Alex Jones proven correct

Laughing.....shall I share Trump’s effusive praise of Jones on a guest appearance on Infowars?

Or would that be “fake news”?
Never did I say fake news. I am talking about Corporate Censorship. We are seeing that a lot today. You want to cry about Trump.
You cited a violation of freedom of speech, which is blithering nonsense.

You don’t have the slightest clue what freedom is. Freedom is prohibition of government interference. It is NOT the power to compel someone else, as you imagine.

And it’s Trump Derangement Syndrome to cite Trump’s effusive praise is Alex Jones? Laughing.....shall I post it here?
You keep repeating your self, All I am talking about are corporation censoring people and I do not agree with it because of their bias. I think this trend, however old it may be, will bring unintended consequences to the left, who apparently are in a feeding frenzy over this.

I keep repeating my criticism of your blantat misconceptions of what freedom is.

And Facebook no more “censored” Jones than you “censor” black lives matter by refusing to let them hold a demonstration in your living room. Or Jones “censors” conspiracy debunkers by refusing to host their content on Infowars. No one is obligated to host someone else’s content.

And of course, Jones can speak to his heart’s content. You can download every one of his videos, right now.

And for the third time.....shall we watch Trump’s fauning praise of Jones together? Or have I run you off of your Trump Derangement Syndrome nonsense?
Nowhere have I stated what freedom is. Why would I want to download Jones when I have never listened to him in the past? Why do you have to misrepresent what I have said in each reply to me? All I am stating is that for corporations to allow one group to post what some view as offensive trash while banning another is censorship. And it will lead to more problems. Now tell us all again how I'm talking about rights and how Trump has some bearing here.

Oh, I believe you, buddy. But this Mikeyx guy? He says you’re completely full of it.

Save that Jones isn’t silenced. He’s ranting right now on his website. You can download or stream his videos right now.

He has total freedom of speech.
Total freedom except where the huge media corporate giants will not allow it.

So you didn’t talk about freedom...except when you did.

As I said don’t have the slightest idea what freedom is. I ran you off the topic just like I ran you off your Trump Derangement Syndrome blather by citing Trump’s effusive praise of Alex Jones.

Keep running.
Yeah accept when China says it's your time t GTF off bet we will be happy to say to you " GOOD" ........

IDIOTS Like you don't deserve America because this isn't about alex jones Trump hating idiot WAKE THE FK UP STUPID ASS.

They're coming for you fk ups next idiot

The internet Dark Ages has now descended upon us, where radical left-wing tech giants run by deranged, mentally ill communists will decide whether your content qualifies as “hate speech.” What is hate speech? It’s anything uttered by a conservative.

Spoken like a Alex Jones worshipper. I hope his site gets taken down from so you can't post endless articles from it.

Well you sound like an authoritarian, so congrats on that.

It’s possible to be against this censorship of Infowars without actually supporting Infowars. I know that’s difficult for you to comprehend, but it’s true all the same.

I don’t have any major problem about private web entities refusing to host each other’s content. By that logic, Jones is “censoring” conspiracy debunkers by refusing to host their videos on his own website. And you’re “censoring” antifa protestors for not allowing them to hold a demonstration in your kitchen.

Neither Jones, conspiracy debunkers or antifa protestors have the right to the use of that private property.

Jones violates the terms of service of Facebook. And h was banned from Facebook. Jones agreed to those terms of service before joining Facebook.

And Jones has every right to rant on his own website. You can download his videos right now if you’d like. And conspiracy debunkers. And antifa. They all have freedom of speech.

How did he violate Facebook’s terms of service? Specific instances, please. Oh and did he violate the terms of service of the other companies that banned him? Specific instances of these too, please.

What's sad is He has a video explaining all of this , the why's how comes', and warnings THEY WILL BE COMING FOR THEIR BROWN SHIRTS NEXT... These idiots think it's all a joke until they get that smack in the face then suddenly free speech matters.

Yeah, the first thing Hitler did was a Facebook ban.

Laughing......this is the problem with using Infowars as your source on history.
Alex Jones is more like a Nostradumbass. He got what he deserved and hopefully loses it all in the defamation suit filed against him.

Yeah accept when China says it's your time t GTF off bet we will be happy to say to you " GOOD" ........

IDIOTS Like you don't deserve America because this isn't about alex jones Trump hating idiot WAKE THE FK UP STUPID ASS.

