Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Last time the U.S. had such an existential threat was around WWII

They also have to cut services for the rest like cheaper college and loans and training, and of course state and local taxes go up and they kill the non rich like you and me. Try thinking read a newspaper
Sounds to me like we have a flooded job market. The giant mob of illegal commie asshats from Honduras will surely make that problem worse.
Irrelevant super dupe racist LOL. We're talking about the GOP wrecking the middle class and the country the last 35 years.... They deserve to ask the GOP for Asylum after they wrecked their countries with the drug war and the depression of 2008. You people are a catastrophe.

How many illegals will you take in at your place cupcake?
They are all over the place here at Republican Farms LOL. We need to legalize pot and extend NAFTA to their countries. We need to end this because this is ridiculous, and we need a national ID card to stop any more coming. The wall is a joke, super duper.

Can you provide a translation of your post for English speakers please?

I can tell you were public schooled.
Republican farmers employ the most illegals. Then there are Republican rich people who love them for cooks and maids and gardeners. You are a super dupe. Not to worry there are millions.
She's talking about climate change, but the moron forgot about the decades after WWII of the threat we lived with having nuclear missles pointed at us.

What a fucking idiot, and this woman is going to be elected to Congress.

Ocasio-Cortez: Climate change is ‘existential threat’ similar to Nazi Germany during WW2

The Democratic candidate for the House seat in New York said that the US’s efforts to tackle climate change should employ a similar “blueprint” of industrialisation that it used against Nazi Germany during the Second World War.

She said: “So we talk about existential threats, the last time we had a really major existential threat to this country was around World War Two.

“And so we've been here before and we have a blueprint of doing this before."

She added that by putting more people to work and by “mobilising” and “industrialising” the economy, it would help to further combat the effects of climate change.

Ocasio-Cortez: Climate change is ‘existential threat’ similar to Nazi Germany during WW2
Only if the unfortunate on welfare have no training programs or Apprenticeships in order to get jobs. Like now in dupe world.I'm sure all the Republican Farmers around you have millions of illegals working for them...
suppose its typical for a BIG STRONG RW'er to be scared shitless of a 125lb female.


nobody else is - :cul2:
That anyone would be afraid of ignorance shown by Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is just downright funny. Anyone who would suggest such an obvious absurdity is laughable.
suppose its typical for a BIG STRONG RW'er to be scared shitless of a 125lb female.


nobody else is - :cul2:
That anyone would be afraid of ignorance shown by Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is just downright funny. Anyone who would suggest such an obvious absurdity is laughable.
So why are we the only rich country without Healthcare daycare living wage good infrastructure and vacations, cheap college and training, the wealthy paying their fair share, super dupers? And a healthy middle class for that matter... We also have the worst inequality and upward Mobility now. Thanks GOP and silly dupes....
suppose its typical for a BIG STRONG RW'er to be scared shitless of a 125lb female.


nobody else is - :cul2:
That anyone would be afraid of ignorance shown by Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is just downright funny. Anyone who would suggest such an obvious absurdity is laughable.
So why are we the only rich country without Healthcare daycare living wage good infrastructure and vacations, cheap college and training, the wealthy paying their fair share, super dupers? And a healthy middle class for that matter... We also have the worst inequality and upward Mobility now. Thanks GOP and silly dupes....

Be careful what you wish for. Germany for instance has the second highest income tax rate in Europe, Value Added Tax (similar to sales tax) of 19% , property taxes among other taxes. There is nothing free. Germans have one of the largest tax burdens in Europe. You either spend YOUR money as you see fit or give others the power to spend YOUR money as they see fit. THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH. As Mrs. Thatcher said "Socialism works until you run out of other peoples money,"
So why are we the only rich country without Healthcare daycare living wage good infrastructure and vacatnions, cheap college and training, the wealthy paying their fair share, super dupers? And a healthy middle class for that matter... We also have the worst inequality and upward Mobility now. Thanks GOP and silly dupes....
Where O where to start with you, lol. Fundamentally, Americans are independent, self reliant, freedom and gumption driven people & we fought a bloody war for independence, from the sort of 'top down' governance that U seem to crave. We want to provide for ourselves and accumulate wealth to use as we see fit, in bettering ourselves and our decedents. If this seems antiquated to U it just serves to underscore how far adrift U are from the tenets that made this nation great. Your post is largely the antithesis of Kennedy's pithy call for us to "ask not what your country can do for you but what U can do for your country".

All that being said, how do you suppose your rabid, open borders, globalist ideals bode for you personally in ever receiving the entitlements that U desire...? We have 40,000 homeless Veterans & millions of illegals already receiving some spectrum of 'cradle to grave' entitlements & U want exponentially more millions of 3rd world dregs of the world to flood your borders. You have the gall & ineptitude to bemoan the lack of 'free shit' flowing in your direction, lol. Dream on you ideological pawn, as your socialistic facades crumbles around you. The only ones still standing tall will be the ones clinging to the remnants of the American ideals of the past & the great ones who preceded us, who showed us how to 'pull ourselves up by our boot straps'. Good luck to U... you'll definitely need it!
suppose its typical for a BIG STRONG RW'er to be scared shitless of a 125lb female.


nobody else is - :cul2:

I am a registered democrat since the DAY I turned 21---approximately
a half century ago---
Alexandria Cortez is an EXISTENTIAL THREAT to New York and the USA.
I am a bit less than 125 lb and female. Her claim to fame is "good marks in
school with "ECONOMICS" as a major. -------I graduated with honors and
Phi beta Kappa-------and had Aced what were considered the KILLER COURSES---(to wit calculus and organic chemistry etc etc) Economics was CREME PUFF
for drop outs from the solid stuff like chemistry, physics and math. Economics,
psychology and sociology-----for "drop outs" ... I would have been a clueless
dud as a senator at her age--------just as is she.--------I had big time SOCIALIST
IDIOT IDEAS TOO--------but not her AUDACITY (good thing)
the younger generation will be filling in the blanks when you old RW derelicts wither and die on the vine.

chances are pretty good they wont be voting right or left after Bernie got them started.

