Alex Jones: Trump Is Either Ignorant Or The Most Evil Person Ever

1. We do. I'm pretty sure we do more so now than ever before since there are computer systems for doing so.

Computer in no way improve accuracy of voter registration at all, but just make voter fraud more trivial.
For example, the 2000 election, 40,000 Black ballots were destroyed in Dade county because they had similar names to the names of convicted felons.
That was totally illegal and wrong, and would not have been so easy if not done by computer.
Computers are not at all more accurate, just make it easier to use as an excuse or hide intent.
Computers reduce the number of people who have to be involved, so make fraud MUCH easier.
There is no "tin hat" conspiracy. Maybe you did not see any of the articles proving that Trump lost the EC by only 43,000 votes? (google: Trump lost by 43,000 votes)
That wasn’t the tinfoil hat conspiracy theory I was referring to. I was referring to THIS stupid Alex Jones bullshit of yours:

“He beat the voter-fraud machinery in 2016, and got many more votes in 2020. Maybe the dems didn't crank out the fraudulent votes in 2016 like in 2020 because they thought they had it in the bag?”
You’ll find that nearly all intelligent Americans have remorse for presidential votes they’ve made in the past.

However in 2016, I have no remorse for voting for dumb Don. Only because Hillary would have been much worse.
Q. How could HRC been worse?

Be detailed.

Well, which one is it?? Is he just dumb as hell or is he completely evil to continue to take credit for probably the most evil substance ever produced by government and big pharma??

Candace claims he is just dumb because he is old and does r read much or do any research of his own...only what he sees in the mainstream media...and because he is so ignorant and intellectually lazy -- this is precisely why he must be put back in the White House..

However, it's not like people close to him haven't told him that most of his base already knows that these vaccines are evil and poisonous -- yet he still pushes it and brags about being the one who created it...why is he so evil??

What fun!
Q. How could HRC been worse?

Be detailed.
Oh that is easy.
I am far left, but Hillary was a total fascist.
She was behind the 1994 Federal Crime Bill passed by Bill Clinton and Joe Biden, she pushed the invasion of Iraq, the murder of Qaddafi, the murder of Assad, the military coup in Egypt, and she wanted to nuke Iran.
Why do you think Ambassador Stevens was even in Benghazi, a very dangerous place?
It was because Hillary wanted Stevens to get weapons and money to al Qaeda and ISIS, in order to attack Assad.
And to top it off, Hillary was the genius who came up with the idea of mandatory private health insurance.
There likely has never been more of a fascist candidate than Hillary.
Oh that is easy.
I am far left, but Hillary was a total fascist.
She was behind the 1994 Federal Crime Bill passed by Bill Clinton and Joe Biden, she pushed the invasion of Iraq, the murder of Qaddafi, the murder of Assad, the military coup in Egypt, and she wanted to nuke Iran.
Why do you think Ambassador Stevens was even in Benghazi, a very dangerous place?
It was because Hillary wanted Stevens to get weapons and money to al Qaeda and ISIS, in order to attack Assad.
And to top it off, Hillary was the genius who came up with the idea of mandatory private health insurance.
There likely has never been more of a fascist candidate than Hillary.
LOL These opinions of yours lack any proof.
I'm guessing Alex the Performance Artist™ won't be invited to any shindigs at Mar-A-Lago™ any time soon!
LOL These opinions of yours lack any proof.

But do you disagree?
Hillary was the one pushing the democrats in Congress to back the invasion of Iraq.
While honest people like Bernie Sanders were totally against it.
And just do a search for "Hillary, Arab Spring", and you will get hundreds of hits on how Hillary intentionally pushed for total destabilization of the Mideast.
Trump lost the election because he did a REALLY bad job of running the country - even before covid.
Sure dumbass and all these whistleblowers in the post office who were willing to give testimony before Congress knowing the penalty of perjury were all lying about the fraud they witnessed firsthand,there was no the lots of dead people voting for biden,and there was not filmed footage of people getting out faked ballots under desks counting them after a false water leak sent people home and they did not continue counting in the wee hours long after the deadline and there were not ballots delivered in the wee hours of the night long after the voting was suppose to end and poll workers were not turned away from counting the votes either,don’t you ever get tired of ending up with shit on your face in embarrassment everyday by me.paid Dnc shill. :abgg2q.jpg:
Computer in no way improve accuracy of voter registration at all, but just make voter fraud more trivial.
For example, the 2000 election, 40,000 Black ballots were destroyed in Dade county because they had similar names to the names of convicted felons.
That was totally illegal and wrong, and would not have been so easy if not done by computer.
Computers are not at all more accurate, just make it easier to use as an excuse or hide intent.
Computers reduce the number of people who have to be involved, so make fraud MUCH easier.
As always the shill gets his ass owned.
Sure dumbass and all these whistleblowers in the post office who were willing to give testimony before Congress knowing the penalty of perjury were all lying about the fraud they witnessed firsthand,there was no the lots of dead people voting for biden,and there was not filmed footage of people getting out faked ballots under desks counting them after a false water leak sent people home and they did not continue counting in the wee hours long after the deadline and there were not ballots delivered in the wee hours of the night long after the voting was suppose to end and poll workers were not turned away from counting the votes either,don’t you ever get tired of ending up with shit on your face in embarrassment everyday by me.paid Dnc shill. :abgg2q.jpg:
All of which turned out to be bullshit

Exaggerations, misinterpretations,, and outright lies.

NONE of which could be corroborated, much of which was retracted.

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