They're coming for you fk ups next idiot

The internet Dark Ages has now descended upon us, where radical left-wing tech giants run by deranged, mentally ill communists will decide whether your content qualifies as “hate speech.” What is hate speech? It’s anything uttered by a conservative.

Spoken like a Alex Jones worshipper. I hope his site gets taken down from so you can't post endless articles from it.
I think he works for InfoWars.
Save that Jones isn’t silenced. He’s ranting right now on his website. You can download or stream his videos right now.
He has total freedom of speech.
Do you really think anyone believes your horse shit?

You know exactly what is happening and will soon happen to other conservative groups like the NRA, Pro-Lifers and Global Warmiong skeptics too and man y more to come.

Fuck you and your half ass excuses.

Brown shirts think it can never happen to them, they had the same ass kissers during those days and the brown shirts were the first one HItler took out too LOL..

Soros will take out these brown nosers in the blink of an eye. that SOB has no care for human life.
Save that Jones isn’t silenced. He’s ranting right now on his website. You can download or stream his videos right now.

He has total freedom of speech.
Total freedom except where the huge media corporate giants will not allow it.

You don’t even know what freedom is. Your conception of “freedom” is the power to force people to let you you use their property. Freedom is the ability to act without government intervention.

For fucks sake, read the 1st Amendment.
Of course private businesses can boot people off of their private platforms.

But that doesn't exempt them from criticism for doing so.

I'd like to know who pressured Zuckerberg and what they are trying to hide

That assumes 1) someone is pressuring Zuckerburg 2) “they” have something to hide. Both of which you imagine.

Given Jones’ veiled threats of violence against people like Mueller, I’m surprised that Jones lasted this long.

Would you consider this “pressuring Zuckerberg”?

Facebook touts fight on fake news, but struggles to explain why InfoWars isn't banned

CNN oh Jesus , are you phucking kidding me the biggest lying news network out there and you listne to CNN OMFG you might as well go tto SNOPES WTF is wrong iwth you going to CNN for ANYTHING.. gawd dam they lie dude lie!!

They've been caught over and over

No wonder you have the BS POST UP..
Never did I say fake news. I am talking about Corporate Censorship. We are seeing that a lot today. You want to cry about Trump.
You cited a violation of freedom of speech, which is blithering nonsense.

You don’t have the slightest clue what freedom is. Freedom is prohibition of government interference. It is NOT the power to compel someone else, as you imagine.

And it’s Trump Derangement Syndrome to cite Trump’s effusive praise is Alex Jones? Laughing.....shall I post it here?
You keep repeating your self, All I am talking about are corporation censoring people and I do not agree with it because of their bias. I think this trend, however old it may be, will bring unintended consequences to the left, who apparently are in a feeding frenzy over this.

I keep repeating my criticism of your blantat misconceptions of what freedom is.

And Facebook no more “censored” Jones than you “censor” black lives matter by refusing to let them hold a demonstration in your living room. Or Jones “censors” conspiracy debunkers by refusing to host their content on Infowars. No one is obligated to host someone else’s content.

And of course, Jones can speak to his heart’s content. You can download every one of his videos, right now.

And for the third time.....shall we watch Trump’s fauning praise of Jones together? Or have I run you off of your Trump Derangement Syndrome nonsense?
Nowhere have I stated what freedom is. Why would I want to download Jones when I have never listened to him in the past? Why do you have to misrepresent what I have said in each reply to me? All I am stating is that for corporations to allow one group to post what some view as offensive trash while banning another is censorship. And it will lead to more problems. Now tell us all again how I'm talking about rights and how Trump has some bearing here.

Oh, I believe you, buddy. But this Mikeyx guy? He says you’re completely full of it.

Save that Jones isn’t silenced. He’s ranting right now on his website. You can download or stream his videos right now.

He has total freedom of speech.
Total freedom except where the huge media corporate giants will not allow it.

So you didn’t talk about freedom...except when you did.

As I said don’t have the slightest idea what freedom is. I ran you off the topic just like I ran you off your Trump Derangement Syndrome blather by citing Trump’s effusive praise of Alex Jones.

Keep running.
This right here is why it is pointless to even attempt to engage these people. Pointless. Cannot comprehend a word I stated.
Save that Jones isn’t silenced. He’s ranting right now on his website. You can download or stream his videos right now.
He has total freedom of speech.
Do you really think anyone believes your horse shit?

