Alger Hiss: American Hero...

He was NEVER TRIED for being a communist spy.
Only because the statute of limitations had run out.

Stop pretending it's because there was no case against him.

Other than rank hearsay from Chambers, who changed his story many times and was an admitted perjurer, and a woman also an admitted perjurer who was being deported:
what other evidence was there?
Hiss never would have been convicted of anything as there was NO hard evidence of anything.
And Dave, please list the names of the 205 communists McCarthy claimed he had evidence on as being spies at State Department.
And Dave, how come it did not bother you that IF McCarthy ever had those names, and you are not foolish enough to believe he ever did, how come no one ever demanded HE give up all those names so they could get rid and/or prosecute them?
You are the one that needs to stop pretending McCarthy had valid evidence of 205 communist spies at State. They called his bluff and he went away.
And the kicker is John Foster Dulles, tell us he was Dave and what he did, never believed it either. He knew Hiss was railroaded by a political witch hunt.
Hiss to his death maintained his innocence and made every effort possible to clear his name.
Dood. Did you lose a bet or something? Is that why you're so passionately defending a man almost universally believed to be a Soviet spy?
Misogyny isn't helping your case at all. In fact, it's pretty much a surrender.

All the while you have your partisan head in the sand and ignore her calling me names.
The partisan biased political ideological hack that you are.

I see that Political Buzzword of the Day toilet paper is really paying off for you.

Meanwhile, PC is insulting you because you're an idiot.

You're insulting her because you can't tolerate being out-thought by a woman, so you're mindlessly flinging sexist comments.

Grow up, you sissy bedwetter.

"sexist comments"
And you claim I am the "bedwetter".
Her damn moniker has a woman with her skirt intentionally up past her ass and that is for what reason?
To give you and all your naive and gullible wannahbe he men a hard on.
And she has been very good at it as evidenced by your assault on anyone that dare question anything her up the ass skirt Ms. Santa Claus says.
Fortunately for those that seek facts instead of opinion I am here to lead.
Where are the 205 names?
You know they never existed and you have been made the fool that you are so all you and your hack friends are left with are calling others "sissy, idiot" and worse.
Sticks and stones dave. I have been shot at, beat up and left for dead. Played 4 quarters against some of the very, very best.
But keep it up and in between your partisan hack party here see if you can come up with those 205 names.
Which will be hard dave because even you know THEY DO NOT EXIST.
Facts sure are a bitch aren't they?
You would not last 10 seconds in my world.
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Eisenhower and top CIA officials called Joe what he was.
A drunk, liar, con man and fraud.
Amazing anyone here would fall for it.
But Ann Coluter tells you to and you follow like the sheep you are.
Pitiful that low information citizens exist in the Democrat and Republican Party.
Eisenhower and top CIA officials called Joe what he was.
A drunk, liar, con man and fraud.
Amazing anyone here would fall for it.
But Ann Coluter tells you to and you follow like the sheep you are.
Pitiful that low information citizens exist in the Democrat and Republican Party.

Elizabeth Bentley, Hede Massing, Nathaniel Weyl and Louis Budenz

Look 'em up
Bentley stated that Hiss POSSIBLY was "connected" to the Soviets.
Was there members of the communist PARTY in government?
Being in the communist party was not a crime of any kind and never has been.
Of course but were they spies of any kind? Or were they pre-war worker's party union people caught up with post depression anti business committees?
NO evidence anywhere to show Hiss was a communist SPY and that McCarthy had a list of 205 communist spies.
Probably spies to this date in government but does intelligence want PR press conference media whores like McCarthy waving papers around with pep rally mobs cheering?
All Joe did was blow most all the cases and infiltrations intelligence had built for decades.
And you fools do not understand a damn thing.
And where am I "supporting Hiss" when all I am doing is asking for some EVIDENCE?
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Eisenhower and top CIA officials called Joe what he was.
A drunk, liar, con man and fraud.
Amazing anyone here would fall for it.
But Ann Coluter tells you to and you follow like the sheep you are.
Pitiful that low information citizens exist in the Democrat and Republican Party.

Elizabeth Bentley, Hede Massing, Nathaniel Weyl and Louis Budenz

Look 'em up

Where are the other 201?
And where did McCarthy identify ANY of those 4.
Look 'em up.