Yep, they want the handouts. Cradle to grave government nipple.
Nobody wants that, super duper, everyone wants a good job, but many thanks for the GOP making college as expensive as possible, training non-existent, the lowest minimum wage ever, so now we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever, and the idiot GOP rich laughing all the way to the bank. Thanks dupes...
/——/ The GOP doesn’t set college tuition-the schools do you blithering idiot

Not to mention, throwing a gazillion $$ of student loan money into the markets.
If you knew anything about policy you know the Republicans under w changed the laws so we can have online universities screw returning vets, but no you know nothing but stupid propaganda. The GOP also loves giving Banks the school loan business so they can screw everybody. Thanks scumbag GOP and silly dupes..
/——/ WTF?????
Well she is pretty good at spewing the socialist line.

Sure hope she never gets elected cause the tax payers will be the ones to pay for her socialist ideas.
Sounds to me like we have a flooded job market. The giant mob of illegal commie asshats from Honduras will surely make that problem worse.
Irrelevant super dupe racist LOL. We're talking about the GOP wrecking the middle class and the country the last 35 years.... They deserve to ask the GOP for Asylum after they wrecked their countries with the drug war and the depression of 2008. You people are a catastrophe.

How many illegals will you take in at your place cupcake?
They are all over the place here at Republican Farms LOL. We need to legalize pot and extend NAFTA to their countries. We need to end this because this is ridiculous, and we need a national ID card to stop any more coming. The wall is a joke, super duper.

Can you provide a translation of your post for English speakers please?

I can tell you were public schooled.
I went to the Hotchkiss School that's why I know grammar so well and hate typing. I also taught at private school. You are wrong all the time, super duper.

If true, why are your posts illegible?
Sounds to me like we have a flooded job market. The giant mob of illegal commie asshats from Honduras will surely make that problem worse.
Irrelevant super dupe racist LOL. We're talking about the GOP wrecking the middle class and the country the last 35 years.... They deserve to ask the GOP for Asylum after they wrecked their countries with the drug war and the depression of 2008. You people are a catastrophe.

How many illegals will you take in at your place cupcake?
They are all over the place here at Republican Farms LOL. We need to legalize pot and extend NAFTA to their countries. We need to end this because this is ridiculous, and we need a national ID card to stop any more coming. The wall is a joke, super duper.

Can you provide a translation of your post for English speakers please?

I can tell you were public schooled.
Republican farmers employ the most illegals. Then there are Republican rich people who love them for cooks and maids and gardeners. You are a super dupe. Not to worry there are millions.


Or just your "opinion"?
suppose its typical for a BIG STRONG RW'er to be scared shitless of a 125lb female.


nobody else is - :cul2:

If she becomes a left-wing lawmaker, then ALL Americans should indeed be scared shitless !
Yep, an intelligent Fair Country would be horrible... Let's keep giving it away to the idiot greedy rich.

What do you mean by "fair" please elaborate.

People who sit on their ass getting the riches of people who worked hard for their money.

Nothing quite disgusts me more than this mindset.
suppose its typical for a BIG STRONG RW'er to be scared shitless of a 125lb female.


nobody else is - :cul2:

If she becomes a left-wing lawmaker, then ALL Americans should indeed be scared shitless !
Yep, an intelligent Fair Country would be horrible... Let's keep giving it away to the idiot greedy rich.

What do you mean by "fair" please elaborate.
We should be like all other rich countries dot-dot-dot tax the rich their fair share, Health Care daycare paid parental leave living wage good infrastructure and vacations, cheap college and training, national ID card or enforce e-verify and end illegal immigration.

Have you ever worked hard for anything in your life? Some people are born dirt poor and work their way up by busting their asses and making sacrifices. You’re saying “fuck those people. I deserve their money” bc FAIR. But it’s not fair, not even fucking close to fair.
suppose its typical for a BIG STRONG RW'er to be scared shitless of a 125lb female.


nobody else is - :cul2:

If she becomes a left-wing lawmaker, then ALL Americans should indeed be scared shitless !
Yep, an intelligent Fair Country would be horrible... Let's keep giving it away to the idiot greedy rich.

What intelligent or fair thing has she said yet? Link?
Nothing that's on Fox or Rush Etc, that's for sure.

LMAO that’s not an answer.
the younger generation will be filling in the blanks when you old RW derelicts wither and die on the vine.

chances are pretty good they wont be voting right or left after Bernie got them started.

Yep, they want the handouts. Cradle to grave government nipple.
Nobody wants that, super duper, everyone wants a good job, but many thanks for the GOP making college as expensive as possible, training non-existent, the lowest minimum wage ever, so now we have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever, and the idiot GOP rich laughing all the way to the bank. Thanks dupes...

Wow you might be as dumb as deanrd.

I’m so sorry.

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