You know exactly what is happening and will soon happen to other conservative groups like the NRA, Pro-Lifers and Global Warmiong skeptics too and man y more to come.

Fuck you and your half ass excuses.

Brown shirts think it can never happen to them, they had the same ass kissers during those days and the brown shirts were the first one HItler took out too LOL..

Soros will take out these brown nosers in the blink of an eye. that SOB has no care for human life. you speak for the “Brown Shirts”, crisis actor?

This after posting a clearly photoshopped picture of the “missing videos”?

Back to the Illuminati with you, shill.
For many years he protested that the establishment was out to get him, and wanted to have him silenced.

The move from Facebook makes the newsman a modern day Nostradamus.
FB is the establishment?
SuckMyDickBerg is an immature idiot who lets his Liberal staff make decisions while he’s busy lobbying Congress for more H1-Bs.
Last edited:
You cited a violation of freedom of speech, which is blithering nonsense.

You don’t have the slightest clue what freedom is. Freedom is prohibition of government interference. It is NOT the power to compel someone else, as you imagine.

And it’s Trump Derangement Syndrome to cite Trump’s effusive praise is Alex Jones? Laughing.....shall I post it here?
You keep repeating your self, All I am talking about are corporation censoring people and I do not agree with it because of their bias. I think this trend, however old it may be, will bring unintended consequences to the left, who apparently are in a feeding frenzy over this.

I keep repeating my criticism of your blantat misconceptions of what freedom is.

And Facebook no more “censored” Jones than you “censor” black lives matter by refusing to let them hold a demonstration in your living room. Or Jones “censors” conspiracy debunkers by refusing to host their content on Infowars. No one is obligated to host someone else’s content.

And of course, Jones can speak to his heart’s content. You can download every one of his videos, right now.

And for the third time.....shall we watch Trump’s fauning praise of Jones together? Or have I run you off of your Trump Derangement Syndrome nonsense?
Nowhere have I stated what freedom is. Why would I want to download Jones when I have never listened to him in the past? Why do you have to misrepresent what I have said in each reply to me? All I am stating is that for corporations to allow one group to post what some view as offensive trash while banning another is censorship. And it will lead to more problems. Now tell us all again how I'm talking about rights and how Trump has some bearing here.

Oh, I believe you, buddy. But this Mikeyx guy? He says you’re completely full of it.

Save that Jones isn’t silenced. He’s ranting right now on his website. You can download or stream his videos right now.

He has total freedom of speech.
Total freedom except where the huge media corporate giants will not allow it.

So you didn’t talk about freedom...except when you did.

As I said don’t have the slightest idea what freedom is. I ran you off the topic just like I ran you off your Trump Derangement Syndrome blather by citing Trump’s effusive praise of Alex Jones.

Keep running.
This right here is why it is pointless to even attempt to engage these people. Pointless. Cannot comprehend a word I stated.

Because I quoted you exactly?

Laughing! Given how quickly you ran when I challenged your Trump Derangement Nonsense by citing Trump’s effusive praise of
Alex Jones......

......clearly quotes aren’t your friend.
Media platforms are raking stands on moral values and ethical standards. Huckster hate mongers are being rejected and sent packing.
Right then we should expect to see all the gay childrens sites and pedophile sites blocked as well then, right?

Really? Facebook allows pedophiles and gay children sites? Got a link to any of them, or is this just more hyperbolic bullshit?
You keep repeating your self, All I am talking about are corporation censoring people and I do not agree with it because of their bias. I think this trend, however old it may be, will bring unintended consequences to the left, who apparently are in a feeding frenzy over this.

I keep repeating my criticism of your blantat misconceptions of what freedom is.

And Facebook no more “censored” Jones than you “censor” black lives matter by refusing to let them hold a demonstration in your living room. Or Jones “censors” conspiracy debunkers by refusing to host their content on Infowars. No one is obligated to host someone else’s content.

And of course, Jones can speak to his heart’s content. You can download every one of his videos, right now.

