seeing porn, or x rated videos, but of stopping websites that do not follow the liberal narrative that Trump is satan reincarnated as Hitler and must be stopped at any cost.

If liberals manage to take control of the both houses and the Presidency, which is the sole theme behind this stifling of Jones, and others, I think they will be sorry later. Having watched for a long time and seen the unintended consequences of many actions, my own included, I think I can safely say that the Utopian paradise many believe they will have once all of us are silenced, will extract a toll on their children. Not that I wish that, but that's how I see it. They'll see some of their children finding out just what mom and dad bought for them. It's a shame we have so many stupid and evil people.

They are stifling him for more than you mention.

There is alot about to hit us and even someone half way awake will catch what is really going on and why.

Authoratarians never see their own shit about to hit them in the face.
unintended consequences.
Here you go, another fascist calling for more floodgates to open...

‘Survival of our democracy’ depends on banning sites like InfoWars, Dem senator says

Good for Murphy - NAILED it

“Infowars is the tip of a giant iceberg of hate and lies that uses sites like Facebook and YouTube to tear our nation apart. These companies must do more than take down one website. The survival of our democracy depends on it,” Murphy tweeted Monday.

Your an idiot

View attachment 209011

Coming from you, the ultimate complement.
Thanks ChemTrail Boy! :lol:

For many years he protested that the establishment was out to get him, and wanted to have him silenced.

The move from Facebook makes the newsman a modern day Nostradamus.

We didn't land on the moon then?
And the school shooting never happened?
Alex Jones is more like a Nostradumbass. He got what he deserved and hopefully loses it all in the defamation suit filed against him.

Six more Sandy Hook families have joined the lawsuit.
Hopefully they take every last penny he's got.
Alex Jones, 'InfoWars' host, sued by 6 more Sandy Hook families - CNN

If you make your living on defamation and misery of grieving parents, as Jones does, you open yourself up to this kind of civil suit.

Exactly - His "false flag" assholery has given rise to even more conspiracy theories - Most recently QAnon.
What is Qanon? A guide to the conspiracy theory taking hold among Trump supporters
And all this crap has been given wings by the Orange Loon in the WH.

You do not even know the meaning of a FALSE FLAG you stupid fk.

Go back to bed Mikey - and take MW with ya ;)

Crisis actors, deep state, false flag: the rise of conspiracy theory code words

Alex Jones is more like a Nostradumbass. He got what he deserved and hopefully loses it all in the defamation suit filed against him.

Six more Sandy Hook families have joined the lawsuit.
Hopefully they take every last penny he's got.
Alex Jones, 'InfoWars' host, sued by 6 more Sandy Hook families - CNN

If you make your living on defamation and misery of grieving parents, as Jones does, you open yourself up to this kind of civil suit.

Exactly - His "false flag" assholery has given rise to even more conspiracy theories - Most recently QAnon.
What is Qanon? A guide to the conspiracy theory taking hold among Trump supporters
And all this crap has been given wings by the Orange Loon in the WH.





They want ot keep real information from being reported, stupid fks liek you have been INDOCTRIANTED TO BELIEVBE THAT NBC, MSN< CNN< ABC< AP, all report " ALL THE INFO" to you assholes what part of " FAKE NEWS" do you not get.




and stupid fkrs like you BITE the bait every single time LMAO.
For many years he protested that the establishment was out to get him, and wanted to have him silenced.

The move from Facebook makes the newsman a modern day Nostradamus.

We didn't land on the moon then?
And the school shooting never happened?

According to Alex Jones, Newtown was an event staged by Obama in order to grab everyone's guns :)
Alex Jones is more like a Nostradumbass. He got what he deserved and hopefully loses it all in the defamation suit filed against him.

Six more Sandy Hook families have joined the lawsuit.
Hopefully they take every last penny he's got.
Alex Jones, 'InfoWars' host, sued by 6 more Sandy Hook families - CNN

If you make your living on defamation and misery of grieving parents, as Jones does, you open yourself up to this kind of civil suit.