Just wow

Those are people who independently identified Hiss as a Soviet spy

First of all, the guy to whom you were responding is so stupid he couldn't make it into Jeff Dunham's act.

But I suspect that many who refuse to admit that individuals like Hiss were paid Soviet spies and agents are actually trying to divert some of the reproach, the due contempt from the Liberal icon, Franklin Roosevelt.

Just wow

Those are people who independently identified Hiss as a Soviet spy

Chambers was the only one that identified Hiss as a Soviet spy.
And he changed his story how many times testifying that he was a liar and had lied many times under oath?
Two pieces of evidence ONLY convicted Hiss of perjury:
The testimony of Chambers and the typewriter that Chambers ONLY claimed was what Hiss used.
If Chambers was lying there is NO evidence. Chambers in 1948 testified that Hiss was never a spy.

Now some intelligence background for the wannabe Dick Tracys here as I have 34 years professional service in this area and have worked for decades with former CIA and Mossad members just to name a few.
Truman appointed Dulles to report on the fledgling CIA and produce recommendations. Now I know this is too far back for you youngsters that depend on Rush, Sean and Ann Coulter for all of your info but listen up and someone that has spent his entire life in the intelligence industry will lay all the facts out for you.
Dulles made his report which recommended MORE and increased responsibilities for the CIA including more covert operations to combat the REAL and ever increasing Communist threat. To make suggestions that I somehow diminish the intelligence capabilities and actions of the Soviets during this time is absurd. They had the lead on us BECAUSE OF the politically motivated misinformation being spread nationally before McCarthy. The publicity garnered by the Hiss case provided an appropriate backdrop to his themes.
Very eager to make a name for himself enter Tricky Dick Nixon who later in life I believe to be one of the greatest Presidents ever in the area of foreign diplomacy and relations. But back to the realities of his past. Nixon had already make a name for himself clawing his way to victory how? By accusing his opponent Jerry Voorhis of being what?
A communist!
Red baiting was all the rage at that time and naive and gullible voters eat it up same as when they wanted to legalize interracial marriage they claimed the communists were behind that also.
Funny, Nixon claimed Voorhis was a Communist but Voorhis served on the House Un-American Activities Committee HUAC when he was in Congress.
Why is it I am the only one that has ever done any real research and investigative work here? How come you good folks are so ignorant of the facts?
Back to reality as the original charges against Hiss were brought up where? The 1948 HUAC hearings. Imagine that sports fans.
So what happens next? Chambers leads investigators out to a pumpkin patch and retrieves microfilm from a pumpkin. Nixon proclaims the results will be "shocking"! No relevance was ever made to the Hiss case from the pumpkin caper.
So the typewriter is the only thing left. The typewriter had to be in Hiss' possession on 7/8/1938 for any of Chambers' story to be true sports fans.
The serial # was #230,099 on that typewriter
The manufacturing records from the Woodstock typewriter company showed the typewriter was not manufactured until later in 1938, MONTHS AFTER 7/8/1938.
And the FBI, through Hoover, sent in an undercover FBI informant to work as an investigator for the lawyers of Hiss. That in itself would be grounds for dismissal of all charges in this time. 200 pages of Chambers statements were never given to the defense and even in that day that was an illegal move by the prosecution in the criminal rules of procedure in the discovery process. The FBI paid off someone to claim that the typewriter was the real one used even though 2 lab tests by the FBI in their own labs failed to reach that conclusion.
Oh...wait a minute!...perhaps it was 'Alger Hiss, Soviet Hero!'

4. Alger Hiss succeeded in becoming part of the American delegation at Yalta. Stalin managed to win the policy debates, mainly about the future of Poland (which had been conceded to Soviet dominance at Tehran) since he, Stalin, was kept informed about classified intelligence. An idea as to how important Hiss was to Moscow is conveyed by Moscow’s congratulations to Hiss. Gorsky reported… in March 1945, after a meeting between Akhmerov and Hiss: ‘Recently ALES (Hiss) and his whole group were awarded Soviet decorations. After the Yalta conference, …passed on to him their gratitude and so on.’ ”
‘The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archives, the History of the KGB,” by Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin.p.134 (quoting the Venona decrypts)

