Alex Jones Takes Another Hit

Serves him right. Let him be hit hard in court. Just stop trying to silence him
If only if Alex was silent about claiming Sandy Hook was a hoax and if only he was a bit more silent about releasing people's personal addresses -- this could have been avoided.
It's not like this is the first time Jones screwed the pooch. Here's a few more "if onlys" to contemplate.
InfoWars' Alex Jones apologizes for saying Chobani supports 'migrant rapists'
The story behind Alex Jones' unlikely Pizzagate apology
Subsequent death threats and harassment have forced the Pozner family to move seven times. They currently live in hiding.
And yet there are those who would have us believe that all the violence is coming from the left!
Not all the violence, just the vast majority of it.
That's your defense, a numbers game? How much violence from the right is OK with you? I've never defended violence from leftists. I find your attitude rather amoral.
Wow! I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight knowing how you feel about me. Let me reiterate my feelings. The vast majority of violence does come from the left in overwhelming abundance. I mean ANTIFA and all. You have to be brain dead not to acknowledge that fact. You may have never defended it, but I haven't seen you post your disdain for it on this board. I find that rather amoral about you. I have to surmise that you really don't mind it as long as it's the left doing it and the right isn't calling you out on it.
I hope you fully understand my position on this and realize that you're no better than the next person with an opinion.
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I don't subscribe to the NY Times and so didn't have access to the linked story. For those in similar situation here is another source:
Hmm, I don't subscribe to NYT, either, and I was able to read the story. Maybe you visited their site too many times in one day...

I believe it might by a certain number of views per month. I usually only visit the site through references to stories here and this past week I haven't had much success.

Anyways, it will be an interesting case. If I understand it correctly they're in a way attempting to hold Alex Jones responsible for the actions of a few of his crazed listeners. Might be a tough nut to crack if the information Jones disclosed was available through public information. So much information these days is available from such sites such as the county assessor's GIS website.
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You know, there is only one word to describe Alex Jones. A word I reserve only for the lowest scum

Alex Jones is a c*nt.

Judge Rules Against Alex Jones and Infowars in Sandy Hook Lawsuit

On his radio broadcast and in videos, Mr. Jones for years spread bogus claims that the shooting was a “false flag,” an event staged by the government as part of an effort to confiscate Americans’ firearms, and that the parents of the children killed were “crisis actors.”

After Mr. Pozner succeeded in getting an Infowars video casting doubt on the shooting removed from YouTube, Mr. Jones showed his audience Mr. Pozner’s personal information and maps to addresses associated with his family, court documents say. Mr. Jones also falsely accused Ms. De La Rosa of participating in a faked interview with Anderson Cooper of CNN after the shooting, according to court documents.

Subsequent death threats and harassment have forced the Pozner family to move seven times. They currently live in hiding.

Let's assume for a moment that Alex Jones got his story about Sandy Hook wrong, and the shooting wasn't a false flag.

That is certainly a possibility.

Why should Mr. Jones be punished for getting a story wrong? CNN broadcast a lot more fake news, every day of the week. Things that hurt our President as well as our country. And CNN does it on purpose. Alex Jones made a good faith mistake, at worst.
You know, there is only one word to describe Alex Jones. A word I reserve only for the lowest scum

Alex Jones is a c*nt.

Judge Rules Against Alex Jones and Infowars in Sandy Hook Lawsuit

On his radio broadcast and in videos, Mr. Jones for years spread bogus claims that the shooting was a “false flag,” an event staged by the government as part of an effort to confiscate Americans’ firearms, and that the parents of the children killed were “crisis actors.”

After Mr. Pozner succeeded in getting an Infowars video casting doubt on the shooting removed from YouTube, Mr. Jones showed his audience Mr. Pozner’s personal information and maps to addresses associated with his family, court documents say. Mr. Jones also falsely accused Ms. De La Rosa of participating in a faked interview with Anderson Cooper of CNN after the shooting, according to court documents.

Subsequent death threats and harassment have forced the Pozner family to move seven times. They currently live in hiding.

Meh, screw with the bull you get the horn. This has been a loooooong time coming for Alex Jones. Unemployable and about to get sued into oblivion.
You know, there is only one word to describe Alex Jones. A word I reserve only for the lowest scum

Alex Jones is a c*nt.

Subsequent death threats and harassment have forced the Pozner family to move seven times. They currently live in hiding.
And yet there are those who would have us believe that all the violence is coming from the left!
Not all the violence, just the vast majority of it.
That's your defense, a numbers game? How much violence from the right is OK with you? I've never defended violence from leftists. I find your attitude rather amoral.
Wow! I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight knowing how you feel about me. Let me reiterate my feelings. The vast majority of violence does come from the left in overwhelming abundance. I mean ANTIFA and all. You have to be brain dead not to acknowledge that fact. You may have never defended it, but I haven't seen you post your disdain for it on this board. I find that rather amoral about you. I have to surmise that you really don't mind it as long as it's the left doing it and the right isn't calling you out on it. I hope you fully understand my position on this and realize that you're no better than the next person with an opinion.
I post my disdain for those who twist the facts. There have been all sorts of violence perpetrated by all sorts of people. I'm not going to get into a counting game. I prefer to talk about ideas not people, but it becomes difficult when some post that a perpetrator was a Democrat, even when there is no political aspect to their actions. Of course, when things like OKC, Charlottesville or Charleston occur, it all gets swept under the rug by the same people.
Subsequent death threats and harassment have forced the Pozner family to move seven times. They currently live in hiding.
And yet there are those who would have us believe that all the violence is coming from the left!
Not all the violence, just the vast majority of it.
That's your defense, a numbers game? How much violence from the right is OK with you? I've never defended violence from leftists. I find your attitude rather amoral.
Wow! I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight knowing how you feel about me. Let me reiterate my feelings. The vast majority of violence does come from the left in overwhelming abundance. I mean ANTIFA and all. You have to be brain dead not to acknowledge that fact. You may have never defended it, but I haven't seen you post your disdain for it on this board. I find that rather amoral about you. I have to surmise that you really don't mind it as long as it's the left doing it and the right isn't calling you out on it. I hope you fully understand my position on this and realize that you're no better than the next person with an opinion.
I post my disdain for those who twist the facts. There have been all sorts of violence perpetrated by all sorts of people. I'm not going to get into a counting game. I prefer to talk about ideas not people, but it becomes difficult when some post that a perpetrator was a Democrat, even when there is no political aspect to their actions. Of course, when things like OKC, Charlottesville or Charleston occur, it all gets swept under the rug by the same people.
Shouldn't be hard for you to show a post where you showed your disdain for ANTIFA. By the started the counting game. I was just responding....try and take responsibility. Seems like you're still counting, just an observation.

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