Exactly - His "false flag" assholery has given rise to even more conspiracy theories - Most recently QAnon.
What is Qanon? A guide to the conspiracy theory taking hold among Trump supporters
And all this crap has been given wings by the Orange Loon in the WH.

You do not even know the meaning of a FALSE FLAG you stupid fk.

Go back to bed Mikey - and take MW with ya ;)

Crisis actors, deep state, false flag: the rise of conspiracy theory code words

Listen troll, I realize you are pretending to be so stupid that you cannot realize I am not talking about Jones, give it up. I am talking a wave of corporate censorship aimed at shutting down conservative voices.
Six more Sandy Hook families have joined the lawsuit.
Hopefully they take every last penny he's got.
Alex Jones, 'InfoWars' host, sued by 6 more Sandy Hook families - CNN

If you make your living on defamation and misery of grieving parents, as Jones does, you open yourself up to this kind of civil suit.

Exactly - His "false flag" assholery has given rise to even more conspiracy theories - Most recently QAnon.
What is Qanon? A guide to the conspiracy theory taking hold among Trump supporters
And all this crap has been given wings by the Orange Loon in the WH.

You do not even know the meaning of a FALSE FLAG you stupid fk.

Go back to bed Mikey - and take MW with ya ;)

Crisis actors, deep state, false flag: the rise of conspiracy theory code words

Listen troll, I realize you are pretending to be so stupid that you cannot realize I am not talking about Jones, give it up. I am talking a wave of corporate censorship aimed at shutting down conservative voices.

No such thing exists - Put in your worthless bag of conspiracy theories and go back to bed ;)
Here you go, another fascist calling for more floodgates to open...

‘Survival of our democracy’ depends on banning sites like InfoWars, Dem senator says

Good for Murphy - NAILED it

“Infowars is the tip of a giant iceberg of hate and lies that uses sites like Facebook and YouTube to tear our nation apart. These companies must do more than take down one website. The survival of our democracy depends on it,” Murphy tweeted Monday.

Your an idiot

View attachment 209011

Coming from you, the ultimate complement.
Thanks ChemTrail Boy! :lol:


If you weren't so fkn stupid you would know there are GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS THAT BACK UP BOTH CLIAMS stupid fk , problem is your such idiots you can't find facts on your own, and don't know facts when they are plasterd onto your faces your that gawd dam fkn dumbed down.
If you make your living on defamation and misery of grieving parents, as Jones does, you open yourself up to this kind of civil suit.

Exactly - His "false flag" assholery has given rise to even more conspiracy theories - Most recently QAnon.
What is Qanon? A guide to the conspiracy theory taking hold among Trump supporters
And all this crap has been given wings by the Orange Loon in the WH.

You do not even know the meaning of a FALSE FLAG you stupid fk.

Go back to bed Mikey - and take MW with ya ;)

Crisis actors, deep state, false flag: the rise of conspiracy theory code words

Listen troll, I realize you are pretending to be so stupid that you cannot realize I am not talking about Jones, give it up. I am talking a wave of corporate censorship aimed at shutting down conservative voices.

No such thing exists - Put in your worthless bag of conspiracy theories and go back to bed ;)
It's happening right now liar.
Six more Sandy Hook families have joined the lawsuit.
Hopefully they take every last penny he's got.
Alex Jones, 'InfoWars' host, sued by 6 more Sandy Hook families - CNN

If you make your living on defamation and misery of grieving parents, as Jones does, you open yourself up to this kind of civil suit.

Exactly - His "false flag" assholery has given rise to even more conspiracy theories - Most recently QAnon.
What is Qanon? A guide to the conspiracy theory taking hold among Trump supporters
And all this crap has been given wings by the Orange Loon in the WH.

You do not even know the meaning of a FALSE FLAG you stupid fk.