5. Why was Hiss decorated by a grateful Stalin? On February 11, 1945, millions of people living in Eastern Europe, and another two million scattered by the war in other parts of Europe were given a life sentence- and in many cases, a death sentence. They had been condemned to Stalin's custody by the Allied agreement to Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe at Yalta.... Hiss had ensured the destruction of the anti-Bolshevik masses in free Europe.
West, "American Betrayal," p. 231-232.

a. Between 2 and 4 million were forcibly transferred, many of whom became slave laborers in the Gulag.
" Operation Keelhaul; The Story of Forced Repatriation from 1944 to the Present." by Julius Epstein

b. Hiss was far from the only Soviet spy in the Roosevelt administration. Soviet spymaster Pavel Sudoplatov, whose duty it was to prepare psychological profiles of the members of the American delegation at Yalta, wrote: "I had the feeling that Hiss was acting under the instructions of Hopkins." "Special Tasks: The Memoirs of an Unwanted Witness - A Soviet Spymaster" by Pavel Sudoplatov, Anatoli Sudoplatov, Robert Conquest and Jerrold L. Schecter

Anyone tell the Princeton folks?

Or Bard College?

Or the Massachusetts Bar Association?

Who are we kiddin'.....they're Liberals.....why would they forget a spy who worked against America.
He's their hero.


Just wow

Those are people who independently identified Hiss as a Soviet spy

Chambers was the only one that identified Hiss as a Soviet spy.
And he changed his story how many times testifying that he was a liar and had lied many times under oath?
Two pieces of evidence ONLY convicted Hiss of perjury:
The testimony of Chambers and the typewriter that Chambers ONLY claimed was what Hiss used.
If Chambers was lying there is NO evidence. Chambers in 1948 testified that Hiss was never a spy.

Now some intelligence background for the wannabe Dick Tracys here as I have 34 years professional service in this area and have worked for decades with former CIA and Mossad members just to name a few.
Truman appointed Dulles to report on the fledgling CIA and produce recommendations. Now I know this is too far back for you youngsters that depend on Rush, Sean and Ann Coulter for all of your info but listen up and someone that has spent his entire life in the intelligence industry will lay all the facts out for you.
Dulles made his report which recommended MORE and increased responsibilities for the CIA including more covert operations to combat the REAL and ever increasing Communist threat. To make suggestions that I somehow diminish the intelligence capabilities and actions of the Soviets during this time is absurd. They had the lead on us BECAUSE OF the politically motivated misinformation being spread nationally before McCarthy. The publicity garnered by the Hiss case provided an appropriate backdrop to his themes.
Very eager to make a name for himself enter Tricky Dick Nixon who later in life I believe to be one of the greatest Presidents ever in the area of foreign diplomacy and relations. But back to the realities of his past. Nixon had already make a name for himself clawing his way to victory how? By accusing his opponent Jerry Voorhis of being what?
A communist!
Red baiting was all the rage at that time and naive and gullible voters eat it up same as when they wanted to legalize interracial marriage they claimed the communists were behind that also.
Funny, Nixon claimed Voorhis was a Communist but Voorhis served on the House Un-American Activities Committee HUAC when he was in Congress.
Why is it I am the only one that has ever done any real research and investigative work here? How come you good folks are so ignorant of the facts?
Back to reality as the original charges against Hiss were brought up where? The 1948 HUAC hearings. Imagine that sports fans.
So what happens next? Chambers leads investigators out to a pumpkin patch and retrieves microfilm from a pumpkin. Nixon proclaims the results will be "shocking"! No relevance was ever made to the Hiss case from the pumpkin caper.
So the typewriter is the only thing left. The typewriter had to be in Hiss' possession on 7/8/1938 for any of Chambers' story to be true sports fans.
The serial # was #230,099 on that typewriter
The manufacturing records from the Woodstock typewriter company showed the typewriter was not manufactured until later in 1938, MONTHS AFTER 7/8/1938.
And the FBI, through Hoover, sent in an undercover FBI informant to work as an investigator for the lawyers of Hiss. That in itself would be grounds for dismissal of all charges in this time. 200 pages of Chambers statements were never given to the defense and even in that day that was an illegal move by the prosecution in the criminal rules of procedure in the discovery process. The FBI paid off someone to claim that the typewriter was the real one used even though 2 lab tests by the FBI in their own labs failed to reach that conclusion.

Source for all of this?

Oh that's right you have none.

He was a proven spy and the evidence was damning.

