Alien Motherships and Time

It makes a sense.

Speed of light travel does slow time for the person traveling at or near light speed.

Not one day one year however...more like 1:1 at 90%

SOL cliffs notes from!
I believe (hope) Rod doesn't actually believe in what he posted. I believe in the POSSIBILTY of UFO's, only because you'd think there HAS to be other life out there. But I don't believe the existence to the extent of which Rod believes.
I do believe in everything I posted. :)
When John in Revelations talks about 3 days of darkness, it is actually 3 years of darkness on Earth.
Neither the X40 multiple or the X365 multiple can be made to work, and certainly not both together. But I'm nearly convinced now that you don't have the capacity to understand.

Not really an important issue when your entire Christian agenda is based on faith and not reality.
Some helpful context;
Dolores Cannon’s career as a hypnotherapist specializing in past life regression spanned almost 50 years and had taken her on an incredible journey along countless fascinating destinations. As the range of topics her work covers and sheer volume of original material she had produced places her in a category of her own, this section has been provided to give you insight into each stage of her career and how it has progressed over the years. Read about her early days in hypnotherapy when she first discovered reincarnation, learn how she developed and refined her own unique method of hypnosis known as Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ (QHHT®), discover all the captivating areas of research she had explored on her path.

Books by Dolores Cannon in the Order They Were Written​

1. Five Lives Remembered
2. Jesus and the Essenes
3. They Walked with Jesus
4. Between Death and Life
5. Conversations with Nostradamus – Volume 1
6. Conversations with Nostradamus – Volume 2
7. Conversations with Nostradamus – Volume 3 (followed by Addendum)
8. A Soul Remembers Hiroshima
9. Legacy From the Stars
10. The Legend of Starcrash
11. Keepers of the Garden
12. The Custodians
13. The Convoluted Universe – Book One
14. The Convoluted Universe – Book Two
15. The Convoluted Universe – Book Three
16. The Convoluted Universe – Book Four
17. The Three Waves of Volunteers & the New Earth
18. The Search for Hidden Sacred Knowledge
19. The Convoluted Universe – Book Five
I remember reading in Dolores Cannon's books that one day on an Alien Spaceship or Alieni

Mothership equals one year on Earth. So the 40 days in the Bible that Jonah spent in a whale, which was actually an Alien Mothership, was actually 40 years. The Bible said Moses spent 40 days in the desert, but I believe he was actually on an Alien Mothership for 40 years.

1 day on Mothership = 1 year on Earth
I like it! It's no more insane than a man living in a whale, or people roaming a small patch of desert and forgetting which way the sun rises. Or zombie kings.
It makes a sense.

Speed of light travel does slow time for the person traveling at or near light speed.

Not one day one year however...more like 1:1 at 90%

SOL cliffs notes from!

And it only works if the "mothership" starts at a relative velocity to Earth of zero and then accelerates to high speed, AFTER the traveler boards the ship.
Neither the X40 multiple or the X365 multiple can be made to work, and certainly not both together. But I'm nearly convinced now that you don't have the capacity to understand.

Not really an important issue when your entire Christian agenda is based on faith and not reality.
Let's agree to disagree. :)
Believe it or not, I have never seen a UFO but I believe in them. Florida was just ranked second in most UFOs seen, according to the National UFO Reporting Center.
California is ranked first in most UFOs seen by state, according to NUFORC.
California is ranked first in most UFOs seen by state, according to NUFORC.
And the US is number one by far.

Because UFOs permeate our pop culture.

1000 years ago, people hallucinated and saw flaming chariots in the sky. Because they had chariots.

Now we see "aircraft". People's brains try to make sense of what hey see, quite unconsciously. Obviously, our brains cannot make sense of something by fooling itself into thinking it sees something you know nothing about.

So, ancient Europeans did not see aircraft, or missiles, or little green men in spacesuits. No reports of alien abductions, because they didn't have any movies, TV shows, or books about alien abductions.

The human mind is hard wired to believe utter nonsense. Fact of life.
When John in Revelations talks about 3 days of darkness, it is actually 3 years of darkness on Earth.
After the darkness, there will be world peace and no pain, no suffering, and no evil. There is hope for the future. That's what I believe.
After the darkness, there will be world peace and no pain, no suffering, and no evil. There is hope for the future. That's what I believe.
The biggest problem with your belief system is that it detracts from the efforts of good people to make the present life better and the earth a better place.

And as well, it poisons the minds of children into being indoctrinated into believing in nonsense, instead of science and all we now know.
And the US is number one by far.

Because UFOs permeate our pop culture.

1000 years ago, people hallucinated and saw flaming chariots in the sky. Because they had chariots.

Now we see "aircraft". People's brains try to make sense of what hey see, quite unconsciously. Obviously, our brains cannot make sense of something by fooling itself into thinking it sees something you know nothing about.

So, ancient Europeans did not see aircraft, or missiles, or little green men in spacesuits. No reports of alien abductions, because they didn't have any movies, TV shows, or books about alien abductions.

The human mind is hard wired to believe utter nonsense. Fact of life.
More like they didn't have the terms, words, or concepts in their language of the times. Hence they describe in the terms/language of the day.
Sort of like what we see now.

BTW, more than "Europeans" were having these sightings and encounters during the course of recorded history. Goes back to the earliest of civilizations.
I remember reading in Dolores Cannon's books that one day on an Alien Spaceship or Alien Mothership equals one year on Earth. So the 40 days in the Bible that Jonah spent in a whale, which was actually an Alien Mothership, was actually 40 years. The Bible said Moses spent 40 days in the desert, but I believe he was actually on an Alien Mothership for 40 years.

1 day on Mothership = 1 year on Earth
So is this the "Mothership" that came from Rigel?
Or Sirius?
Or the Pleiades?
Or the Orion constellation?
Or Geminga?*
Or .... ???

The Geminga Scenario
More like they didn't have the terms, words, or concepts in their language of the times.
...for things they didn't know about or wich did not appear in their pop culture.

Neither do we.

So we hallucinate and get fooled by optical illusions and call them "Aircraft". And the liars call them "aircraft" too.

And we have crazy hallucinations and dreams about alien abduction, because we have heard about alien abduction.
I remember reading in Dolores Cannon's books that one day on an Alien Spaceship or Alien Mothership equals one year on Earth. So the 40 days in the Bible that Jonah spent in a whale, which was actually an Alien Mothership, was actually 40 years. The Bible said Moses spent 40 days in the desert, but I believe he was actually on an Alien Mothership for 40 years.

1 day on Mothership = 1 year on Earth
Oh dear. What is going on in your head?
Have some valium.

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