Go back to bed Mikey - and take MW with ya ;)

Crisis actors, deep state, false flag: the rise of conspiracy theory code words

Listen troll, I realize you are pretending to be so stupid that you cannot realize I am not talking about Jones, give it up. I am talking a wave of corporate censorship aimed at shutting down conservative voices.

This is one of the DUMBEST TROLLS i've ever come across there's another Obama idiot on here who would literally lick the crap off O's a hole if he told them too.. they're that obsessed with that idiot they can't see their own freedom being stripped from them the LIES are their truth and the truth are their lies. fkrs are RETARDED... gawd dam.
If you make your living on defamation and misery of grieving parents, as Jones does, you open yourself up to this kind of civil suit.

Exactly - His "false flag" assholery has given rise to even more conspiracy theories - Most recently QAnon.
What is Qanon? A guide to the conspiracy theory taking hold among Trump supporters
And all this crap has been given wings by the Orange Loon in the WH.

You do not even know the meaning of a FALSE FLAG you stupid fk.

Go back to bed Mikey - and take MW with ya ;)

Crisis actors, deep state, false flag: the rise of conspiracy theory code words

Listen troll, I realize you are pretending to be so stupid that you cannot realize I am not talking about Jones, give it up. I am talking a wave of corporate censorship aimed at shutting down conservative voices.

No such thing exists - Put in your worthless bag of conspiracy theories and go back to bed ;)


If you make your living on defamation and misery of grieving parents, as Jones does, you open yourself up to this kind of civil suit.

Exactly - His "false flag" assholery has given rise to even more conspiracy theories - Most recently QAnon.
What is Qanon? A guide to the conspiracy theory taking hold among Trump supporters
And all this crap has been given wings by the Orange Loon in the WH.

You do not even know the meaning of a FALSE FLAG you stupid fk.

Go back to bed Mikey - and take MW with ya ;)

Crisis actors, deep state, false flag: the rise of conspiracy theory code words

Listen troll, I realize you are pretending to be so stupid that you cannot realize I am not talking about Jones, give it up. I am talking a wave of corporate censorship aimed at shutting down conservative voices.

No such thing exists - Put in your worthless bag of conspiracy theories and go back to bed ;)


Dane Wigington

Humanity's attempt to manipulate Earth’s climate and life support systems is the absolute epitome of unbridled hubris. The ongoing global geoengineering assault has placed our planet under a state of siege. The thriving world we have formerly known is no more, we are accelerating at blinding speed toward a completely new and unimaginably challenging reality. What can we do to expose and halt the weather warfare assault? The ongoing criminal climate engineering operations are exposed in the PowerPoint presentation below. It was given at the Northern California event titled “Climate Engineering, Government Criminality,

Climate engineering is mathematically the most destructive form of anthropogenic activity ever unleashed on the biosphere. Geoengineering programs must also be considered biological warfare due to the highly toxic materials that are being dispersed into our skies. The fight to expose and halt climate engineering is a fight for life, nothing less. All are needed to help sound the alarm, sharing credible data from a credible source is essential to the effort. Make your voice heard while it can still make a difference.

For many years he protested that the establishment was out to get him, and wanted to have him silenced.

The move from Facebook makes the newsman a modern day Nostradamus.

Alex Jones is a cesspool slime-ball. Nothing wrong with companies want to get the stench off of them.

Free Market Bitches.
Well you sound like an authoritarian, so congrats on that.

It’s possible to be against this censorship of Infowars without actually supporting Infowars. I know that’s difficult for you to comprehend, but it’s true all the same.

I don’t have any major problem about private web entities refusing to host each other’s content. By that logic, Jones is “censoring” conspiracy debunkers by refusing to host their videos on his own website. And you’re “censoring” antifa protestors for not allowing them to hold a demonstration in your kitchen.

Neither Jones, conspiracy debunkers or antifa protestors have the right to the use of that private property.

Jones violates the terms of service of Facebook. And h was banned from Facebook. Jones agreed to those terms of service before joining Facebook.