As were most of the others who you claim were redbaited.

Mccarthy was right.

Just wow

Those are people who independently identified Hiss as a Soviet spy

Chambers was the only one that identified Hiss as a Soviet spy.
And he changed his story how many times testifying that he was a liar and had lied many times under oath?
Two pieces of evidence ONLY convicted Hiss of perjury:
The testimony of Chambers and the typewriter that Chambers ONLY claimed was what Hiss used.
If Chambers was lying there is NO evidence. Chambers in 1948 testified that Hiss was never a spy.

Now some intelligence background for the wannabe Dick Tracys here as I have 34 years professional service in this area and have worked for decades with former CIA and Mossad members just to name a few.
Truman appointed Dulles to report on the fledgling CIA and produce recommendations. Now I know this is too far back for you youngsters that depend on Rush, Sean and Ann Coulter for all of your info but listen up and someone that has spent his entire life in the intelligence industry will lay all the facts out for you.
Dulles made his report which recommended MORE and increased responsibilities for the CIA including more covert operations to combat the REAL and ever increasing Communist threat. To make suggestions that I somehow diminish the intelligence capabilities and actions of the Soviets during this time is absurd. They had the lead on us BECAUSE OF the politically motivated misinformation being spread nationally before McCarthy. The publicity garnered by the Hiss case provided an appropriate backdrop to his themes.
Very eager to make a name for himself enter Tricky Dick Nixon who later in life I believe to be one of the greatest Presidents ever in the area of foreign diplomacy and relations. But back to the realities of his past. Nixon had already make a name for himself clawing his way to victory how? By accusing his opponent Jerry Voorhis of being what?
A communist!
Red baiting was all the rage at that time and naive and gullible voters eat it up same as when they wanted to legalize interracial marriage they claimed the communists were behind that also.
Funny, Nixon claimed Voorhis was a Communist but Voorhis served on the House Un-American Activities Committee HUAC when he was in Congress.
Why is it I am the only one that has ever done any real research and investigative work here? How come you good folks are so ignorant of the facts?
Back to reality as the original charges against Hiss were brought up where? The 1948 HUAC hearings. Imagine that sports fans.
So what happens next? Chambers leads investigators out to a pumpkin patch and retrieves microfilm from a pumpkin. Nixon proclaims the results will be "shocking"! No relevance was ever made to the Hiss case from the pumpkin caper.
So the typewriter is the only thing left. The typewriter had to be in Hiss' possession on 7/8/1938 for any of Chambers' story to be true sports fans.
The serial # was #230,099 on that typewriter
The manufacturing records from the Woodstock typewriter company showed the typewriter was not manufactured until later in 1938, MONTHS AFTER 7/8/1938.
And the FBI, through Hoover, sent in an undercover FBI informant to work as an investigator for the lawyers of Hiss. That in itself would be grounds for dismissal of all charges in this time. 200 pages of Chambers statements were never given to the defense and even in that day that was an illegal move by the prosecution in the criminal rules of procedure in the discovery process. The FBI paid off someone to claim that the typewriter was the real one used even though 2 lab tests by the FBI in their own labs failed to reach that conclusion.

Source for all of this?

Oh that's right you have none.

He was a proven spy and the evidence was damning.

As were most of the others who you claim were redbaited.

Mccarthy was right.

Where are the 205 names?
Start with that as your team made that whopper up.
Name those 205 spies.
If it was true why would he NEVER reveal information that 205 spies were roaming free?
There never were 205 spies and you know it.

"Wham it zero on set, EP team on the ready, KO team on the squares and 4th string D to group"
My sources are the trial transcripts and the HUAC hearings.
Both none of you partisan hack ideologue naive and gullible fools have ever looked at one page of.
Because the sheep that you are have you taking your marching orders from Rush, Sean and Ann Coulter.
My sources are the trial transcripts and the HUAC hearings.
Both none of you partisan hack ideologue naive and gullible fools have ever looked at one page of.
Because the sheep that you are have you taking your marching orders from Rush, Sean and Ann Coulter.

You want to debate Rush, Sean, and Ann Coulter, most likely in that order too, right, so you would not have to debate Ann Coulter. I would say off the cuff Ann Coulter knows a lot more about this then you, after all, her book treason was a #1 best seller, I guess you probably wrote a best-seller as well, so this should be a good debate.

