Alex Jones Wants Sandy Hook Parents to Pay His Legal Fees

"In 2016 the danger of Jones’s words became more tangible when one of his acolytes," Lucy Richards of Florida, "was arrested for threatening the lives of the Pozner parents." Ha! She did time, good. Now that Alex Jones needs to go next.
Know what I'd like to see? Alex Jones locked in a room with the parents of the kids killed in Sandy Hook. Give him a microphone to explain his position, and give the parents billy clubs and baseball bats so they can reply to his bullshit claims.
Know what I'd like to see? Alex Jones locked in a room with the parents of the kids killed in Sandy Hook. Give him a microphone to explain his position, and give the parents billy clubs and baseball bats so they can reply to his bullshit claims.

Wow, violence encouraged for someone having an opinion.
Know what I'd like to see? Alex Jones locked in a room with the parents of the kids killed in Sandy Hook. Give him a microphone to explain his position, and give the parents billy clubs and baseball bats so they can reply to his bullshit claims.

Wow, violence encouraged for someone having an opinion.

Saying that Sandy Hook was a hoax isn't an opinion. It's a full blown conspiracy theory. And, that conspiracy theory has garnered death threats directed at the parents of children that were killed from some conservatives who listen to his show.
Know what I'd like to see? Alex Jones locked in a room with the parents of the kids killed in Sandy Hook. Give him a microphone to explain his position, and give the parents billy clubs and baseball bats so they can reply to his bullshit claims.

Wow, violence encouraged for someone having an opinion.

Saying that Sandy Hook was a hoax isn't an opinion. It's a full blown conspiracy theory. And, that conspiracy theory has garnered death threats directed at the parents of children that were killed from some conservatives who listen to his show.
You are right about the hoax, Abikersailor, but I doubt the Sandy Hook parents would react as you desire. Some hurts go too deep. A common anger to give what was given to them is normal, but this massacre stuns and I doubt these parents would stain the memory of their children by reacting like their killer. I'm sure they know the 'feel good' wouldn't last, but their pain goes on forever.
Know what I'd like to see? Alex Jones locked in a room with the parents of the kids killed in Sandy Hook. Give him a microphone to explain his position, and give the parents billy clubs and baseball bats so they can reply to his bullshit claims.

Wow, violence encouraged for someone having an opinion.

Saying that Sandy Hook was a hoax isn't an opinion. It's a full blown conspiracy theory. And, that conspiracy theory has garnered death threats directed at the parents of children that were killed from some conservatives who listen to his show.

So conspiracy theories aren't considered free speech?
Know what I'd like to see? Alex Jones locked in a room with the parents of the kids killed in Sandy Hook. Give him a microphone to explain his position, and give the parents billy clubs and baseball bats so they can reply to his bullshit claims.
Wow, violence encouraged for someone having an opinion.
To me, an opinion is one thing, but for this guy to go as far as to wanting his legal fees paid by those who lost kids in the horror, that right there in my opinion is nothing but sheer and severe harassment...maybe even full fledged abuse considering the fact that them people did lose their children.

God bless you and them always!!!

Know what I'd like to see? Alex Jones locked in a room with the parents of the kids killed in Sandy Hook. Give him a microphone to explain his position, and give the parents billy clubs and baseball bats so they can reply to his bullshit claims.

Wow, violence encouraged for someone having an opinion.

Saying that Sandy Hook was a hoax isn't an opinion. It's a full blown conspiracy theory. And, that conspiracy theory has garnered death threats directed at the parents of children that were killed from some conservatives who listen to his show.

So conspiracy theories aren't considered free speech?

Not when the people listening to them are incited to level death threats at the families.

From the link.................................

In 2016 the danger of Jones’s words became more tangible when one of his acolytes was arrested for threatening the lives of the Pozner parents. Lucy Richards of Florida had become so convinced that the shooting was a “false flag” that she sent threats to Lenny Pozner that said “you gonna die, death is coming to you real soon” and “LOOK BEHIND YOU IT IS DEATH.” According to court documents, as a condition of her parole, Richards was ordered to never again watch, read, or listen to content from Infowars.

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