And for the third time.....shall we watch Trump’s fauning praise of Jones together? Or have I run you off of your Trump Derangement Syndrome nonsense?
Nowhere have I stated what freedom is. Why would I want to download Jones when I have never listened to him in the past? Why do you have to misrepresent what I have said in each reply to me? All I am stating is that for corporations to allow one group to post what some view as offensive trash while banning another is censorship. And it will lead to more problems. Now tell us all again how I'm talking about rights and how Trump has some bearing here.

Oh, I believe you, buddy. But this Mikeyx guy? He says you’re completely full of it.

Save that Jones isn’t silenced. He’s ranting right now on his website. You can download or stream his videos right now.

He has total freedom of speech.
Total freedom except where the huge media corporate giants will not allow it.

So you didn’t talk about freedom...except when you did.

As I said don’t have the slightest idea what freedom is. I ran you off the topic just like I ran you off your Trump Derangement Syndrome blather by citing Trump’s effusive praise of Alex Jones.

Keep running.
This right here is why it is pointless to even attempt to engage these people. Pointless. Cannot comprehend a word I stated.

Because I quoted you exactly?

Laughing! Given how quickly you ran when I challenged your Trump Derangement Nonsense by citing Trump’s effusive praise of
Alex Jones......

......clearly quotes aren’t your friend.

Ran? Troll, I have other stuff to do besides listen to a twisting liar all day. Thanks for proving I am correct though. You would never had tried so desperately to destroy what I have stated here were it not so. And you quoted me "directly" so many
Alex Jones is more like a Nostradumbass. He got what he deserved and hopefully loses it all in the defamation suit filed against him.

Yeah accept when China says it's your time t GTF off bet we will be happy to say to you " GOOD" ........

IDIOTS Like you don't deserve America because this isn't about alex jones Trump hating idiot WAKE THE FK UP STUPID ASS.

They're coming for you fk ups next idiot

The internet Dark Ages has now descended upon us, where radical left-wing tech giants run by deranged, mentally ill communists will decide whether your content qualifies as “hate speech.” What is hate speech? It’s anything uttered by a conservative.

Spoken like a Alex Jones worshipper. I hope his site gets taken down from so you can't post endless articles from it.

Depends on who it is taken down by. If the government tried to shut down his website, I’d be standing shoulder to shoulder with that blithering conspiracy monger in defense of his rights.

But Facebook isn’t the government. And a Facebook ban has nothing to do with rights.

For many years he protested that the establishment was out to get him, and wanted to have him silenced.

The move from Facebook makes the newsman a modern day Nostradamus.
Save that Jones isn’t silenced. He’s ranting right now on his website. You can download or stream his videos right now.

He has total freedom of speech.
Total freedom except where the huge media corporate giants will not allow it.

You don’t even know what freedom is. Your conception of “freedom” is the power to force people to let you you use their property. Freedom is the ability to act without government intervention.

For fucks sake, read the 1st Amendment.
Pretending I don't know what I'm talking about and drawing the 1st amendment like a gun, does not help you rfallacy in any way. Fact is, this is just the beginning of the implementation of corporate censorship. The results may not be what you hoped for.

No more so than refusing to let gay rights protestors to demonstrate in your living room. Alas, Jones has no right to the use of someone else’s private internet property.

You don’t have the slightest conception of what a right or freedom is. And you’re pretending that if you ignore the meaning of each, that they magically transform into powers to make people do things.

Um, nope. Your ignorance doesn’t impose your fantasy.

FB is more like the State Fair, everyone is free to open up a Pavilion, unless the ones that run the fair don't like you, so they refuse

you a pavilion based on that.
I keep repeating my criticism of your blantat misconceptions of what freedom is.

And Facebook no more “censored” Jones than you “censor” black lives matter by refusing to let them hold a demonstration in your living room. Or Jones “censors” conspiracy debunkers by refusing to host their content on Infowars. No one is obligated to host someone else’s content.

And of course, Jones can speak to his heart’s content. You can download every one of his videos, right now.

And for the third time.....shall we watch Trump’s fauning praise of Jones together? Or have I run you off of your Trump Derangement Syndrome nonsense?
Nowhere have I stated what freedom is. Why would I want to download Jones when I have never listened to him in the past? Why do you have to misrepresent what I have said in each reply to me? All I am stating is that for corporations to allow one group to post what some view as offensive trash while banning another is censorship. And it will lead to more problems. Now tell us all again how I'm talking about rights and how Trump has some bearing here.