Go ahead and tell us about what Ann Coulter wrote and why you believe a best selling author is wrong and you are right.
Maybe Hiss was a communist spy.
But there was no evidence he was.
Whittaker Chambers was the ONLY witness to claim he was in the first trial and he first denied that Hiss was a spy.
Hiss testified before a House committee he was not a communist or a spy.
Chambers says he was a communist before that same committee.
Hiss was never indicted for espionage because the statute of limitations had run. Why did they allow it to run? He was indicted and tried on 2 counts of perjury.
Chambers admits at trial he lied many times under oath relating to this matter including lies about dates and other facts.
First trial deadlocked hung jury even with the Cold War scare in America the evidence was so pitiful.
Second trial prosecution brings in a citizen about to be deported who the Judge would not allow to testify in the first trial because her story was so bogus. Cold War hysteria forced 2nd Judge to allow her testimony. After the trial even though she was an admitted communist spy and liar she was allowed to stay in the US. Jury finds Hiss guilty OF PERJURY.
He receives five years which is unheard of for a perjury conviction especially when the ONLY witnesses were admitted liars.
Tail Gunner Joe 2 weeks later makes his first speech about all the communists in government.
Geez, only a dumb ass goes for this crap.

You conveniently leave out the microfilm and papers which proved Alger Hiss was stealing US government documents and passing them to the soviets.

He was a soviet spy and traitor this is proven beyond any reasonable doubt.

Your defense of him is laughable in light of your denial of these facts.
Chambers was the only one that identified Hiss as a Soviet spy.
And he changed his story how many times testifying that he was a liar and had lied many times under oath?
Two pieces of evidence ONLY convicted Hiss of perjury:
The testimony of Chambers and the typewriter that Chambers ONLY claimed was what Hiss used.
If Chambers was lying there is NO evidence. Chambers in 1948 testified that Hiss was never a spy.

Now some intelligence background for the wannabe Dick Tracys here as I have 34 years professional service in this area and have worked for decades with former CIA and Mossad members just to name a few.
Truman appointed Dulles to report on the fledgling CIA and produce recommendations. Now I know this is too far back for you youngsters that depend on Rush, Sean and Ann Coulter for all of your info but listen up and someone that has spent his entire life in the intelligence industry will lay all the facts out for you.
Dulles made his report which recommended MORE and increased responsibilities for the CIA including more covert operations to combat the REAL and ever increasing Communist threat. To make suggestions that I somehow diminish the intelligence capabilities and actions of the Soviets during this time is absurd. They had the lead on us BECAUSE OF the politically motivated misinformation being spread nationally before McCarthy. The publicity garnered by the Hiss case provided an appropriate backdrop to his themes.
Very eager to make a name for himself enter Tricky Dick Nixon who later in life I believe to be one of the greatest Presidents ever in the area of foreign diplomacy and relations. But back to the realities of his past. Nixon had already make a name for himself clawing his way to victory how? By accusing his opponent Jerry Voorhis of being what?
A communist!
Red baiting was all the rage at that time and naive and gullible voters eat it up same as when they wanted to legalize interracial marriage they claimed the communists were behind that also.
Funny, Nixon claimed Voorhis was a Communist but Voorhis served on the House Un-American Activities Committee HUAC when he was in Congress.
Why is it I am the only one that has ever done any real research and investigative work here? How come you good folks are so ignorant of the facts?
Back to reality as the original charges against Hiss were brought up where? The 1948 HUAC hearings. Imagine that sports fans.
So what happens next? Chambers leads investigators out to a pumpkin patch and retrieves microfilm from a pumpkin. Nixon proclaims the results will be "shocking"! No relevance was ever made to the Hiss case from the pumpkin caper.
So the typewriter is the only thing left. The typewriter had to be in Hiss' possession on 7/8/1938 for any of Chambers' story to be true sports fans.
The serial # was #230,099 on that typewriter
The manufacturing records from the Woodstock typewriter company showed the typewriter was not manufactured until later in 1938, MONTHS AFTER 7/8/1938.
And the FBI, through Hoover, sent in an undercover FBI informant to work as an investigator for the lawyers of Hiss. That in itself would be grounds for dismissal of all charges in this time. 200 pages of Chambers statements were never given to the defense and even in that day that was an illegal move by the prosecution in the criminal rules of procedure in the discovery process. The FBI paid off someone to claim that the typewriter was the real one used even though 2 lab tests by the FBI in their own labs failed to reach that conclusion.

