Alien Motherships and Time

Rodimus said:
I remember reading in Dolores Cannon's books that one day on an Alien Spaceship or Alien Mothership equals one year on Earth. So the 40 days in the Bible that Jonah spent in a whale, which was actually an Alien Mothership, was actually 40 years. The Bible said Moses spent 40 days in the desert, but I believe he was actually on an Alien Mothership for 40 years.

1 day on Mothership = 1 year on Earth

then explain how the abductees who are taken on board the 'ship' are returned with only hours missing and not years. Typical of people like this to try to revise the bible.
yes...she did claim to know the answer to everything that we could think to ask her. My thing is. she was only into this for 25 years. Others have been in it far longer and I think are privy to more information than Dolores thinks she had..seein' as she is dead. Now yes, she looks like she could be your old granny but the fact of the matter is......Dolores along with others like her...involved in New Age Cult, the occult, astral projection, tarot, ETs, UFOs, and like interests are merely pawns of something they don't understand and that is....pure and simple...evil. Like the 'space brothers' that others of her kind have come into contact with...those being from other galaxies they also use Jesus' name and mission on earth and try to explain him better. Oh so much better than that ancient text, the Bible. I'm not going to convince you. You won't be convinced. I'm just going to say that people with your beliefs all fit into a category which makes you susceptible to this stuff. Dolores was. She sounds so very reasonable, believable, legitiimate, because you WANT to believe. It's the old itching ears scripture.
it is not a cult. it's New Age Spirituality.
Dolores was wrong. These are not benevolent beings, your creators, who are visiting and abducting adults as well as children and putting them through horrendous experiences that in most cases changes their lives forever. I believe the phenomenon is happening because about 4 million americans believe they have experienced this something is going on. Where we differ is...and where a lot of well experienced long time researchers of all this stand...and the real gung ho ET/UFOlogists DON"T want you to know is that....these beings are not benevolent, they are not extraterrestrial, they are deceptive, they are interdimensional, They ARE conducting breeding programs but it is not for the enhancement of humans. and there's more.
They ARE benevolent. actually, there are Beings there are inbetween good and evil. it gets complicated. You will have to read Dolores' books to get the details.
then explain how the abductees who are taken on board the 'ship' are returned with only hours missing and not years. Typical of people like this to try to revise the bible.
Those people probably did not spend much time on the spaceship but felt like alot of time had passed.
They ARE benevolent. actually, there are Beings there are inbetween good and evil. it gets complicated. You will have to read Dolores' books to get the details.

oh good grief man. Don't be stupid. I'm not reading that nutcake's books.
Ms. Cannon claims to know evvvv vurry thang that we could possibly ask about the visitations of ETs and the 'abductions' but it appears to me she is reticent in calling the abductions Abductions.

Now if we're dealing with superior beings wouldn't they be aware of the damage and trauma they cause to their 'creation' when they abduct them in the manner they do and then perform horrendous procedures on their mean 'abductees'??????

Dolores says that their interactions with humans are peaceful. Well.....i've read some of the statements by the abductees and they don't consider the interactions peaceful.
Our scientists conduct research on animals. Fauci is just one example.

then explain how the abductees who are taken on board the 'ship' are returned with only hours missing and not years.
Actually, what you are describing IS scientifically supported as the type of time dilation predicted by Einstein's Special Relativity when you attain relativistic speeds close to the speed of light. Time there to them on the ship would pass normally while to us it would appear that their time was flying by at breakneck speed.

Likewise, looking back at us, we would appear frozen in time. So after many years aboard ship, coming back here, only a little time here on Earth would have passed.

Pentagon is releasing information on the effects of alien abduction on abductees. Not good things either. IF these Aliens whom Delores insinuated created life on earth then they would not be doing the harm that they are doing to their abductees.

This information that the pentagon has is not just confined to the pentagon. Others have it. have always have it.

yes...see here...from the article. They got their information from MUFON.

The list was compiled in 1996 by the Mutual UFO Network and covers the time period from 1873 to 1994.

Now what would be the reason for releasing this information now? I wonder.
Delores Cannon was sure that the aliens were beneficent and kindly. They are far from it. She says that some are good, some are bad. No. All are bad. All they're doing is playing good cop/bad cop with their naive abductees and contactees.

Pentagon is releasing information on the effects of alien abduction on abductees. Not good things either. IF these Aliens whom Delores insinuated created life on earth then they would not be doing the harm that they are doing to their abductees.

This information that the pentagon has is not just confined to the pentagon. Others have it. have always have it.

yes...see here...from the article. They got their information from MUFON.

Now what would be the reason for releasing this information now? I wonder.
it is not the Aliens who created our physical bodies that are harming aductees. there good and bad Aliens and then there are Aliens that are not evil but not good either but just do not care about any bad effects from abducting Humans. the Aliens known as The Greys are robots or biological robots sent by some Aliens. it's these Greys that are doing the majority of abductions of Humans with negative effects. The Greys are not evil or good but just robots doing their mission.

The Greys that crashed in Roswell, New Mexico on July 4, 1947 were robots that were created and sent by some Aliens, who are not evil or good.
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Delores Cannon was sure that the aliens were beneficent and kindly. They are far from it. She says that some are good, some are bad. No. All are bad. All they're doing is playing good cop/bad cop with their naive abductees and contactees.
they are not all bad. some are inbetween good and bad. the majority are good.
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