Oh, I believe you, buddy. But this Mikeyx guy? He says you’re completely full of it.

Save that Jones isn’t silenced. He’s ranting right now on his website. You can download or stream his videos right now.

He has total freedom of speech.
Total freedom except where the huge media corporate giants will not allow it.

So you didn’t talk about freedom...except when you did.

As I said don’t have the slightest idea what freedom is. I ran you off the topic just like I ran you off your Trump Derangement Syndrome blather by citing Trump’s effusive praise of Alex Jones.

Keep running.
This right here is why it is pointless to even attempt to engage these people. Pointless. Cannot comprehend a word I stated.

Because I quoted you exactly?

Laughing! Given how quickly you ran when I challenged your Trump Derangement Nonsense by citing Trump’s effusive praise of
Alex Jones......

......clearly quotes aren’t your friend.

Ran? Troll, I have other stuff to do besides listen to a twisting liar all day. Thanks for proving I am correct though. You would never had tried so desperately to destroy what I have stated here were it not so. And you quoted me "directly" so many

Tail tucked between your quivering haunches as you slank away.

The moment I quoted you, you fled any discussion of freedom. Despite your blatant misconceptions of what freedom actually is.

The moment I offered to post Trump’s effusive praise of Alex Jones, you fled any mention of your nonsense Trump Derangement Syndrome claim.

All you have left are excuses *why* you abandoned your own arguments.

Get used to that feeling.
Alex Jones is more like a Nostradumbass. He got what he deserved and hopefully loses it all in the defamation suit filed against him.

Yeah accept when China says it's your time t GTF off bet we will be happy to say to you " GOOD" ........

IDIOTS Like you don't deserve America because this isn't about alex jones Trump hating idiot WAKE THE FK UP STUPID ASS.

They're coming for you fk ups next idiot

The internet Dark Ages has now descended upon us, where radical left-wing tech giants run by deranged, mentally ill communists will decide whether your content qualifies as “hate speech.” What is hate speech? It’s anything uttered by a conservative.

Spoken like a Alex Jones worshipper. I hope his site gets taken down from so you can't post endless articles from it.

Depends on who it is taken down by. If the government tried to shut down his website, I’d be standing shoulder to shoulder with that blithering conspiracy monger in defense of his rights.

But Facebook isn’t the government. And a Facebook ban has nothing to do with rights.

Save that Jones isn’t silenced. He’s ranting right now on his website. You can download or stream his videos right now.

He has total freedom of speech.
Total freedom except where the huge media corporate giants will not allow it.

You don’t even know what freedom is. Your conception of “freedom” is the power to force people to let you you use their property. Freedom is the ability to act without government intervention.

For fucks sake, read the 1st Amendment.
Pretending I don't know what I'm talking about and drawing the 1st amendment like a gun, does not help you rfallacy in any way. Fact is, this is just the beginning of the implementation of corporate censorship. The results may not be what you hoped for.

No more so than refusing to let gay rights protestors to demonstrate in your living room. Alas, Jones has no right to the use of someone else’s private internet property.

You don’t have the slightest conception of what a right or freedom is. And you’re pretending that if you ignore the meaning of each, that they magically transform into powers to make people do things.

Um, nope. Your ignorance doesn’t impose your fantasy.

FB is more like the State Fair, everyone is free to open up a Pavilion, unless the ones that run the fair don't like you, so they refuse

you a pavilion based on that.

If you’re not paying for a service, you’re the product. And Facebook chose to stop selling a product called Alex Jones.
Nowhere have I stated what freedom is. Why would I want to download Jones when I have never listened to him in the past? Why do you have to misrepresent what I have said in each reply to me? All I am stating is that for corporations to allow one group to post what some view as offensive trash while banning another is censorship. And it will lead to more problems. Now tell us all again how I'm talking about rights and how Trump has some bearing here.

Oh, I believe you, buddy. But this Mikeyx guy? He says you’re completely full of it.

Total freedom except where the huge media corporate giants will not allow it.

So you didn’t talk about freedom...except when you did.

As I said don’t have the slightest idea what freedom is. I ran you off the topic just like I ran you off your Trump Derangement Syndrome blather by citing Trump’s effusive praise of Alex Jones.

Keep running.
This right here is why it is pointless to even attempt to engage these people. Pointless. Cannot comprehend a word I stated.

Because I quoted you exactly?