Source for all of this?

Oh that's right you have none.

He was a proven spy and the evidence was damning.

As were most of the others who you claim were redbaited.

Mccarthy was right.

Where are the 205 names?
Start with that as your team made that whopper up.
Name those 205 spies.
If it was true why would he NEVER reveal information that 205 spies were roaming free?
There never were 205 spies and you know it.

"Wham it zero on set, EP team on the ready, KO team on the squares and 4th string D to group"

I have no team the fact is proven by the Venona files that Mccarthy was right all along.

In addition the HUAC transcripts prove Hiss was a traitor and spy.

This is base don hardcore physical evideence not mere witnesees.

Sorry you are defending a proven criminal your team loses and loses in humiliating fashion.

Just wow

Those are people who independently identified Hiss as a Soviet spy

Chambers was the only one that identified Hiss as a Soviet spy.
And he changed his story how many times testifying that he was a liar and had lied many times under oath?
Two pieces of evidence ONLY convicted Hiss of perjury:
The testimony of Chambers and the typewriter that Chambers ONLY claimed was what Hiss used.
If Chambers was lying there is NO evidence. Chambers in 1948 testified that Hiss was never a spy.

Now some intelligence background for the wannabe Dick Tracys here as I have 34 years professional service in this area and have worked for decades with former CIA and Mossad members just to name a few.
Truman appointed Dulles to report on the fledgling CIA and produce recommendations. Now I know this is too far back for you youngsters that depend on Rush, Sean and Ann Coulter for all of your info but listen up and someone that has spent his entire life in the intelligence industry will lay all the facts out for you.
Dulles made his report which recommended MORE and increased responsibilities for the CIA including more covert operations to combat the REAL and ever increasing Communist threat. To make suggestions that I somehow diminish the intelligence capabilities and actions of the Soviets during this time is absurd. They had the lead on us BECAUSE OF the politically motivated misinformation being spread nationally before McCarthy. The publicity garnered by the Hiss case provided an appropriate backdrop to his themes.
Very eager to make a name for himself enter Tricky Dick Nixon who later in life I believe to be one of the greatest Presidents ever in the area of foreign diplomacy and relations. But back to the realities of his past. Nixon had already make a name for himself clawing his way to victory how? By accusing his opponent Jerry Voorhis of being what?
A communist!
Red baiting was all the rage at that time and naive and gullible voters eat it up same as when they wanted to legalize interracial marriage they claimed the communists were behind that also.
Funny, Nixon claimed Voorhis was a Communist but Voorhis served on the House Un-American Activities Committee HUAC when he was in Congress.
Why is it I am the only one that has ever done any real research and investigative work here? How come you good folks are so ignorant of the facts?
Back to reality as the original charges against Hiss were brought up where? The 1948 HUAC hearings. Imagine that sports fans.
So what happens next? Chambers leads investigators out to a pumpkin patch and retrieves microfilm from a pumpkin. Nixon proclaims the results will be "shocking"! No relevance was ever made to the Hiss case from the pumpkin caper.
So the typewriter is the only thing left. The typewriter had to be in Hiss' possession on 7/8/1938 for any of Chambers' story to be true sports fans.
The serial # was #230,099 on that typewriter
The manufacturing records from the Woodstock typewriter company showed the typewriter was not manufactured until later in 1938, MONTHS AFTER 7/8/1938.
And the FBI, through Hoover, sent in an undercover FBI informant to work as an investigator for the lawyers of Hiss. That in itself would be grounds for dismissal of all charges in this time. 200 pages of Chambers statements were never given to the defense and even in that day that was an illegal move by the prosecution in the criminal rules of procedure in the discovery process. The FBI paid off someone to claim that the typewriter was the real one used even though 2 lab tests by the FBI in their own labs failed to reach that conclusion.

Love the "Red Baiting"!

Love it!