And Jones has every right to rant on his own website. You can download his videos right now if you’d like. And conspiracy debunkers. And antifa. They all have freedom of speech.

How did he violate Facebook’s terms of service? Specific instances, please. Oh and did he violate the terms of service of the other companies that banned him? Specific instances of these too, please.
None of them are obligated to show you, Jones, or anyone else a reason or reasons for rejecting him from their sites. They are implementing their First Amendment rights.

I’m asking someone who said Jones violated Facebook’s terms of service to provide me with an example of said violation. I’m not asking Facebook to provide me with an example, but a person outside of Facebook who is telling everyone viewing this thread that he did. If it’s obvious he violated their terms of service it shouldn’t be difficult to cite an example.

You’re right. Facebook isn’t obligated to show me shit, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to believe their claims about Jones without evidence to support it.

No. Again, facebooks terms of service are violated when they say they are.

So if they kicked you off for violating their terms of service and you didn’t have a clue when or how the violation took place, you’d still go w that reasoning?
For many years he protested that the establishment was out to get him, and wanted to have him silenced.

The move from Facebook makes the newsman a modern day Nostradamus.

He's on his website ranting and raving right now.

How is that being silenced?

When did Facebook become the establishment?

Right now the establishment is our republican controlled nation. Republicans control our congress, white house, supreme court and most governors.

So republicans are the establishment. Are you saying that republicans are out to get him and silence him?

Why do you lie? If you have to lie how valid is your point and why should anyone pay any attention to what you post?
For many years he protested that the establishment was out to get him, and wanted to have him silenced.

The move from Facebook makes the newsman a modern day Nostradamus.

He's on his website ranting and raving right now.

How is that being silenced?

When did Facebook become the establishment?

Right now the establishment is our republican controlled nation. Republicans control our congress, white house, supreme court and most governors.

So republicans are the establishment. Are you saying that republicans are out to get him and silence him?

Why do you lie? If you have to lie how valid is your point and why should anyone pay any attention to what you post?

No, the Deep State is the establishment, and further, plenty of Far Left Republicans out there if you'll remember John Kasich, John McCain and plenty of other never trumpers. BTW, the Supreme court is split 4 hard core leftists, 3 constitutionalists, and 1 ultra moderate Roberts. Hardly GOP control.
For many years he protested that the establishment was out to get him, and wanted to have him silenced.

The move from Facebook makes the newsman a modern day Nostradamus.
Save that Jones isn’t silenced. He’s ranting right now on his website. You can download or stream his videos right now.

He has total freedom of speech.
Total freedom except where the huge media corporate giants will not allow it.

Wait a minute here.

It's conservatives who love big business private ownership with no regulations. In fact you've used that to beat democrats over the head saying they hate capitalism and are socialists.

Now you agree with the democrats? You agree that too much power to private business is bad? You agree that big business needs regulation?

Wow. I guess when your own polities kick you in the butt you change your tune fast.

Or is it that you never believed that your own policies would come back to bite you in the butt even though you were warned?
For many years he protested that the establishment was out to get him, and wanted to have him silenced.

The move from Facebook makes the newsman a modern day Nostradamus.
Save that Jones isn’t silenced. He’s ranting right now on his website. You can download or stream his videos right now.

He has total freedom of speech.
Total freedom except where the huge media corporate giants will not allow it.

Wait a minute here.

It's conservatives who love big business private ownership with no regulations. In fact you've used that to beat democrats over the head saying they hate capitalism and are socialists.

Now you agree with the democrats? You agree that too much power to private business is bad? You agree that big business needs regulation?

Wow. I guess when your own polities kick you in the butt you change your tune fast.

Or is it that you never believed that your own policies would come back to bite you in the butt even though you were warned?
Nut jobs like you are insane. You spew some total bullshit like your reading from my permanent record. What is going on is liberal scumbags are shutting down conservative voices, and You and the voices in your head get ready for the unintended consequences.

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