Laughing! Given how quickly you ran when I challenged your Trump Derangement Nonsense by citing Trump’s effusive praise of
Alex Jones......

......clearly quotes aren’t your friend.

Ran? Troll, I have other stuff to do besides listen to a twisting liar all day. Thanks for proving I am correct though. You would never had tried so desperately to destroy what I have stated here were it not so. And you quoted me "directly" so many

Tail tucked between your quivering haunches as you slank away.

The moment I quoted you, you fled any discussion of freedom. Despite your blatant misconceptions of what freedom actually is.

The moment I offered to post Trump’s effusive praise of Alex Jones, you fled any mention of your nonsense Trump Derangement Syndrome claim.

All you have left are excuses *why* you abandoned your own arguments.

Get used to that feeling.
Nothing of the sort happened. Does the fact that I am still here posting have any impact on your psychosis?
Bottom line is that Jones is a legal liability to the platforms that host his conspiracy scandals and lies. They are the big pockets who risk losing the many millions that will still be owed after Infor Wars and Alex Jones are sued out of existence. Jones has victimized endless grieving relatives and loved ones of horrible crimes. Juries will not be kind to the evil man and his platform hosts are getting out while they can.

Jones appears to have crossed a line when he started making thinly veiled threats of violence against Mueller .....after accusing him of violent sex acts against children.
Yet you have no idea if Mueller did it or not. More TDS.
Oh, I believe you, buddy. But this Mikeyx guy? He says you’re completely full of it.

So you didn’t talk about freedom...except when you did.

As I said don’t have the slightest idea what freedom is. I ran you off the topic just like I ran you off your Trump Derangement Syndrome blather by citing Trump’s effusive praise of Alex Jones.

Keep running.
This right here is why it is pointless to even attempt to engage these people. Pointless. Cannot comprehend a word I stated.

Because I quoted you exactly?

Laughing! Given how quickly you ran when I challenged your Trump Derangement Nonsense by citing Trump’s effusive praise of
Alex Jones......

......clearly quotes aren’t your friend.

Ran? Troll, I have other stuff to do besides listen to a twisting liar all day. Thanks for proving I am correct though. You would never had tried so desperately to destroy what I have stated here were it not so. And you quoted me "directly" so many

Tail tucked between your quivering haunches as you slank away.

The moment I quoted you, you fled any discussion of freedom. Despite your blatant misconceptions of what freedom actually is.

The moment I offered to post Trump’s effusive praise of Alex Jones, you fled any mention of your nonsense Trump Derangement Syndrome claim.

All you have left are excuses *why* you abandoned your own arguments.

Get used to that feeling.
Nothing of the sort happened. Does the fact that I am still here posting have any impact on your psychosis?

Then where, pray tell, is your hopeless babble about Trump Derangement Syndrome? I offered to cite Trump’s fauning praise of Alex Jones...

....and your argument magically disappeared. Same thing with your babble about “freedom”.

You won’t discuss that either now. You ran from both your arguments.

Keep running.
This right here is why it is pointless to even attempt to engage these people. Pointless. Cannot comprehend a word I stated.

Because I quoted you exactly?

Laughing! Given how quickly you ran when I challenged your Trump Derangement Nonsense by citing Trump’s effusive praise of
Alex Jones......

......clearly quotes aren’t your friend.

Ran? Troll, I have other stuff to do besides listen to a twisting liar all day. Thanks for proving I am correct though. You would never had tried so desperately to destroy what I have stated here were it not so. And you quoted me "directly" so many

Tail tucked between your quivering haunches as you slank away.

The moment I quoted you, you fled any discussion of freedom. Despite your blatant misconceptions of what freedom actually is.

The moment I offered to post Trump’s effusive praise of Alex Jones, you fled any mention of your nonsense Trump Derangement Syndrome claim.

All you have left are excuses *why* you abandoned your own arguments.

Get used to that feeling.
Nothing of the sort happened. Does the fact that I am still here posting have any impact on your psychosis?

Then where, pray tell, is your hopeless babble about Trump Derangement Syndrome? I offered to cite Trump’s fauning praise of Alex Jones...

....and your argument magically disappeared. Same thing with your babble about “freedom”.

You won’t discuss that either now. You ran from both your arguments.

Keep running.
It's clear I have touched a nerve with this troll. Sorry troll.

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