You do realize that the "That bad Man Joe McCarthy Started a Red Scare!" timeline looks as follows:

Late 1940's Communist spies operating in the US Government hand Eastern Europe to Stalin and China to Mao

Russians tried to start WWIII in late 1949 with the Berlin Blockade

Feb 1950 McCarthy makes his first speech accusing the Soviets of having highly placed spies at White House and State

Summer 1950 Communists start Korean War

That darned McCarthy started a Red Scare!!
Last edited:

Just wow

Those are people who independently identified Hiss as a Soviet spy

Chambers was the only one that identified Hiss as a Soviet spy.
And he changed his story how many times testifying that he was a liar and had lied many times under oath?
Two pieces of evidence ONLY convicted Hiss of perjury:
The testimony of Chambers and the typewriter that Chambers ONLY claimed was what Hiss used.
If Chambers was lying there is NO evidence. Chambers in 1948 testified that Hiss was never a spy.

Now some intelligence background for the wannabe Dick Tracys here as I have 34 years professional service in this area and have worked for decades with former CIA and Mossad members just to name a few.
Truman appointed Dulles to report on the fledgling CIA and produce recommendations. Now I know this is too far back for you youngsters that depend on Rush, Sean and Ann Coulter for all of your info but listen up and someone that has spent his entire life in the intelligence industry will lay all the facts out for you.
Dulles made his report which recommended MORE and increased responsibilities for the CIA including more covert operations to combat the REAL and ever increasing Communist threat. To make suggestions that I somehow diminish the intelligence capabilities and actions of the Soviets during this time is absurd. They had the lead on us BECAUSE OF the politically motivated misinformation being spread nationally before McCarthy. The publicity garnered by the Hiss case provided an appropriate backdrop to his themes.
Very eager to make a name for himself enter Tricky Dick Nixon who later in life I believe to be one of the greatest Presidents ever in the area of foreign diplomacy and relations. But back to the realities of his past. Nixon had already make a name for himself clawing his way to victory how? By accusing his opponent Jerry Voorhis of being what?
A communist!
Red baiting was all the rage at that time and naive and gullible voters eat it up same as when they wanted to legalize interracial marriage they claimed the communists were behind that also.
Funny, Nixon claimed Voorhis was a Communist but Voorhis served on the House Un-American Activities Committee HUAC when he was in Congress.
Why is it I am the only one that has ever done any real research and investigative work here? How come you good folks are so ignorant of the facts?
Back to reality as the original charges against Hiss were brought up where? The 1948 HUAC hearings. Imagine that sports fans.
So what happens next? Chambers leads investigators out to a pumpkin patch and retrieves microfilm from a pumpkin. Nixon proclaims the results will be "shocking"! No relevance was ever made to the Hiss case from the pumpkin caper.
So the typewriter is the only thing left. The typewriter had to be in Hiss' possession on 7/8/1938 for any of Chambers' story to be true sports fans.
The serial # was #230,099 on that typewriter
The manufacturing records from the Woodstock typewriter company showed the typewriter was not manufactured until later in 1938, MONTHS AFTER 7/8/1938.
And the FBI, through Hoover, sent in an undercover FBI informant to work as an investigator for the lawyers of Hiss. That in itself would be grounds for dismissal of all charges in this time. 200 pages of Chambers statements were never given to the defense and even in that day that was an illegal move by the prosecution in the criminal rules of procedure in the discovery process. The FBI paid off someone to claim that the typewriter was the real one used even though 2 lab tests by the FBI in their own labs failed to reach that conclusion.

"Red baiting was all the rage at that time and naive and gullible voters....."

Let me address you, simply, as 'Dupe.'

1. The progressive left, and the liberal left, while not themselves communists, share many of the same sympathies, such of redistribution of wealth, and worker’s rights, nationalizations of industry, etc, but are not quite as far left as the communists, and would not go to the same lengths as the communists to achieve their goals. This does not mean, though, that the help of these dupes is not necessary in order for the communists to achieve victory. Even at their peak, in the ‘30’s, the Communist Party of the United States never had more than 100 thousand members: so deception of the ‘dupes’ was critical.

a. The archives tell a tale of plans and schemes between the CPUSA and the Communist International in Moscow, to dupe progressives and liberals: “go to rallies,” “don’t let them know you are a communist!,” “If anyone reveals that you are a communist, claim it is red-baiting,” “yell ‘McCarthyism!”

From Dr. Paul Kengor, Hoover Institution, Stanford “DUPES: How America's Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century"

“If anyone reveals that you are a communist, claim it is red-baiting,” “yell ‘McCarthyism!”

Get that, Dupe?
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